To Seduce an Omega (22 page)

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Authors: Kryssie Fortune

Tags: #paranormal romance, #shifter romance, #urban fantasy, #Menage

BOOK: To Seduce an Omega
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Meena pirouetted and patted her hair. “Just call me
. Go get some rest, and when you wake, run.”

Sylvie withdrew her hand and wiggled her fingers to get the circulation flowing. “That’s one heck of a grip you’ve got going on there. Go now. Titus is waiting.”

Meena flashed back to Leonidas’s side, and when Viola strode out of the doorway, they waved and vanished. King Caleb hugged his queen while Titus greeted Viola with a toe-curling kiss.


Fired up from his kiss, her pussy tingled in anticipation. She glanced toward the forest. “Unbelievably better. You’ll never be able to catch me now.”

She loved Titus’s possessive growl as he scooped her into his arms and carried her back to the inn. “Don’t bet on it. I commandeered every room in the place. I don’t want anyone disturbing us.”

Viola snuggled against his chest. “I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. Worrying through dawn raids and dealing with sneaky kings is hard work.”

Suddenly serious, Titus laid her on the bed and stroked her hair back from her face. “Are you sure you want to stay here? There’s still time to move on if you’d prefer.”

Viola never hesitated, just took his hand and gazed into his eyes. “I’m happy wherever you want to live, but we can make a difference here.”

Titus relaxed. “Then this is where we’ll stay. And as for me not catching my sexy little hedgewitch, get real.”

Chapter Twenty-One

Viola ran so fast her chestnut hair flew in streamers behind her. After a lazy few hours of sweet sex and stolen naps, Titus had told her to run. The delicious ache between her legs from an afternoon of hot sex delighted her. This run echoed the freedom and excitement she felt in her heart.

The earthy scent of the woodland welcomed her. Her knee didn’t pain her, and best of all, Titus would run her down and claim her soon. Of course, he’d have to break the containment spell she’d placed on their inn’s doors first. She’d wondered if that counted as cheating, but her fledgling Fae magic had bubbled uncontrollably inside her. While she didn’t intend this to be easy for him, she wanted to be caught.

Her breasts bounced with every step, and each footfall sent tremors through her cunt. Her clit ached for Titus’s touch, but she still ran. Once she reached her old hut, she grinned and rolled in the herb garden. The soft scent of crushed mint and thyme clung to her.

Next, she leaped the row of rosemary bushes she’d salvaged from Elspeth’s garden, waded into the sandy-bottomed stream, and splashed up its length. Her skirt sucked up water like a wick. Running was damn near impossible when it tangled around her legs. Without breaking stride, she kicked it off and ran faster.

Her shoes came off with it, but she never slowed. Soft sand flowed between her toes. She shed her blouse next, eager for Titus to claim her. A few steps farther, and her makeshift bra followed. Naked except for her lacy red panties, she tossed her hair back over her shoulder and kept wading upstream. She grinned, knowing Titus would run faster once he found her trail of clothes.

A growl echoed upstream. Titus had shattered her containment spell and tracked her to her hut. Wicked and wild, he was coming to claim her. Her pussy creamed at the thought. She picked up her pace when she heard a splash as Titus leaped into the water. Two more steps, and he howled again—so close behind her she imagined the feel of his breath on her neck.

Downstream, she heard a primal wolf howl and the sound of fabric ripping. She guessed Titus had pulled off his shirt when he spotted her blouse. She kept running, but when she heard more fabric tear, she hoped he’d shed his pants. She almost stumbled when she pictured him as near naked as her.

Footfalls splashed through the shallow water. Then he pounced. He closed his arms around her waist and sent them sprawling, but he twisted midair, and she landed with her back on his broad chest. He turned human as the stream trickled around them, so shallow it barely reached up his side. His voice came out growly, possessive, and deep. “Mine. To love forever and always.”

Water trickled over their backs as he rolled again. She took her weight on her forearms and her knees. The water felt cold as it washed over her wrists and calves, but her body overheated. Sand swirled around her fingers, then settled back to the streambed. Titus surrounded her body, his muscled chest resting lightly against her back; then he kissed his way down her neck. Excited shivers ran down Viola’s spine.

He reached backward, claws extended, and ripped her panties from her body. His cock nudged her bare butt. She moaned when Titus trailed kisses over her neck and pinched gently at her nipples.

