To Wed a Wanton Woman (9 page)

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Authors: Kyann Waters

BOOK: To Wed a Wanton Woman
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Chaos erupted. “Get out!” she screamed. “It
doesn’t matter what I want, does it? Now I know how Allison felt when TJ ordered
her around. Men are all the same, but you’re worse, Train. You think you bought
me. Well, you’re wrong. You’ve actually done me a favor.” With angry movements,
she gathered her hair and clipped it to the top of her head. “You just secured
my future. I now have claim to this brothel free and clear. And better than
that--” She seethed with anger as she stood toe-to-toe with him. “I’ll still
climb into bed with whomever I want.”

Heat rose up the back of his neck. “It’ll be
a cold day in hell. I own your contract.” He tried to keep his voice level.

“You don’t own me! I do what I want and
you’re taking me to an endless supply of men.” She slipped the knot free
holding the front of her camisole together. “I like a man in my bed, Train. Now
you got the job.”

“You look like you’d rather see me dead.” He
let her tug the belt from his trousers. “Are you going to work out your
frustration on me?”

“I’m not going to kill you until you get
your money’s worth. I’d always regret not having an opportunity to ride a Train.”

He pursed his lips trying to keep from
smiling. “I enjoy a good skirmish, but we really need to get going.” He pushed
her hands aside and picked up a few pieces of clothing off the floor. “Don’t
you have anything decent to wear?”

“Don’t you like the burgundy? Most of my
customers do.” She took the satin and lace top from his hand. It had a low
scoop neckline and a matching skirt with a slit up the front to display an abundant
amount of leg.

He could envision her wearing the outfit.
“Yeah, bring it.” He tossed a few more articles of clothes on the bed. “Marion, you can’t bring all this stuff.” He looked around at the mountain of clothes and
shoes laying on the floor, the dresser, and hanging in the closet. “We’re on

“Get a wagon,” she demanded. “I’m not riding
on a horse all the way to the ranch.”

“Not only will you be on a horse, but you’ll
be riding astride with me. TJ and I just got back from taking the cattle to
auction. We need to get going because we need sleep before heading out. TJ wants
to get home to Allison.”

“Here.” He started shoving clothes into the
closet. “Grab a few things and we’ll figure out the rest later. When I come
back to town next week, I’ll bring you with me. We’ll pick it up then.”

“I do not aim to live with you. Train!” she
yelled when he continued carelessly tossing her clothing. “Stop!” She yanked her
dress from his fingers and pushed him onto the rumpled bed.

He felt sick to his stomach sitting where
she had entertained countless men. He wanted the mattresses burned. “Be
downstairs in five minutes.”

She stood with her hands on her hips. “Or
what?” she asked, a petulant smile on her lips.

“I’ll drag you out of here with only the
clothes on your back.” He stood in the doorjamb. “I’ve never been forceful with
a woman, but you are the most vexing woman I’ve ever met. Five minutes,” he


clenched her fists at her side. She was angry, yet hated to admit, energized in
a way she had never been before. The young man she’d left at the ranch had pouted
when he didn’t get his way. Train had transformed into a man to be reckoned
with. Confidence emanated from him. Damn his dimples and crooked grin! She
wanted him.

She decided on two outfits to take with her.
Neither would meet with Train’s approval. She changed into the most comfortable
dress she owned for the ride to the ranch. Finally, she grabbed her makeup,
favorite bath powder and tucked them into her carpetbag. Then she went

“Okay, master, I’m ready.”

Sitting across from Sandy at the kitchen
table, Train looked back in her direction. Marion felt her cheeks flush. Even
the stinging quality of her words couldn’t hide her anticipation.

pulled Marion into a hug. At first, Marion remained stiff and unyielding, but
then she returned the embrace.

“Don’t be angry with me, darling. This is
for you,” Sandy said with tears in her eyes and a hitch in her voice. “Please
come home often.”

The meaning in her words was not lost on Marion. They both understood Sandy’s limited time.

“It’ll only be a week. I promise.” They
hugged again. “I left my things. Train said he’d bring me back.”

“It’s your room. Your belongings may stay
there for when you return to take over for me. I don’t know how long you’ll
have before you’re needed back. Don’t squander this opportunity,” she
whispered. “I’ve decided I like him. And he loves you,” she said even quieter.
“So don’t hurry.”

looked at Train. “He’s too foolish to know better.”

patted her cheek. “Don’t be too sure he’s the one being foolish. A man would be
lucky to have your love.”

laughed. “I’ll see you in a week.” She handed her bag to Train. “I’m ready.”


They made their way to the hotel through the
deserted streets. A full moon and millions of stars lit the night sky. Train
kept glancing at her from the corner of his eye. She’d lost weight in the time
they’d been apart. She also looked tired with dark circles under her eyes.

“If you’re hungry we can get dinner at the

She shrugged with indifference and refused
to look at him. He wanted to ask if it was really so horrible to consider life
on the ranch, but was afraid of her answer. He’d just robbed her security. Taking
her out of the brothel was risky. If she didn’t grow to love the serenity at
the lake, she’d hate him until she was back in Copper City running her brothel.

Train opened the door to the suite.


TJ had left the lamps burning for them.

“Is this how you people live?”


stepped into the room and spun in a slow circle, committing every detail to
memory. Paintings of Paris hung on the wall. A giant stone fireplace filled the
center of the room, banked by the most beautiful chairs Marion had ever seen or
had the pleasure of sitting in. The carpets on the floor were so thick, she
felt as if she were walking on clouds. She dropped to the floor and undid the
laces on her boots. After ripping the stockings from her feet, she curled her
toes into the soft fibers.

