TopGuns (16 page)

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Authors: Cara Carnes Taylor Cole Justin Whitfield

BOOK: TopGuns
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A hard knock on the door startled them both. Tyler’s voice
boomed. “Shake a tail feather. The witch of Shady Oaks is on her way. We’ve
gotta jam before she catches you in here. She’s a stickler for the rules.”

“She’d block us from competing tomorrow.” Jason had seen it
happen before. People broke a rule, they couldn’t compete. It was the adult
equivalent of a time-out and total bullshit, but Mrs. Flannery thought it
helped her run a tight ship.

“You’re competing tomorrow?”

“You know it,” Tyler answered through the door. “It’s gonna
be epic.”

Jason opened the door to glare at his friend for
eavesdropping but it was hard to pretend to be pissed with Jeanie at his side.

“But first, I believe our ladies deserve a night on the
town.” His heart warmed as the statement radiated in him. Jeanie squeezed his
hand. Wow.

* * * * *

Jason cringed as the vehicle spun out of the Shady Oaks
parking lot and slid into the thick traffic. Horns blared around them but, as
usual, Tyler didn’t take notice. Riding shotgun with him when he was in the zone
in his hotrod was an exercise in patience and courage. The more you offered
your help, the worse the driving got.

“Man, last night was epic.”

“Yeah.” They’d headed to dinner—a two-for-one special at the
local steak restaurant.

“You should’ve seen that waiter’s expression when you mixed
that shot of whiskey in with the milk.” Tyler laughed. “We need to do that
more. Double date.”

“Nadine’s been doing good.”

“Yeah. We had a little adventure of our own when we got
back.” He waggled his eyebrows and swerved into the left lane without looking.
Car horns went off. Colors whizzed by as Jason’s gut started to churn.

“So, you got that cataract surgery scheduled yet?”

“You saying I need it?”

“Not at all.” The light ahead of them turned yellow. Jase
braced himself, knowing that since a sane person would stop, Tyler was about to
gun it from a quarter mile away.

Son of a bitch.

The vehicle whizzed through the light and he breathed a sigh
of relief. A shriek of sirens guaranteed to make a grown man shudder sounded
behind them and Tyler cursed. “Shit.”

Tyler wheeled into the parking lot of the Piggly Wiggly and
reached into his glove compartment. Jason’s breath ceased again.

“Why for the love of God do you even have a gun?”

“A friend asked me to keep it for him. It makes his old lady

“So it’s not even yours?” Jason ran his hands along his
jeans when Tyler slammed the compartment shut. Hopefully there was no reason to
search a vehicle when it was two old geezers.

“Just play it cool and follow my lead.” Tyler looked at him
with a grin. “I got this.”


The officer approached the vehicle. “Evening, gentlemen.
License and registration, please.”

Tyler handed over the documents. “What seems to be the
problem, Officer?”

“Sir, you blasted through that red light going sixty in a

Remorse filled his words. “Sorry, Officer. I must’ve had my
mind on tonight. We’ve got a show to do. We’re dancers.”

The officer leaned down and peered into the vehicle with a
chuckle in his voice. “You don’t say? My grandma loves square dancing. Is there
a dance tonight? I might be able to take her.”

“Well, I’m sure your grandma would love our show but it’s
not exactly that kind of dancing.” Tyler’s chest swelled. “We’re strippers
unretiring for a show at Shady Oaks.”

The officer spent a few moments behind the vehicle chuckling
with his partner before returning. “Would you two gentlemen step out of the
vehicle, please?”

Crap. Here we go. Just got hooked up with Jeanie and now
she’ll have to bail my ass out of jail.

The two officers looked at one another as one of them set
his handheld device on the hood of Tyler’s vehicle. He braced his hands on his
belt and rocked back on his heels. “So you two are strippers?”

“Retired,” Jason offered.

“Well that’s very interesting. You know my partner here has
a new fiancé who’s been trying to get him to take one of those classes.
Something about learning the moves for private shows or some shit.”

The other guy glared at the speaking officer. His cheeks

“Anyways, I see this is fate giving my friend here a helping
hand. I mean, how else would we have found the two most…” He paused and cast an
amused glance at his partner. “Why else would we have found such experienced
men such as yourselves?”

“Amateur night at the club’s usually on Thursdays,” Jason

“No, man.” Tyler grinned. “I think we could teach this guy a
couple of moves. Come on, you remember what it was like to be eager but lacking
in the sack.”

“Hey,” the officer bellowed.

lacked in the sack.” Jason took a deep

“That’s not what the ladies were telling me.” Tyler held out
his arms. “Let’s do this.”

Jason leaned against Tyler’s car with his arms crossed and
shook his head. Son of a bitch was really about to teach a young, randy cop how
to strip for his lady. Unbelievable.

