To Tempt A Tiger (9 page)

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Authors: Kat Simons

Tags: #Tiger Shifters series Book 5

BOOK: To Tempt A Tiger
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“No. Not for a tiger shifter anyway. Once the process starts, it finishes. Even if a tiger wanted to, they couldn’t stop the shift once it really gets going. We don’t do half shifts or get stuck.”

“You said not for tiger shifters. Does that mean there are other shifters?”

“Oh, yeah. Lots of species.”

“What? How is that possible and
no one

“Centuries and centuries of hiding in plain sight. I don’t know for sure with other species, but for tigers, we have enough problems at the moment. We don’t need the complication of fending off human hunters. So we are very careful to keep our natures secret. That’s the whole reason killing a human is a death sentence crime.”

“I didn’t think it was possible to keep anything secret anymore.”

“It might not be for much longer. But for now, we’re careful.”

Rose blew out a breath that lifted the tendrils of red hair curling on her forehead. “This is a lot to take in.”

“I know. And there’s a lot more. Maybe we should focus on what Zoe needs for now and I’ll explain the other stuff as you feel able to face it?”

“Probably a good idea. But I want two questions answered first.”


“One, other species can do half shifts or get stuck mid-shift?”

“Getting stuck
a problem for a couple of shifter species—mostly the ones that can ‘convert’ humans. Werewolves, for example. The humans turned wolf are the ones that get stuck. If it’s not natural to the individual, it’s complicated and potentially dangerous. Dragons are one of the species that can do half shifts. Elephant and bear shifters can, too.”

Vlad watched her eyes grow bigger with every sentence and was afraid she’d just shut down. He shouldn’t have gone into so much detail so quickly. “This is too much, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Dragons? There are shapeshifting
in the world?”

“Most legends have some basis in reality.”

“Yeah, but the reality behind dragons is supposed to be dinosaur bones. Not

“Little bit of both contributed to the various legends.”

,” she breathed. Then shook her head. “I need a drink. I’m gonna get a glass of wine. You want anything?”

“Tea would be nice.”

She smiled and some of the shock eased from her features. “Teetotaler,” she teased.

That had been an ongoing joke between them. He’d never really developed a taste for alcohol but couldn’t get enough tea. For some reason, Rose found that quirk both charming and amusing. He didn’t understand why, but since he liked her smile so much, he wasn’t going to argue with her.

“Be right back.” She disappeared into the kitchen.

Leaving him to consider everything he’d just said to her. They’d gone off topic a bit, but there was a lot she’d need to know once Zoe entered the shifter world. And though his people were insular and didn’t interact much with other shifters—or any other species of otherworldly creatures for that matter—knowing the world held such beings would be important for Zoe’s survival.

When Rose returned with his tea and her wine, she echoed his thoughts. “We should probably get back to the stuff that will immediately affect Zoe. The rest…I know I need to understand all this, but for now, it’s too much.”

“We’ll have time for the rest later.”

“So back to my two questions. Getting stuck won’t be a problem for her. You’re sure? Even though she’s half human?”

“I’m sure, because she was born to it.” He put as much confidence in his voice as he could, but in truth, he wasn’t positive. There were no cases in modern times of a shapeshifter born from a human parent and a tiger parent. Nila was the only case of a hybrid that anyone knew about, and she couldn’t shift.

But from what he understood, getting stuck halfway through a shift in other species was the result of fear and lack of confidence. So no matter what, he had to ensure that both Rose and Zoe were confident and unafraid when Zoe started her first shift. Because of her age, and because she was born to it, he hoped Zoe’s body would just do what it was meant to do.

“Okay,” Rose said, “then my second question. You said tigers were in enough trouble. What did you mean by that?”

Ah, the part that really would freak her out because this would directly affect Zoe’s future among the tigers. If Zoe had been born a boy instead of a girl, this would be a lot less complicated. He debated how much to tell her and decided to stick with the basics, enough to satisfy her curiosity, but not so much as to terrify her and send her running away from the tigers.

