Torkel's Chosen (17 page)

Read Torkel's Chosen Online

Authors: Michelle Howard

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Torkel's Chosen
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They didn’t speak
further but Jaron stayed, maintaining his vigil with Torkel by leaning on the
wall. Neither of them wanted to admit how worried they were about the woman
sleeping feet away.

Chapter 25

Over the next few
days, Torkel watched Faye. He watched her in the mornings as she puttered
around and ate when reminded. He watched her in the rec room among his teams.
Hesitant and clearly uncomfortable she sat quietly while they laughed and played.
Gradually, his men drawn by her air of despair made small overtures toward her
which she shyly accepted.

Jaron kept his
eyes on her as well, occasionally coming to Torkel’s quarters at night under
the pretext of speaking about their missions. Torkel watched the two flounder
as they attempted to rebuild what was broken. Neither of them spoke of her
returning to the cell. For Torkel, it wasn’t an option. He couldn’t send her
back to the detainment room alone knowing the torment she suffered during the night.

After a lengthy
briefing with his teams and the Commander via vid-conference, Torkel returned
to his quarters later than usual. As he had on previous occasions, Torkel entered
the bedroom to watch her sleep. Each evening once she settled down, he came
into the room as she drifted off. He wanted back in his bed. No, their bed he
corrected. He
to be back in their bed holding her. Keeping back the
dark nightmares she refused to speak of.

Faye rolled over,
tangling the covers about her legs. Torkel’s shaft twitched and lengthened.
Unable to succumb to his desires, he left the door cracked to hear if she cried
out and headed to the living area where he stretched out on the sofa, legs
dangling over the arms. Not the most comfortable of positions to sleep he’d

Torkel was at the
stage between light awareness and deep sleep when he heard her. A soft cry then
quiet mumbles. He rose to his feet instantly and stood in the doorway to the
bedroom between one breath and the next. The covers had fallen to the floor.
Faye huddled in a ball, arms around her knees which she’d jammed close to her
chest. She rocked and mewled in her sleep.

His heart clenched
at the sight of her anguish. He crossed over to the side of the bed
irresistibly drawn to her. Wet tracks rolled down her cheeks but she wasn’t
screaming. Yet. Torkel slid into the bed and tugged the covers back up. He curled
his arms around her from behind and propped his chin on top of her head to keep
her safe.

The restless
motions ceased. Tense muscles relaxed as she sighed and pushed back into the
cradle of his hips. His erection was inevitable but Torkel ignored it and
closed his eyes. Memories of holding her like this many nights before played
havoc with his mind and heart. If only. Torkel had a ton of if onlys and he
tired of them. Tonight was the last night he planned to go through this.


Faye woke alone. Confused
she sat up, the hazy memory of Torkel holding her teased at the edges of her
mind. Not possible. She used the cleansing room and splashed water on her face.
Her hair was a mess but nothing like the tangles she’d had to work through
after her rescue. Faye pushed the thick length back and padded into the living
room. Unsure if she had the right to wear her own clothing, she continued to wear
the hated tan jumper she’d been issued.

Torkel rose from
the sofa as soon as he heard her approach. His uniform was creased and his eyes
drooped with fatigue. He didn’t look as if he’d showered or changed and Faye
couldn’t recall him returning last night. She wondered if he hated her so much
he slept on the sofa to avoid her. The very thought caused her heart to skip a
beat and she rubbed at her chest. His gaze followed her hand then continued in
a leisurely caress that covered her from head to toe and left her nipples taut.
Faye couldn’t control her instinctive reaction to his presence. She still loved
him and after weeks of fear and turmoil it was hard to resist the urge to rush
into his arms.

“Good morning,

After days
together she still didn’t know where she stood with him. His expression
revealed nothing. “Good morning, Torkel.”

 “Come and sit. Dr.
Maku says you’re still recovering.”

Faye edged around
him to sit on the opposite side of the sofa. She needed to keep the distance
between them to protect herself in case he lashed out with more hurtful words.
She had to ensure she had a clear head even though her body cried out for him.

“How did you

She cleared her
throat. Faye didn’t want to talk about the nightmares. The dreams of darkness and
fear. “Fine.”

