Too Hot for TV (16 page)

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Authors: Cheris Hodges

BOOK: Too Hot for TV
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He glanced at her as she opened her envelope. “Oh my God,” she gasped.
“Yes,” Tres said, reminding them both that she was in the room and the camera was rolling.
“This script is from Gina Prince-Bythewood. I love her,” Imani exclaimed.
“Then I guess you've accomplished what you came here for,” Tres probed. “I spoke with your agent and you're becoming quite the hot commodity in New York these days. How does that make you feel?”
Imani ran her hand through her hair and cocked her head to the side. “Of course I'm excited about it. I'm an actress, I want to be in demand for roles. That's why I'm here. If producers and directors like what they see now, wait until I get the right script.”
The hairs on the back of Raymond's neck stood on end. Tres seemed to notice the look on his face and turned the camera on him. “How does that make you feel, Raymond? Especially after our last talk?”
“I'm happy for her. She hasn't hidden the fact that she wants to be a successful actress, as I haven't hidden the fact that the prize money from this show will help my clinic.”
“But,” Tres said, “everyone can see that there is something between you two. You worked really well together during the challenge and you spend a lot of time together.”
Imani and Raymond glanced at each other. “He's fun to be with,” Imani replied. “I enjoy our time together.”
“And kissing him?” Tres asked.
“Raymond's a great kisser,” Imani said, then laughed.
“As are you,” he replied.
Tres smiled. “So, love connection? Do you think America will want you two to stay together? Especially when there is chemistry with Raymond and Lucy?”
“There is no chemistry with me and Lucy,” he interjected.
“Is that so?” Tres asked, then turned a monitor around to Imani and Raymond. “Care to explain this?” The screen was filled with the previous night's dinner, showing Raymond and Lucy sharing a glass of wine. “She looks really into you.”
Imani seethed as she watched Raymond pour Lucy a glass of wine. “What is this?”
“Remember when you left?” he said.
“So, you just called her over?”
“No, Lucy showed up. She ended up alone because I went looking for you.”
Imani turned back to the screen and saw Raymond getting up to leave and her defenses fell. She remembered what happened when he found her and how he made her feel with his special touch.
“Are you all right, seeing this?” Tres asked Imani.
“Why wouldn't I be? I know what Raymond wants and it isn't Lucy,” she replied confidently, and took Raymond's hand in hers.
“All right, thanks guys,” Tres said. “The next task starts this afternoon.”
Imani and Raymond rose from their seats and left the room. “So,” she said once they were in the hallway, “they want to see me, you, and Lucy have drama, huh?”
“That's what it looks like, but you do know that—”
She placed her finger to his lips. “I know that when I left that dinner and you found me, neither one of us were thinking about Lucy. Before we have to do whatever task they have set up for us, I have to go look through these scripts. Gina Prince-Bythewood—can you believe it?”
Raymond smiled, trying to be happy for her. But he had to wonder if she was going to focus more on her career goal than their budding relationship.
Chapter 15
As the filming continued, more scripts and offers for Broadway shows rolled in for Imani—as well as advances for endorsement deals. Imani was happy that she was able to pay her cell phone bill and have contact with the outside world. But she hadn't even bothered to use it.
She and Raymond had been spending so much time together that she hadn't called Dana. She sporadically checked in with Edward, happy to learn that the deals were still rolling in as well as quality scripts. Gina Prince-Bythewood was a big fan and couldn't wait for Imani to come in for a screen test for her latest project.
Of course, America loved her and Raymond as a couple. According to Tres, they received the most votes after every show. Imani hoped the fans she and Raymond had attracted would translate into movie sales. She could not wait to start shooting a movie when she returned to New York.
I wonder if I should do something to rock the boat, something to get kicked off so that I can get my career started,
she thought, then looked over at Raymond's sleeping frame. Imani shook that thought out of mind because she didn't want to be away from him. Over the last three weeks, Imani and Raymond had spent every free moment together. He even helped her decide what scripts she should give serious consideration to.
Having a man in her life who actually encouraged her dream made Imani feel so warm and special. So special that she'd nearly forgotten that they were being filmed the night before.
“Stay with me tonight,” Raymond had asked as he pulled her into his arms when they'd returned from an evening stroll on the beach. For the first time since they'd been officially matched by America's votes, they had lost a challenge. Lucy and her partner had bested the couple in a relay race. It hadn't bothered Imani that she and Raymond had lost to the couple because they'd had immunity on the challenge anyway. Besides, they had spent much of the race—accidentally on purpose—falling against each other and sneaking kisses.
