Total Abandon (2 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Total Abandon
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Sandra picked up a piece of zucchini from the appetizer tray and dipped it in the dressing, then took a bite. The waitress returned a few moments later with their drinks. Sandra took a sip.

“It’s about time.” Aimee glanced over Sandra’s shoulder.

Sandra glanced around to see Devlin approaching their table. His glittering gaze locked on her as he walked toward them with his usual relaxed gait, a charming half smile curling his lips.

Although she couldn’t see the color of his eyes in this light, she knew they were as blue as the sky at dusk, dusted with golden specks, and surrounded by a midnight blue ring. The raspy shadow across his jaw gave him a definite masculine allure, and he’d tied back his medium brown shoulder-length hair, which was typical on a workday. His relaxed casual-Friday outfit consisted of well-worn jeans and a brown tweed blazer over a brown striped shirt.

Sandra slid farther into the booth to make room for him, and he sat down beside her.

His gaze fell to the table. “What’s this?”

Oh, damn. Sandra tried to grab the cocktail napkin as he plucked it from the table—the napkin with the list scribbled on it—but he snatched it out of reach and began to read.

His grin broadened, revealing his strong white teeth. “Well, this is quite the menu. Are there pictures to go along with it?”

“You are so bad.” Sandra’s hand brushed across his broad chest as she tried to reach the list, but he held it farther away from her. She stretched her arm more, trying to grab the small square napkin, but his arms were longer than hers. Suddenly, she realized she was practically draped across him, her chest against his, and she became intensely aware of his muscular arm beneath her fingertips, her breasts pressed against his solid, ridged chest, his face far too close to hers. Kissably close.

And kissing wasn’t something she intended to do with Devlin. He was her friend.

She drew back and tugged the sides of her shirt down, then smoothed it over her hips, her lips pursed.

Now would come the teasing.

“Is this your weekend to-do list?” he asked, eyebrows raised.

“Well, maybe you and I can talk her into it,” Aimee said with a wink. “I’ve convinced her to stretch her imagination a little. Now we need to convince her to go a bit wild.”

Devlin grinned, his amused gaze settling on Sandra.

“Especially now that she’s lifted her ban on sex.” Aimee rested her chin on her hand. “A whole year without.” Aimee shook her head and gazed at Sandra. “I don’t know how you lasted so long.”

*   *   *


Devlin watched Sandra’s cheeks blush softly. He didn’t know how he’d lasted so long. From the first time he’d met her, he’d been crazy about her. Aimee had told him Sandra had recently divorced and how tough it had been on her, so he’d decided to tread carefully. He’d gotten to know her, becoming her friend, making sure to give her plenty of time, hoping when she was ready, she’d agree to go out with him. Then he’d show her why the two of them were perfect for each other.

But timing was everything. The woman hadn’t been with anyone else since high school, and she was clearly on the rebound. The first few guys she dated wouldn’t—shouldn’t—lead to something permanent. He needed to wait it out awhile longer, let her get a taste of the single life. Then once she was firmly ensconced in the dating world, he’d swoop in and make his move.

*   *   *


Sandra held one of Devlin’s arms and Aimee the other as the three of them stepped outside into the warm summer’s evening. Sandra took a deep breath and realized she felt more than a little light-headed.

“My car’s around the corner,” Devlin said as he tugged her to the left.

“I’m glad we’ve got you as our designated driver,” Aimee said. “It beats taking the bus at this hour.”

Sandra took the bus to work and no express buses ran at this hour, so it would have been a long commute. Sometimes Aimee drove her car, but Devlin hadn’t even asked. Aimee and Sandra had both had enough drinks that he would ensure neither of them drove. Even though Sandra didn’t need a guy looking out for her, it was kind of nice that he did. Devlin was a good friend.

