Too Naughty (5 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Too Naughty
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This hospital was driving me nuts! How in the hell was I supposed to get any rest if the nurses kept running in throughout the night, poking at me? I'd had enough, and when I saw this nurse come in with several glass tubes in her hands, I looked at her like she was crazy.
“What now?” I asked.
“I need to take some more blood from you.”
“Like hell. I've given enough blood already. You need to go find blood elsewhere, because you won't get anymore from me.”
“Please, Ms. Davenport. This is the last time. Your doctor gave the order—”
“I don't give a rat's ass what my doctor said. I'm going to make a suggestion. You take blood from him and not from me. So, how's that—his blood for my blood?”
The nurse placed the tubes in her pocket and walked out. All the mess they were doing was totally unnecessary. I knew that the more tests they ran on me, the more money the hospital made. I was so anxious to get out, and since Frick hadn't called me back yet, I reached for the phone to call him. Finally, he answered.
“That's right. Kick a sista when she's down,” I joked.
He laughed. “Feliciaaaa, I was just getting ready to call you.”
“Sure you were. But, now that I have you on the phone, did you get my messages yesterday?”
“Yes, I did. And I have to be very up front and honest with you. I can't take your case, hun. I'm sorry. It's too risky.”
“Risky? How is your defending me a risk?”
“Felicia, you know that Jaylin's been my client since ... forever. I've already taken care of some matters for him pertaining to this case, and it's not in my best interest to assist both parties.”
“Mr. Frick, do you have any idea what you're up against? The man who you intend to defend severely assaulted me, nearly tried to kill me, and almost left me for dead. If the prosecutor takes this case, Jaylin will go to jail for a very long time. There will be nothing that you can say, or nothing that all the money he has can buy him out of.”
“Felicia, I wouldn't be so sure of that. Either way, he's not going to be my client and neither will you. As of today, I'm removing myself, and I'd be happy to recommend another attorney who might be able to help.”
“Does Jaylin know this yet?”
“I'd rather not say.”
“Will you be recommending someone else for him, too?”
“Can't say.”
“Then what can you say to me, Mr. Frick? Other than ‘sorry, Felicia. You pay me big dollars, but now I can't help your black ass out of this situation'? I guess Jaylin's dollars go a longer way than mine, huh?”
“This has nothing to do with money.”
“Like hell! That's such bullshit, and you know it! You will regret—”
“Felicia, I won't stand for your verbal abuse. I will have Mr. Glasgow call you shortly. Hopefully, everything will work out for you.”
“You'd better hope—”
The sucker had the nerve to hang up on me. I was going to call him back, but instead, I called Stephon. He said he was en route to the hospital, so I asked him to hurry up.
When Stephon arrived, he walked in looking prepped out in his Sean John blue jeans outfit and Timberlands. His bald head was cleanly shaven, and his light brown eyes were covered with tinted glasses. I could tell that rehab had done him justice, because he was starting to look better and better each day.
He smiled, and his pearly whites were in full effect. “Why did you rush me up here?” he asked. Before I could respond, he gave me a peck on the lips and pulled up a chair beside me.
Ashamed of my looks, I placed my hand in front of my face. “I hate for you to see me like this. I haven't even looked in the mirror yet. But, I can tell that I'm not going to like what I see.”
“It's just a lot of swelling, baby. Trust me, before you know it, it'll go down. But before it does ...” Stephon reached into his pocket and pulled out a camera. “We need to gather as much evidence as possible.”
“You know what? I hadn't even thought of that. Good looking out, baby.”
I posed for the pictures, and Stephon took plenty of shots. He said that he'd have them developed soon, and he placed the camera back into his pocket.
“So, when are you going home?”
“I haven't a clue. Hopefully soon. In the meantime, I have a serious problem.”
“What's that?”
“Frick is refusing to represent me. You know he's one of the best damn lawyers in St. Louis, and if he assists Jaylin with his defense, this thing could get real ugly.”
“You got that right,” Stephon said, slowly standing up. He placed his hands in his pockets and walked over by the window.
“What shall I do, Stephon? Frick suggested another attorney for me, but I don't even know this man.”
“I know somebody who would be more than happy to take your case. He is the bomb, trust me.”
Stephon dialed out on his cell phone and asked for Timothy Tydus.
“I'll be back,” he said and then stepped into the hallway. Moments later, he came back and said that Timothy was on his way to talk to me.
“Thanks,” I said. “I hope he'll be able to help me.”
“Aw, he will. Until he gets here, can I get you something to eat or drink?”
“Yeah, I'm a little hungry. This hospital food is making me sick. I think there's a café in the lobby, and anything you can find would be appreciated.”
“All right,” he said, walking toward the door. I took a glimpse of his muscular ass.
He turned. “What's up?”
“Come here for a minute.”
He came over to the bed and stood next to me.
