To Protect the Heart of a Brazen Woman [Brazen Sisters 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) (12 page)

BOOK: To Protect the Heart of a Brazen Woman [Brazen Sisters 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Let’s just say I figured since you prefer to deal with facts I’d just point out a few of them for you.” She saw the flash in his eyes and knew she’d struck something.

“Such as?”

She smiled. “You want me just as badly as I want you.”


“If you don’t do this you’ll regret it for years, maybe the rest of your life.”

“I-We both might regret it if we do.”

“Oh, honey, I’ll make sure you don’t.”

“Didn’t mean it like that.”

“Good, because I’d hate to think that you’ve been holding back all these years because you don’t think I can satisfy you.”

“Furthest thing from what I was thinking.”

“Then are you afraid that I’ll be so good you’ll never find another woman to fill your needs?”

He groaned and her smile got bigger. “So tell me, when was the last time you saw any action?”

“Bobbie, I’m not some toy you can play with and walk away.”

“I don’t plan on walking away.”

“You say that now, but you can’t know what the future holds.”

“Neither can you. My feelings for you haven’t changed in the past six years, so I trust them. Why can’t you?”

“You better be damn sure this is what you want, because once we cross this line there will be no going back.”

“I’ve been sure for years. You’re the one that comes on strong then backpedals over and over. There’s a word for that, you know.”

“Are you calling me a tease?”

“Yes. I am. Would you like to prove me wrong? No one needs to know but us. Besides, I’m sure there are people who think we are or have been lovers. Now that we’ve disappeared together I don’t think anyone, other than my sisters and your brother, will believe we aren’t having sex.”

“I don’t take my lovers based on the gossip raging through town.”

“If you did you would have had me in your bed long before now. All you have to do is say the word and I’m there.”

Bobbie decided actions spoke louder than words. “I’ve always wondered how far I’d have to go to make that iron control of yours snap.”

She took a step back and slowly tugged her T-shirt up over her head and dropped it at his feet. Jake’s gaze stayed locked on hers, but he swallowed hard. Just knowing she was turning him on normally was enough for her, but she was well beyond that now. It occurred to her that he’d seen her in a bikini, not that she wore it often. Still, her lace bra and sweatpants weren’t going to do the trick. It was going take a little more to entice him.

Bobbie slid her hands over her stomach up to her breasts. Her fingers flicked the little hook hiding behind the black bow and pulled the sides back. The cool air against her bare breast made her shiver, but she dropped her arms and let the straps slide down, falling from her wrist. As it landed without a sound she heard Jake growl. Her natural instincts were to cover herself. Instead she put her hand on her hips and waited for him to say something or make a move of his own.

Jake’s breathing grew heavy, matching hers. He may have been able to keep his eyes on hers, but she didn’t have the same amount of willpower. She lowered her eyes to his crotch and found that familiar impressive bulge pressing against his zipper that she loved to see. What she really wanted to see was what was behind it. Hopefully she’d get to see it soon. Her pulse raced at the thought, and wet heat coated her pussy. Things could only get better from here.

She smiled as she closed the distance between them and grabbed the hem of his shirt and yanked it upward. Surprisingly, Jake didn’t fight her, but he didn’t touch her either. He raised his arms and let her pull it over his head. Bobbie dropped it to the floor and laid her hands on his shoulders. The stiffness of his body under her palms eased as she slid her hands down his chest. The muscles quivered when she reached his abs, and though she would have liked to spend a little more time exploring all the firm contours his body offered, now wasn’t the time.

As her fingers undid the button on his jeans, she pressed her lips to his chest. Jake let out a shuddering breath and his hands landed on her hips. She started to slide the zipper down the metal teeth, rasping in the silence. Jake groaned and pulled his hips back, ripping the material out of her hands.

“Stop.” She ignored the hiss in his tone and shook her head.

“No.” Bobbie reached for him and found herself pressed so tight against chest she could feel his heart beat against hers.

Her soft breasts were crushed to his firm muscles, and with each breath he took she felt the fine hairs on his chest rub slightly. The feeling only made her want to squirm more, so she did. This time she was sure when Jake growled she actually felt the vibration. She didn’t want it to end.

“We’re going to do this right.” He scooped her off her feet and headed for the bedroom.

“I thought we were.” She didn’t expect the hearty laugh that rumbled out of his chest.

Bobbie had fantasized about making love to Jake for years. In her dreams, things had been romantic with low lights, soft music, and candles. Yet sometimes it had been hard and raunchy sex that left them both wondering what had just happened. No matter how or how many times they did it she had no illusions that the first, thirtieth, or any time in between would be perfect. Perfection wasn’t just overrated—it was downright boring. She wanted all the excitement and pleasure the moment would give, not caring if there was some fumbling that happened.

Jake gently lowered her to the bed and started stripping what was left of her clothes off. His mouth was as avid as his hands. The touches and kisses had her so ready to beg for him to take her that when he finally stripped himself, she almost clapped. He crawled onto the bed, covering her body with his, each movement slow and gentle as if he was afraid he might spook her. She thought they both knew the score, but it seemed he was a little behind.

Bobbie’s virginal status was no secret and fully her choice. One she’d made knowing all of the facts about what she was missing. She even forced herself to admit that she was waiting for a man she might never get. It could have been a huge waste of her time. Either way, she knew what to expect and was looking forward to it. Jake’s trepidation, however, made her wonder if it was one of the reasons he’d held back so long.

Well, she wasn’t going to let him hold back now. Jake liked being in control of everything, and sex was probably no different, but this time she was going to take the lead, at least to get things going. She might be a novice at actual intercourse, but with five experienced older sisters there was no way she couldn’t know how it worked and what to expect. With a little wiggle and twist that earned her a couple of groans, she managed to squeeze her hand between them and wrap it around his stiff cock. He pressed his hips forward, letting her guide him to her entrance.