“Tiger shifters are facing extinction. Female birthrates have dropped so dramatically it’s left the sex ratio really skewed.”

“How skewed?”

“Roughly 90 percent males to 10 percent females worldwide.”

“Wow. That sounds bad.”

“And it’s not getting better.”

“What are you doing to prevent extinction?”

Her eyes narrowed, and he could see the wariness and suspicion in her expression. He knew she’d catch on quickly. But he didn’t want to tell her how bad things had gotten when the dwindling female numbers were finally noticed. The truth about how violent tiger males could be might just send her into hiding. So he skimmed over that part of their history. “The elders set up the Mate Run. It’s essentially a way for males to compete for females.”

“How does it work?”

“During a female’s estrous cycle, she goes into one of the areas we have set up in an isolated forest, and she runs from a group of males. Whichever male she allows to catch her, gets to be with her for the three days of her cycle. If they get pregnant, they’re allowed to mate permanently—get married if they like. Or she can run again for a new mate once her cycles start again. There’s a lot of flexibility for the female, and the choice of mates is entirely up to her.”

“And if the couple doesn’t get pregnant?”

“The female keeps running until she does. She can stay with the same male cycle to cycle, or she can choose a new male with each Run. Entirely up to her.”

He was making a point to emphasize how much control the females had during the Run to keep Rose from panicking, but as he watched her, he realized she hadn’t yet made the connection that this would be something expected of Zoe. She frowned and took the information seriously, but there was nothing in her scent or expression to hint at worry for her own child.

“How did the Run solve the skewed sex ration?”

“It didn’t. It’s just helped stave off extinction.”

“What’s being done about the low female numbers, then?”

“A lot of research.” He took a breath. “Some of that research involved the possibility of humans and tigers mating.”

Her eyes narrowed. “So you knew before your sister that it was possible?”

The bite in her voice made him flinch. “No. Most tigers think it’s just the stuff of myths and legends. We have a story of an ancient couple—human woman, male tiger—who had children together, but most tigers assumed the story had no basis in reality.”

“Then why is there research being done?”

“One of the elders believes it might be the key to tiger survival. Until my half sister, though, there was no evidence of half breeds.”

He winced at the term. His father had imbued that phrase with a great deal of disgust and hatred whenever he discussed tiger-human offspring.

Rose didn’t seem to notice his reaction. “And now Zoe.” She pulled in a breath. “What does all this mean for our daughter?”

He set his tea down and leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees and staring at the fire. He didn’t want to tell her this part. But she had to know some of it. Again, he settled on giving her the basics. “Some of my people think those like Nila and Zoe are…saviors. They represent hope of other breeding options. Then there are those like my brothers, my father…who think tiger-human offspring will dilute our bloodlines and lead us to extinction faster. They argue that successful matings between humans and tigers—if they could even happen—would result in only humans, like my sister.”

He fisted his hands when they started to shake, a combination of anger and betrayal swamping him. He pushed thoughts of his family aside and turned to face Rose. “Zoe proves tiger offspring can come from mixed matings.”

“And that means?”

“It means we’ll have to eventually introduce her to the elders and get her protected under our laws.”

“I don’t see why?”

“Because without that protection, my brothers will just keep coming for her.”

“You said they bought your story about wanting me back and Zoe not being yours.”

He ran his hands through his hair. “They did. I think. But I can’t guarantee they won’t figure it out eventually. Rose, she has my eyes. Anton saw that.”

She sighed and dropped her head back against the couch. “If she’s a shifter, though, why would they still want to hurt her?”

“They’re convinced hybrids will dilute our bloodlines no matter what kind of offspring is produced.”

She rolled her head to look at him. “What good will the protection of the elders do?”

“It’ll mean severe punishments for anyone who tries to hurt Zoe. She’ll be safe.”

“So why aren’t we heading to the elders now?”

“I don’t want to introduce Zoe to the tiger world before she can control her own tiger.”

Rose nodded and looked away again. “Okay, I guess that’s fair enough.” She sipped her wine and sighed. “I don’t want any of this to be real.”

“But it is.”