Torkel’s eyes
darkened, reading the lie in her words. Faye swallowed. His gaze lowered to the
slant of her breasts. Smaller than when she’d come to Enotia weeks ago. Faye
thought of all the diets she’d tried in high school and never lost a single
inch. By the time she’d graduated, Faye had accepted her weight. During college
she’d grown comfortable with her curves. Curves she now lacked due to no effort
on her part after being held prisoner.

When his eyes
dropped to the slope of her slimmer hips, it took everything in Faye to remain
still. To keep her hands fisted in her lap.

He spoke at last. “Tell
me why, Faye.”

Faye took a deep
breath and exhaled. “I made a mistake. If I thought saying sorry again would
change anything…” A knot formed in her chest. “Wishes, horses, beggars.” She
waved her hand in the air and tried to make light of the saying.

But instead of the
blasé tone she sought, her voice broke. Moisture rolled down her face as the
tears hit her hands with a silent plop. Her lips trembled and she bit down hard
to hold back the cries clambering to burst free.

Clothes rustled
and she sensed Torkel moving but kept from looking up because she didn’t want
him to see the misery etched on her face. He had other plans, however, as he
squatted on the floor in front of her. His legs bracketed her knees. He tapped
a finger on her chin until she lifted her face. He regarded her with blank
brown eyes. Faye stifled the urge to wail. She missed the way the brown would
melt like warm chocolate when he gazed at her. Now there was nothing there as
if she didn’t matter to him.

His hand went to
the back of her neck as he drew her in. “Faye.”

Just her name. The
whisper soft on the air. “Tell me again.”

She frowned and
swiped a hand across her face. “What?”

He leaned forward
and placed a kiss on her chin. Another on her cheek as he used his hold to
angle her face up. She gasped when his lips brushed over hers. “Tell me again.”

Faye stared back
with uncertainty but hope fluttered in her chest. “I’m sorry.”

He kissed her,
tongue swiping over her mouth. Faye’s lips parted. “Again.”

What did he want?
“I’m sorry, Torkel. I love you.” She brought her hands up cupping his face and
sliding her hands through his hair. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved
anyone. You’re my world, Torkel and I’m so sorry I messed up.”

His eyes closed
and he leaned his forehead against hers. “I love you, too Faye. I couldn’t

Her eyes widened
but before she could speak, he moved and joined her on the couch. He shifted
her until she sat crossways on his lap.


Torkel had tried.
He’d tried to keep his distance and maintain his objectivity but last night he realized
he couldn’t. He loved Faye. Would always love her. “You’re my Chosen,” he
murmured, kissing her once more.


She twisted and
wrapped her hands around his neck, holding tight. She cried and mumbled
something he couldn’t hear. Torkel buried his face in her neck, wrapped his
arms around her waist until they were chest to chest and let her cry herself
out. When Faye pulled back she kissed him. This time the kiss was deeper than
the one he’d given her.

Their tongues
entwined, stroking, licking as they became reacquainted. Remembered passion
flared and soon Torkel had her turned so Faye straddled his lap. The hard jut
of his arousal firmly planted where he wanted. Torkel groaned and broke the

“You need your

She hadn’t had any
more nightmares after he settled on the bed next to her but the brief hours
couldn’t replace the sleep she’d lost over the last few days.

“I can sleep
later. I want you, Torkel. I need you.”

He groaned again
as her words ignited the heat in his loins. His hips thrust up while his hands
at her waist pulled her down. Her eyes sparked.

“Be sure, Faye.”

She smiled and for
the first time in weeks, the hard knot in Torkel’s stomach eased.

Her hands latched
loosely around his neck. “I’m sure.”

Torkel hid his
relief by kissing her. His hands yanked at the awful prison jumper. He never
wanted to see it on her again.

 “Take this off.”
The buttons popped and snagged. Once the material parted, he cupped her breasts
and squeezed. She was smaller but he’d take care of that. He planned to take care
of his Chosen and feed her until her body filled with the curves he adored.

Faye flung his
shirt over her shoulder, causing Torkel to chuckle. He lifted his hips and
eased the material of his pants down while she kicked off her clothing. She
resumed her spot on his lap and before he could protest, guided him to her
glistening entrance.

