Torn (7 page)

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Authors: Michelle Escamilla

BOOK: Torn
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I laughed, Ava, she was currently single and she seemed to live vicariously through my marriage. She
was only 26 but thought she was pushing the limit to walk down the aisle. She tended to share that she
was looking for someone to get married, but she would share that one the first date, she didn’t seem to
realize that bringing up marriage on the first date was a total mood killer.

“Things are good. Liam is great; he has been working a lot more lately which kinda sucks. We used to
spend every evening together and the last couple of nights I haven’t seen much of him at all. He just
called me when I was on my way here and he told me that they are sending him to New York for a
couple of days.” I think that was the moment that it hit me; he was going to be gone for a couple of
nights. In the time we have been together, he had only been gone a total of 3 nights total and now I
hadn’t really seen much of him and then he was going to be gone.

“That sucks big time! You okay?” She asked as she reached for my arm.

“Yeah, just thinking about how much he and I have been apart.” I bit my lip trying not to let this upset
me. I know he had been really busy with work lately.
“I hate to be THAT person, but you are certain he is working, right? I mean, you don’t think he is having
an affair? Do you?”

“Oh, you aren’t being that person at all. I’m sure that there would be tons of people thinking the same
thing. I really don’t think that he is having an affair. There is a big project that he is working on. But
thank you, Ava, for listening.” After saying it out loud, I actually started to question the thought myself.

“Of course! That’s what I’m here for! Oh look, here comes our food! I can’t wait to tear into that
burger!” She had her big bright smile on her face; she was only girl that I knew that would get this
excited about food. I laughed and shook my head at her.

We devoured our meals; we both were so full by the last few fries. I couldn’t help letting our previous
conversation fog up my head. I tried to not let it show by joking with her about hooking her up with
some random guy in the restaurant. We had a lot of fun giggling and rating the guys, it definitely took
mind off of everything.

After fighting over the bill for several minutes, I paid for our lunch. We said our goodbyes in the parking
lot and agreed that she would be bringing in the coffee on Monday; it was going to be a long day of
playing catch up.

I got in my car and headed home, but the drive made me start to question what was going on with Liam.
Was it possible or was it me just feeling guilty of my own infidelities? I was beginning to think it was my
fault. This feeling was really going to eat me alive.

I pulled up in my driveway and my phone buzzed.


Hey beautiful, how was lunch?


It was Caleb. He definitely knew how to bring a smile to my face, even when it was him that I was feeling
horrible about.


Hey, it was fun. I am so full though…ate too much! Have fun today?

I headed up into the house and found a bouquet of flowers on the counter. The card read
To My Loving
(and forgiving) Wife. I love you, truly. He must have been in flower shop when he was on the phone with
me and that was why he had to let me go so fast. That means that he must have come home to surprise
me while I was having my little rendezvous with Caleb! I sent Caleb another message.

OMG! I think while I was visiting you, Liam was trying to come home and surprise
me here! Why do I feel completely horrible???


He quickly responded.


I don’t know…You shouldn’t feel bad, though.

Just as I finished reading his text he was calling me.
“Look, I know you are feeling bad. He probably just dropped them off and quickly headed back to work.
Ry, we aren’t doing anything that is bad. We are just hanging out. Friends. I don’t want to get in the way
of anything so let me know if I am getting in the way of anything.” He said seriously.

“You’re right; he probably had just dropped them off. He has been super busy lately; he probably
wouldn’t even have time to talk to me if he were coming home.” I paused. “You are right, we are just

“Ryleigh, I’m serious when I do tell you this.” Hepaused for a moment. “I do love you and you’re my
best friend, I don’t want to lose you again but if you need me to step back you need to let me know.”


“Caleb, we’re fine.” I smiled. “I just got a little worried cause he is leaving for New York and I…I don’t
know. I guess I was missing out on seeing him.”

“I will see you tomorrow though. We can still do beers, right?” He asked like an overexcited kid. I
laughed at him. “When does he leave for New York? We can maybe do dinner, so you aren’t dining

“Mind if I take a rein check on the beers?” I asked softly. “I believe he leaves on Monday morning, so we
can do dinner, okay?”