“Yeah, well, that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I just want Zoe safe and healthy.”

He did, too. “I’ll make sure she’s safe, Rose. I promise. We have time for all this stuff.”

They stayed silent for long moments, the only sound the quiet crackling of wood and flames. He turned his attention to Zoe, assuring himself she was breathing peacefully, sound asleep.

Finally, he said, “Thanks for the tea and for dinner.” He stood. He’d given her enough to think about for one night. “I’ll come back in the morning and we can consider how to tell Zoe about all this.”

Rose patted the couch. “I’m not letting you sleep in the snow, Vlad. This place has enough bedrooms for all three of us. You can stay here.”

He swallowed hard as he stared down at her, caught in her eyes. He didn’t trust himself to be in this house with her overnight, not when her scent filled it and drifted around him like temptation. He was pretty sure the only way he’d stay out of her bed was to spend the night in the freezing temperatures in his tiger form.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” he forced out.

She blinked but didn’t turn away. “I’m not going to lie and say I’m not still attracted to you. Especially after that almost kiss earlier in the kitchen. But I’m also not ready for anything to happen between us. I’m still…hurt and leery and confused. And frankly, I still don’t trust you. So while you’re invited to sleep in the spare room, you are not invited into my bed. Not tonight. Probably not for a while.”

The fact that he might be invited sometime in the future was enough to make his pulse pound. Still, could he stay here, dizzy with her scent, and not try to change her mind? For the last four years, he’d essentially been a monk because he couldn’t get over her. The temptation to seduce her and make her forget all the hurt and betrayal between them was hard to resist.

She shook her head. “Vlad, I can tell you’re debating being noble and leaving. Don’t. I’ll just stay up all night worrying that you’re freezing to death.”

“I’ll be in tiger form. I won’t freeze.”

She tilted her head to one side, a slight furrow between her brows. “It is so odd trying to remember that you’re…different like that.” She motioned him to the couch again. “I’m not finished talking with you, so you’re going to sleep here tonight.”

He eased back onto the couch. If she still had questions, he was obligated to answer them. He wasn’t using her curiosity as an excuse, he assured himself. He owed her the time. That was the only reason he was going to stay.

She smiled a little at him, and his heart thumped hard.

This was going to be a long night.


Chapter Seven


They talked well into the night, mostly about the tiger world. Rose had more questions than she could even remember to ask. She was fascinated, appalled, and scared in equal measure. The fear was for her daughter. The complications of having to navigate this alien world, of the things Zoe was going to have to deal with, overwhelmed her a few times. She had moments where she wanted all of it to go away.

But it wouldn’t. She had to face it and learn how to deal with it so she could help Zoe.

“I don’t want to let her try to shift,” Rose admitted. “I’ve watched her in pain so much, I’m not sure I can take any more.”

“The change won’t hurt her. It’s what her body is trying to do.”

“So you keep saying. I have no reference for this, Vlad. It’s…it’s myth and fiction. It’s impossible. And, no offense, but it wasn’t pretty either.”

He grimaced. “I know. To humans the process is difficult to see. But from my perspective, from any tiger shifter’s perspective, it’s normal.”

She let out a breath and leaned back into the couch. He had his arm across the back, his hand near her shoulder. She tried to ignore how close they were to touching, but her skin actually tingled with awareness of his strong fingers just inches from her. She knew insisting he stay was the right thing to do. And she had been telling the truth when she told him he wasn’t invited into her bed. But temptation still lingered, despite logic.

She rolled her head to look at him. He was staring at her with those fabulous brown eyes. She’d always loved his eyes. And his voice, God, she loved listening to him. The longer they talked, the deeper his voice seemed to get, to the point that now, every time he said something, the sound caressed her and sent little tingles of excitement through her stomach.

The clock over the mantle dinged quietly, three in the morning. She sighed. She needed to sleep. She got so little as it was, she really shouldn’t have stayed up this late. When a yawn popped out, she covered her mouth and grimaced. “Sorry. Guess we’ll have to wait on the rest till tomorrow night.”

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