Touched by an Alien (20 page)

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Authors: Gini Koch

BOOK: Touched by an Alien
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“I feel like a stupid, scared little girl,” I admitted through my last few tears.
“You’re scared, and size-wise you’re a little girl,” Martini said with a chuckle. “But stupid? No, you’re not stupid. At all.”
“It was a dream, but it felt real.”
“Most dreams do. We’ll have Paul interpret it tomorrow.”
“Is that what his special skill is?” It was so nice to talk about Paul rather than my nightmare.
“Yep.” Martini kissed my forehead again. “So if you don’t want to talk about it until then, that’s fine.”
I took a deep breath. “I think I can interpret it without him.” I told Martini everything about the dream I could remember, including what Christopher had said right before I killed the two of them.
Martini was quiet for a minute or so after I finished. “What’s your interpretation?”
“You mean other than I’m a lot more scared than I thought I was?”
“Yes. Being scared isn’t stupid, Kitty. It’s smart. This is scary stuff we’re dealing with. World-ending kinds of things. Only idiots or the insane feel no fear in these sorts of situations, and you’re neither.”
“I think . . .” My voice trailed off while I tried to form what I felt into words. “I think my subconscious is trying to warn me about something.”
“Seems pretty clear.” He shifted a bit. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but do you mind if I take my shirt off? It’s kind of wet.”
I managed a laugh. “Go ahead.”
He moved me around a little and stripped the T-shirt off. A glow from the hall came through the bottom of the entry door—I could see his muscles ripple. He was totally ripped, but not overly muscled like a body builder. He tossed the shirt aside and pulled me back next to him.
I slid between his legs, resting my head on his chest. I wrapped one arm around his waist and held onto his shoulder with the other hand.
“That’s nice,” he said. “Now, why don’t you tell me what you feel up to about what you think your dream means.”
I snuggled closer. He felt so warm and strong, it made me feel safe and secure. I heaved a sigh and started to actually relax. Martini tucked the coverlet back around us.
My eyes closed of their own volition. I tried to think, but his heartbeats were lulling me back to sleep. “Just scared,” I got out finally. “Tired.”
“Okay, baby. You just go back to sleep, then.”
“What time’s it?”
He kissed my head. “Around midnight. Plenty of time for more sleep.”
“Yep.” I heaved another sigh and let the exhaustion win.
it wasn’t because of a dream. I’d tried to move, but something had prevented it. It was still dark, but the glow from under the entry door illuminated things enough to remember where I was and whom I was sleeping on top of.
Martini was asleep, I could tell by his breathing. He had both arms wrapped around me, and due to the position I’d gone to sleep in, I couldn’t move.
My face was buried in the hollow of his chest, between his impressive pecs. This was, frankly, a nice place to be. He had hair on his chest, not so much that it was a rug but enough to look manly. It was soft, and I rubbed my face against it, figuring it would relax me and I’d go back to sleep.
It did relax me, but it didn’t put me in the mood to sleep. It also caused Martini to start waking up. He growled sleepily, so it sounded more like a purr, and his arms tightened around me. I tried to move and he shifted, so we were both on our sides in the lounger.
It was nice to change positions, but now I could move even less. “Jeff,” I whispered. “Jeff, I’m stuck.”
“Mmmm?” He released his hold a bit so I could move enough to look at his face and see his eyes open slowly. “This is nice.” He smiled and his voice was still drowsy.
“Yes, but can we move?”
He blinked. “Huh? Oh.” He came fully awake. “Did you have another nightmare?”
“No, I’m just sort of stiff lying here.”
A different smile crept across his face. “I know what you mean.”
My sex drive woke right up and shoved my pelvis forward. Yep, he was
awake. I considered pulling away, but he moved and kissed me. I stopped thinking about the fact that I’d known him for about a day and focused on how this kiss was just as great as the first one. Possibly better, since he wasn’t wearing a shirt and the rest of the clothes we were in were pretty thin.
He wrapped one leg around me and pulled my body closer to his, while his hands stroked my back. My arms were still around him, and as our kiss got deeper and more passionate, I held him more tightly. Soon we were entwined around each other, in the hottest make-out session I’d ever been a part of. Martini’s lips and tongue owned mine, and this aroused me more than anyone else’s entire range of moves ever had.
The man could kiss, and his hands weren’t slackers, either. He stroked the small of my back in such a way that I was squirming, trying to get his hand lower or him inside of me, preferably both at the same time.
His other hand roamed my side, coming close to but not touching anything I desperately wanted touched. It was erotic and tormenting at the same time. Our bodies rubbed against each other, and all I wanted was to get out of this chair and our nightclothes and into the bed, as fast as possible.
Martini moved his mouth from mine so his tongue and teeth could toy with my neck and ear. This left me free to moan and gasp, about all I could contribute when he was doing this, other than my body continuing to thrust wildly against his in the hopes he’d take the hint and move past foreplay before I self-destructed.
I felt him smile against my skin. “I told you, I take my time with this.” His tongue slid up my neck to tickle my ear. “How badly do you want to get out of this chair?” As he asked, he slid one hand under my T-shirt. He stroked my stomach while I tried to remember how to form words.
My inarticulate moan of pleasure and desire must have been comprehensible in alien-speak, because he moved away from me. This was not what I wanted, but the separation didn’t last long. He got out of the chair and picked me up, stripping my T-shirt off at the same time.
I wrapped my legs around his waist while he displayed as much skill with my breasts as he had with everything else so far. His tongue twirled around my nipples, making them harder than they’d ever been before, including in the snow, while I ran my hands over his head, my fingers through his hair, and ground my pelvis against his rock-hard abs. As his teeth gently toyed with me, my head fell back and my body shook as pleasure coursed through me, fast and hard. I’d never had an orgasm at second base before, and I hoped the rooms were soundproof, because I was yowling like a cat in heat, and for the same reasons.
