Torn (Demon Kissed #3) (27 page)

BOOK: Torn (Demon Kissed #3)
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I went to Al’s church to pack my things. I wouldn’t be returning there again. Julia would soon learn of Al’s death and send someone to replace her. I stuffed some clothes into my bag, and went to the kitchen to pack some food. The night Al died did something to me. It felt like I was torn in half. I sat there until the dim rays of morning shone through the grey clouds and found out the hard way what happens to an ancient Martis’ body when they die. I’d had her hand in mine, and was telling her I didn’t know what to do. That still I needed her. She was the only one who hadn’t lied to me, and now she was gone. As I was pleading and crying, her body turned to white mist in my hands. I watched the pearly vapors as they wisped away from me and into the sky. That was a few hours ago. I managed to pull myself together long enough to decide what to do next.

I went back to the church to pack my things and grab supplies before the other Martis arrived. After ravaging the cabinets, and filling my bag with food, I headed out into the frosty early morning air. The cold gust blew against my face as white specs of tiny snow fell from the sky.

The last time I had to deal with death, I didn’t know what to do. Overwhelming sadness had engulfed me then. I allowed it and mourned Apryl for months, doing nothing to avenge her death. I let misery and grief consume me whole until there was nothing left of the girl I’d been. Well, this time would be different. This time, I saw who killed Al and he wasn’t getting away from me. This time I knew exactly how to make myself feel better. This time, when I found Eric, I wouldn’t let him escape—I’d kill him.







Book #4 in the Demon Kissed Series






January 10, 2012







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Coming January 2012

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