Touchdown: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Pass To Win Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Touchdown: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Pass To Win Book 1)
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here was
this weird flutter in my stomach as I got ready for the party with Sasha and Gia. It felt like nerves, but there was no reason to be nervous now, the game was over. Maybe I was just feeling excited for the fun night ahead of me. It’s not every day that your team wins the big game.

Sasha, Gia, and I lived in the apartment-style housing on campus. These buildings were filled with athletes, because the athletic department let the sports teams have everything they want. Our dorm is pretty spacious, but like usual, my roommates were crowded in my closet, looking for something to wear to the party.

“Alexa, is this new?” Sasha asked as she held up a black dress.

“No,” I replied. “I’ve had it for a while.”

“I’m going to start checking for doors to Narnia,” she joked. “I’ve been in here hundreds of times, and I’m still finding stuff I’ve never seen before.”

“I dread the day we move out because that means I’ll have to start buying my own clothes,” Gia said.

Getting ready for parties with my girls was one of my favorite things to do. We made a good team; Gia was skilled at doing hair and makeup, I provided the clothes, and Sasha always gave an honest opinion about how we looked.

“We should probably try to leave soon, or the bar will be too packed to get drinks,” I said as I wiggled into my skintight knee-length skirt.

“Girls with asses like yours don’t have to buy their own drinks,” Sasha laughed. “I bet that you’re offered at least five drinks in the first ten minutes. What do you think, Gia?”

“At least seven.”

“Funny,” I replied. “Anyway, I’m perfectly capable of buying my own drinks.”

We called for a cab and less than 10 minutes later we were on our way to the bar. The cheerleaders had been talking about how awesome this club was. Apparently, there was even a special VIP area for the football players. And anywhere the football players were, you could guarantee that there would be cheerleaders right next to them.

“We’ll have three Vodka Cranberries,” I said to the bartender when we finally wedged ourselves up to the bar.

“No, they’ll have three shots of tequila,” a voice said from behind us. “This is a party.”

“Reg! Congrats on the win,” I shouted over the booming dance music.

“Thanks. You ladies are welcome to come back to the VIP section. The service is much better back there.”

“Do you want to start a tab?” The bartender asked.

“Yeah, why not? This is a party,” I echoed Reg, to his delight.

We drank our tequila and sucked on the limes to ease the burn. The club was in full swing. The lights were flashing in a dizzying array and the music was deafening. It’s the kind of place where you have to yell just to have a conversation with someone.

“Sasha,” I said. “Promise me that you won’t let me make any questionable decisions tonight.”

“Too late,” she said as she handed out another round of shots.

We made our way to the back of the club to hang out with some of the football guys. Sam waved us over to where he was sitting.

“I’m glad we won,” Sam said. “Because this party would have been miserable if we lost.”

“Things are going to get crazy tonight,” Reg said. “Coach never liked it when we drank during the season, so everyone is making up for lost time tonight.”

“Hey, we’re getting bottle service, do you guys want anything?” Martin asked. My stomach did a flip when I saw him.
Don’t be stupid
, I thought to myself.
Nothing is going to happen tonight

“No, you guys just won the game. I’m treating you to drinks. Put it on my tab,” I ordered.

He beamed and ran off to find the waitress. She returned with a full bottle of vodka and several different mixers. We drank and laughed about all of the fun times we had had over the past four football seasons.

“Remember that time when Sam was going to ask Gia out after the homecoming game? He was so nervous and played terribly. How many fumbles did you have that game? Four?” Reg laughed.

“It was three, and I had a good reason to be nervous. I was planning on asking out the hottest cheerleader on the squad, and to be honest, she kind of scared me.”

“Aww...” everyone mocked as they kissed.

“What about the time when Martin stole Alexa’s poms during the game and hid them in an equipment bag?” Sam said.

“That was you?” I roared at Martin. “I thought I lost them and I got in so much trouble with the cheer coach. He had to run all the way to our practice room across campus to get me new ones.” I smacked him on the arm. “Well, now that we’re telling secrets, I was the one who filled your dorm room with balloons freshman year.”

“Oh, I knew that,” he smiled. “When people do that prank, they usually blow up the balloons themselves. Only Alexa Hall spends that much money on helium-filled balloons for a silly prank.”

My face felt hot. My family’s wealth was no secret, but it was embarrassing when people poked fun at me for it.

“Alexa,” said a voice from the booth behind us. “You look amazing tonight. Come dance with me.”