The partner watched as the younger officer followed Tyler’s

“No. Use your hips, son. How do you fuck your lady like
that?” Tyler looked up at Jason. “Maybe I’m giving the wrong kind of tips

Jason sighed. The officer beside him laughed. “He always
like that?”

“Yeah. Pretty much.”

“Sounds like you all have known each other for a while.”

“Yeah, decades. We had a few years apart but we’ve been
tight for a long time—probably longer than your partner’s been alive.”

The older cop laughed. “That wouldn’t be too hard. I’ve
gotta say, this might be very unorthodox but I don’t really care. That boy’s
been driving me nuts about all this dance stuff.”

“Hey, Tyler’s always up for helping to show the ladies a
good time.”

A few minutes later and they were back on the road. Jason
chuckled when they hit the toll road. “I can’t believe you did that, man.”

“Like I said, I had it. You know, the kid wasn’t half bad.”

Jason laughed. “Still hard to believe we used to be that
young and stupid.”

“Hey, watch it. I might’ve been young once but I was born
with moves.”

“We both were.”

“Oh yeah. I saw some of those moves you were putting on
Jeanie. Pretty hot stuff going on there, man. I’m glad you finally took your
balls out of storage.”

Jason laughed. “Well I still think this competition is a
bust but I have to admit getting back up there and doing our thing will be

“Hell yeah it will.”

They wheeled into the trailer park on the side of town no
sane person willingly went. Tyler parked behind a beat-up pickup Jason doubted
could move. Anthony wandered out, clad in a pair of boxers with the words
“Smack This” across his crotch.


“Hey!” he exclaimed.

“Dude, your shit’s on backward,” Tyler stated.

“Oh.” Anthony looked around, shrugged and shucked.

“Dude. Take it inside,” Jason suggested.

“Nah. They’ve seen it before.” Anthony grinned. “Lot twelve
is my favorite.”

“You ready to roll, man?” Tyler asked. “Clothes might be

“See what it’s like dealing with your naked ass all the
time, Goose?” Jason couldn’t help but throw that out.

“My bad.”

“You know it.” He grabbed a bag from the top of the steps,
pulled out a pair of pants and put them on. They piled into the car. “Oh, we
gotta make a stop for the hookup.”


“You know we gotta get our groove going to make tonight
special for the ladies.” Tyler waggled his eyebrows. “I asked our boy here if
he had a hookup.”


Back in the day ecstasy and pot were the cocktails of
choice. A few minutes later they were wheeling into a convenience store across
from a middle school. Jason’s gut churned with nervousness.

“Isn’t this a little too in the open or something?”

“Nah, man. We’re cool.” Anthony got out and began pacing
outside the car. At least he’d finally put some pants on.

“This is a bad idea, man.” Jason looked around the vacant
parking lot and cringed when the school bell across the street rang. “We’ll be
cool without it.”

Anthony pounded on the hood and turned with a grin on his
face. “It’s on, man.”

He headed toward the sidewalk. Jason watched in shock as a
kid started talking to him. “What the fuck?”

“Dude, he’s like ten.”

“Probably younger.”

Anthony came back a few minutes later with a smirk on his
face as he crawled into the back of the car. “Gentlemen, we have liftoff.” He
held up a plastic bag filled with blue pills.

“Did you seriously just buy Viagra from a ten-year-old?”
Tyler asked.

“Hey, man. His grandpa ain’t getting any and the
prescription’s rotting. Might as well take advantage, right?”

Tyler wheeled out of the parking lot, shaking his head.
Jason did a half turn to stare at Anthony. “How the hell do you know that kid?”

“Trailer four used to babysit him.”


Soon enough they were back at Shady Oaks and making their
way to Tyler’s room, which they’d converted to a changing room. Nadine and
Jeanie decided to wait for them outside once Ethan arrived.

The gang was back together.

“This feels right,” Jason stated.

“Hell yeah it does.” Tyler’s eyes lit up as he looked around
at all of them. “You know, we could do a roadshow. Take the act to other

Roadshows had been the real fun back in the day. The
countless hookups and wild parties. “I don’t know, man. Things with Jeanie are
so new…”

“Wait. Wait. Wait.” Ethan turned, shock on his face. “You
and Jeanie?”

Jason tensed. “What of it?”

“Finally! Thank sweet fuck. It took long enough.”

“No shit, right?” Anthony asked.

Jason laughed as the guys slapped him on the back. He
couldn’t help the grin on his face as euphoria spread within him. There was
nowhere he’d rather be.

“Okay, guys. Let’s do this. We’re up in ten.” Tyler handed a
blue pill to everyone. They all palmed the pill and reached for a shot glass.

“To Jason getting his woman,” Tyler toasted.

“To Nadine putting up with your ass,” Jason retorted.

“To Anthony for the hookup,” Ethan offered.

“To the ladies we’re about to drive wild.” Anthony held up
the glass and laughed.

