Toxic (Addiction #1) (42 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

BOOK: Toxic (Addiction #1)
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“Try on these pants, that vest and this blouse. Pair it with those knee-high brown boots and this necklace. Hurry,” Quinn demanded.

“Yes ma’am.”

As Willow was trying on her clothes, she thought about how crazy her life had become in the past couple of weeks. They were number three on the charts, right underneath Shattered Souls; they had fans, actual real-live fans, they had an album, they went venue to venue interviewing at radio stations, and they were being put in all different types of magazines.

Maisy and Rook frequented the tabloids, but never were really bothered about their pictures in the magazines, nor did they care. The pictures barely did their relationship justice. They were sickening to watch. Willow was happy for her friend, but there was only so much a single and very horny girl could take at night. Maisy and Rook took up the back room of their bus most of the time, since Quinn and Grey had the back room on the Shattered Souls bus. That left Willow’s nights full of Maisy’s moans and Rook’s panty-melting erotic demands. Willow wondered if they knew how thin the walls were.

Kaid had ear plugs that he wore most of the time, not because of the boisterous fuckers in the back room, but because the sound of the bus drove him insane. Willow needed to get herself some of those ear plugs because she wasn’t sure she could take another night of “Raisy’s” sexual escapades.

“How does it look?” Quinn shouted over the dress partition.

Willow stepped out into the room so Quinn could take a look at her.

“Ooo, perfect. I love this on you,” Quinn said, while adjusting Willow’s vest.

“Thanks. So I’m all set then?” Willow’s hair was already done and her make-up was set, Maisy was just finishing up.

“Yes. Don’t eat or drink anything and don’t touch your hair or make-up.”

“Got it,” Willow said, chuckling at Quinn’s paranoia.

“Hey, can you morons please go get changed already? We don’t have all day,” Quinn shouted.

All the boys quickly got up from their chairs and grabbed their first outfits, all varying in style but in the same hues. Grey gave Quinn a quick peck on the cheek as he passed her. A twinge of jealousy flew through Willow’s stomach, but she tamped it down before she let it develop into anything.

Watching Quinn float around, Willow noticed that she had gained some weight and was looking fantastic. Her new haircut and make-up made her look dark and mysterious, Willow was developing a girl crush on Quinn.

“You look good, by the way,” Willow said, as Quinn pulled out a pair of heels for Maisy. She always took longer in hair and make-up because her hair was so damn long.

Quinn stopped in her tracks at Willow’s compliment. “Thanks. I’ve gained some weight; burgers and fries will do that to you.”

“It was much-needed weight,” Willow said, with a sensitive tone. “You look hot, girl, and let’s be honest, your tits are kind of glorious.”

Perking up, Quinn looked down at her breasts and cupped them. “Not as good as yours, but I think five more cheeseburgers and I might get there.”

Willow laughed. “Maybe.” She looked back at where the boys were and couldn’t help but ask, “So you and Grey seem to be doing well?”

“Eh,” Quinn said, while weighing with her hands. “I think we’re just going through the motions. I think I’m going to end it soon. There is no real spark between us and I don’t want to be wasting our time.”

Taken back by Quinn’s candid demeanor, Willow responded, “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

“No, you’re not,” Quinn said, without skipping a beat.

Willow felt like Quinn had punched her in the stomach. Yeah, Willow probably wasn’t the best of friends to Quinn and maybe she flashed her boyfriend once in the hot tub, but Quinn didn’t know about that, did she?


“Cut the crap, Willow. I know about your feelings for Grey; it’s beyond obvious. Ever since you came along, Grey has pulled away. He swears he’s never done anything with you and I guess I believe him, but I highly doubt you’re sorry that things aren’t working out for me and Grey.”

Willow didn’t even know how to respond.

Quinn continued. “I’ll never be okay with you and Grey, just so you know. Never. So don’t even think about it. He’s off limits, Willow.”

With that, Quinn walked away and called after the boys to quit comparing dick sizes and get their clothes on. Cruz shouted that he won, making the other guys laugh out loud. Why was it that the guys were all able to get along but the girls couldn’t? Maybe because girls were a bunch of catty bitches.

If Quinn didn’t love Grey anymore, what was it to her if Grey and Willow got together? It’s not like Quinn had staked claim over Grey; yeah, they dated for an extremely long time and, if Quinn was dumb enough to give him up, then that was her loss. It’s not like she had to live by the girl code because apparently they weren’t really friends, not after the way Quinn just talked to her.

