Together By Chance (#1 The Together Series)

Read Together By Chance (#1 The Together Series) Online

Authors: Elizabeth Veatch,Crystal Smith

BOOK: Together By Chance (#1 The Together Series)
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To All,

     Thanks for standing by us through this time.  To Allen couldn’t have done this without your patience and help.  To Jr I love you.  Thank you for your patience and believing in me.

To our soon to be fans (hopefully), we write out of enjoyment and the love of writing.  Without the thought of others enjoying as much as we do, we probably would have just kept this to ourselves.  We hope you enjoy.

To Mom, thanks for all your support and love.  Without your encouragement to go further we wouldn’t be here now.

     And last but not least, thank you to our amazing cover designer Melody Simmons!


  We Love You All!

rystal and Liz















     Keira has been running her entire adult life from the nightmares that seem to come true when she awakens from sleep.  Never waking up in the same place more
than twice she never has never had the chance to make a life for herself.  To meet friends or to even maintain a job.  She has lived a life of feeling alone, tired, and scared. 

     After once again waking up to
a nightmare come true and running for her chaser, she meets her savior.  A pit bull named Chance.  Chance immediately offers her a feeling of stability, safety and love. 

     Chance has a master.  Connor never imagined when he was sent to protect and train Keira for what was to come he would fall in love with her, much less to become her mate.  The only problem Connor has is if he chooses to become her mate, it is for life.

     Will Connor do what he was sent to do or will he carry out his orders and become Keira’s mate?

     Will Keira stick around long enough for Connor to complete her training and together save the world?

     Or will Keira run from what she believes is just another nightmare?

















Chapter 1

On a late and un-spring like bitterly cold evening in April, Keira woke from yet another nightmare.  Drenched in sweat, her body still trembled from the dream that remained deep within.  Blinking her eyes several times to adjust to the bright light, she found herself in yet another strange place. 

Her eyes traveled her surroundings.  Once again she had laid down for a nap and then woken up in a place that didn't belong to her.  Panicking she jumped from the bed and ran for the door carefully turning the knob to peek out to the hallway.  After making sure the coast was clear she ran down the hall to the nearest door with the exit sign above it.  A fire escape.  Stepping outside she quickly but cautiously made her way down the rickety steps.

Finally finding herself safely on the ground, she walked with no destination in mind.   Now realizing she wore nothing more than a hoody a pair of jeans and her well-worn sneakers, she was freezing.  She placed her hands into her jean pockets in an attempt to warm her hands.

Her mind raced a mile a minute as she went over the nightmare she had just had.  Over the past few years she had begun to live the nightmares almost right after she had dreamed them.  This was a nightmare she was not looking forward to and hoping it stayed a nightmare forever.  Shivering she wasn’t sure if the chill racing through her body was from the weather or from the dream.

She passed an alley and with the sudden de ja vu feeling hitting her she stopped.  She looked down the alley to the busy street at the other end.  Nothing looked out of sorts.  Not like in her dream. 

The wind began to pick up as she stepped down the darken path in front of her.  She stopped.  Hesitating she took a deep breath and then turned to look over her shoulder.  There just like in her nightmare was the thing that was after her.  Black smoke with no shape was beginning to close in on her.  Swirling faster and faster as it came closer to her.  She stood there almost frozen in place willing her legs to move.  The smell of death and decay abruptly took over all of Keira’s senses and the feeling she would vomit was close. 

Fighting the urge to throw up, she heard a loud drumming that sounded very close.  Then she took note that the drumming was in perfect rhythm with the thumping felt in her chest.  It wasn’t drums at all, but her heart beating fast and hard enough for her to hear. 

Suddenly the eerie feeling in the still alley was gone and being replaced with violent winds tossing debris and dirt into the air that began to cloud her vision.  She began to run frantically down the alley, making out the outline of a body lying beside a dumpster.  As she neared she saw that the body was a man and he appeared to be watching the scene unfold in front of him causing her to feel even more uneasy because his eyes seemed familiar to her.

For a moment she was lost in the sad, lost, deep grey eyes of this stranger that seemed to be tugging at her inner will to stop and question where she had seen him before or if she knew him from somewhere.  But the survival instinct sent a surge of adrenaline to keep running for her life. 

The screeching sound coming from the inside of black entity that was now flying through the air chasing her down the alley was her warning that if caught it would eat the life from her.  Swallowing the scream that was threatening to burst out of her she seen the end of the alley that seemed to be moving further away from her. 

Squashing the feeling that she would never make it to the end she seemed to get a surge of energy from deep inside her and her feet began to move even more quickly.  Almost like they were not even touching the ground.             

Suddenly another form took shape at the end of the alley glowing with a bright, calm aura surrounding it.  The debris and dirt swirling in the air blocked a clear view of the object that was now sprinting towards her.  A ferocious growl filled the air causing goose bumps to erupt across her body.  It leapt through the air past her growling even louder and she turned watching this object charge at the black smoke that had been chasing her. 

