Too Wilde to Tame

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Authors: Janelle Denison

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BOOK: Too Wilde to Tame
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Front Cover

Too Wilde to Tame


Janelle Denison



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen


Praise for Janelle Denison's


"hot [and] sexy" Wilde novels


"Perfect ten—Wilde Thing is filled to bursting with scorching sensuality, red hot and graphic sex scenes, and sexual tension that is off the charts… A perfect blending of sensuality, romance, and mystery."


—Romance Reviews Today


"Ms. Denison has the unbeatable ability to write a love story that is so erotic, so captivating, you just can't put down the book until you've read it in one sitting. Kudos to Ms. Denison for her fantastic, hot, steamy love stories and the heroes that leave you wishing you had one just like him!"


—A Romance Review


"Wilde Thing is nothing less than divine. Fast-paced action, realistic dialogue, and unbelievably sexy situations all blend together for a definite keeper."


—Escape to Romance


" Janelle Denison has done it again! The Wilde Side is a hot, sexy read that will keep you thinking about the characters long after the last page is read. Ms. Denison weaves a tale so intense that you can't help but get caught up in the character's world. This reviewer is anxiously awaiting the other stories of the Wilde family."


—Fallen Angel Reviews


"The Wilde Side is everything you've come to expect from Ms. Denison. Scott is sinfully sexy, and readers will find him as irresistible as Ashley does. Fans of Janelle Denison will not only love The Wilde Side, but they will be anxious to read the next installment of the sexy Wilde family!"


—The Best Reviews


"This is a Wilde and delicious book! It will make you Wilde with desire… Get ready for a hot and bumpy ride into exquisite passion and desire."


—Reader to Reader


"Ms. Denison knows how to make a story more than a romance. She makes it sensual, electric, and with a plot that keeps readers turning the pages. With a talent such as this, readers will agree that she'll be around for a long time to come!"


—The Road to Romance


"Denison gives us another sensuous tale about the Wilde brothers that borders on erotic. Her men are sexy, charming, and gorgeous, and her heroines are strong yet vulnerable women who can hold their own with a Wilde man. Wilde Thing teases, entices, and seduces readers!"


—The Word on Romance


"Janelle Denison is a master at creating the perfect bad boy… Passion sizzles with each and every erotic encounter, and there are plenty of erotic scenes guaranteed to heat the room."


—Romance Readers Connection

Too Wilde to Tame




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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author




Berkley Sensation edition / September 2005


Copyright © 2005 by Janelle Denison Excerpt from Born to Be Wilde copyright © 2005 by Janelle Denison


Cover art by Gregg Gulbronson


Cover design by Lesley Worrell


Interior text design by Stacy Irwin


ISBN 0-425-20528 2




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To my Plotmonkey Pals: Carly Phillips, Julie Leto, and Leslie Kelly. I treasure our circle of friendship and our yearly plotting trips. I couldn't have pulled this one off without you guys! Happy 40th Birthday to us all!


To Carly Phillips, for blessing my life with your unconditional friendship. You are my soul-sister in every way!


A special thank you to Jenny Bent, agent extraordinaire! Thank you for believing in me, my writing, and for taking my career to new heights. I wouldn't be here without you.


As always, to my husband, Don, for putting up with me during insane deadlines (which is all the time!). I love you more each day.


Dear Readers,


For all of you who have been anxiously awaiting Cameron Sinclair and Mia Wilde's story—here it is! Out of all the Wilde stories I've written, this one has been the most anticipated—and my personal favorite to date. When I first created the Wilde family, I knew that Mia's story would be something special, especially since she was the only girl and the baby of the family. When Mia and Cameron made their first appearance together in Wilde Thing, there was no denying who she was meant to be with. From the get-go, the chemistry between these two was smoldering hot, and in Too Wilde to Tame, all it took was one unbelievably hot kiss to send these two over the edge and into a fiery, passionate relationship that takes them both by surprise.


As I was writing Too Wilde to Tame I discovered that there was so much more to Mia than her outrageous personality and smart mouth. I learned that she'd been deeply and emotionally affected by her mother's death, and as Cameron and I gradually began to peel away the layers of that sexy facade she hid behind, we both revealed a woman who was hiding a wealth of insecurities. It took a special man like Cameron to understand and accept who Mia really was, and finally be the one to embrace that wild spirit of hers.