“Why are you being so kind to me? If I didn't have you right now, I don't know what I'd do. I know Jaylin is your cousin, and I hope like hell that I can trust you.”
Stephon reached for my hand and held it with his. “You have the nerve to ask me that after all you did for me? Jaylin allowed pussy to come between us. I might have been tripping with those drugs, but I was calling out for his help. Instead, his only concern was me fucking Scorpio. I know I made some mistakes, but he should've been there for me. After all we'd been through, he left me hanging dry, and I'm damn mad about it. So, Miss Lady, if it wasn't for you seeing about me, I don't know where I'd be. Probably dead. Who knows? But consider yourself my guardian angel.”
I smiled, and Stephon leaned forward, giving me another kiss on the cheek. “We gon' handle this together, all right.” he said. I nodded, and soon after, he left the room.
As Stephon and I were chomping down on our food, Timothy Tydus walked in. I was not only in total disbelief but also in shock. If he wasn't the most grimy, looking, non-talking, unprofessional brotha I'd ever seen, then I don't know what he was. He couldn't get two words out of his mouth before I sat up in bed and tried hard to be polite. I caught a glimpse of his busted-up shoes and could no longer hold my peace.
“Who are you planning on representing?” I asked.
He had the nerve to talk with his tongue. “Stephon said you needed a lawyer.”
“Yes, I do. But not one who requires a speech therapist.”
“Damn, baby, hold on,” Stephon said, frowning at me. “You ain't gotta be tripping like that.”
I folded my arms in front of me. “Is this some kind of joke? Stephon, if it is, please don't play with me.”
“Man, what's up with her?” Timothy asked. “I come all this way to help you out, and yo' woman dissing me?”
“Oh, I haven't
you yet. But, I'm about to if somebody don't tell me what's going on.”
Frustration was written all over Stephon's face. “Felicia, this brotha is here to help you. He knows the court's system and has won many cases. You've got to give him a chance.”
I rolled my eyes at Stephon and then searched Timothy from head to toe. His suit was cheap, his beard was too fuzzy, and the gold watch on his wrist was faded. Since I had such a hard time looking over the rips in his shoes, I had to decline. Besides, I could visualize Jaylin laughing his butt off in court once he got a look at him.
I extended my hand. “Thanks for coming, Timothy, but no thanks. I am in dire need of a professional and not someone of your caliber. Honestly, I don't know who in their right mind would allow you to step in court looking as you do.”
He threw his hand back at me and looked at Stephon. “I see why she's all fucked up like she is. She got a mouth on her that—”
“Stephon, please escort him out of my room before I call security.”
Stephon shook his head but left the room with Timothy. A few minutes later, Stephon returned and had the nerve to be upset with me.
“All that was uncalled for, Felicia. I'm trying to help you and—”
“If you're offering me that kind of help, thanks, but I don't need it.” I pulled the covers back and swung myself around to get out of bed. “I see now that I need to get out of this bed and go take care of my own business. If I don't, Jaylin will walk without any repercussions. I'm not about to let that happen.”
When I stepped on the floor, my body was a bit stiff from lying down for so long. I took slow steps to the closet so I could get my clothes and go. As I neared the mirror, I stopped. I turned, looked at my face, and covered my mouth. Not only was my face swollen, but it was covered with bruises. The sight of it made me cry, and that was when Stephon rushed over to comfort me. He kissed my forehead.
“It's gon' be all right,” he assured me. “I promise you that Jaylin will pay for everything he's done to you, and to me.”
As tired as I was, I couldn't get back to sleep. My mind was cluttered with thoughts of Nokea, my case, and even though I hated to admit it, Shane and Scorpio were on my mind as well. I couldn't really say that I was jealous, because I knew for a fact that if I wanted Scorpio again, she'd drop her panties in a heartbeat. Basically, there was no need for me to be envious of something I for damn sure knew I could have.
Since I couldn't get any rest, I got out of bed and opened Shane's closet. I searched around for something to put on, and when I saw a pair of burgundy sweatpants, I reached for those. I slid into them and went into the bathroom to freshen up. Afterward, I made my way down the hallway, looking into Shane's bedroom, which that had a wider crack. Scorpio was lying across the bed, knocked out. If my memory served me correctly, after a good night's fuck, she'd be asleep at least until noon. I thought about where Mackenzie was, but I guess it really wasn't any of my business. I knew Shane was somewhere in the house, so I stepped away from the door to go find him.
I found Shane doing sit-ups while lying on the floor in his home office. Not only was it his office, but he had workout equipment in the room as well. The whole room was rather junky and cluttered to me, so I looked for the quickest place to sit, which was on a weight bench.
“Good morning,” he said, straining and continuing with his sit-ups. “Did you sleep all right?”
“A li'l bit. The couch was comfortable, but the bed could stand a new mattress.”
