To Tame a Highland Earl (26 page)

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Authors: Tarah Scott

Tags: #romance, #historical romance, #regency, #regency romance, #highland, #scottish, #highlander, #scottish romance, #highland romance, #tarah scott, #highlander romance

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I will be sure to

They rose and went to the main deck where a
rope ladder had been slung over the side to a waiting

Will I see you again
before you leave?” Ash asked.

I imagine so.”

I assume the lady has
something to do with your visit,” Ash said.

She does.”

You didn’t tell me how she
shot you, or why you came to be on this ship.”

The tale does not cast me
in a flattering light.”

All the more reason I
should hear it.”

Erroll laughed. “I have no doubt you will.
Stories like this have a way of being told and retold.”

Ash turned and fitted his boot to the first
rung of the ladder.

Ash.” His brother paused
and looked up expectantly. “I have an acquaintance in the navy…
Admiral Peterson. He is well acquainted with the Atlantic and the
goings on in the ports of the major Colonial cities. It occurs to
me that he might be of help in locating Johnson. It will take some
time, but I’ll contact him and see what he might

This would not, per
chance, be the captain of Grant’s ship?”

I cannot recall,” Erroll

How very fortunate that
you remembered this connection,” Ash said.

The walk from the galley
to the deck cleared my head.”

It’s more likely the walk
sobered you up.”

Erroll grinned. “The walk was not that

No,” Ash murmured. “It was

Then he left.


I promise to shove the
table in front of the door while you take Grace up on deck to find
Lord Rushton,” Eve negotiated with Lord Somerset. They would read
Ravenhall very soon and she needed Grace out of the say so that she
could accept his offer of marriage.

He shook his head. “I cannot allow you to
stay here alone.”

Good Lord, was he going to be this rigid
their entire marriage? “Sir, be reasonable. If you do not leave me
behind, that will force Grace to find his lordship on her own.”

His mouth thinned. “She will not.”

Grace rose from her seat at the table across
from Eve and glided over to him. When she reached his side, she
touched his sleeve with her fingertips and looked up at him through
her lashes.

Of course not, I cannot go
about the ship alone.”

Grace turned slightly and looked at Eve. Eve
caught Lord Somerset’s eyes flick to Grace’s breasts and her mind
registered the small intake of breath Grace had taken that caught
his attention. Did Grace realize—A tiny smile touched the corner of
Grace’s mouth. She knew!

Eve, I am certain Lord
Somerset will be kind enough to escort us both up on deck.” She
looked back at him. “Will you not, my lord?”

He gave a half smile, tender and, to Eve’s
surprise, a little sad.

I am happy to be of
service, Miss Crenshaw,” he said.

Eve’s mind jolted. Dear God, Lord Somerset
was in love with Grace.

Her mind raced back two days ago when he had
prepared a plate of sweet goods for Grace at the restaurant in
Belfast, then him escorting her down the street, leaving Eve with
Lord Rushton. Hadn’t his fingers lingered a moment too long on hers
when he’d helped her from the carriage at the docks? And there was
last night, when Lord Rushton’s brother had barged into their room.
It had been Grace who Lord Somerset covered with his coat—not

A wave of sadness deflated her. She’d been a
fool. She had refused his offer three times, then when he’d had the
chance to compare her to Grace, he had fallen under Grace’s spell
without resistance. Eve, too caught up in her misery, failed to
recognize the signs. Now she would be forced to marry a man who
didn’t care for her, and who—Eve drew a sharp breath—who she


Eve startled at the intrusion of Grace’s

Are you all right?” Grace

Eve glanced from Grace to Lord Somerset. Both
stared at her with concern. “Yes, yes, I’m fine. Just a bit

Grace seemed uncertain, then said, “Shall we
go up on deck with Lord Somerset?”

Eve would have preferred to crawl into bed
and never get up, but she had promised to help Grace spend time
with Lord Rushton. The plan had been a good one when she hoped to
have a few minutes alone with Lord Somerset. Now, however, he would
only be wishing for a private moment with Grace.

