Torchworld: Outsiders Collection (7 page)

BOOK: Torchworld: Outsiders Collection
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The Mercury was big enough to have a sleeping pod. It’d be a welcome break right now. Hadn’t thought about why I left since leaving Opalesk. The strain of all this was tiring.

“I want to ask you something before we keep going.”

Lilith had curled up with her back facing me, long legs stretched out to rest her feet on the dash. “I’ll take first watch,” she replied.

“Not that. Do you regret bringing me along yet?”

Lilith sat up and pushed her snarled hair back into a ponytail. “Not really. Requires some rethinking, but I’d assumed you had a good reason for fleeing Mil-Sec. They don’t chase people past the drone range, though. I think they assume we’ll die from lack of resources, before getting a chance to tell the cities what’s going on.”

The tension in my muscles dissolved.

“Did you make the right choice in coming with me Kharl?” she asked while typing on the screen in front of her. A tense grimace spread across her face as she read something then closed the program window.

My shoulders shook with laughter. “Yup. You’re the most interesting, fucked up piece of work that’s come my way in a long time.”

Lilith suppressed an snorting giggle and slapped my arm. “You’re calling me fucked up? I’m not running from an alien empire.”

“Well, aren’t we a pillar of the community, Little Miss Serial Killer.”

We both stared at each other, waiting for a reaction. I began to worry I’d pushed it too far when she pouted, bottom lip quivering.

“Shit. Too far, sorry.”

Lilith moved closer, inches away from my face. Staring like a starving tiger, she gripped my arms with strong hands.

“Just fucking with you.”

The screwy feeling in my stomach subsided. “You’re a fucking maniac woman.”

She only gave me a sly smile as she moved back to her seat. I’d met dangerous types but she was in the top five for sure.

“I feel better now. Way to make a girl feel good Kharl.  You love it though.”

“Hell yes I do.”

Her cheeks flushed. Wasn’t sure if I’d amused or embarrassed her. Moving on then.

“What’s the plan then boss?”

Lilith flinched. “Don’t call me that, of all things.”

“You’re awful picky with names girl.”

She shrugged. “I just like Lilith.”

“Alright. Answer the question.”

“From here I know of a couple rumoured settlements. Some or all of them may not be there, but we can scavenge or build off what they started. We need to be far away from Markin’s camp, but not so far from anything that I can’t get supplies. There’s another city on the coast. Further northwest.”

“Show me.”

Lilith pulled up the map on a projection. I sat down to better view the entire thing. Expansive landscape extended over the front window and ceiling. I studied it carefully as she pointed out Opalesk City, Markin’s camp, and then the coastal city up the coastline. Most of the landscape was desert and small rocky mountains like the Blades. Maybe 200km, we could make that in a day with ease.

“That city, it’s Cinisesk. Close to the Phoenix Headquarters.”

“I know,” she replied, zooming into the local area around it.

“Hometown of the people that want to kill me.”


“I might be crazy but I’m not stupid.”

“We’ll be out of sensor range. I’ve been up there before, they don’t even use ground transport. The odds of us being found are minuscule. The odds of them caring we’re there is near nil. Trust me.” The floor creaked as I stood up. Lilith stood up in front of me, barring the way. “We both need to find out what’s going on. I want to know what the fuck happened to my family, and you’ll never forgive yourself if you don’t know why your friends were killed, Commander!”

Gritted my teeth, clenched my fists and bristled from head to toe. Lilith was eye level with me and glared.

“Read your file, remember?”

“Stupid fucking file. I’m going to sleep. And yes, you’re right, I do want to know what happened. But we can’t go charging into there like a pack of hungry wolves.”

“I don’t intend to,” she said. Lilith found a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Go to sleep.”


To be continued. Keep up with new stories from Torchworld at

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