It was Donny. He was another rich kid, but unlike me, he flaunted it at every opportunity.

“Sure,” I said, already feeling very tipsy. “You’re lucky they’re playing good music tonight.”

Sam and Gia got up and followed us to the dance floor, and a minute later, Reg and Sasha followed. Donny pressed his body up against mine and we swayed to the music. He wasn’t a bad dancer, but the way he ran his hands up and down my body creeped me out. I looked up and saw Martin sitting at our table with a girl I’d never seen before. I started dancing harder, moving closer to where we were previously sitting. Donny loved it, but he couldn’t keep up with my dancing. I looked back over at Martin. He and the girl were laughing and she had her arm draped over his shoulder, talking right in his ear.

“I’m going to get some air,” I yelled to Donny. “It’s too hot in here.”

“Want me to go with you?” he asked.

“No, I’m alright.”

I went to the bathroom and carefully blotted my face with a paper towel.
I wonder what Martin was saying that was so funny,
I thought to myself. I don’t get jealous about guys. I’ve never had to chase after them; they’ve always pursued me. I wasn’t even really interested in him anyway. I was just surprised that he wasn’t into me.

When I got back to the table, my friends were all back from the dance floor, ready for another round of drinks. I suddenly felt awkward around Martin and poured myself a strong drink to occupy myself while the others talked.

“We only have an hour left before the bar closes,” Sasha said. “Let’s do some shots!”

I don’t know where these drinks were coming from, but they kept arriving every five minutes or so. We threw back fruity drinks with bright colors and foul tasting liquors, grimacing after each one. After a while, Martin started refusing his shots, so I took them, not wanting any drink to go to waste.

“Are you sure you should be drinking this much?” Martin asked, sipping his glass of ice water.

“I can handle it,” I said. “But apparently, you can’t.”

“You’re right,” he said. “I want to be able to remember my name and address by the time this bar closes tonight.”

“I have to go to the bathroom,” I announced. “Who wants to come with me?”

Gia and Sasha followed me to the bathroom.

“It looks like Martin is having a good time tonight,” Gia started.

“Yeah, I guess. Aren’t we all?” I replied.

“No, silly,” Gia said. “Having a good time with you.”

“I don’t think so. He was getting pretty chatty with a girl while I was dancing with Donny.”

“How did that make you feel?” Sasha pressed.

“It didn’t. He can talk to whomever he wants.”

When we left the bathroom, the lights were on and the music was turned down. It was last call and people were starting to shuffle out the door. I grabbed the bill on the table, signed it without looking, and handed it back to the waitress.

“We spent eight hundred dollars here,” Martin said, in shock. “I feel terrible, let me pay you back.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said waving my hand in his face. “It’s not a big deal.”

eight hundred
dollars,” he said quietly.

“Then I better not let a drop of alcohol go to waste,” I said as I poured several gulps of vodka straight from the bottle.

“You’re crazy, Lex,” Martin laughed. “Are you coming to the after party at my place?”

“Hell, yeah! Let’s keep the party going,” I cheered. “Girls, are you coming?”

“I’m all partied out,” said Gia. “I’m going to stay at Sam’s tonight.”

“I might show up later,” Sasha said, slightly blushing. She looked back at Reg. “Make sure you call me if you need anything.”

“You guys are party poopers,” I slurred. “I’ll see you guys later.”

I looped my arm around Martin’s muscular bicep to steady myself. The room was starting to spin, but I knew I would be fine once I was outside in the cool autumn air.


you going to ask her to come over?” Reg asked me.


“Alexa, you idiot. Who else? It’s obvious that you’re into her.”

“I don’t think she’ll want to. She’s pretty drunk and I bet there are a bunch of different parties for her to choose from,” I said as I rattled the ice in my glass.

Alexa doesn’t go for guys like me. I saw her dancing with Donny. He’s probably more her type. He’s an idiot, but he can join the family business and give her the life she deserves. I’m not even a college athlete anymore.

You could say I was surprised when I asked her to come over and she said yes. But in her defense, she was very drunk and just wanted to have a good time. When she put her arm around mine, I could smell her shampoo. It was more intoxicating than any of the drinks we had tonight, combined.

This is the night that every football player fantasizes about. You win the big game - the last game of your college career. You will forever be remembered, by your school and your fans, for how well you played in that last nail-biter of a game.