But that didn’t mean that Grace’s plan to
spend time with Lord Rushton was a bad one, she realized. In fact,
it was now more imperative than ever that Grace spend as much time
with him as possible. Given the chance, it was as likely he would
fall in love with Grace as easily as Lord Somerset had. The thought
brought an unexpected jab of pain. Eve ignored it and stood.

I am ready.”

Chapter Fourteen

Erroll leaned against the railing as he
breathed deep of the sea air and stared out at the water from the
poop deck. Mull lay off the starboard side and the mainland filled
the port view, but he had eyes only for the channel straight ahead.
He wasn’t the sailor Val had been, but he hadn’t realized how much
he missed the tang of salt air and the wind on his face. He thought
that one day he and Val might cross the Atlantic to the Colonies or
sail to Australia just for the sheer joy of it. Instead, Erroll was
returning to Mull, and his brother’s empty grave.

Long suppressed fury shot through Erroll. He
thrust away from the railing. The desire to turn the ship around
sparked a fever he would have given a fortune to have been able to
indulge. He should have taken Ash and gone after Captain Johnson.
Catching the slaver was probably the only thing that would convince
Ash to leave Scotland. Going after the brigand was an excellent
excuse to immediately turn around once they entered port.

Beg pardon,

Erroll turned at the sound of Captain
Mercantile’s voice and frowned at Somerset, Grace and Eve Crenshaw
standing behind him.

The ladies have paid us a
visit,” the captain said.

So I see.” The captain
stood aside and Erroll said, “Ladies.”

Grace Crenshaw left Somerset’s side and
approached Erroll. She looked up at him through her lashes and
slipped her hand into the crook of his arm. “When will we arrive to
Tobermory, my lord?”

If the weather holds, we
will dock sometime this evening.”

How marvelous. Then there
is a good chance we will arrive at Ravenhall tonight.”

He shook his head. “The roads are too
treacherous at night. We will leave early tomorrow morning.”

Of course,” she demurred.
“Since we will remain in the cabin another night, I would love a
turn around the deck.”

The evening air is
bracing,” he said. “You ladies will enjoy the walk.”

Eve isn’t interested. Lord
Somerset insisted she could not be left alone, so she agreed to
come with us while he delivered me to you.”

And so we have done.” Eve
turned and started back across the poop deck toward the

Somerset started after her.

Just a minute.” Erroll
started forward, jerking his arm from Grace Crenshaw’s hold. Erroll
hurried past Somerset and grasped her arm.

She turned and looked at him. “Is something
wrong, my lord?”

No, but something was definitely wrong with
her. “Nothing at all. I simply want to accompany you downstairs.
Somerset can take a turn on the deck with your sister.”

But, Lord Rushton,” Grace
said. “We’ve had no time to talk.”

Lord Somerset has been
kind enough to stay below with you ladies this evening. A little
exercise will do him good.” Erroll didn’t wait for a reply, but
grasped Eve Crenshaw’s hand and started forward.

She glanced over her shoulder. When she
looked back, Erroll caught the pain on her face before she looked
down. What was wrong? He looked back and saw Somerset with Grace
Crenshaw, her hand in his arm and—satisfaction shot through
Erroll—Somerset’s hand covered hers. Erroll jerked his eyes forward
onto Miss Crenshaw. Was she jealous of Somerset and her sister? She
hadn’t demonstrated any particular affection for him.

They reached the steps and Erroll descended
first, then turned and held her hand as she took the three stairs.
She pulled free and crossed to the stairs going below. She didn’t
wait for him, but started down the first step. Erroll grasped her
arm and stopped her.

She shot him an impatient look. “I’m not a
fragile piece of china that will break. I can manage a few stairs
on my own.” Without waiting for his permission, she went down the
stairs. He followed and had to quicken his steps to catch up with
her. They turned a corner in the corridor and, a moment later,
reached the cabin.