He opened the front passenger door and Sandra climbed in. Aimee got into the backseat—the usual arrangement, since he would drop off Aimee first. As he drove, Sandra relaxed in the front seat, her head against the headrest. Suddenly she realized they’d stopped—she must have dozed off—and Aimee was getting out of the car.

“I’ll be back in a minute,” Devlin said. “I’ll just make sure she gets in all right.”

Sandra watched Devlin walk Aimee to the door of her apartment building, wondering why the two of them weren’t dating. Devlin was such a great guy, and available. Aimee really was missing out. Sandra sighed. Maybe she should say something to Devlin.

A few minutes later, Devlin opened the driver’s door and slid into the seat beside her. He pulled the car into traffic again.

“So, the year’s finally over.” He glanced toward her, then back to the road. “Are you looking forward to dating again?”

She shifted in her seat. “Not really.”

“Any particular reason?”

“Well, I’m out of practice, for one.” She glanced over at him. “And don’t say it’s like riding a bike.”

He chuckled.

“I guess I’m worried I won’t find anyone who wants to date me.” She fiddled with her hands in her lap. “And then I’m worried that if I do date someone, it won’t go well … I won’t know what to say or do. That kind of thing.”

“I’m sure you won’t have any problem finding someone—probably a lot of someones—who would love to date you.”

He gazed across at her. Was it her imagination, or was there a heated interest in his eyes? Butterflies quivered through her stomach, but she realized it was most likely her imagination. Probably the alcohol hazing her judgment.

“And if you want to go on a practice date or two—”

“You’ll volunteer? But that wouldn’t really be the same thing. You and I are comfortable together. There wouldn’t be any of the awkwardness of being with a stranger.”

Devlin smiled but shook his head. “No, I was going to say that I could set you up with someone. Maybe introduce you to a couple of my friends over drinks, to see if you hit it off in a casual sort of setup.”

“Oh.” As much as she’d protested, she’d actually liked the idea that Devlin wanted to do some test dates with her. The idea that he wanted to pawn her off on his friends disappointed her for some reason.

He pulled in front of her building and parked the car, then walked around it and opened her door. She stepped out of the car and, as she breathed in the fresh night air, felt a little woozy. Devlin took her arm.

“I think someone celebrated a little too much tonight.” He took her hand and rested it on his elbow, then walked with her to the front door of her apartment building.

She rarely had more than a glass or two of wine with dinner, or a single cocktail in an evening, so the champagne and piña coladas had definitely gone to her head. She pulled her key from her purse and pushed it into the front door lock and turned it. Devlin opened the door.

“I’ll see you up,” he said.

She walked beside him across the air-conditioned lobby. He summoned the elevator and they stepped inside. As the doors closed behind them, Sandra realized how small a space it was and how tall Devlin was standing beside her. And how broad his shoulders were.

And how safe she felt around him.

His arm brushed hers, and she realized he hadn’t actually moved toward her; she’d listed a little to the left and now leaned against him slightly. She should move away, but it felt cozy leaning close to him like this. Her good friend. Her buddy.

Her sexy, extremely masculine buddy.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. She stepped into the hallway and walked toward her apartment, Devlin by her side. The lights of the city glittered below them as she walked toward the big window at the end of the hallway, where her apartment door was. Devlin took her key from her fingers and pushed it into the lock, then turned it.

“You want to come in?” Sandra asked impulsively.





Sandra’s stomach fluttered at the thought, which was crazy because he’d been over a dozen times before. Of course, always with Aimee. They were sort of a threesome, friendship-wise. But right now, looking into his striking blue eyes, she thought of a threesome of another sort. Threesomes like Aimee had suggested on their list. Sexy, erotic threesomes.

But right at this moment, she’d be fine without the third. Just Devlin and her.

She locked gazes with him and tipped her chin up.

*   *   *


Devlin stared at Sandra, who gazed at him with warm olive green eyes, her full lips looking soft and kissable. His stomach clenched, and he couldn’t help himself. He leaned in and captured her lips. Oh, God, they were every bit as soft as he had imagined.