“Umm, tempting,” she'd replied as she felt heat rising to her cheeks.
“Come on,” he'd whispered, his lips close to her ear and his breath making her hotter as he spoke.
She'd leaned her head against his chest. “Okay,” she had replied as Raymond twirled her around.
He'd held her out at arm's length, drinking in her body, the way her tan strapless dress clung to her curves. She was beautiful. The island sun had bronzed her skin to golden brown perfection. Red hues framed her face from where the sun had lightened her hair. Raymond wasn't used to what he was feeling. He felt as if he was holding a goddess. Better yet, a living doll. He would have never believed it if someone other than Imani told him that she was a virgin. How could a woman that kissed the way she did and had so much sex appeal be a virgin? He kissed her hand and led her into the bedroom.
Imani held her breath as Raymond had closed the door behind them. She had no idea what was going to happen once they'd entered the room. She'd felt as if she wanted him and wanted to experience the passion that was silently promised to her every time they'd kissed. She'd wanted to lose herself and her virginity as soon as they'd laid down on the bed. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted a man. Raymond had awakened something inside her, something that she didn't know existed. When he touched her, her body came alive. Desire burned inside her and flowed through her bloodstream. When he kissed her, she felt as if she was melting.
But Imani hadn't wanted to share her first lovemaking experience with a national audience. She'd always dreamed that her first time would be in a fancy hotel room, with the lights low and roses surrounding her. She didn't want cameras everywhere, though. But as she'd looked at Raymond as he'd taken his shirt off, the cameras had been the last thing on her mind. Her mouth had watered at the sight of his bare chest and washboard abs. A shirtless Raymond had become a normal sight, but that night had enforced what sexual desire meant to her with an exclamation point and a wetness between her thighs. Would he be a gentle lover? she'd wondered as she'd sat on the edge of the bed nervously biting her bottom lip. Damn, he was a beautiful man with skin like sunshine and caramel. She forced herself to turn away as he dropped his slacks, revealing a pair of black and white boxer briefs.
Imani had slowly risen from the bed and unzipped her dress, but she didn't take it off, couldn't take it off. She hadn't wanted to show herself to the camera. She'd wanted to save that for a time when she and Raymond were alone. When he'd glanced at her, he smiled and opened his bottom drawer, then handed her a T-shirt. It had been like he'd felt how apprehensive she'd been about getting naked in the room.
“Thank you,” she'd whispered as she'd taken the shirt. The moment their fingers had touched, Imani had felt a surge of electricity shoot through her bloodstream. She'd been on fire from the slight contact and Raymond seemed to feel it as well as they'd stood near the bed, locked in each other's gaze.
Imani inhaled, hoping to quell the fire burning in her stomach. Raymond's lips came toward hers. She braced herself for the richness of his kiss, the sweetness of his lips and tongue, and before she knew it, she'd been the one to initiate the kiss. He'd held her close as their lips remained locked together. His fingers danced across her skin, making her wet, hot, and filled with wanton desire. She'd pressed her body against him, feeling his erection against her thighs.
Do it. Let him make love to you,
had played in her head as his kiss went deeper.
Raymond had pulled back from her and looked deep into her eyes before brushing a light kiss across her lips. “I know we'd better stop,” Raymond had said, “because one more kiss . . .”
She placed her finger to his lips and he instinctively licked it. Imani shivered and took a step back. “I want you,” she'd said. “But you know . . .”
He nodded and cupped her face in his hands. “I know. All we can have at this point is you falling asleep in my arms. That's all I want.”
“Is that enough for you?”
“For now, yes,” he'd replied. “Baby, I can wait for you. Because I know that it will be amazing for both of us. But we both have to be ready.”
“And away from these cameras.”
“You got it,” he said as he twirled her around and they fell back on the bed, with Imani landing on top of him. Instantly, Raymond had gotten hard, wanting to just melt with her. When she'd felt his erection, Imani rolled over on her side. Raymond had locked his arms around Imani's waist and she rested against his chest. Then they'd both drifted off to sleep.
When the sunlight poured into the room and Imani stirred against Raymond's body, she smiled. He'd been the perfect gentleman as they'd slept, despite the fact that she knew he wanted to make love and she did as well.
She stroked his strong arm, which was draped across her, and Raymond grabbed her hand and kissed it. “Morning,” he said, his voice deepened by sleep.
“Morning,” she said, then kissed his chin. “Sleep well?”
“Anytime you're in my arms, I sleep well.”
Imani stretched and smiled. “I feel the same way. Can you believe that we're one of the final four couples? I think I actually want to win now.”
