To Sail a Darkling Sea - eARC (39 page)

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Sophia knew all of them and wanted to applaud every one. She found herself trying not to cry.

“You okay?” Back asked.

“These are all great people,” Sophia said, sniffling. “Just… great people. I’m so happy for the… ”

“Smith, Sophia, Ensign, USNR… ”

?” Sophia said.

“Oh, HELL yeah!” a voice shouted. This time, there was a applause.

“I thought… ” Sophia said, sliding down in her chair. “I thought they were going to wait.”

“No time, people!” Isham said, holding up his hands. “Besides, there’s only one more to go… ”

He waited for the buzz to die down then looked at his list. Sophia knew he was trying not to growl. And why.

“Smith, Faith Marie, Second Lieutenant, USMC.”

“And now the reason for the promotions, besides being well deserved,” Isham said when the cheering had died. He brought up a power-point slide. “This is the overall manning of the Squadron. As of this morning, we have seven ships and sixty-three auxiliary craft which is what the smaller motor yachts are now being called. Since that means that Lieutenant Commander Chen, for example, was handling twenty-seven boats in his ‘Flotilla,’ that has now been changed to a Wing. There will be three Flotillas in Wing
… ”

Sophia automatically looked for her name in the chart and found it: Commander, Division 7, Flotilla Four.

“Oh… shit.”

* * *

“Flotilla Four,” Isham said. “North wing. You are entirely response boats. The primary search vessels will be submarines. Each Division will be assigned to one sub, spread out so as to act as a secondary search group. Each boat will have at least one Navy clearance specialist and the Division command boat will have a Marine clearance team as well. Captain Volpe will be in overall charge of your Marines. You’ll change subs during rotation. Stay back from the subs. Two reasons. One, we don’t want them getting contaminated. Two, their radar turns out to be about as powerful as their sonar. They said something about ‘having kids with two heads’ if you got too close. They’ll be scanning by periscope and radar but they’ll only have about ten to twenty miles on visual, depending. You need to maintain a good watch at all times… ”

* * *

“There will be not a pass in review but a group photo taken prior to leaving harbor. Uniform is NavCam, MarPat or work blues, for Navy, Marines or Coast Guard, respectively and as to civilians, you can wear the usual riot of colors… ”

* * *

“Last item,” Isham said. “Awards. By orders of the Joint Chiefs, who had to remind our glorious commander that there were such things, award recommendations were circulated among the officers of the Squadron. These were reviewed at Squadron level. Some were either increased or decreased. I’m given to understand that in the past, virtually any award recommendation was automatically down-graded. That’s not what happened. We don’t know how the JCS made their decisions but most stood. Some were upgraded. None were downgraded.”

There was a bit of a buzz at that, mostly from the professionals explaining the concept to the newbies.

“We’ve all been here a long time and because of the number of actions that have taken place, there is a stack, literally, of these to go through. So quiet down. Two additional notes. The NCCC, being a civilian, can give purely civilian awards. Several civilian are up for awards as well… ”

“Is there a bump in pay?” someone shouted.

“Ah, there is why some people stay civilians,” Isham said. “And no. Second item. The Congress of the United States has to approve new awards other than campaign ribbons. The
can on its own create new skills badges. The difference is a designated skill versus a particular action. One notable skill badge, so I am told, is the Combat Infantryman’s Badge. The Marines don’t generally have many skill badges. You’re a Marine, that’s your skill. Take it or leave it. In this case, there have been two new skill badges created by the current JCS with the approval of the NCCC which are available cross-service.

“The first is the Sea Savior Badge. That is primarily for small boats who do at sea rescues. The badge is in three levels of award, Basic, Senior and Master Savior. The levels are based upon how many people came across the transom of small boat crewed or captained by an individual from another boat. Persons picked up from land do not in most cases count. There is a silver civilian award and a gold military award. Prior civilian experience accrues so if you’re a member of the military who did at-sea rescue prior to joining the military, your ‘points’ accrue to your military badge. The badge design is a cross surrounded by a life-saving ring. Senior has a star on top. Master is a star and wreath.