Her arms curled around his neck and she drew closer to him. Her soft breasts pressed against him. He wanted to shove away his jacket and pull her tight to his chest, to feel if her nipples were hard with desire, just as his cock pulsed to life at her proximity.

Damn, he wanted her.

Her tongue slipped between his lips, gently exploring, and he groaned, then sucked it into his mouth. Everything about her was so soft and warm. His body hardened even more. He felt his resolve weakening, his need for her growing.

Her hand stroked down his back, then wrapped around his butt and squeezed. His cock lurched to full attention.

She had never, ever done something like that before. Through the haze of desire, he remembered how many drinks she’d had tonight. Three since he’d shown up at the bar. He didn’t know how many before that.

He couldn’t take advantage of her. And that’s what he’d be doing if he continued this now. With great power of will, he eased away from her.

“Let’s get you inside.”

Her eyes lit up, and he realized she’d misread his comment. Still, he opened the door and guided her forward, then closed the door behind them.

When he turned back, he saw her bent at the waist, unfastening the strap on her shoe. Her very round, very sexy derriere was right in front of him, her short, flowing skirt barely covering the essentials. He wanted to reach out and stroke her lovely round ass. His cock twitched. What he really wanted to do was lift that skirt to reveal the luscious curves underneath, to stroke her naked backside, then draw her against him. His cock ached with need.

She shifted to unfasten her other shoe and swayed a bit to the side. He grasped her hips to steady her and she eased back against him.

The bulge in his pants nestled snugly into the heat of her delightful backside. She shifted a little as she tugged at her shoe, and he tightened his hands around her hips. She was driving him crazy with need.

“Sorry. The strap is stuck.”

“Let me help,” he offered.

She stood up and turned around to face him. She pushed her long, glossy black hair behind her ear and started to lift her knee, raising her foot in the air. Worried she’d topple over, he crouched down in front of her and captured her foot. Conscious of her long shapely legs in front of him, he unfastened the ankle strap on her high-heeled shoe, then drew it from her foot.

She smiled, her eyes twinkling delightfully. “Thanks.”

She placed her foot on the floor, then walked away from him, a definite sway to her hips.

“Want some coffee? I just got a new Hawaiian blend in decaf.”

“Uh … no, I’d better go.” If he stayed here any longer, he might just give in to his intense desire.

She stopped and turned around. “Are you sure?” She walked toward him, then trailed her fingers up his lapels and gazed into his eyes. “I thought maybe you might want to stay and talk about that … uh … that list Aimee and I made up earlier.” She smiled as she tugged on his shirt collar, then rested her hands on his shoulders. “Do you think I should maybe try out any of those things? I’ve never had a man tie me up. I think it could be pretty sexy.”

His breath caught at the thought of Sandra tied up. Naked.
Lying on his bed.

His hands started to tremble and he rolled them into fists to stop himself from grabbing her and tossing her over his shoulder, then carrying her off to the bedroom.

The delicate scent of her mango shampoo filled his senses. Intoxicating. She lifted her chin, bringing her lips closer to his, holding them mere inches from his own. Expectantly.

He couldn’t resist. He captured the lips she so willingly offered again. So soft. So alluringly sweet. He wrapped his arms around her and glided his tongue into her velvety mouth. She tasted of sweet pineapple, coconut, and rum. He swirled his tongue inside her mouth and her tongue joined his, then plunged inside his mouth. He almost gasped at the urgent need flooding through him.

He wanted her. Badly.

She tugged on his jacket and pulled it from his shoulders. It fell to the floor. Then she pushed at his open shirt as she nuzzled under his chin. Her soft lips caressing his raspy skin sent quivers through him. His shirt dropped to the floor, leaving him in only a T-shirt, and she grasped his hand and lifted it. He felt her round, firm breast against his palm, beneath the thin fabric of her soft silk blouse. The nipple peaked to a hard bud.

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