Shane laughed and stopped his workout. He sat up on the floor and wiped the sweat off his body with a towel. “If the mattress is that bad, then why don't you consider buying me a new one?”
“Negro, please. You got plenty of money. Your ass just cheap.”
“Cheap? Just because I don't blow money out of the window like you do, that doesn't make me cheap. That makes me smart.”
“Whatever,” I said, leaning back on the weight bench. I lifted the weights in the air and started to pump.
“What time are you meeting with Frick?”
“As soon as I have a new suit sent to me from Brooks Brothers. When they open, I'm gon' call to see if they'll deliver me a few pieces of clothing to wear for the next few days.”
“You see. That's what I mean about blowing money. It's going to cost you a fortune to do that, when you can find something in my closet to put on.”
“Fool, you are out of your mind. It's killing me now to wear these country-ass sweatpants I got out of your closet. Besides, I don't wear other people's shit. You know me better than that.”
“Hey, I'm just trying to help. But, let me know what time you plan to hook up with Frick.”
“Why's that?”
“Because I want to go with you. You need some support, don't you?”
I put the weights back on the bar and sat up. “I guess so, especially since Nokea won't come here to be with me. Can you believe her li'l stubborn-ass told me to work this out myself?”
“Naw, not really. But she must be really upset.”
“Yeah, I guess.” I sat quietly in deep thought.
Shane stood up and stretched. “Well, I gotta go make a few runs. Today is my mother's birthday, so I'm taking her to breakfast. I promised her I'd paint her porch, so I plan to knock that out for her too. I shouldn't be long, but hit me on my cell and let me know when you're ready to go see Frick.”
“That sounds like a plan. But, uh, if you don't mind me asking ... Are you taking Scorpio to meet your mother, or has she already met her?”
“No, I'm not taking her to meet my mother, and no, she has never met her. Why'd you ask?”
“I was just wondering.” I paused for a moment. “So, you don't have a problem with me being here?”
Shane raised his brows. “Should I have a problem with you being here? You my best friend, Jay. Of course I don't have no problem with you being here. Now, if you're trying to ask if I trust you being alone with my woman, I can't answer that yet. Scorpio knows what she's got, and if she don't recognize it, then only time will tell.”
“Cut the theoretical bullshit, man. You know damn well that the thought of Scorpio and me being in your house alone is going to eat at your ass all day long.”
“It ain't that serious,” he said, walking toward the door. “I'm gon' hit the shower and then hit the door. Like I said, whatever happens, it just happens.”
Shane left to go change, and I went into his kitchen to get a cup of coffee. It was only 8:00
, and since Brooks Brothers didn't open until noon, I decided to sit back on Shane's covered patio and chill. I turned the TV to
Meet the Press
and listened to all of the political bullshit that was going on.
When Shane came into the room, I was focused on the TV. He cleared his throat and talked about me being so engrossed.
“Do you watch this stuff at home?” he asked.
“Sometimes. They be talking about some informative things, man. Trust me.”
“Yeah, I know. I'm hooked on CNN and MSNBC, but for now, I'm out. I didn't want to wake Scorpio, but tell her to hit me on my cell when she wakes up.”
“By the time she wakes up, you'll probably be back. And after what went down last night, don't expect to see her face until two or three o'clock in the afternoon.”
Shane chuckled. “Let me guess... . You remember from prior experience, huh?”
“Fa' sho'.” I grinned.
Shane stepped farther into the room. “How do you know what went down last night and
vaguely remember?”
“Hey, it wasn't my fault that you were too messed up to remember. Let's just say that, by the sounds of it, you really had a good time.”
Shane laughed again. “Man, I was messed up. I don't even remember coming in this motherfucka last night. When I woke up, I was naked and so was Scorpio. I assumed we must—”
I held out my hands. “Hey, it doesn't bother me at all. Things have changed, and time has ticked away. I'm over it, Shane, trust me.”
“We good friends, Jay, and it ... it feels so awkward talking to you about her. At times, I want to share with you how I feel about her, but I can't. Not just yet.”
“Whenever you're ready, I'm here. I'd be lying if I told you that I support your relationship with her, but I am not lying when I say that I respect it.”
Shane slammed his hand against mine. “I gotta jet. My mother probably cursing my ass out for being late.”
He took several steps toward the door, and I continued to watch the TV. Soon, he interrupted me again.
“What is it now, fool?”
He grinned. “Don't fuck my woman while I'm gone. I will mess you up if you even look at her.”
“You'd better tell your woman don't be trying to get at me. I'm an irresistible, big dick Negro, and she's the one who will have to maintain her composure. Now, get yo' ass out of here, tell your mother I said happy birthday, and trust me, all right? I can handle this.”
We both laughed, and Shane jetted.