The smoke quickly flew up into the air and over the building out of sight and the alley returned to as before.  Calm, no wind, clear view, but remaining eerie.  She continued to stare up at the building tops, waiting for the black entity to return when a touch to her hand caught her attention. 

The form that has just saved her life was now clear to her.  She was startled at the form at first. But the coolness of a pit bull’s nose nuzzled her hand as if saying it was okay now making her feel more at ease.  A white muscular shape with patches of black and brindle across the body with gentle blue eyes and a wagging tale gave her hope he was not a threat to her.

“Chance.”  Called a deep voice from the end of the alley.  There stood a tall male figure with wavy shoulder length light brown hair, welcoming shimmering bright blue eyes, a stubble showing evidence he had not shaven in a day or two.  Wearing a brown trench coat left open showing evidence of a muscular form.  His long legs covered by tight levis ending in pair of brown cowboy boots matching his trench.

Slowly she felt a pull, tugging her towards him.  She wanted to be cautious and yet her movement was against her will.  The only comfort she had was that the dog that the stranger had called Chance was by her side matching her step for step.  Gazing up at her as if again silently saying you are safe with me.

She looked back down the alley at the stranger and as she locked eyes with him her body began to calm itself.  Her breathing slowed, her heart rate became normal, but her mind remained suspicious.    “Please God, if this is a dream, be a good one.”  She whispered as she hadn’t the strength to fight anymore today.

As her approach to the stranger grew nearer she was thankful that at least she now had an ally in her new friend, Chance, taking each step with her.  The stranger however could be anyone or anything for that matter.  In her other nightmares the black form that had just chased her had taken other forms before.  However, she had the feeling that she could trust this man because Chance was leading her to him and something told her Chance wouldn’t lead her into harm’s way.

She stopped just a foot in front of him. Without saying a word, he held out his hand and she could feel the magnetic pull as her hand touched his.  She breathed in the feeling of warmth that enveloped her.  Spreading through her veins as if it simply mixed with her blood being pushed through her veins with every beat of her heart.

“My name is Connor.  For now, you will have to trust me and come with me.”  His voice deep, full of mystery, yet soothing.

“Do I have a choice?”  She already knew the answer to the question she asked.

“No.”  Was the only word he spoke as he turned leading them out into the open street.  Chance just as before remained at her side.  She stared at Connors hand wrapping hers and there were so many questions she needed answers to.  She opened her mouth to ask the first one but he stopped turning around and spoke quietly to her.

“Not here.  In private.”  Then he began to leading her again. Guiding her swiftly through the crowd of people that just a few minutes ago weren’t anywhere in view. She was surprised when they walked into a local coffee shop.  He waited for her to take a seat and then sat opposite her in the booth.  It was only then Keira noticed Chance was not at her side.  She looked around anxiously trying to find him.  She looked back at Connor, and reading her mind, he gestured with his finger to the window and there he was.  Chance. Sitting outside the window by the booth waiting for them to come back.

She felt herself relax again just knowing he was close. Standing guard over her. When the waitress came up and asked for their order she didn’t have a chance to order.  Connor simply ordered for them both.  Coffee with cream and sugar for her and black for him.  When the waitress left, Connor was the first to speak.

“I know you have a lot of question Keira but they have to wait for now.  After you regain your bearing I need to get you somewhere safe.”

Her brows tightened.  “How do you know me, my name?”

“I, well we, Chance and I are your protectors.  We have known you your entire life.  It is only now that you need protection.”

“Protection from what?”  She felt her heart begin to race again.
Is he crazy?
Her mind argued with her, if he’s crazy then what did that make her? Constantly seeing things that couldn’t possibly be real. Deciding to hear his explanation, she sat still waiting for him to answer her.

“Not here.”  With the words just leaving his mouth the waitress was back.

They finished their coffee in silence.  She watched him leave a twenty on the table and then just as before he held his hand out to her.  She took hold again feeling his heat enter her as he led her from the coffee shop.  Chance rejoined her side immediately rubbing against her leg.

Connor kept his fingers wrapped with hers until they reached his car.  She was shocked.  It was an older model black car.  Decked out to the T.  Chrome wheels and door handles shined bright as the sun reflected off of them. Black tinted windows blocking out a view to the inside.

Connor opened the car door waiting for her to get in.  She felt hesitant until Chance made his way into the back seat sitting, staring at her as if again telling her she was safe.  She had no choice but to get in the car and go with them.  After all she wanted answers and she hadn’t felt safe in all the years of her adult life.  Not the way she felt next to Chance.

When Connor made his way around and got in, she watched as he turned the key and the roar of the engine came to life.

“Where are we going?”  Keira asked.

“To your place to pack you a bag.  We can’t stay there, it’s not a safe place.”

“How do you know where I live?”  The words stuttered out of her mouth in a whisper.

“The same as you.  I am able to see what you see through Chance.  Chance is linked with you and I am linked with him.”

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