Hips wiggling in invitation, she nestled closer. He retracted his claws, stroked his way around her too-slim hips, and rubbed his finger over her clit. She already felt wet for him.

“More,” Viola demanded.

Titus ran his tongue over the vein in her neck as he seated his cock inside her. He started slowly, pumping long and deep, then increased the rhythm as he pinned her beneath him in the shallow water. It felt cold against the back of her newly healed knee. Not that she cared. All that mattered was that Titus dominated and claimed her. He pounded into her, hard and deep. She curled her fingers in the stream’s sandy bottom and screamed his name. Her orgasm hit hard. Blood roared through her body, setting it alight with sensual heat.

As she came around him, Titus sank his fangs in her neck, marking her and claiming her as his. She lost herself in the moment. Nothing mattered—not the scent of the forest or the tinkling of the stream. She ignored the sunbeams dancing through the trees. Everything in her world began and ended with Titus.

Viola shuddered and came again. Titus bellowed against her neck as sperm shot from his cock. The growl came out muffled and amazingly sensual.

Finally, he retracted his fangs. “I never knew I could love someone so much. You’re my sun, moon, and stars. I can’t exist without you.”

They stayed connected as he rolled onto his back and let the stream trickle around him. Gradually, their thoughts and dreams merged, but soon Viola shivered as she lay in his arms. She moaned in protest when he withdrew his cock, stood, and scooped her into his arms. His tongue flicked over the mark on her neck. “I marked you harder than I intended.”

Her smile showed him how little she minded. As he waded back downstream, she felt her Fae power unfold inside her. Magic roared through her like a golden river, warming her and making her skin sparkle in the afternoon sun. She reached up and placed her hand on the side of his neck. It heated his skin, and an identical mark to the one he’d placed on her neck appeared. “I saw how the Fae and Lykae kings wear their mates’ marks. Now you wear mine, and the whole world knows you’re taken. This way I don’t have to scratch some stupid she-wolf’s eyes out for flirting with my mate.”

He smiled at her, his amber eyes shining with glowing lights. “I’m proud to do so. When I came to this territory, my beasts ran wild inside me, but one taste of your lips tamed them. I couldn’t love you more.”

When he reached her hut, he backed through the door, set her down gently, and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. “Let’s get you warm and dry.” He found a threadbare towel and used it to dry her hair. “Two more hours before I show my wonderful true-mate off to the Rock Prowler pack. I’m proud that a woman as amazing as you accepted me as your mate, and you will make a beautiful bride.”

Things didn’t work out as Titus planned. He’d wanted to lay Viola on the inn’s best bed and feast on her cunt. Apparently, Leonidas had placed a sneaky Fae spy spell on their room after they’d left.

Once Titus and Viola flashed back there, King Caleb hammered on the door. “I’ll count ten, but we’re coming in. Grab some clothes, now.”

“And stop pawing my half sister,” King Leonidas called.

Titus growled and pulled on some fresh pants. Viola squealed, scooped up a robe, and ran into the bathroom. The door opened, and the Fae and Lykae kings forced their way in.

Leonidas’s eyes shone with mischief, but he kept his voice stern. “Viola, we’re taking the groom to get ready for the wedding of the century. Sylvie’s spent all day chivying the pack into making your wedding perfect. Meena’s spent hours with the head of the seamstress guild, muttering spells and creating your wedding dress. Our mates will be here the instant we’ve taken Titus to the Lykae palace to get ready.”

King Caleb laughed. “Don’t know why he should bother. No one looks at the groom anyway.”

Viola crept out the bathroom, her clothes flung on in haphazard fashion. Before she could speak, Titus pulled her into his arms and stole a kiss. As his body shielded hers, he unfastened her blouse and fastened it correctly. Then he kissed her again. When she kissed him back, he wore the proud look of a mated wolf.

Caleb shook his head. “Give it a rest. We’ve promised to spruce you up for the ceremony.”

King Leonidas tutted. “You do a damn sight worse with Sylvie. What is it with Lykae and my half sisters?”

Caleb teased right back. “Maybe we Lykae have all the sex appeal you and your Fae lack.”

Leonidas shook his head. “Okay, I walked into that one. Viola, our queens have demanded some girl time to help get you ready, so if necessary, we’ll kidnap Titus.”

Titus smiled down at her. “I’ll give in gracefully. So, hedgewitch, don’t leave me standing at the altar too long.”

She went up on tiptoe and nibbled his earlobe. “I won’t. I promise.”