Not even intending to, I dozed off again. When I woke up, I looked at the clock on the wall and it was 11:05
Having mega shit to do today, I reached for the phone to call Frick. He didn't answer, so I left a message on his voice mail for him to call me. I knew Brooks Brothers wasn't open yet, so I continued to sit around in Shane's burgundy sweats. After I flipped through the channels, realizing nothing was on, I headed for the kitchen. To my surprise, Scorpio was sitting in a chair with her head lying on the table. Her long hair was spread out, and her eyes were closed. When I stepped back to exit, she lifted her head and looked at me.
“So we meet again,” she said.
I felt very uncomfortable. “What's up, Scorpio? I thought you were asleep. I came in to get a cup of coffee.”
Wearing a white button-down silk pajama top that barely met up with the cheeks of her ass, she stood up and walked over to the coffee machine. She poured two cups of coffee and handed one of them to me. I thanked her, and without saying anything else, she left and made her way to the enclosed patio room. Getting comfortable, she sat back on the wicker sofa and placed the tips of her toes on the edge of the table. I sat back on the chaise and looked over at her.
“Shane told me to tell you to call him as soon as you woke up.”
She wouldn't even look my way. “Thanks, but I already talked to him.”
What's with the attitude?
I thought. Instead of asking, I picked up the remote and flipped through the channels. Her head snapped to the side.
“Excuse me, but I was watching the Lifetime channel, if you don't mind.”
“Well, I do mind. I was in here before you were, and I don't want to watch the Lifetime channel.”
She got up and stood in front of the TV. Her back was to me, and it was hard not to notice her perfect heart-shaped ass. My eyes lowered and scanned her silky smooth, shapely legs. She switched the TV back to the Lifetime channel and turned around.
“Now, leave it,” she demanded and walked back to the sofa.
To aggravate her, I switched the channels again. She folded her arms and cut her eyes.
“Would you please stop? I bought this TV for
my man
, and I have every right to watch whatever it is I want.”
On that note, I stood and stretched my arms. My hard dick made an eye-catching print in the sweatpants, and Scorpio's eyes dropped right to it. I tossed the remote into her lap and left the room. After I made my way to the guest room, I closed the door and sat on the bed. In deep thought about my life, I fell backward and placed my hand behind my head. More than anything, I felt guilty for admiring Scorpio's body so much. It had always been my weakness, and the sad thing about it was she knew it. I guess that any man in his right mind would look, and as long as I didn't touch, then I didn't have much to worry about.
Moments after I returned to the guest room, there was a light knock at the door.
“Come in,” I said while still lying back on the bed.
Scorpio came in and stood by the door. “Can we talk?”
“About what?”
“About why we have so much anger for each other.”
“Not interested in discussing that.”
“Why not?” she said, making her way over to the bed. She sat on the edge and looked down at me. I was still lying flat on my back.
“I'm not interested, because it's obvious that you are attempting to fuck with my head again.”
“Jaylin, you said it yourself, this game is over. I have no idea what you mean when you say I'm trying to fuck with your head.”
“Stop bullshitting, Scorpio. I know you better than you think I do. That shit you pulled with Shane in the bedroom was your first attempt. Walking around here half fucking naked is your second attempt, and sitting this close to me in bed is another attempt.”
She pointed her finger at me. “Wait a minute... . You are the one who stood outside of the door, watching Shane and me make love. I didn't ask you to watch us in action, nor did I think we would entertain you for as long as we did. Secondly, I didn't have much else to put on, and lastly, I am not sitting that close—”
To prove my point, I shut Scorpio up when I pulled her back and rolled on top of her. Her heart beat fast, and she couldn't even move. I then placed her hands above her head and squeezed them together with mine. We lay face-to-face, eye to eye, and lips to lips.
“Is this what you want from me? If not, then tell me what it is, because I'm not understanding your motives.”
“I don't have any motives,” she whispered. “I want nothing from you, Jaylin, nothing at all.”
“Then why can't you just leave me alone and allow me to be satisfied with the decision I made?”
“I have allowed you that, but I want you to know that I think you made the wrong decision.”
“You'll never convince me. If anything, having sex with Shane reveals what kind of woman you really are.”
“Is that your way of calling me a whore?”
“No. It's my way of telling you that I have very little respect for you. I think you are using Shane to get back at me, and this game you're playing is going to blow up in your face.”
Scorpio had a blank expression on her face and stared into my eyes. Her legs slowly widened, causing my manhood to grow. “And you want to know what I think, Jaylin? I think you have the most seductive gray eyes, and along with the pressure I'm feeling between my legs, those things are capable of getting you anything you want from a woman. I also think you're jealous because I'm in love with Shane, and no longer in love with you. You would be on cloud nine if those sweatpants would disappear and your dick could dip into my pussy, like you want it to. I can see the lust in your eyes right now, just like I saw it last night. If you could have me every morning, day, and night, the way you did in the past, then that would make you one happy man.”

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