Topping the Alpha: Trident Security Series (17 page)

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“F-ying,” he mumbled into the sheets. His head, arms, and legs weighed a ton.

Chuckling, Jake shook his head. “Flying is good. I’m going to put some gel on your welts. You’ll feel them for about a day or so and then they’ll be gone.”


Nick shivered as Jake spread the arnica ointment over his back, ass, and thighs. While each welt stung when touched, the pain didn’t bother him. He tried to concentrate on his lover’s caress, but instead, he just floated until his mind went blank.

Chapter 23

Jake couldn’t have been prouder. Nick had taken to the whip like he’d done it for years. The Dom had thought for sure Roxy was going to have to pull the plug, but it never happened. When Nick’s head dropped and his knees started to buckle, Jake knew he had reached subspace. That floating feeling he had was a result of an endorphin overload. Basically Nick was ‘drunk’ on the hormone.

After finishing with the medicated gel, Jake dropped the tube on a side table. Since he no longer had to hide his scars, he removed his shirt, boots, and socks, before laying down next to his sub. Gently running his fingers through Nick’s pitch black hair, he let the silky strands tickle his skin. A hushed moan escaped the sub’s mouth and the sound went straight to Jake’s groin. It would be awhile before Nick recovered, giving Jake time to study him and think. He stared at the closed eyelids with their long, dark lashes…women would kill for those eyelashes. Leaning forward, he placed chaste kisses on Nick’s right temple and cheek before brushing their lips together. Pulling him into a tender embrace, Jake loved the small puffs of air which caressed his chest every time the sub exhaled.

Could he do this? Could he be the Dom Nick wanted…the one he needed? Could he banish his past from his mind and open his heart? Fuck! He didn’t know the answer to any of those questions, but he was willing to give it a try. For the first time since he’d been with Max, seventeen years ago, he felt he’d found someone he could love…but was it enough? The pros and cons of this relationship fought for domination in his mind, and yet there was no clear cut winner.

Nick stirred in his arms and Jake realized a half hour had passed. Ice-blue eyes stared up at him. “Hey, what happened?”

“You hit subspace and passed out for a while. How do you feel?”

“Light-headed. Like I had one too many beers.”

Jake stood and grabbed a bottle of water that he’d brought in with him. Sitting back down on the bed, he opened and handed it to Nick. “Drink it all.” He watched as his sub supported himself on his elbow and guzzled the whole bottle. “How do your back and ass feel?”

“It’s weird. The pain doesn’t exactly feel like pain…more like an intense tingling. Can I see it?”

Helping him up, Jake led him over to where a wardrobe mirror stood in a corner. Nick turned his back to it, then looked over his shoulder. “Holy shit! It looks like I should be screaming in pain, but I’m not.”

Jake studied his sub’s reflection in the mirror. The red stripes down his back, ass, and thighs were temporary symbols of his submission…of his trust. “Not what you expected, huh?”

“I honestly don’t know what I expected.” He reached back and fingered the welts on his ass cheeks. “I never understood how people got off on this, but now I do. It’s a high…not an adrenaline high…but kind of like a stoned high. After I started noticing the heat, like you said, it felt like when I had my appendix out a few years ago and they gave me Percocet for a day or two afterward. You start zoning with your head buzzing.”

Letting his hand trail down Nick’s front torso to his semi-soft cock, Jake let him know it was time to move on the next phase of the evening. Nick’s shaft twitched and began to harden again, which gave his own dick the same reaction. “I think you should be rewarded for handling your first whipping so well. What do you think?”

“Hell, yeah…I mean, whatever you want, Sir.”

Jake smirked at the cocky little bastard. “Do you feel up to fucking me, Junior?”

Eyes widened in shock, Nick’s jaw dropped. Jake knew the kid was surprised since he hadn’t let Nick take his ass yet. But the kid deserved it after the bullwhip. Stepping forward, he grabbed a handful of hair and crushed his mouth to Nick’s. As their tongues sparred, he licked and nipped to let the subbie know he was still in charge. Just because it was Jake’s ass that was going to be fucked, didn’t mean he was giving up his control. He would still dictate when Nick was allowed to cum.