“Umm, I really don't care about being here, just being with you,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “What I'm looking forward to is waking up with you in my arms in Harlem.”
“Yes. No cameras, no Lucy and”—Imani was interrupted by a knock on the door—“no production assistants ruining our morning.” Neither of them made an effort to move.
“But I do expect breakfast in bed,” she teased him.
“Really?” Raymond said. “So that means you're going to spend the night often?” The knocking persisted.
“You'd better get that,” she said.
“Why me? You're closer to the door,” he quipped.
“Your room and I don't have any pants on. Unless you want me show the world my booty.”
“Absolutely not,” he replied as he released her and swung his legs over the side of the bed. “That's a sight that is only mine.”
“What if a movie role calls for nudity?” she asked as she sat up and wrapped the sheet around her. “It got Halle an Oscar.”
“You're a better actress than that,” Raymond said as he opened the door. “Yeah?”
The frazzled production assistant nearly dropped her clipboard as she looked at Raymond's bare chest. “D-Dr. Thomas, Tres needs to see you. Something happened in New York.”
“What? What happened?”
The girl shook her head, causing her kinky twists to swing like branches in a windstorm. “I—I don't know.”
“I'll be right there,” Raymond said as he shuffled back into the room and grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.
“What's wrong?” Imani asked. “Did that lady say something happened in New York?”
“Yes. It sounded pretty ominous,” he said as he pulled his clothes on.
Imani grabbed her dress from the night before and pulled it on. “I'm going with you.”
“Imani, you don't have to,” he said.
“If it's something really bad, you're going to need me. That's what couples do. I'm supporting you,” she said. “Discussion closed.”
“Yes, ma'am,” he said as he opened the door and held it for Imani.
As they walked to the elevator, Imani gripped Raymond's hand. “Everything is going to be all right,” she murmured.
“I hope you're right,” he said as he pressed the button. They stepped on the elevator as the doors opened and rode to the production area in silence. Raymond wondered what was going on in New York. Had the water pipe burst been more serious than Keith let on? What if the clinic had suffered a serious setback while he was in Hawaii falling in love with Imani? The whole point of doing the show had been to get money for the struggling clinic, and if something terrible had happened at the clinic, then shouldn't he leave and go fix that?
But can I leave Imani? Can I ask her to leave when this show is setting up her career for success?
he thought as he glanced at her when the elevator came to a stop.
“Are you okay?” she asked, catching his pensive look.
“Yeah, just wondering what in the hell is going on.”
“I'm hoping it's not serious,” she said. “We only have about two weeks left and you need this money.”
“Especially if something bad happened. I keep thinking about all of our patients who will have nowhere else to go for their health care. Damn it, I should've been there. We should've found a better way to fund the clinic.”
His words stabbed Imani in the heart as she thought about how she wouldn't have met him had he not come on the show. Would he blame her if something terrible happened to the clinic?
Raymond tapped on the production door and waited briefly for Tres to open it. When she did, neither Raymond nor Imani liked the somber look on her face.
“Please, come in,” she said in a low tone.
“What's going on?” Raymond asked.
“Please sit,” Tres said, nodding toward a chair.
“Just tell me what's going on,” Raymond said gruffly.
Tres sighed and pulled a mini bottle of Malibu Rum out of her desk drawer and offered it to Raymond. “Normally, I wouldn't even give you this news, but there's no way I can keep this from you.”
“Will you just spit it out!” Raymond bellowed.
“We got a call from New York about your partner, Keith.” Imani placed her hand on Raymond's shoulder when she saw his hand trembling.
“What about Keith?” he asked tentatively.
“There was an accident,” Tres said. “And according to Celeste, Keith is in really bad shape. He is in a coma and he has several internal injuries.”
Raymond dropped down in the chair across from Tres, his face tight with sadness. Imani stroked his shoulders, at a loss for words. If it had been Dana, she'd be inconsolable.
“I—I have to get back to New York,” he muttered.
“That's fine and your choice. But you're so close to winning the—”
Raymond slammed his hand against Tres's desk so forcefully that the bottle of rum tumbled over and Imani yelped. “Do you think I give a damn about some money right now when my best friend is in the hospital in New York? Why didn't Celeste call me on my cell phone?”
“Well,” Tres said, looking a little shaken up, “Elize decided that we should block all incoming and outgoing cell phone activity until the end of the show.”
Raymond cocked his head to the side and glared at Tres. “You and Elize can go to hell. Keith is like family to me and if he needs me, he should've been able to get in contact with me. I shouldn't have to hear from you that his girlfriend called about an accident.”

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