Touch of the Camera (2 page)

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Authors: Anais Morgan

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Touch of the Camera
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When the camera stopped, I shook out my body and attempted to take a few deep breaths before diving back into it. Jacque was humming—I wasn’t sure if that meant he was pleased—his sound echoing throughout the open stage. I started by hunching my back and wrapping my arms around myself, using my thumbs to caress my skin. I had to pretend my lover, at least the made up one in my head, was touching me, bringing me to life. I puckered my lips a bit and I felt…off. I wasn’t sure if it was because this was new to me or what, but I was forcing it. Shang put down his camera then came over. He saw it too.

Shang shook up my hair a bit, ruffling it before dragging his thumb down my cheek. He smiled at me, breathed deeply, then rubbed his index finger over my chin and said, “I know this is your first major shoot. Mine too. Well, at least with people. So how about I help you out and you help me? We both need this. Like,
this. So relax and pretend I’m your boyfriend. Okay?”

Like that was going to be hard.

I nodded, again my only way to respond to him, and breathed the same way he did. I stared into the lens and started to feel the connection, like it wasn’t a lens but a friend, or in this case, a lover. Pretending Shang’s my boyfriend. My mind rolled with fantasies of him coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me to his body. I envisioned the kisses being placed down my neck as I used my hand to caress the other side. I envisioned him smoothing my hair, lips brushing down my collarbone. My fantasies made my skin burn. I blamed it on the lights.

I placed my hands over my body, in theory to tantalise the camera but in truth to calm my skin, which was electrified knowing Shang was looking at me. Was he feeling it? I wanted him to. Cocking an eyebrow, I tried to beckon Shang with my eyes, to invite him over to me. All my inhibitions were flushed away with each click of the camera. Shang pulled away for a minute, glanced over his lens and analysed me. In my gut, I knew he felt the connection. Shang winked before going back to the camera.

More fantasies flashed before me of Shang’s lips on mine, Shang’s head moving between my breasts while his hands massaged my neck. The visions became so real that I felt the ghost of them on me. My body suddenly became ready. I wasn’t a virgin, but I hadn’t experienced that kind of intensity of any sexual nature before. My breath quickened and I clamped my legs together to stop myself from getting more excited.

The room became silent as the snapping of the camera stopped. Shang laid it down. I relaxed, waiting. Waiting for what? Was I waiting for Shang to come over and touch me again? Maybe kiss me? Or was I waiting for Jacque to tell us we got our shot? Yeah, that was it. I went with that.

!” Jacque said, clasping his hands together.

Shang walked over to me and took my hand. He led me to the computer so we could see how things had gone. He rubbed my palm and the ache between my legs doubled. As we clicked through each shot, I became aware of the cologne Shang wore. Everything inside me awakened and I took a step back out of fear. Would Shang notice me in such lust? I walked on shaky feet around the equipment, trying to gather myself. When I looked back, Shang’s eyes were on me. Worry consumed his gaze.

He called out, “Luna, you okay?”

I nodded.

“You look…flushed.”

My voice cracked at first but I managed to say, “Sorry. I was so nervous about today that I only had a light breakfast.

Shang checked his watch. “I guess we can go to lunch. Is that all right?” he asked Jacque.

Jacque nodded, his eyes never leaving mine.

Shang announced, “Okay. Let’s be back here in twenty for the cologne shoot.”

Everyone acknowledged him then each headed in their own direction. I made my way to the craft services table and got a bowl of salad with extra tomatoes. After grabbing a bottle of health water and throwing on my robe, I went outside to a picnic bench and started eating. The cold lettuce tasted like heaven on my lips. I didn’t realise how much I’d been sweating. It was the need, I knew. The need I still dealt with.

Jacque sat down in front of me, menace all over his face. I tried to ignore him by stuffing a mouthful of salad in.

Jacque laughed. “You’re not good at fooling anyone, stem.”

I looked at him, blood draining from my face. “What?”

A smirk touched his lips. “I can see it all over your face. You have a thing for Shang?”