Sliding his fingers down the muscular arms he loved to touch, Jake took hold of Nick’s hands and brought them to the button and zipper of his leather pants. The sub clued in right away and quickly undid them before pushing the material down Jake’s legs. He stepped out of them and started walking backward toward the bed again, continuing the sensual assault as they went. Leaving Nick’s mouth, he kissed along his chiseled jaw, to the sensitive spot where his neck and shoulder met, and bit down lightly. Their hands were on each other’s cock, stroking the other’s desire higher and higher. When Jake’s legs hit the bed, he pulled away from Nick and sat down before leaning back on his elbows. “Since I’m settling for a hand-job this time, I want you to suck me first.”

“My pleasure, Sir.”

Nick hit his knees and took Jake’s hard shaft into his mouth so quickly, the Dom thought he might lose control and cum right then. He bucked his hips and dropped his head back. “Oh, fuck, Junior. Damn, I love how you give blowjobs.”

He thrust his hand into the black strands of his hair again, controlling the pace of Nick’s bobbing head. He moaned with everything that wicked mouth did to him. A lick. A suck. A swallow. “Not going to last long if you…oh, shit…if you keep that up. Fuck!”

Hating to do it, but knowing he had to if he was going to regain control, he pulled Nick off him. The arrogant bastard was grinning like the devil himself and Jake couldn’t help but smile back. He pointed to a dresser against the wall next to the door. “Grab a condom and lubricant from the top drawer. And make sure it’s not the ginger lube unless you want your junk in a cock cage for the rest of your vacation.”

Nick chuckled as he strode across the room. “Thanks for the warning. I would’ve been tempted.”

Returning to the bed, Nick held up the tube so Jake could see it was the right one. The Dom scooted back on the king-sized bed and bent his knees, placing his feet flat against the mattress. He wanted to watch Nick’s face as they fucked. “You may be on top, but you’re still the bottom here. No cumming until I say so.”

Climbing on the bed, Nick knelt at Jake’s feet and dropped the condom within reach. Even though they’d both had clean physicals, the protection was mandatory within the club. “I think I can handle that. Just remember, I’ve been tortured tonight, so try not to make me wait too long.” At Jake’s raised eyebrow, he quickly added, “Please, Sir.”

He flipped open the tube and poured some lube on his fingers, then tossed the container aside. With one hand he coated Jake’s asshole with the slick gel and with his other hand, massaged the thick, hard cock inches above it. Jake tucked his hands under his head and enjoyed his lover’s touch. Fingers rimmed his hole, while a palm and fingers gripped his cock and stroked it until pre-cum seeped from the slit. As Nick eased one, then two fingers inside him, Jake kept his gaze on the younger man’s face. There was more than desire in those blue eyes, more than lust. It was something he’d never seen directed at him before—not even with Max. He knew if he gave it a chance, he could fall in love with this man, but he got the feeling Nick had fallen in love with

Nick was up to three fingers now, stretching Jake to take him. It’d been a while since he’d allowed a lover to fuck his ass and he realized he wanted it with Nick more than anything. He moaned and wrapped one hand around Nick’s, tightening the grip around his cock. His breathing increased. “Fuck me, baby. Can’t wait any longer. Need you.”

Pulling his fingers from Jake’s ass, Nick grabbed the condom, ripped open the package and covered himself in seconds. He crawled forward and lined his cock up. With barely controlled restraint, he slowly entered his lover, causing both of them to groan in ecstasy. Forcing his eyes to stay open, Jake let his legs fall to the side, giving Nick some more room to work. He hooked his lower legs around his sub’s hips, and urged him forward with his feet. “Fuck! You feel fucking awesome. Don’t want slow.”

“Thank fuck, because I don’t think I can hold back.”

As Nick thrust his cock in and out, Jake clutched his own, stroking at the same pace. It wasn’t long before Nick’s jaw clenched and he begged, “Shit, hurry. Oh, fuck! So fucking tight. I’m…damn it. Can’t stop.”

The tingling started in Jake’s spine and his balls drew up tight. He wanted to hold back until his sub came first. “Cum, babe. Now!”

Nick thrust in again and went rigid as he threw his head back and roared his release. “FFFuuucckkk! Oh, God-damn.”

Two more pumps of Jake’s hand and streams of hot cum covered his abs and chest. Obviously not giving a shit about the mess, Nick collapsed on top of him, yet kept most of his weight on his elbows by Jake’s shoulders. Both of them were gasping for air.