“The second new skills badge—I keep wanting to say ‘merit badge’—is the Boarding and Clearance Badge… ”

“Ooorah!” the Marines shouted, more or less as one.

“And, yes, the Marines
going to
to get these,” Isham said. “This skills badge is based upon deck area cleared in large vessels with significant belowdecks spaces including but not limited to, freighters, liners and military vessels. I’m reading this from the notes, people. That’s what it says. As with the Sea Savior Badge, the Clearance and Boarding Badge counts prior civilian experience. There was apparently some debate on the design but the JCS finalized on a gold crossed Halligan tool and grapnel with a fouled rope representing its connection to the United States Marine Corps.”

“Away boarders!” Gunny Sands boomed.

“Oorah!” the Marine contingent replied.

“Again, Senior has a star surmounting it, Master has a star and wreath. And, Gunnery Sergeant, here’s one for the books. You
get a Master Boarder badge. Badge
to be worn on daily undress uniforms.

“The Hole took all our records and ran them through a computer algorithm to come up with these badges. Before we begin, let me warn the Marines that most of you are
going to get even a senior level clearance badge. The ‘points’ on both are based on how many feet of deck were cleared or people pulled over a transom divided by how many people were involved and their time involved. We’re going to take this in the order I’ve worked out. Each individual is going to come up and get pinned with all their awards and badges at once. Persons getting the least in terms of level of award and number are going to go first.

“Last item before we begin. A general ‘I was there’ award has been struck for clearance operations in and around the Canary Islands as well as actions in the North Atlantic prior to the Canaries. The North Atlantic Campaign Medal has a civilian counterpart that civilian crews who have operated in the area can wear as their choice. We’re having a hard time producing all of them but we’ll get it done. Those are going to be handed out through the chain of command later.

“Captain Smith, if you could take the stage to give the awards.”

Sophia had recommended Olga for a Silver Star, the only award she knew. She’d been gently informed by the Flotilla Commander that that was over the top. They’d settled on a Navy Commendation Medal with V device for Valor. She’d been told that it had been approved but the award would be at a later date in the Flotilla. She wasn’t even sure what a NavCom was.

The first award that caught her attention was:

“Sergeant Joshua Hocieniec,” Isham said. “United States Marine Corps. Six awards, one badge. First Award: Silver Star Medal for clearance operations on the liner
Voyage Under Stars.
Within hours after being rescued subsequent to being stranded at sea for two months, then Lance Corporal Hocieniec volunteered to join a small team on clearance of the massive ocean liner,
Voyage Under Stars
, to affect rescue of remaining crew and passengers. For three weeks, with little rest and no breaks, the Lance Corporal drove on with the mission, clearing two million feet of deck area and terminating, with the rest of the team, an estimated two thousand infected personnel, participating in the expenditure of over twenty thousand rounds of ammunition when he was not engaging in hand to hand combat with infected. During the course of the operation, one hundred and forty-two persons were rescued.

“That’s the last time I’m going to read the full text,” Isham said. “We’ve just got too many to go through.

“Second award: Bronze Star Medal with Valor. For clearance operations on the USS
Iwo Jima
… ”

“New award: Wolf Squadron Formation Medal. For operations as part of Wolf Squadron prior to clearance operations on the USS
Iwo Jima
. Mostly civilians are going to get this award. Hell, I think
get one…

“New Award: North Atlantic Campaign Medal…

Sophia was glad to see that Hooch was getting the recognition he deserved. She remembered how bad the
was. The whole team would come back to the boats every night just dead with a look of absolute horror in their eyes.

“Last award:” Isham said. “Skill badge.
Boarder Badge.”

“Oorah!” the Marines boomed. “Away Boarders!”

Listening to the litany was a time-capsule of the last few months and it was starting to wear on Sophia’s nerves. She really didn’t want to be reminded of the
, the
Iwo Jima
, the thousands of empty lifeboats and yachts and freighters that she had found. She found herself shrinking into her chair, wishing it would just end.

“McGarity, Cody, Specialist, United States Army,” Isham said. “Bronze Star with V Device. Posthumous. For actions in clearance in the Canary Islands operating area. Accepting the award, Ensign Sophia Smith… ”

“Hold onto this, honey,” Steve said, when Sophia accepted the award. “It’s possible that some family survived. If not… Keep it.”