Stumbling over my words, I tried, “N-no, of course not.” I cleared my throat. “I just…umm…you know, the heat. Yeah, the heat. It started to get to me and I was hungry and—”

He waved his hand dismissively. “Luna, I’ve been in this industry a long time and on earth even longer. I can tell when feelings are involved.” He leaned in. “Now, I can tell you that Shang is single and straight.” His last bit of information came with a disgusted look. “He’s looking for someone special, but has never dated a model. If you hope to get anywhere with Mr Lee then I suggest you quit falling and nodding and start showing him who Luna is.”

He was right. I could handle it. I’d practically made love to his eyes with my own. Hurrying, I finished my salad then ran, in my six-inch heels, to wardrobe. The next shoot was going to be the big one.

Chapter Two

Oh boy
. I’d known I was going to be paired with a male model, but not that I’d be in his lap with next to nothing on.

The model, known only as Guy, should have been the poster boy for fitness rather than cologne. His muscles, rippling all over his body, were massive. I bet he could crush me in one stomp. Not only were his abs cut like glaciers, but his face looked like it had been painted by God himself. Chiselled jaw and nose, almond eyes and Hershey chocolate skin… Any girl would love to be sitting on his lap. Me, on the other hand… My mind kept racing back to Shang. He may not have been male model of the year, but he was still—

Time to get to work.

I sat on Guy’s lap, one leg on each side so that I was straddling him. Jacque told me to press my body against Guy’s like I was trying to have sex with him. Yeah, so much easier said than done.

Guy was the perfect professional. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me so I pressed against him. No heat from his body. This was just work for him. I closed my eyes and concentrated.
Don’t think of Guy. Pretend he’s Shang.

As I thought of him, Shang appeared from around the corner, camera hanging low on his hips. Like his jeans…

When Shang turned to the scene, a mixture of satisfaction and disappointment crossed his face. I was sure the photographer in him loved how hot we looked. This would be the most talked about campaign this season. But he was a man in need and I was sure he didn’t like the idea of his interest draped over another man. What was I thinking? I was the one that liked Shang. My thoughts returned to Jacque’s words. Shang

“All right, let’s get this sex show going,” Jacque announced, coming from the backroom.

Shang knelt in front of Guy and me and began snapping the camera. I hung my hand onto Guy’s neck, but I could feel it trembling horribly. I knew Guy felt it, too. I exhaled, wiggled my body a bit, and went back to pretending I was on Shang.

I caressed the skin of Guy’s cheek, feeling the softness beneath my fingers. Was Shang this soft? I imagined Shang was a mixture of rough and smooth. Like satin over sandpaper. Guy used his hand to explore my body, totally platonically, but Shang pulled away from the camera for a minute to look at us. Something told me his scanning gaze wasn’t assessing our poses. His eyes were almost haunting in a way, like he was thinking of one hundred ways to get Guy away from me.
Oh, to see some man action, a good fight…
Bad thoughts. Again.

Shang looked into my eyes and I saw an invitation in them. He wanted me to know what he was thinking. The way he moved his eyes, the way his lips parted…Yeah, he wanted me. My nerves kicked into high gear again and my legs quivered. The sound of my heels clicking on the concrete echoed throughout the room. Shang looked up from his camera again, this time a hint of childish mischief in them.

“Let’s take five,” he said, standing.

Jacque came over to Guy as I got off his lap, Jacque praising how well he did. I held back a laugh. Guy wasn’t gay, but apparently that wasn’t going to stop Jacque—he was a typhoon and Guy was in his path.

“Luna, come here.”

I turned to Shang’s request. He was sitting on a stool near the lighting and as I walked over, stumbling in those ridiculous six-inch heels, Shang stood, allowing me to take his seat. Great. I didn’t think I could stand more than two minutes in those shoes.

Shang crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you nervous?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Is it that obvious?”

“Not to the naked eye, but the camera sees everything.” His eyes turned serious. “I
you…to enjoy this. I want you to feel everything in your body.”

His voice vibrated with intensity and I knew he wasn’t talking about the photo shoot anymore. The way he’d said ‘want’ told me everything. He was jealous of Guy.

The sweat built on my forehead, my heels clicking on the floor. I bit my bottom lip while I tried to think of something to say. What do you say in times like these? I just laid my hand on my knee and waited for him to break the growing silence.

He covered my hand, using his thumb to rub my leg. “Is it wrong for a photographer to say I don’t like you on Guy’s lap?”

I shook my head slowly.

