Read Torn from You Online

Authors: Nashoda Rose

Tags: #na, #new adult, #dark contemporary

Torn from You (35 page)

BOOK: Torn from You
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“You’re going to need to beg.” His mouth
twitched when he saw her eyes close briefly and her head sink
further back into the pillow. Yeah, better lay back and relax,
because he was taking his sweet ass time.

He kissed his way down her body, tongue
tasting every inch of her delectable velvet skin until he reached
her naked mound. Fuck, he loved that she kept herself shaved.

Her head moved back and forth as he took her
in his mouth and sucked. Jesus, she tasted like paradise wrapped up
in a bow. He groaned, the vibration making her shudder and her legs
quiver. He pushed her legs up so her knees bent more.

“Wider.” That’s all he needed to say; she
hadn’t forgotten. She parted her legs to the limit, and he moved in
to start his feast, tongue rolling over her clit then sliding down
into the wetness and back up again. He used his fingers to part her
and sunk in deep, pushing his tongue up into her.

“Oh God, Logan. Stop.”

She wasn’t in pain. He could hear the
pleasure in her voice. And if it pleased her, he would never stop.
He ignored her pleas and swirled his tongue around her clit,
feeling her tremble and her back arch up pushing herself further
into his mouth. She was close. Fuck. He wanted her to come so he
could swallow every inch of her.

“Please, honey. Please let me come.”

He couldn’t let that happen, not yet. He
slipped his fingers into her and pumped hard and fast, but
purposely avoided touching where she was burning for him to finish
her off. Not yet.

“Eme, legs.” She was trying to close them,
to find some sort of relief. “Open. Now.” She instantly obeyed
hoping he’d give her a reward sooner. Not happening. He lived to
see her writhe beneath him.

He moved up her body and heard her groan of
frustration, but he wouldn’t let it deter him. She needed this just
as much as he did. He stopped to circle his tongue around her
nipples then continued upward until he was face-to-face to her
half-lidded eyes.

“Let go, Emily.” He wanted her hands on him,
touching him, setting him in flames like a fuckin’ city on fire.
Her hands sunk into his hair, and he took her mouth, kissing her
until she was gasping for breath. When he drew back, he saw the
complete and utter submission, and if he wasn’t lying on the bed,
he’d be on his goddamn knees. She did that to him.

“I’m making you come in my mouth. Then I’m
fucking you until you come again.” He didn’t expect a reply; she
could barely breathe by the way her chest was heaving beneath

By the time he reached her pussy, her hands
were gripping tightly in his hair and her body was wiggling. He
thought she’d come before he even reached his destination.

“Tilt for me.” When she pushed up with her
pelvis and he stared down at that gleaming, naked pussy, he came a
little bit, and it pissed him off. He was losing control, and fuck
if that was happening. As his eyes roamed up her body to lock with
hers; he knew that this woman could destroy him. He let go of his
emotions to get her back; he never felt so vulnerable as he had in
the last few weeks, but it was worth it.

He stared at her as she lay panting.
“Logan?” It was a mix of begging and uncertainty.

“I love you, Emily. You don’t get to take
that from me. Ever. No one does.” He saw her eyes light up with
surprise, and then he went down on her and made her world spiral
out of control, and fuck, did she scream.

When he entered her she was limp and pliable
beneath him. “Legs.” He helped her slip them around his hips, and
then he had his way ... Well, he always had his way, but it was all
about her. Always. It was knowing what she needed and when. With
her pleasure, came his. He went slow and took his time, building
her up again until she was quivering then calling out his name as
her body tensed and shook.

God, it was the most beautiful sight. Emily
wrapped around him trembling, her lips against his, the sweet scent
of her skin so close he tasted it. And when he released into her
groaning her name, his hands interlocked with hers above their

When Logan rolled over, he took her with him
so her one leg was over top of his and her head was on his chest.
He stroked her hair and closed his eyes, squeezing her to him.

“I’ve always loved you, Logan,” she

He smiled. “Eme, us ... We’re only broken
when we’re apart.”



I woke to my face snuggled into the crook of
his neck, hand resting on his chest and my legs entwined with
Logan’s. The scent of him with each breath had my insides quaking
and my stomach dropping. It felt warm and safe and protective.

Logan. It was hard to fathom that I was in
his bed. My body sore but still wanting more of him. I inhaled
deep, and my nipples brushed up against him. He was intoxicating,
and I didn’t want to get out of bed ever, but another need pushed
me to get up.

I slowly tried to slip my legs out from
under his and lift his arm that was slung over my waist. I’d made
it a few inches before he moaned and, with one rough yank, pulled
me closer.

“Not ready to get up,” he mumbled. “Kiss me
good morning, baby.”


“You heard me. Kiss me. And if it’s good,
I’ll let you go.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I stammered.

One of his eyes flicked open, and his brows
rose. “I can lie in bed all day. How about you?”

“I have to pee, Logan.”

“Better kiss me quick then.”

“Fine.” I really did need to pee and arguing
over this was only going to make it harder on me. Besides, I wanted
to kiss him. Tilting my head up so my lips were on par with his, I
leaned forward and kissed him. The second moisture connected to
moisture, I shivered.

“Mmmm.” He rolled me over to my back and
hovered above me.

I was breathing hard, my heart pounding and
everything inside me pulsating as I met his eyes. He did that sexy
half-grin, and his eyes were dancing.

“Are you good?”

I nodded. Too breathless for words. Afraid
my voice would crack.

The weight of him felt so good, powerful and
warm and ... and all Logan. He was my sweet. My popsicle and I was
melting into him further and further. I still was uncertain for how
long, but for now I was letting him in. I’d think about my plans to
move out later; right now I felt as if I was finally healing, and I
was grabbing hold while I could.