Petting Nick’s head, Jake felt his heart slow down to normal. “Damn, Junior. I’m going to have to let you do that more often.”

“Anytime, Sir.”

Pulling him down further, Jake took pleasure in cuddling with his sub in the aftermath of their lovemaking. He knew right then, that after all this shit with Alyssa was over, he’d find a way to deal with his past. Nick was fucking worth it.

* * *

Jordyn hid in the dark shadows cast by the trees behind her target’s house. Dressed entirely in black, she was nearly invisible in the darkness, with her face being the only thing showing. Her jaw clenched. She should have just asked Carter if she could kill the pervert, but knew he wouldn’t have agreed to it. Hell, she wouldn’t have been able to do it anyway. This wasn’t a sanctioned op, so therefore it would be murder—and her morality was something she’d managed to hold on to all these years.
. A psychiatrist would have a fucking field day with that one—an assassin with a moral code of ethics.

Wagner had been holed up in his Mc-mansion since she’d arrived five hours ago, just after dark. Unyielding patience during her field work was something the she’d learned a long time ago, so waiting around was nothing new. After studying the layout of the house and alarm schematics, she was confident this would be an easy in-and-out job. For a wealthy businessman, he had a pretty poor, and easily by-passed, security system.

Jordyn was now dealing with a time frame, though. She’d received a call from her handler earlier and had less than twenty-four hours to get on a plane to London before heading to Africa for a new covert mission. So tonight’s break-in was a go, no matter what.

When she’d first arrived at her hiding place, there had been several people in the house with Wagner, but they’d left around nine and now he was home alone. It was a little past one in the morning, and the lights had been off for the past three hours. In a text conversation with Trident’s geek, she’d been told he could hack into the security system and briefly disable it without anyone knowing he’d been there. That was to her advantage, since cutting it off at the alarm box meant she couldn’t turn it on again. This way, Wagner wouldn’t discover anything had happened until he found items missing from his safe. Hopefully by then, she’d be long gone and he wouldn’t have time to cover his tracks before all hell broke loose and fell on his head.

A quick text to the Brody Evans, letting him know it was time to do his thing, received an immediate response.

Alarm disabled. Good luck and let me know when to turn it back on.

Using the tree line for coverage as much as she could, Jordyn worked her way around the edge of the property until she could make a beeline across the open yard to the side entrance to the garage. While most people had decent locks on their front and back doors, she found most exterior and interior garage doors were lacking in security. In under two minutes she was turning the knob on the interior door and pushing it open with utmost stealth. She had a penlight on her utility belt, but with the clear sky, there was just enough moonlight coming in through the windows for her to see without bumping into anything. All was quiet in the fifteen room house. Making sure the silence continued, she quickly located the home office right where the floor plans said it would be. Now to find the safe. According to the information she’d gotten with the rest of the email, the girl reported that the safe was behind a hinged painting on the wall.
How fucking original.

Pausing inside the office door, she listened for anything out of place. Nothing. Tiptoeing across the room, she found the picture of some half-nude woman and rolled her eyes. What better place to hide your child porn than behind erotic art.

Jordyn ran her fingers behind the frame, looking for any trip wires which would set off an alarm. She highly doubted there were any, but she knew better than to skip a step. Her pessimism was what had kept her alive and out of prison in many countries around the world. Finding nothing of concern, she tugged on the bottom right corner of the frame and the painting swung away from the wall, like a cabinet door, revealing the safe. From the back pocket of her black jeans, she pulled out a stethoscope. Yes, Hollywood got that right—the common medical apparatus was also a standard tool for locksmiths and safe-crackers. It was the easiest way to hear the sound the drive cam notch made when it slid under the lever arm in a dial combination lock. The first thing she needed to do was figure out how many numbers were part of the combination. It could be anywhere between two and six. Putting the stethoscope in both her ears, she held the bell end up to the safe and slowly turned the dial, listening carefully for the

Once she had the combination length, she turned her attention to the individual numbers. This is the ideal method for her to get into a safe, because it left no trace of her being there and the safe would remain in perfect working order. While it took most locksmiths close to an hour cracking a safe this way, Jordyn was trained by one of the best jewel thieves of the late 20
century—her uncle. There were only a handful of world-renowned safe manipulators and Ignacio Alvarez had been one of them prior to his death nine years ago in a car accident.

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