“Yeah that’s fine. Dinner would be perfect.” He agreed.

“Awesome. I’m going to go, I need to get some laundry done and clean up. I’m really glad that you
understand about tomorrow. I hate not being able to see you, but I should probably spend time with
him before he leaves.”

“I understand Ryleigh, I really do. I’ll see you for sure on Monday night though. You definitely owe me a
beer.” I could tell he was smiling.


“I’ll make it two beers now.” I said smiling back. “I will text you later, okay?”


“Alright. Bye, Ryleigh.” My breath hitched as he said my name.


“Bye, Caleb.” With that we both clicked off. I checked my phone once more to see if I had received
anything from Liam while I was on the phone. Nothing.


Afterwards, I put my phone up on the charger and decided to leave it upstairs. If Liam wanted to get a
hold of me I am sure that he could call the house phone.

I kept myself busy the rest of the night; doing laundry, cleaning the place up, watching some evening
television. Comedy Central was the best when I needed an easy laugh. While putting clothes away, I
walked over to my phone. No missed calls and not one text.
Since it was nearing seven and I still hadn’t heard from Liam, I began to worry so I decided I would give
him a quick call to see how everything was going.

“Hi you have reached Liam Andrews; I am not able to accept your call at the moment. Please leave me a
message after the tone and I will return it as soon as possible.”


I didn’t feel like leaving a voicemail, but since it straight to voicemail, I wanted him to know I tried

“Hey honey, I was just calling to see how things were going. I got the flowers! You need to stop spoiling
me. Well, it’s almost seven …I am going to try and go for a run and then grab a shower and head to bed.
I have a long day of pampering ahead of me. Umm… give me a call if you can later. I love you.” I hung up
thinking that I sounded like an idiot in my message. I hated leaving voicemails that weren’t for
professional reasons.

I hadn’t thought of running until I said it, but now it sounded like the perfect idea. I quickly changed
clothes and laced up my running shoes. I grabbed my phone and put it in my arm band and began to
blast the tunes as I walked out the door.

I always enjoyed the occasional run; it really cleared my head of everything swarming through it. I didn’t
think it was helping until I hit my third mile, all my energy was concentrating on how much farther I
could push myself.

When I got home, my legs felt like Jell-O, but it was a welcomed feeling. I headed up the stairs, dreaming
of the hot shower that awaited me. I connected my phone to my speakers so I could keep the tunes
going. Headed into the bathroom and blasted the water onto me. I stood there just letting the water hit
my shoulders, my hair and my back. I stayed in until I could tell I was running out of hot water. When I
got out, I felt like a whole new woman.

I quickly dried my hair and threw on some of my sleep shorts and a cami. Tonight, I definitely deserved a
glass of wine.

I headed into the kitchen; I pulled out one of my favorite wine glasses. I grabbed the chilled bottle out of
fridge, poured a glass of cold wine and took a quick sip and replaced it before placing the bottle back
into the fridge. I had thought about grabbing a snack but I was still full from lunch.

I noticed that the house phone was blinking, which meant that I had at some point missed a call. I was
hoping that it was Liam, just to make sure that he was okay, but it turned out to be my mom. She would
get a kick out of hearing who was back in town. I cringed; I hadn’t spoken to my mom in over a week.

I quickly dialed her number.


“Hey Mom! How are ya?”

“Hey sweetie! You forget how to call your mom?” Sheasked playfully. “I’m doing okay, just relaxing out
on the porch having a glass of wine. How are you, honey?”
“I’m good. I took the day off and had a ‘me’ day; it was desperately needed. I’m actually sorry; I really
should have come by to say hi, though.” I paused to take a sip of my wine. “How’s Avery?” He may have
been good to my mom, but since they got married; I got the feeling that I was in his way. I didn’t go over
there as much when he was around, so usually I would meet my mom for dinner once a month.

“He’s…well he’s good.” She hesitated.


“Things okay?” I asked. She was always smitten with him, so obviously something was up if she was


“Oh yeah, things are good. He just can be an ass sometimes.” She said directly.