For those of you who might be reading about the Wilde family for the first time, I hope you enjoy this story enough to want to read about the rest of the Wilde gang. So far, there are six stories (with more to come!), and those books can still be found at your favorite on-line book source or at your local bookstore.


Once you finish Too Wilde to Tame, I'm certain you're going to want to know if Joel Wilde is going to get his own story. Yes, he is! I have a bodyguard-type story in mind for him that is going to be hot, hot, hot! His story will spin off into my Elite series and will feature five new sexy heroes who served in the Marines together and who are now all working for the same security specialist firm.


For now, enjoy Mia and Cameron's story, and be sure to visit my website at to read more about the Wilde series, check out my upcoming releases, and enter my monthly giveaway contest.


Happy Reading!


Janelle Denison

Chapter One


Top Next


CAMERON Sinclair took a long, satisfying pull on his ice-cold bottle of beer as he surveyed the newest hot spot to open in downtown Chicago. The Electric Blue was definitely the happening place, and Cam could easily see why. It wasn't your normal laid-back bar atmosphere, but rather the place combined the frenzied excitement of a nightclub with all the shocking yet riveting antics worthy of a roadhouse saloon—where customers were having Screaming Orgasms, demanding Blow Jobs, and enjoying Slippery Nipples. The drinks, that is, he thought in amusement.


The place certainly didn't lack for entertainment. And as a people-watcher by profession, Cam was definitely stimulated and intrigued by the ambiance, the customers, and the decor. A huge oak bar with shiny brass trim covered the length of one long wall. Behind it, three bartenders were filling the constant barrage of drink orders while juggling bottles of liquor in the air and grooving to the beat of the rock 'n' roll music the DJ was playing.


Cameron was sitting on a barstool up on a higher level across the room, which overlooked the main bar area and afforded him, and his good friend Rick, the best view in the house. In front of where they were sitting extended a thick, sturdy, two-foot-wide platform with floor-to-ceiling brass poles on either end, which, according to Rick, the waiters and waitresses used as their own personal dance floor to rile up the crowd whenever one of the bartenders rang a loud, obnoxious cowbell every half hour.


The dance floor, also on the same higher level, was fully packed with gyrating bodies and scantily clad women, and a banner across the back wall proclaimed tonight "Wet T-shirt Night." That was the main reason why Rick had coaxed him into joining him for a beer at The Electric Blue. His friend believed Cameron was spending way too much time at work and not enough time having fun and enjoying the opposite sex.


Okay, so it had been a while since Cameron had been out with a woman on a casual, no-strings basis. Longer still since he'd been in a committed relationship. His heavy caseload and erratic hours as a P.I. were mainly responsible for his lack of female companionship, and after the busy week he'd had at work, Cameron decided what he needed was exactly what Rick had suggested. A fun, entertaining evening—and The Electric Blue promised to deliver all that, and more.


Cameron took another drink of his beer, feeling his body unwind and his mind open to the possibilities of what the night might hold.


"Well, well, well," a familiar, sultry female voice drawled from behind him, followed by the sensual trail of fingertips along his shoulders as she came to stand in front of him. "What's a nice, straight-laced guy like you doing in a place like this?"


Cam recognized the soft, taunting voice before he saw the face that went with it, and every muscle in his body grew taut with immediate awareness.


Mia Wilde—an infuriatingly smart-mouthed woman who had the ability to frustrate the hell out of him with her bold and brash ways, as well as tempt him beyond reason with her innate sensuality. Despite all the reasons why this certain female was all wrong for him—and there were many—she was the main reason why no other woman had appealed to him in a very long time.


Maintaining a bland expression, Cam slowly, leisurely glanced up the length of her figure, taking in her sexy bare legs and smooth, supple-looking thighs that never failed to make him entertain sinful, erotic thoughts. Her curvaceous hip was cocked sassily to the side, and she was wearing a short leopard print mini-skirt that was barely street legal, along with a tight black top with "Too Wild to Tame" emblazoned in sparkling rhinestones across her ample chest.


He almost laughed out loud. The flashy slogan was very appropriate, not because of the similarity to Mia's last name but because this particular woman was unpredictable, headstrong, and aggressive enough to make any sane man dismiss the notion of ever trying to subdue that assertive nature of hers.

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