Touch and Go (34 page)

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Authors: Studs Terkel

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Barnett, Etta Moten
Barrymore, Lionel
Barton, James
Basie, Count
Bates, Alan
Bauler, Paddy
Baum, Lois
Baxter, Warner
Beau Geste
Beauvoir, Simone de
Beaverbrook, Max, Lord
Beecher, John
Bell, James
Bellow, Saul
Bennett, Richard
Berghoff (poll-watcher)
Berlinrut, Captain
Berman, Shelly
Bernays, Edward
Bernstein, Elmer
Bethlehem Steel
Bethune, Mary McLeod
Bialystok, Russia
Binford, Jessie
Birmingham, Alabama
Black, Timuel
Blackstone Hotel (Chicago)
Blackstone Theatre (Chicago)
Blue, Jess
Blue Note (Chicago club)
Blumberg, Hyman
Bogart, Humphrey
Bohemian barber
Bohr, Niels
Bolcom, William
Bonavaglia, Jimmy
Bono, Victor
Born to Live
(ST documentary)
Boston Red Sox
Boston Store (Chicago)
A Bottle of Milk for Mother
Bourke-White, Margaret
Brady, Matthew
Branden, Barbara
Brando, Marlon
Bread Loaf (writing school)
Breckinridge, Sophonisba
Breslin, Jimmy
Brewer, Bill
Briant, Aristide
The Briefcase
Bron, Eleanor
Brooklyn Dodgers
Brooks, Louise
Broonzy, Big Bill
Bross, William
Broun, Heywood
Brown Brothers
Brown, John
Browning, Edward West “Daddy,”
Browning, “Peaches,”
Browning, Robert
Bryan, William Jennings
Bughouse Square (Chicago)
Bulldog (baseball mentor)
Bunning, Red
Burns, George
Burns, Mrs.
Burns, Robert
Bush, George W.
Butler, Fletcher
Butler, Smedley
Cagney, James
Caldwell, Erskine
Calvé, Emma
Cameron, Fergus
Cameron, James
Cameron, Margaret
Cameron, Simon
Camp Foley (Logan, Colorado)
Campbell, Monroe Jr.
Canterbury Courts (Chicago)
Cantor, Eddie
Capek (Josef and Karel) brothers
Capone, Al
Capote, Truman
Carlson, Evans
Carlyle, Thomas
Carmina Burana
Carnegie, Charlie
Carnegie Steel
Carney, Jimmy
Cartier-Bresson, Henri
Caruso, Enrico
Cashin (prosecutor)
Casso, Nicolo
Castle Theater (Chicago)
Castro, Fidel
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
The Catcher in the Rye
Chaliapin, Feodor
Chaplin, Charlie
Chase House (Chicago)
Chekhov, Anton
Chez Paree (Chicago club)
The Chicago American
Chicago Art Institute
Chicago Bears
Chicago Blackhawks
Chicago Cubs
Daily News
Chicago Opera House
Chicago Repertory Theater Group
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Chicago Water Tower
Chief (poker player)
Christian, Mady
Churchill, Winston
Cincinnati Reds
Citizen Kane
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Civilization (aka Joe Chuch) (hotel guest)
Clamage, Ed
Clamage, Elsie
Clancy Brothers
Cleveland Indians
Clifford, Clark
Club de Femmes
Cobb, Lee J.
Cody, Lew
Coffin, William Sloan
Cohen, Ben
Cold War
Coleman, Ronald
Collins, Tom
Combined Insurance Company
“Come in at the Door” (Algren)
Committee for Civil Rights
Common Sense
Commons, George
Communists The Compass Players
Concord Record Shop (Chicago)
Congress of Racial Equality
Conroy, Jack
Conspiracy 8 trial
Cook, Charlie
Cook County Hospital (Chicago)
Cook County Jail (Chicago)
Coolidge, Calvin
Corcoran, Tommy
Corridor (Chicago restaurant)
Corwin, Norman
Cosmopolitan State Bank (Chicago)
Coué, Émile
Coughlin, Fran
Council of Catholic Women
Coward, Noel
Cradle Will Rock
Crawford, Broderick
Crawford, Joan
Crosby, John
Cygan, Stanley
Daley, Richard J.
Daley, Richard M. (junior)
Dalhart, Vernon
“Darling” (Chekhov)
Darrieux, Danielle
Darrow, Clarence
Daugherty, Harry
Daughters of Bilitis
Daumier, Honoré
Davis, Sammy Jr.
Dawson, Bill
de la Cruz, Jessie
Dean's Milk
Death of a Salesman
Debs, Eugene B.
Debs Award
Deck (Washington gay bar)
Decker, Alber
Deller, Alfred
Dellinger, Dave
Dellinger, David
Dellinger, Raymond
Dempsey, Jack
DeSheim, Charlie
Despres, Leon
Detective Story
Dewey, John
Dewey, Thomas
Dickens, Charles
Dickerson, Lucille
Dickerson, Nancy
Dies, Martin Jr.
Dillinger, John
Division Street:America
Doheny, Frank
Dora (friend)
Douglas, Melvyn
Douglas, William O.
Douglass, Frederick
Drachman, Bernard