They tongued the pills and took their shots. Ethan and
Anthony spewed the liquid across the room.

“What the fuck, man?” Ethan asked.

“It’s soy. Nadine’s allergic.” Tyler raised his brows. “You
got a problem with my woman’s milk?”

Jason shook his head. Good times were still aplenty. They
headed into the hall and Jeanie wrapped him up in her embrace. He groaned.
“Careful or I’ll carry you away and forget all about this competition.”

“Mmm. I’d be okay with that.” She grinned. “You guys ready
to rock the stage?”

“Wait.” Nadine looked around at everyone. “I have one small
question first.”

“Okay.” Jason looked to Tyler, who looked as curious as
everyone else.

Nadine reached into the pocket of her sweater, retracted a
green sock and, with Jeanie’s help, dropped to one knee. She fumbled with the
sock until a small wedding ring fell into her cupped hand. Placing it into
Tyler’s trembling hand, she smiled. “You are an amazing man, Tyler Coombs. I’d
like to be the one to spend the rest of my life proving it to you. Will you
marry me?”

Tyler collapsed in front of Nadine. A tear tumbled down his
cheek. “I’d love nothing more, sweetheart.”

The two kissed. Jeanie hugged Jason closer and kissed him.
The guys laughed and slapped Tyler on the back as they helped him and Nadine

“This is awesome. We have a wedding to plan.”

“Who knows? Maybe we can make it a double,” Jason stated.
Jeanie gasped beside him. “What do you say?”

“Yes. A thousand times yes.”

Suddenly everything locked into place. For the first time in
a long time Jason knew everything was exactly as it should be.

“Y’all go out there and own that stage,” Nadine stated.

Tyler draped his arm around Nadine and kissed her
passionately. Severing the kiss, he looked around. “You know, we could lose.”

The ladies laughed. “No way. Y’all always own the stage.”

Pride rose within Jason. For the first time in a long while
he didn’t care whether he beat Titanium. The only person—the only thing in the
world—who mattered was looking up at him with love reflecting in her gaze.

He took her hand and grinned at Tyler when he did the same
with Nadine. “Let’s do this.”


About the Justin Whitfield


has a diverse background, he has graduated from the University of
Texas with a Bachelor’s in Economics & Finance. He holds a former title of
Mr. All-Natural Southwest U.S.A. and is a fitness model with numerous
magazines. Justin is also an entrepreneur; owning his own sports bar in Houston
called The End Zone. He has worked at male review clubs all over the U.S., in a
span of twenty years and he is currently a Caveman model for Ellora's Cave.

About Taylor Cole


is from Texas. He is a Romance novel cover model and a male entertainer. Taylor
is an international strip off winner and has won the Mr. Jamaica title. He has
been on on countless posters, calendars, magazines, book covers, and in
newspaper articles. Taylor has also appeared on ABC, CBS and NBC.

About Cara Carnes


discovered her love of writing early in life, as most writers tend
to. At the age of 11, she typed up a love story and happily mailed it off.
Anxiously awaiting her acceptance letter and fat advance check, she dutifully
listened to her mother and grandfather as they instilled in her the lessons key
to her writing today.

By the time the handwritten rejection letter arrived, Cara
knew that someday she would be writing the stories that she loved. Most
importantly, she had learned two key fundamentals from her mother and
grandfather—always expect the unexpected and know you can do anything you set
your mind to.

Cara’s love for the written word found a home in erotic
romance. Wanting to bring fantasies to life in her books, she enjoys crafting
characters who sizzle on the pages and burn their way into your heart. While
she loves all genres of romance, erotic will always have a special place in her
heart because Cara believes true romance doesn’t stop at the bedroom door.

Cara is a native Texan and currently resides in Austin. When
she isn’t absorbed in her characters, she enjoys traveling, photography and
spending time with family and friends.



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Also by

and Gobbled: Messier Than Ever

It Off!
with Taylor Cole

It Off! (Again)
with Taylor Cole

Print books by Justin Whitfield


It Off!
with Taylor Cole

Also by


It Off!
with Justin Whitfield

It Off! (Again)
with Justin Whitfield

Print books by Taylor Cole


It Off!
with Justin Whitfield


Also by


Mate’s Risk


Ellora’s Cavemen:
Flavors of Ecstasy II

and Gobbled: Back for More

Day’s Reward

Brigade 1: Passion Next Door

Brigade 2: Passion’s Claim

Brigade 3: Passion’s Training

Brigade 4: Passion’s Trust


Print books by Cara Carnes


Man’s Fantasies


Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy II


Ellora’s Cave Publishing





Top Guns


ISBN 9781419947780


Top Guns Copyright © 2013 Justin Whitfield, Taylor Cole &
Cara Carnes


Edited by Grace Bradley

Cover design by Syneca

Cover photography by lenetstan/


Electronic book publication November 2013


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