He groaned and backed off, swinging his legs
over the side of the bed. “Go pee. I’ll make coffee. Two creams, no


He nodded then left, and I got up and went
to the bathroom.


I came downstairs wearing my black breeches
and pink T-shirt. I had tied my hair back in a low ponytail, and
after contemplating how much makeup to put on for a good ten
minutes, not wanting appear like I tried too hard, because despite
what I tried to convince myself, I did want to look good for

I ended up with mascara and light pink lip

I padded into the kitchen and didn’t think
he’d even heard me when he nodded toward the steaming coffee on the
island. “Yours, Mouse.”

Walking toward it, I couldn’t help but eye
his broad naked back as he flipped something in the frying pan. He
reached up into the cupboard. There was a tat I’d noticed last
night on the opposite side of his Tear Asunder tat. It was of a
horse, rearing up, but it was broken like a heart cut in half.
Jagged edges split it down the center. The edges matched perfectly
or at least it appeared as they did. Between the two pieces of the
horse was a guitar with its strings broken, and the intense, black
lines looped around the horse’s neck.

“You hear me?”

I jerked. “Sorry?”

He half-turned toward me. “Toast, baby. Push
it down for me. Eggs are nearly done.”

“Oh yeah. Sure.” I walked over to the
counter and pushed the lever down, and the bread disappeared.

“You want orange juice or is coffee

“Just coffee.”

He took the frying pan off the burner while
I got the plates. He scooped a heaving amount onto both plates then
set the pan in the sink and started the blender. He still did his
protein shake.

I smiled as I went to the toaster just as
the toast popped to a nice golden brown. Wasn’t often a toaster did
its job to perfection. I quickly pulled them out and placed two
pieces each on our plates then buttered them.

He looked relaxed working in the kitchen. It
was sexy and ... Well, it was hot having a guy standing over the
stove making eggs. If he grew up in the compound with Raul, he
couldn’t have spent much time doing stuff like this. My guess, Raul
had slaves to feed them.

I felt him come up next to me, and I looked
up just as his hand settled on top of mine. “You’re drowning the

I looked down and laughed, noticing the gobs
of butter on one piece of toast. “Oh.” I began scrapping it off
when he stilled my movements. He leaned his back against the
counter then swung me around so that I was up against him, butter
knife in one hand and my other grabbing hold of his bicep.

“You’re cute when you’re distracted. What’s


He squeezed me. “Try again.”

“You’re comfortable here. The kitchen I

“Yeah, lots of practice.”

“Oh.” Huh.

“Just ask.”

I didn’t want to hurt him bringing up his
childhood. He’d always been closed off about his life. Would he not
want to tell me? Would he let


“Um, well you grew up with Raul. I just
thought, that you ... I don’t know, you wouldn’t have learned to

His hands rubbed slowly up and down my arms.
“I didn’t even see a kitchen there. Spent most my time training,
but food was always available. I learned to cook after we escaped
and came here. My mother was a ghost, barely spoke, just existed.
It was like all the adrenaline and fight she had was to protect me
and then to get us out; the trauma finally caught up to her, and
she crashed. So, I looked after her. And I learned to cook.” Logan
stopped stroking my arms, and I looked up into his eyes. “I grew up
in a shit place with shittier people who had no morals or values.
My mom tried to shield me from that. She fought hard against it so
I wouldn’t get stained by it.

“By the time I was six I was seeing and
understanding what she saw, the horror and disgust with who Raul
was. She shielded that from me as best she could. I learned
patience and persistence from her too, resilience that I was better
than all of them. The fighting helped to release my anger at what
they were doing to the women, and yes, there were children. All
Raul cared about was making me the best fighter he could. So I was
left untouched by most of it. But my mother ...” I rested my head
on his shoulder and tightened my arms; tears streamed down my face
as I listened. “My mother wasn’t so lucky. She suffered. But she
also knew how to keep Raul happy, so she did what she had to do. To
survive. To protect me. She gave me that will to fight for whatever
I wanted. To never give up. And to protect whatever I love with
everything I have.”

“Logan. I’m so sorry.”

“We got out. And I learned how to cook. I’d
say that’s a damn good thing for you.”

I half-smiled into his shirt, and I could
feel his chuckle rumble in his chest. “Mouse, eggs are getting
cold.” He grabbed the plates, and we went to the stools and sat
next to one another. “You’re dressed to ride.”

Despite knowing what I was wearing, I still
looked down at myself. “Yeah. I’ll take Havoc out.”

“I want you with me today.”

“Well, ah I ...”

His fork dropped on the plate and made a
loud clang. “No running.”

“I’m not.” And for the first time, I meant

He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.
“Say it.”

“What?” I attempted to dislodge his hand,
but he held tight.

“Tell me you’re not running.”

“I’m not running.”

He let me go and nodded as if satisfied with
my answer. “You’re meeting my mom. Not today, but you are.”

“What?” Oh God.

“Your mom is no longer part of our lives,
and I know you haven’t seen her in years. Now you’re getting my

I stiffened. “How did you know that?” But I
knew the answer. Deck. It had to be Deck. In the two years Logan
had been vacant from my life, Deck must have kept him informed.
That’s why he checked up on me. Oh God, all this time, Logan had
been watching out for me. It might explain the “buddy” thing, how
close they appeared now. Deck and Logan had been talking for the
last two years.

When I met his eyes, he knew I knew.

“Yeah, Eme. I kept tabs on you. Deck made
certain you were good. I had to be sure you were looked after. Even
if I couldn’t be with you. Even if this shit took me from you, I’d
always know you were looked after. Now, go get changed. Wear jeans
and a sexy white blouse. I’m taking you on my bike, we’re riding a
while then we’re getting ice cream.”

BOOK: Torn from You
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