Instead of sliding him inside her hot, wet pussy, she ran his cock up and down along her slit. The sensitive head hit her clit and they both moaned. She increased her speed and pressed his cock harder against her moist folds until she couldn’t take the teasing anymore. Without warning, she went lower this time and raised her hips, sending him as deep inside her as she could.

Jake groaned and went rock still. Bobbie couldn’t. She rocked her hips against him until he joined her. Jake took over and she let him. He plunged and withdrew so slowly, teasing her more than she had him.

“Jake,” she pleaded.

He looked dawn at her and smiled. “What is it? Tell me what you want.”

“Stop teasing me.” She couldn’t believe how fierce her voice sounded.

“Or what?” he countered.

He didn’t give her a chance to answer. He thrust harder and faster, taking her breath away. Bobbie lost all track of thought, and it took everything in her to remember to breathe. Jake ravaged her body and she loved every second of it. She screamed out his name and dug her nails into his ass, trying to pull him deeper inside her as she shattered and trembled under him. Jake whispered her name as he stroked her hair and gently rocked against her until finally he groaned and dropped his head to her shoulder.

He rolled off her and pressed light kisses from her shoulder to her lips. “Damn, baby, you okay?”

“Mmm…” she moaned. “I’m better than okay.”

“Good, because I was afraid I might have gotten a little too rough there for a few minutes.”

She shook her head and laughed. “Yeah, well you should check out your ass in the mirror if you get a chance.”

“Later.” He closed his eyes, apparently needing just a few minutes to catch his breath.


* * * *


Jake woke with a start. He reached for Bobbie and came up with a fistful of empty sheets. The scent of coffee permeated through the thick post orgasmic haze he was still lost in. Another loud thud came from the bathroom and he sprung from the bed. As he closed his hand around the knob he heard the shower turn on. Music, soft and low, filled the air. Then he heard Bobbie start to sing.

He leaned his head against the door, knowing he should walk away. It didn’t take much to imagine what he’d find on the other side of the door. The water and soap suds would be coursing down her body. Over her firm, round tits he hadn’t paid enough attention to last night. Down her soft belly to the thatch of hair between her thighs, which he now knew was neatly trimmed. He could picture her running her hands all over her body and wished he was in there with her. His dick was now rock hard, and since he’d taken her twice last night he decided it would be best not to initiate anything until she was ready.

So before he did something embarrassing like start singing along with her, he forced himself to let go of the door and walk away. He stepped into the other room and smiled. The table was set for two with some pretty little orange and blue flowers in a glass between the plates.

“Son of a bitch.” She’d been out of the cabin.

Even though they should be secure, he’d asked her not go outside without him. Actually, it was one of the rules she promised to follow in exchange for him agreeing to share the bed with her. If she thought what happened last night and again this morning before the sun came up changed anything she was wrong. Now more than ever it was important for him to keep her safe. He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down to wait for her.

She walked into the room with her exercise mat in hand. Much to his surprise and pleasure, she was once again wearing the tiny stretchy shorts and T-shirt. Bobbie flashed him a grin as she laid out the pad and set up her radio. His plan to discuss her rule-breaking behavior was temporarily delayed. Instead, he just sat there and watched her bend and stretch. He smiled as he wondered what she’d say if he offered to help. There was only one way to find out.

Chapter Ten


Two days spent alone with Jake was both heaven and hell. They’d made love, taking time to slowly explore every inch of each other’s bodies. Then there where the times when things were so rushed that neither of them managed to get their clothes off. Bobbie craved his touch now more than ever, which she wouldn’t have thought possible. Sex wasn’t the only thing that had happened. Jake had actually loosened up and let down his guard.

Bobbie knew this might not last, so she was storing away all the feelings and information just in case this ease between them vanished the minute he took her home. Little things like how surprised she’d been to find out that Jake was ticklish behind his right knee, but not his left. Or the way he stroked the inside of her thigh while they laid in bed watching TV. They talked about what books and movies they liked and wanted to read or see. She was happy to learn their tastes were similar, but still differed enough so that they’d plenty to talk about. But in the long run it was his touch and the way her body instantly reacted to it that would be forever seared into her mind. And truthfully that was just fine with her.

What bothered her was that Jake hadn’t brought up what was going to happen once they went back home, and she couldn’t find the courage to ask him. She knew there was a good chance this week would be all she got. Regret wasn’t an option for her, but she couldn’t say the same for him.

For all she knew, his conscience was kicking him in the ass even as he was squeezing hers. No matter how much she wanted things to work out with Jake, she knew they wouldn’t unless he could get past whatever his issues were. Bobbie had taunted him for years trying to compel him to see things her way. Then she’d practically pushed him into taking her to bed, but there was no way to force him to take things any further. From here on out it was going be up to him.

“So when are you supposed to check in with your people?” She casually flipped the page of the catalogue she was reading, though she would rather have thrown it across the room.

He turned and looked at her, and a slow smile curved his lips. She assumed it had something to do with the fact she was lying across the bed on her stomach wearing just one of his T-shirts—which was up around her waist—and her panties. She shook her head and flipped another page without even looking at it.

“I’m sure we’ll hear something soon.”

“So all the whispering and mumbling you’ve been doing when you think I’m not paying attention hasn’t gotten you any new info? And how the hell do you have a signal up here?”

“Special phone.” He gave a careless shrug. “I may know a few things, but nothing with enough confidence that I can share just yet. We need to be patient for a little bit longer.”

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