Then, you get to go to a crazy party where everyone is buying you drinks. I must have shaken a hundred fans’ hands at that bar. Everyone wants to take a picture with you. When you’re the star quarterback, you can get just about any girl you want. And it drives you crazy when there’s only one you want to be with, and she wants nothing to do with you.

But if she’s walking with me back to my place, there’s got to be a chance, right? This was happening way too quickly. I wasn’t prepared for this. I hadn’t planned any moves beyond asking her to come over, which I was sure wasn’t going to happen.

She’s pretty drunk, so I was pretty sure that she would make out with me. What if things went further? I thought about her delicate collarbone, the curve of her waist, and her muscular thighs.

I wanted to touch all of her. Would she let me? And what happened if she did? Would we be together, or would she regret it in the morning? I was getting way ahead of myself; we weren’t even out of the bar yet.

“You sure you’re alright?” I asked as she stumbled around the bar’s tables.

“Never been better,” she smiled up at me.

The second we got outside, she threw up all over the sidewalk.

“Oh, Alexa,” I said as I pulled her long hair out of the way. “Looks like someone can’t handle her liquor.”

She groaned.

“Alexa “Put it on my Tab” Hall, the girl who shut down the bar because she drank all of their alcohol,” I teased.

“Don’t laugh at me,” she whined.

I held back a chuckle. She was cute even when she was doing something so disgusting. My ideas for the rest of the night ended shortly after they began.

“Let’s get you home. No more party for you.”

“No, just leave me here. I’m going to sit on the curb and rest for a while. I’ll call for a cab in a little bit.”

“Not a chance, Alexa. Do you think you can walk the six blocks back to your dorm?”

She shook her head. We would be waiting forever for a cab. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. I put one hand on her toned back and another on the back of her legs. This was the closest I was getting to Alexa tonight.

“Slow down, you’re going too fast,” she mumbled.

“Don’t you dare throw up on me,” I called to her.

I thought about taking her back to my place. Maybe she’d sober up and want to fool around with me. I could tuck her into bed and make her pancakes in the morning. I wanted to spend more time with her.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“I told you, I’m taking you to your apartment and you’re sleeping this off.”

I knew that if she were in her right mind, she would be horrified to find herself in my apartment, in my bed, with my clothes on. I couldn’t do that to her. We would both be sleeping alone tonight.

I had to search through her purse to find her dorm key. It felt oddly personal, sifting through her private belongings. The keycard was wedged in the middle of a stack of credit cards. Credit cards that were billed to her parents. I bet they never even looked at the statements before they paid them.

When I opened the door, I saw Sasha and Reg sitting on their couch.

“Oh my God,” Sasha exclaimed when I entered the dorm. “What happened?”

I told them about all of the events that took place after they left the bar.

“Thanks for bringing her home,” Sasha said. “Just drop her in her bed. I’ll check up on her later.”

I wouldn’t have guessed that her room would look this way. She seemed like the kind of girl who would have fancy wooden furniture and a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

In reality, she had the same cheap furniture as everyone else. She had a massive book collection and homework assignments spread all over her desk. I pulled back the covers and laid her on the bed. I carefully removed her shoes.

“Hey,” she murmured with a sleepy smile on her face. “I’m home.”

“I know, I carried you here.”

“Do you know what?” she asked.

“What?” I responded.

“You’re not an asshole after all.”


“No, I don’t mean it like that. I just didn’t know you were so nice. I figured you were the type to take advantage of a drunk girl.”

I was both pleased and hurt by this. However, it confirmed that I made the right decision tonight. The more I thought about it, the more I was pleased with how tonight went. It was truly a great night.

“Goodnight, drunkie,” I teased. “I’ll see you around.”

She was already asleep, so I quietly left her room. I caught Sasha peeking around the corner.

“Just seeing if she was okay,” Sasha covered.

“She’s going to be pretty miserable tomorrow,” I said. “You might want to get her a glass of water.”

“Hey, Martin,” Reg said. “I’m going to walk home with you. I think I have a few more hours of partying in me.”

As we walked to our building, I couldn’t help but replay the events of the night on a loop. I was in Alexa Hall’s bedroom. I tucked her into bed. I wish I would have done other things with her in that bed, but maybe it was for the best.

We were two very different people with very different futures ahead of us. I must have looked sullen because Reg patted me on the back.

“Don’t worry man, there’s going to be girls lined up, waiting for you when we get back to the house.”

I gave a weak chuckle. “I suppose you’re right.”

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