Train went to the bar and poured them a drink.
“Do you want to take a bath before bed?”

Her eyes widened. “Just because I’m enjoying
the benefits of being in this fancy hotel doesn’t let you off the hook. I’m mad
as hell, and it’s going to take a lot more than soft rugs and warm baths.” She furrowed
her eyebrows to match what she’d hoped he’d interpreted as her angry expression.

Train walked to a door on the left and swung
it open. “Does this appeal to you?”

crossed the threshold of the room and almost forgot to breathe. A thick down
coverlet, adorned with white, lacy pillows covered a massive bed, looking
softer than a puffy cloud on a summer afternoon.

Earthy greens, grays, and blues created
interesting patterns in the wallpaper. Dark leather chairs nestled near another

ran across the room and jumped into the center of the bed, covering herself with
pillows. Train leaned against the door, watching. She felt like a child in a
candy store. She blinked tears from her eyes and pulled the comforter up to her

stopped sucking in the scent of clean sheets and glanced at Train standing
across the room. Unable to see his face due to the light behind him, she knew
he smiled. He reveled in her enjoyment. She pulled the sheet to her nose and
inhaled deeply. “Have you ever smelled anything as heavenly as this?” She held
the sheet out to him. “Smell it. Drink it in.” She sniffed it long and hard. Next,
she took a pillow and did the same.

“Do you still want to bathe?”

“Oh shit!” She jumped out of the bed as if
bitten by bed bugs. “I’m going to stink it up,” she whined. “Smell this, does
it stink now?” She held out the pillow.

Train crossed the room and took the pillow
from her. He held her fingers with his and led her to the bathroom.

“Running water!” She laughed as she reached
down and turned the handle. “I’m less mad,” she said while dripping water from
her arms onto the floor.

Train stood there as Marion removed her
dress. “I’ll wait for you,” he said, backing out of the room.

Train went to the same chair he’d sat in
earlier. He kicked off his boots and smoked another cigarette while Marion splashed in the other room. Twenty minutes later, he tapped on the door.

“Sorry,” she said when she opened it, wearing
a towel. Her hair clung to her bare shoulders. Water droplets trailed down the
creamy swell of her breasts. “I didn’t want to put my dress back on, and I left
my clothes out here.” She hurried to her carpetbag and carried it to the
bedroom. She stood in the doorway to the bedroom. “Aren’t you coming?”

Train shook his head, shoving his fists into
his pockets. “I’ll sleep out here.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re the one who
said we needed to rest before the trip tomorrow. Besides, you’re too tall to
fit on the furniture. You’ll never get comfortable.”

Train hesitated. Granted, he’d probably wake
up stiff if he tried to sleep on the sofa, but sleeping in the same bed with Marion would guarantee it. His cock was hard and his pulse pounded. Warmth simmered in his
gut. He wanted her. Which is why he couldn’t go to bed with her.

“After you change your mind, come to bed.”
She closed the door.


knew it would only take a few minutes for Train to find his way into the
bedroom. She hurried, pulling out a thin chemise and pair of soft cotton pantalets
from her carpetbag. She’d just finished hanging the towel over the back of the
chair when Train entered.

“I’m glad you haven’t lost all your sense.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” he said
under his breath.

plaited her hair down the center of her back. After she jumped into the bed,
Train blew out the last lantern, plunging them into complete blackness.

He slid into bed beside her.

“Train, no!” She pushed him until he was
almost off the bed.

“What in the hell is wrong now? This was
your idea.”

“You can’t sleep in this bed with those
dirty clothes. Take them off or sleep on the floor.” Even she heard the disapproving
tone in her voice.


She realized he feared what would happen if
he weren’t completely dressed. They’d played with temptation before and both
still reeled from the encounter.

“I think it’d be best if I stay in the other

“I promise to keep my hands to myself. I’m
not going to tempt you during the night. Don’t forget, I’m still mad as hell.”
She heard his trousers fall to the floor. When he climbed back into bed, his
bare arm brushed against hers.

They remained perfectly still in the
darkness. Her eyes were wide open. She wondered if his were as well.


If he tried to get comfortable, Train would
inevitably touch her. His heart thumped hard enough to hurt. He could hear his
own breathing and the rustle of the sheets in the quiet room. Blood surged from
his ears to his groin. His balls throbbed.

rolled onto her side giving Train her back. She yawned and shifted trying to
find a comfortable position. Each time she moved, she seemed to get a little
closer to the middle of the bed. Train tried to counter her moves by sliding over
without being noticeable. Finally, he didn’t have anywhere to go. He rested
along the edge of the giant mattress. Marion was nearly all the way onto his half.
Then it happened. Her ass nudged against his hand. His heart stopped for one
agonizing moment. The mattress dipped when she rolled onto her back. He slowly
let out a long breath. Marion turned to face him. He couldn’t see her, but knew
she was looking at him, their faces mere inches apart.

Gentle fingers touched his bare chest. She
traced the divide between his pectoral muscles until she reached the taut plane
of his stomach. He sucked in his breath. Flattening her hand against his skin,
she caressed through the silky hairs on his chest.

Train captured her hand and rolled towards
her. “You’re mad as hell at me.”

“I lied.”

“I thought you said you’d be a good girl.”

“I lied about that, too.”

Train swooped down on her lips, aggressive,
demanding, plunging his tongue into her mouth. She moaned and opened wider.
Damn, she was sweet and hot. He licked his way into her mouth, dipping in for
taste after taste. Her hips rocked and he leaned into the pressure. They
kissed, devouring each other. Train crushed his chest against the soft pillows
of her breasts. Nipples prodded against the thin fabric of her chemise. He
wanted flesh on flesh. But that was further than he was prepared to go.

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