“I will, Da,” Sophia said, clutching the award to her chest. “Thank you. I didn’t even think about it… ”

“That’s what senior officers are for,” Steve said. “Grab your seat again. But don’t get comfortable.”

“Fontana, Thomas, J. Lieutenant, United States Army Reserve, six awards, one badge… ”

“Silver Star, for clearance operations before and on the liner
Voyage Under Stars
… ”

“Senior Boarder’s badge… ”

“Smith, Faith, Second Lieutenant, Six awards, one badge. Three civilian awards, five military… ”

“Six?” Sophia muttered. “Six? Seriously? For

“From what I hear, she deserves them,” Back said.

?” Sophia said.

“Navy Cross. Leading combat teams in close-quarters clearance of ships in the North Atlantic. This award reflects civilian experience in clearance of vessels prior to the Lieutenant being commissioned. Basically, she
got it for the
and the
… ”

“Bronze Star with V device. Leading clearance teams on littoral clearance missions in the Canary Islands operating area… ”

“Navy Commendation Medal… ”

“Bronze Star, Second Award… ”

“Wolf Formation Medal… ”

“North Atlantic Campaign Medal… ”

“Last Award: Skill Badge.
Boarder Award. First one awarded. Over the course of her civilian and Marine career, Lieutenant Smith has cleared or led forces in clearance of over nine million square feet of enclosed space combat at sea.”


“Smith, Sophia, Ensign,” Isham said. “Six awards, one skill badge… ”

“Oh,” she said.

“Time to go get covered in glory,” Back said, grinning.

“Defense Distinguished Service Medal, clearance and rescue operations as master of a Navy auxiliary vessel, from formation of Wolf Squadron. This award reflects prior civilian experience… ”

“Bronze Star, with V device, for commanding Navy security and clearance teams in the Canary Islands operational area… ”

“Navy Commendation medal, with V device… ”

“Last Award: Skill Badge: Master Sea Savior. First one awarded. Over the course of her civilian and military career, as both a crewman and master of small boats, Ensign Smith has contributed to the rescue of over one thousand persons from small craft at sea, including many of the people in this room… ”

“Oorah!” the Marines boomed. They generally felt that Sophia showed there
a good side to the Navy.

“Whenever you get to thinking about all those empty boats,” Steve said, pinning the award on his daughter to a round of enthusiastic applause. “Just rub this badge and know how many you

“Yes, Da,” Sophia said, her face working to hold back the tears.

“We’ve got a long road ahead of us,” Steve said. “If these little bits of cloth keep the wheels turning, that’s worth it. And I think we’re finally done. Except for a couple of surprises.”

“Surprises?” Sophia said.

“I’ll take the mike, now, Jack,” Steve said.

“Oh, really?” Isham said.

“Really,” Steve said. “As some of you may know, Lieutenant Commander Isham and I did
start out well… ”

right!” Faith said, loudly.

“I outrank you, now,” Isham said, pointing a finger at the Lieutenant.

“But this whole lash-up wouldn’t work without Lieutenant Commander Isham putting in long hours of skull sweat,” Steve said. He took an award out from under the podium. “Lieutenant Commander Jack Isham, Front and Center.”

“I don’t need a medal, Captain,” Isham said.

“You’re getting one anyway,” Steve said. “Just one, though. By direction of the acting Joint Chiefs of Staff with the approval of the National Constitutional Continuity Coordinator, Lieutenant Jack Isham is hereby awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal for operations in the Atlantic Ocean Area. Congratulations, Jack.”

“I’m not even sure what a Superior Service Medal
,” Jack said. “Wait, I read the matrix… ”

“Just take it, Jack,” Steve said, pinning the medal on the Lieutenant Commander’s uniform. “If we ever get dress uniforms, you can start building up fruit salad. And I think we’re done.”

“Oh, no,” Isham said. “You have your surprises and I have mine, Captain.” He snapped his fingers and Stacey came out of the wings with a stack of award boxes. “Captain John Steven Smith, front and center.”

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