“Is it wrong to say I want to touch you here?” He brushed a strand of hair back from my face. “Or here?” He trailed his finger down my jaw to my lips. “Or to touch you…” He leaned in, moving slowly.

Jacque began clapping. “Time is money, people. Let’s get moving!”

Shang and I exchanged glances. We both wanted that kiss. My lips tingled from the anticipation of what almost was.

Shang held out his hand for me to step down from the chair. He kissed my knuckles before leading me back to the shoot. My heart was about to beat out of my chest. My skin tingled under his.

I sat on Guy’s lap, my back to his chest. Glancing at Shang with hooded eyes, I couldn’t ignore his smile.

As Shang picked up the camera and the snapping sounded again throughout the studio, I moved my body on Guy, almost like I was dry humping him. I was, in my head at least, showing Shang just how much I liked him—I was showing him exactly what I could, and very much wanted, to do to him. I parted my lips and he pulled away from the camera, almost as if he needed to see if it was really me or if his lens was playing tricks on him. Shang knelt in front of us and I could make out the muscles in his arms. The way they flexed as he held the camera made me want to run my hand over them. He was very fit, but then again, anyone that spent their days hiking for the sake of art did have the body to match.

“That’s it,” Shang said.

I leant back onto Guy’s shoulder.

“That’s it,” Shang repeated, excited with our work. His voice was huskier, deeper than at first. I hoped I’d got to him.

Shang moved around us, getting different angles and heights. He stopped a few times to look at the length of my legs then our eyes met. He smiled, an obvious blush staining his cheek. I knew I blushed as well.

“Luna, not so high!” Jacque yelled from behind the equipment. I knew that meant my chin. I tilted it downwards a mere fraction, but enough that the camera couldn’t see straight up my nose. “Good girl, Luna,” Jacque said, his voice filled with glee.

As the shoot ran on, I moved slowly, seductively on Guy’s lap. Man, did I want to feel his touch. My skin tingled and I ached to feel Shang’s warm skin on me again. With one flash of my eyes, I sliced into the camera, inviting Shang in. I wondered if he felt the intensity I gave off. I hoped he could.

When Shang dropped his camera—the strap keeping it around his neck—I saw his gaze filled with lust and knew I had succeeded. A smirk pulled on my lips and he returned it. I glanced down at the noticeable bulge in the front of his jeans. My body reacted instantly, becoming wetter with need. I shifted on Guy’s lap, hoping no one saw. Jacque was too intent on the computer screen, which showed the pictures that had been taken. Guy sighed, acting as though he was bored out of his mind. I wiggled my hips again and Shang almost exploded in his pants, based on his reaction

“Jacque, we got it?” Shang called out.

Jacque looked from one computer screen to the next, clicking and touching away. After a minute he said in his high-pitched voice, “Yes. I believe we do!”

Shang smiled and laid down his camera. He came over to me and held out his hand. I took it and slid off Guy. I turned to him and we exchanged our model “good lucks” and “it was nice working with yous.” Guy and I were given the okay to go to wardrobe and get dressed—we were done for the day.

The walk back to the changing room was abnormally awkward for me. I wanted to turn back and see if Shang was watching me, or if he was even nearby.

I changed back into my very un-model clothes—a hoodie and sweats. Too many of my days were spent in heels, so I slid on my tennis shoes and was ready to go.

Jacque met me in the hall. “Dante wanted me to remind you that next week is the premiere party at Clemins.”

I nodded. “Sure thing. Will you be there?”

Jacque leant back, laughing. “Girl, I never miss a party. Especially a sexy lingerie party.” He turned back. “Looks like that stud’s coming. Get you some.”

I laughed, more in shock at Jacque being able to read into our body language. I should have guessed. Jacque stared at pictures all day—he was probably an expert in flirty grins and blushed cheeks.

Jacque scooted away just as Shang came up. We both waited until the hall was empty before speaking. For a brief moment, there was an awkward silence and I expected tumbleweed to blow by. I took a deep breath, hoping to speak out. I wanted to…What did I want to do? I had so many things rushing through my head. I wanted to thank him for the excellent shoot. I wanted to ask him out, or rather, I hoped he asked me. But that wasn’t allowed—we’d signed a contract that strictly forbade anyone working on the campaign from hooking up until after the launch. It was too bad. I really needed this. I needed to feel Shang touch me in the most intimate way.

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