Martini spun us around, deposited me on the bed, and slammed the bedroom door shut. It wasn’t all that dark—I realized there was a night-light somewhere in the room. I could see him looking at me. He slowly ran his eyes up and down my body as he moved onto the bed on his hands and knees, between my legs.
“You are so damned sexy,” he growled.
I tried to share that he wasn’t a slouch in this department himself, but my brain and mouth couldn’t get their act together. I just reached for him and managed to make a sort of mewling sound.
He grinned and slid on top of me. “Is this what you wanted, baby?” I arched against him, loving the feel of his skin against mine, and he grinned again. “Me too.”
He grasped my wrists and moved my arms out and then down, holding me captive. Then his tongue slammed into my mouth and caused me to writhe against him as if we were in an earthquake. His body held mine in place while he rubbed himself against me, so close to entry but prevented by two thin pieces of cotton.
This kiss went on until the final aftershocks of my orgasm passed. Then he pulled away and sat up on his knees. He slid my pajama pants off slowly, oh, so slowly, until they were at my knees. He moved to my side, his lips and tongue traced my stomach, as he pulled the pajamas the rest of the way off.
He was in a position where I could reach him, and I decided I should take a more active part in this experience. I traced him through the pajama bottoms he was still wearing. He was incredibly well-proportioned—the phrase “hung like a horse” came to mind.
He liked it, if his thrusting toward my hand was any indication. I stroked him through the thin cotton, controlling myself from trying to shred the pajamas off him in order to feel his skin against my hand.
Martini gave a low growl of pleasure, and then his mouth moved downward. This time I couldn’t stop my eyes from rolling back in my head. As his tongue moved over me, my hand tightened around him instinctively—it had no intention of letting go right now, possibly ever. The other one managed to find his head. My fingers twined through his hair and moved against his scalp in time with his tongue’s movements.
He growled again and increased his ministrations until I was almost out of my mind, causing wave after wave of pleasure to course through my body. I’d had multiple orgasms before, well, a couple of times, but never this fast or intense.
I managed to form words. “Jeff . . . oh my God . . .
. . . please . . .” Okay, they weren’t the most coherent words, but they were clear, and if not clear, at least I wasn’t screaming too loudly.
He took pity on me and moved slowly up my body, stopping to say hello to my breasts again and find out if they’d missed him. They had, but the rest of me wanted him, too. He moved, and despite my one hand’s best efforts, pulled out of my grasp. I moaned my distress at this turn of events, but then his mouth was back at my neck, and I was moaning because I couldn’t help it.
People have different erogenous zones, and one of my least obvious but most effective areas was my neck. Anywhere, but in particular the sides and back. Martini proved he could find each individual spot on my neck to make me moan and gasp out an orgasmic symphony.
My hands were clawing at his back while I wrapped my legs around his torso. If he wasn’t going to come inside, I was going to do my best to force him.
He chuckled and moved up on his forearms. “Do you want something, baby?” His tone was erotically teasing, and it made me want him even more, which I wouldn’t have thought possible by now.
I wrapped one hand around the back of his neck while the other tried to rip his pajamas off. I also finally got a clear sentence out. “Make love to me, right now, or I’m going to go insane, or kill you, or both.”
Martini flashed his killer grin. “I was just waiting for you to ask nicely.” He slid his pants off, managing to keep my body under his control. This might have been due to him kissing me, of course.
Then his body was fully on top of mine, our skin rubbing together. He was close, but not inside, just stroking me lightly while I moaned and whimpered and tried to move enough to get him past the threshold. He leaned up on his forearms again, but he wasn’t grinning—he looked as out of control with desire as I was.
His eyes locked with mine, and he thrust inside me. I tried to keep eye contact, but I couldn’t. My back arched, and I leaned my head back as his full length entered my body. He was hard as steel, but it didn’t hurt, he felt perfect, as I’d always fantasized someone would. His movement created erotic friction, and each thrust moved me closer to another climax.
His tongue ran over my neck, and his breath was hot in my ear. One hand slid into my hair while the other roamed my torso and teased my breast. Each moan of pleasure from me earned another nip, lick, or stroke, to the point where I was almost out of my mind from the feelings he was creating in me.
I wrapped my legs around his and he moved up onto his hands, his thrusts increasing in intensity. I stroked his chest and arms, feeling his muscles, his hair, and the heat of his body, enjoying every sensation.
I was able to look at his face again. Martini was watching me, his expression a combination of desire and conquest. As our eyes met, he changed the rhythm, moving faster and harder. My body responded to his, and we slammed against each other, each hit making me cry out with pleasure.
I was at the edge of orgasm, and I could tell he was finally ready to join me. We were both panting, our bodies in perfect time. My hands tightened on his upper arms as the explosion of pure ecstasy started. I could tell I triggered him as my body contracted around his. He exploded inside of me—the hot liquid pumped out as his body pulsed inside mine and made my orgasm spike each time. This time it was his head thrown back as he groaned from the release.
Our bodies finally stopped throbbing, and he lowered himself back on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his upper body as my legs relaxed and unwound from his. He buried his face in my neck. He kissed me and murmured I was his and he was never letting me go against my skin. Finally he claimed my mouth again, this kiss still erotic, but also tender and soft.

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