She opened the door, then said, “Thank you,
sir,” and started to close it.

Erroll stopped the door with a flat palm to
the wood and forced her back when he stepped inside.

What are you doing?” she

I would like to come in,
if you don’t mind.”

Her mouth dropped open in shock. “That is
highly improper.”

That is your objection?”
He closed the door behind him.

If you are worried about
me being alone, have Oscar stand guard,” she said.

And deprive him of much
needed sleep?” Erroll shook his head. “I think not.”

If he knew you were alone
with me he would have your hide.”

I am enjoying an innocent
talk with you, Miss Crenshaw.”

Nothing about you is
innocent,” she muttered.


Not a blessed

So I shall pay the price,
guilty or not?” Erroll asked.

Oh, you are guilty as
sin.” She plopped down into one of the chairs. “And you’ve ruined
me in the bargain.”

If we are judged guilty,
perhaps we ought to commit the crime?” Hadn’t he said something
like that the first night in her room? She didn’t reply and Erroll
realized she hadn’t heard him. He really was losing his touch if he
couldn’t keep a woman’s attention while trying to seduce her. “Miss
Crenshaw, are you all right?”

Her eyes focused on him and she frowned.
“What? Why are you here, Rushton?”

So it wasn’t ‘Lord Rushton’ or ‘my lord.’ He
was now ‘Rushton.’ At least that was a step up, even if she seemed
to have lost interest. She’d certainly been interested at Lady
Grendall’s party, he thought with frustration.

Grace won’t be long up
top,” she said. “It is best if you are not here when they return.
She would not be happy to find us alone and I am sure Lord Somerset
will consider it quite improper.”

I suspect Somerset will
take his time with her.”

A stricken look flashed across her face and
her eyes glistened with tears.

Miss Crenshaw.” Erroll
closed the distance between them and pulled her up and into his
arms. She twisted in an effort to break free, but he held her
firmly. “Shh,” he soothed.

She gave a halfhearted push, then slumped in
his arms.

Did I misread things? Miss
Crenshaw?” His chest tightened. “Do you love Somerset?”

Don’t be an idiot,” she
said through tears.

I am a man,” he said.
“We’re all idiots when it comes to women.”

Yes, you are,” she readily

Erroll’s chest relaxed a fraction. “Do you
want to tell me what is the matter?”

You,” she said through a
sniffle. “You are what is the matter. You’ve ruined

Yes,” he agreed with a
sigh, “I suppose I have.”

She looked up at him. Confusion washed across
her features, then her eyes widened. Erroll knew exactly how she
felt and lowered his head. When their mouths touched, she gave a
small gasp. Her scent enveloped him and a jolt of lust drew his
bollocks so tight his breath caught. The compulsion to toss her on
the bed, yank up her skirt and thrust into her with all his might
startled him. He froze, uncertain for a terrible instant if he
would be able to resist doing just that. Then she leaned into him.
Erroll urged her back until they fell onto the bed. They landed,
him on top, and her curves accepted his body as if they were

She gripped his shoulders, but didn’t push
him away and Erroll ruthlessly pressed his advantage, seaming her
mouth with his tongue. Her lips parted and he thrust inside with
quick stabs. Slowly, her arms slid around his shoulders as Erroll
slanted his mouth over hers again and again, so hungry for her he
feared it wasn’t possible to get enough.

Did she want him as much as he wanted her?
She moaned and the sound reverberated through him like a shock
wave. He had to touch her. Erroll flattened a hand on her ribs and
slid upward until the side of his hand encountered the edge of her
breast. His cock thickened as he molded his fingers to the curve of
soft flesh and grazed the stiff nipple.

She drew in a sharp breath and jerked so that
his erection settled more snugly against the firm flesh of her
pelvis. Blood roared through his ears. Erroll kissed his way along
her cheek to her ear and gently nibbled on her lobe. She gave a
small cry and lust growled in warning that it would devour him—and

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