“Faye, too fast.”

She snorted in his
face and slowly lowered her weight. His shaft slid through her wetness. Faye
arched her back when she was fully seated. Torkel clasped her waist holding her
steady as they rocked into one another. He’d missed this too. Missed having his
Chosen’s body riding him into forever.

“Faster, Torkel.”

In this, he
couldn’t deny her either. Torkel sped up, his own release chasing on the tail
of Faye’s. When she cried out and convulsed on his lap, Torkel joined her. She
slumped over his chest with a sigh. His heart hammered while he kept her close.

“Hmmm, I’m hungry

The comment was so
unexpected, Torkel laughed. “I’ll call down for something.”

With regret, he
eased from her satiny warmth. He lifted his legs up onto the sofa and stretched
out with Faye on top of him. Her weight a warm pleasure he’d missed. She
sighed, her body going softer if possible. Torkel smiled.

Her fingers teased
along his shoulder. “You mentioned Axan. I haven’t seen him since I chose you.”

Torkel stiffened
but forced his muscles to relax one by one. “Don’t worry about it.”

She popped up,
using his chest as a resting place for her forearms. “But you said-”

“Forget what I
said.” The words came out harsher than he intended.

Faye stared a
moment longer and pushed up further. Torkel cursed. He tried to move her back
into his arms but she sat up and slid onto the sofa. Torkel sat up as well and
shoved a rough hand through his hair. “The Marenian we questioned from one of
the raids left a clue pointing at Axan’s involvement. We haven’t been able to
track him down. No idea who his contact was either.”

“What about the
man that asked me to pick you?”

Her gaze was
anxious. Torkel reached for her hand and entwined their fingers. “Do you know
who he is, Faye? A name?” Perhaps her memories held the very clue they searched

“No.” She shook
her head. “He cornered me on the ship when we landed. Said his friend was a
good man and asked me to choose you. He looked Enotian. Blond hair and blue

Torkel frowned. The
description fit anyone. His thumb brushed lightly over her knuckles.

“I thought it was
odd he always seemed to know when you were leaving,” she added.

“What?” Torkel
moved close, their hips bumped. “Why would you say that?”

Her brown eyes
darted around and she worried her bottom lip as if fearful of his response.

“Hey,” he said,
using her word. She cracked a smile. “What made you say that?”

Her shoulders rose
and fell. “He only called when you were leaving for a mission to see how many
were going or when. He gave me a communicator. A small one and he called on it
to ask those questions.”

He jerked to
attention. Torkel and his unit communicated with similar devices. “Do you still
have it, Faye?”

“I stomped it.”

She said it with
such vicious pleasure Torkel laughed. “Do not worry.”

“I wish I’d never
met him.”

He brushed her
hair back from her face. “You were going into an unknown situation.”

Her smile this
time was more what he’d become used to from his Chosen. “You’re good at giving
me excuses.”

“I’ll give you
whatever you need.”

To his surprise,
she snuggled back into his arms. The warm weight of her body lay against his.
“I wish I knew more.”

He did as well but
having her back meant more than any knowledge she could have shared. “You’ve
helped. We have a description of the man who approached you. We know of Axan’s
involvement. It will come together. Lothar won’t escape forever.”

Her arms tightened
as she murmured, “It was awful, Torkel.”

Torkel stiffened
but kept his hold light as he caressed her with the smooth glide of his hand
running up and down her back. At last she was ready to talk about what happened
to her. “Tell me about the nightmares, my Chosen.”

A deep inhale and
then her whisper filtered to his ears.

“When I was
little, I hid in a kitchen pantry to fool my mother about my whereabouts. She
looked everywhere for me and I thought it was great fun. My father came home to
help her look and I could hear them calling me. The game got boring when it
took too long for them to find me…” Faye stopped and drew in a deep breath.

“I’m here. Nothing
can harm you, Faye.”

Torkel kept his
voice low and waited for her to continue.

“The door locked.
The pantry latch closed and I couldn’t get out. My parents didn’t get back for
hours. They’d gone to the authorities to report me missing.”

He couldn’t imagine
the fear of a little one in such a circumstance.

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