Dreamland Ballroom (Chicago)
Dreiser, Theodore
Durham, Richard
Durr, Clifford
Durr, Virginia
Duse, Eleonora
Dyer-Bennett, Richard
Eastland (James) Committee
Edelweiss Beer
Edward, Prince of Wales
Eichmann in Jerusalem
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight
Eldridge, Florence
Eliot, George
Ellington, Duke
Ellis, C. P.
Engstrand, Stuart
Entertainment Tonight
Erie Clothing Company
The Establishment
Ethan Frome
Evans, Walker
Fabre, Jean-Henri
“Failed '48ers,”
Fairbanks, Douglas
Fall, Albert
Farm Security Administration (FSA)
Farnol, Barry
Farrell, James T.
Faulkner, William
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
Federal Theater Project
Fellini, Federico
Fermi, Enrico
Fiddler on the Roof
Field, Marshall I,
Field, Marshall III,
Field, Marshall V,
Fine Arts Quartet
Finnish barber (Bughouse Square person)
First Amendment
Fitzgerald, Zelda
Flentye, H. L.
Fletcher, Polly
Foch, Ferdinand
Fonda, Jane
Foner, Eric
Fontanne, Lynn
Ford, Henry
The Fountainhead
Fourth Presbyterian Church (Chicago)
Frank, Lew
Fratto, Louis
Frederick (Minsa's boyfriend)
Freeman, Arnie
Freeman, Bud
Freire, Paolo
Freud, Sigmund
Friedman, Milton
Frisch, Frankie
Froggy (pimp)
The Front Page
Fuchs, Klaus
Fuller, Buckminster
Fuller, Margaret
Gable, Clark
Gage, Lyman
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Galli-Curci, Amelita
Gandhi, Mahatma
Garfield, John
Garland, Judy
Garrity, Vince
Garroway, Dave
Garroway at Large
Garson, Greer
Gary, Joseph E.
Garzutti, Shirley
Geer, Will
Gelders, Joe
George V Hotel (Paris, France)
(Ibsen play)
GI Bill
Gibson, Mel
Girard, Kansas
Girard, Pennsylvania
Girdler, Tom
The Glass Menagerie
Glassford, Pelham
Gobel, George
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
Goldberg, Jonah
Golden Rule
Goldman, Emma
Goldman Sachs Company
Gone With the Wind
The Good War
(Terkel oral history)
Goodman, Theodosia.
Bara, Theda
Goodrich (Bughouse Square person)
Gordimer, Nadine
Gordon (precinct captain)
Gordon, Ruth
Gourfain, Ed
Grace, Sister (Bughouse Square person)
Graham, John
Graham, Martha
The Grapes of Wrath
Great Depression
Green, Dwight
Green, Henrietta Howland
Green Mill (Chicago)
Green, Paul
Greenberg, Louis
Greensboro, North Carolina
Greenspan, Alan
Gregory, Charles Oscar
Griffith, Raymond
Grobnik, Slats
Groh, Heinie
Group Theater (New York City)
Gump, Jean
Guthrie, Woody
Hague, Frank
Haldeman-Julius, E.
Hall, Wendell
Hall of Fame of Black Writers
Hammett, Dashiell
Hannegan, Bob
Hansen (radio engineer)
Hapgood, Jim
Hard Times
Hardie, Keir
Harding, Warren G.
Harmon, Lily
Harmon, Paddy
Harper, Harry
Harrison, Carter
Hart, Pearl
Hartman, Bob
Harvey, Paul
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hayden, Sterling
Hayden, Tom
Haymarket Affair (1886)
Head, Henry
Held, John Jr.
Helsing's Bar (Chicago)
Hemingway, Ernest
Henry, Lucille
Hepburn, Katharine
Herb (friend)
Here Is Your Enemy
Higginbottom, J. C.
High Steppers
Highlander Folk School
Hightower, Lottie
Hill, Napoleon
Hilton Hotel (Chicago)
Hinton, Judge
Hirshhorn Museum
Hitler, Adolph
Ho Chi Minh
Hodiak, John
Hoffman, Abbie
Hoffman, Julius
Hoffman, Nicolas von
Holiday, Billie
Hollywood Ten
Holt, John
Holy Name Cathedral (Chicago)
Holzfeind, Frank
Honey Dripper
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hope Dies Last
Hopkins, Harry
Hoppe, Willie
Hopper, DeWolf
Horn, Lena
Horton, Myles
The Hot Plate
(ST news column)
Hotel Guyon (Chicago)
House Un-American Activities Committee
Howard, Sidney
Howells, William Dean
Hughes, Langston
Hull, Henry
Hull House (Chicago)
Hutchins, Robert Maynard
Hyde Park (London)
Ibsen, Henrik
Ickes, Harold
Iglesia, Elena de la
In Abraham's Bosom
Independent Voters of Illinois
Industrial Workers of the World “Wobblies” (IWW)
Inherit the Wind
Insull, Samuel
International Harvester Works
Iraq war
Iron, Ralph (aka Olive Schreiner)
Irving, Henry
It Can't Happen Here

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