“Sometimes?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Ryleigh. Don’t start, please. Yes, he is an ass, but I don’t need you to be one now. I just would like to
have a nice conversation with my loving daughter and enjoy this lovely glass of merlot. Okay?” She

“Wow, must have been a good fight. But yes, I can be loving. Wanna talk about it?” I asked sincerely.


“Nope. It’ll just get me riled up again. You know, men are just dumb, I am sorry, but they are! Well, not
all of them.” She paused for a moment. “How is Liam by the way?”

“He is good. Just working. A lot actually. We really haven’t seen each other that much this week, we get
to do a nice dinner together tomorrow night, but then he has to get ready to head out to New York for a
couple days next week.” I started to feel bummed.

“Oh honey, I am sorry. I am sure that things will begin to slow down and you guys can maybe have time
to go on a vacation of some sort! How is everything else going?” My mom always had a way of trying to
look on the bright side of the situation.

“Oh my God! You will never BELIEVE who I ran into and had lunch with?” I sounded a little too excited.


“Who? Please tell me Cam Gigandet and he is looking for a more mature woman in his life and he was
wondering if your mom was available!” She was laughing.


I began to laugh.

“You’re crazy! If it were him, I’d say you’re happily married, but I’d run off with him in a heartbeat.
Sorry, but I wouldn’t even think twice about you if given a second with that man.” We were both
giggling like crazy.

“No, seriously who did you run into?” She asked a little more impatient.


“Caleb!” I said excitedly. Saying his name made smile all over again.


“Caleb Martin? The Infamous Caleb?” She asked surprised.
“Yes mom, the one and only.” As if she knew any other Caleb.

“Wow! Well, I hate to be the one to spoil the moment but I saw him on Sunday.” She stopped as if she
were giving me time to process. “I was over at his parent’s house visiting with his mom when he arrived.
Sorry, should have told you, gave you some sort of warning.” I could tell she was trying to somehow
protect me. She knew how badly I was hurt when he left, maybe thinking I would be upset to hear he
was back.

“Oh mom…you could’ve told me! I would have been excited to hear that he was back. I mean, I was
excited to see him when I ran into him! Things have changed; I am grown, he’s grown, I’m married, we
both are different people now.”

“Sweetheart, who are you trying to convince of this? I know you are grown and married, but you can’t
honestly sit there and tell me that some of those old feelings didn’t come rushing back the second that
you saw him?” She asked seriously.

I hated it when my mom was right.


“I don’t know, Mom. There was some sort of rush there. But I have Liam now.” I always knew that Caleb
was my first love, but I was trying to not let that thought interfere with my life now.

“Look, I have been in your position, Ryleigh. Remember I’m older, not by much.” She laughed. “And I
have once been in your shoes. You just have to make sure that you, in the end, know what you are
doing. Do you understand?” She asked sternly.

I could then hear Avery in the background whispering something to my mom.


“Mom, I will let you go. It sounds like someone is trying to grovel.” I chuckled.


“Yeah, I wouldn’t call it groveling; I would call it ass kissing. I’ll call you next week; maybe meet for our
dinner together? I love you, Ryleigh. You are great daughter, you know that right?”


“I am your only daughter! I love you too, Mom. Meeting sounds great. Talk to you later.”

I checked my cell phone one last time before I decided to head to bed. Nothing. I had my message
screen up ready to send a text to Liam, just to make sure that he was still alive. My fingers had another
plan; they didn’t enter Liam’s number.

Hey, you didn’t tell me you saw my mom!


I turned on the TV in my room and flipped through the channels. Still sipping on my wine.


Oh! I forgot…At first I didn’t even think that was your mom. She looks great! I know where you
get it from ;)


The man definitely knew how to flatter me!
You’re crazy. But you do know how to flatter someone!


I laughed.

I will never stop telling you how beautiful you are. How I love listening to you, just thinking
about you. Thinking about tasting your lips again. I especially love feeling your body close to

Oh my god! I don’t think I have ever been so turned on by a text message in my life.

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