He leaned down so close his lips brushed her ear. “Don’t bother with any panties. I’ve got plans for later.”

Viola blushed and stared at her feet. Titus lifted her chin and kissed her until she melted like butter left in the sun. He would have kissed her again, but Caleb rolled his eyes and groaned. “Enough, for goodness’ sake.”

Titus grinned as his future brothers-in-law teased him. “When you’ve stopped arguing among yourselves, I’m ready.”

Leaving Viola didn’t come easy, but for her sake, Titus wanted the wedding to be perfect. Caleb grabbed Titus’s arm and flashed away.

Leonidas followed a split second later and shoved Titus toward the bathroom. “Shower and shave. Then Meena’s sent an outfit for you too.”

Two glasses of Fae wine later, Titus pulled on a shirt of shimmering gold. He felt self-conscious until he realized the Rock Prowler pennant was yellow. “It’s odd, but I can’t remember any Rock Prowlers wearing the pack’s colors. The Tundra Toughs flaunt turquoise flashes everywhere.”

King Caleb looked ready to spit. “Because Zebadiah forbade it. He only permitted himself and his daughters to wear yellow. Robbing the pack of its cherished traditions helped grind them down.”

Leonidas slapped Caleb on the back. “Bet you’re glad you slit his throat now.”

“I should have done it sooner,” Caleb growled. “Still, T., you’ll be glad to hear those sphinxes won’t bother you any longer. Those cat women cracked under questioning and admitted they were a rogue pride. The sphinxes are having trouble breeding, but their queen forbade involving any other species.”

Leonidas topped up the drinks. “Which reminds me. Never piss off a Lykae female. Be glad my sister’s Fae. Here, put these on.”

He handed Titus some perfectly cut pants. Titus hopped about as he pulled them on.

Caleb tossed back the claret as though he drank ale. “After the healers checked out the rescued she-wolves, they went looking for the male prisoner.”

Titus grinned. “I hope they found him.”

“They did”—Caleb shrugged off his shirt and strode into the bathroom—”so I hope you didn’t plan on questioning him later.”

Titus put down his third drink untouched. “I don’t begrudge the she-wolves their vengeance. Was his corpse recognizable?”

Leonidas sniggered as he stripped to his underwear. “What corpse? All we found were a few tufts of hair and some scraps of his clothes. Come on, Caleb, I need to wash too.”

Caleb sauntered out the bathroom and pulled on his tux. He grinned when he left the top collar of his shirt open and the bow tie unfastened. “This is the way Sylvie likes it. She says it makes me look like a blond version of James Bond, and who am I to argue?”

A moment later, Leonidas pulled on his favorite leather pants and billowing scarlet shirt before he coiled his whip about his waist. “Ready? Titus, remember I’m giving my new half sister into your keeping. See you deserve her.”

Leonidas flashed away to join Viola. Caleb took Titus’s arm. “Ready?”

When Titus nodded, Caleb flashed the pair of them to Prowlerville. The atmosphere was redolent with the scent of the yellow roses that filled every available surface. Yellow bunting fluttered overhead, and a trio of harpists played soft music. Candles burned in the windows and on every crevice of the buildings that surrounded the marketplace. Titus suppressed a cheer when he saw every member of the Rock Prowler pack, young and old, wore their best yellow outfits.

He’d already mated Viola, but now his palms sweated, and his gaze darted about the square. Then he saw her walking toward him, her fingers resting lightly on Leonidas’s arm. She looked so beautiful his throat went dry. If he’d been a cartoon wolf, his eyes would have bugged out of his head.

Her dress shimmered like bottled sunlight, but her smile made his wolves turn somersaults in his chest. Hair glinting with vibrant chestnut highlights, she smiled as she walked toward him. Titus felt as though the sun had risen in the night sky. His bride outshone the moon and stars.

He stepped forward and stood beside a flower-bedecked altar. When Leonidas placed Viola’s hand in Titus’s huge palm, she looked into her true-mate’s eyes. His love showed in his gaze. “You are the light that illuminates my life. I swear to love, protect, and cherish you until the world stops turning. There won’t be a single moment when I’m not proud to stand at your side.”

Viola’s voice trembled as much as her hand. “My heart, my soul, and my body are yours. I was born to love you, and standing here in front of the pack is my destiny. I swear to stand proudly beside you every day of our lives.”

Fleur and Jilly led the Rock Prowler cheers. Iris stood on a chair and yelled, “Kiss her!”

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