Strolling out in dark jeans, a cream button-up that was open at the chest and suspenders came Cruz. He looked damn good, Willow couldn’t help but lick her lips. If she couldn’t have Grey, maybe she should go after Cruz. She was that desperate at this point. She needed a dick and she needed one soon or she was going to lose it.




Rook hated photo shoots with a passion. They were, by far, the worst part of their job. The clothes were always extremely uncomfortable, he had to wear make-up which went against all his moral codes, and he had to listen to a fussy photographer as he tried to get “his shot.” The only good thing about the photo shoot this go around was the fact that they got to pose with Twisted Perfection and that meant he got to hang all over his girl.

Surprisingly, Rook, so far, had been able to be a decent human toward Maisy lately. They had a couple of hiccups, mostly their jealousies coming out, but they talked about them and worked them out before they blew things out of proportion.

They spent one night talking about Maisy’s childhood once again, how she lost her mother and her dad’s horrible actions. If Rook ever saw the man, his fist would become great friends with his face.

Rook accepted his childhood, having to feed his father’s habit on a daily basis, but the thought of poor, sweet Maisy being touched by her father was more than Rook could bear. They refused to bring up any more of their past sacrifices because it was just too much for both of them. They carried a lot of baggage between the two of them and sorting through it all was a task they weren’t quite strong enough to do yet.

“Hey, ace.”

Rook turned around to see Maisy in a pair of short brown shorts that showed off her amazing legs, a denim button up shirt that hugged every inch of her body, and a pair of ankle boots. Her shirt was missing a few buttons at the top so Rook got a good view of her cleavage which was being pushed up by a blue lacy bra. Her hair was in massive curls that fell over her shoulders and her bangs cut off her right eye, making her look sexy as sin. He swallowed hard, trying to compose himself.

“Damn, boo. You look so fucking good.” He walked toward her and pulled her into his embrace. He was just about to kiss her when someone cleared their throat next to them.

“Don’t even think about it, Tyler.” Quinn was tapping her foot next to them. “She just got done with hair and make-up and I don’t need your horny hands messing her all up.”

“Come on, Quinn.”

“Let go of her, Tyler or you won’t like what happens.” Quinn glanced down at his crotch indicating she wasn’t afraid to use brute force on his most sensitive man part.

Rook quickly dropped his hands to his sides, but inwardly groaned when Maisy pouted up at him. She was a little temptress.

“Good boy.” Quinn patted him on the face.

Once Quinn left, Rook turned toward Maisy again, who was looking up at him with what seemed like love in her eyes.

“What are you staring at, baby? You can’t look at me like that and expect me to be good.”

She gave him a wicked grin and placed an incredibly soft kiss on his lips, almost so soft that he didn’t think she made contact.

“You are, by far, the most handsome man I have ever seen and you’re really good in bed, not that I have anyone to compare it to, but you’re really good. Just thought you would like to know.”

She started to walk away as she smiled over her shoulder.

“You’re a she-devil,” he shouted, as he tried to calm his body down from her proclamation. Hearing that he was good in the sack was never a bad thing and when the hottest girl he had ever been with said it, it was hard to rein in the emotions that were literally flowing through his body.

He needed to get through this photo shoot quickly so he could take his girl back to their bed on the bus and explore the intricacies of the blue bra she was wearing that he currently couldn’t get out of his head.




“Willow, take that vest off. I think the red bra will be good enough,” the photographer shouted at her.

Grey swallowed hard as he saw Willow chuck her vest to the side from the corner of his eye. The photo shoot was going on longer than he expected and he was starting to get annoyed, especially since all his poses were with Willow and Cruz. The photographer was trying to showcase some kind of weird love triangle between the three of them; that was the only explanation Grey could come up with.

Rook and Maisy posed together while the magazine played up the bro-mance between the two drummers, Landon and Kaid. They were all posing as a group, but they sectioned the group off and of course Maisy and Rook, also known as Raisy, had their own separate photo shoot. The second backdrop of the photo shoot was more dramatic with the white brick wall and contrasting black floor. They all wore pops of red to stand out and, apparently, Willow’s pop of red was her bra. Lucky Grey.

Was Quinn torturing Grey by putting Willow in the tightest, hottest clothes she could find? She was in a pair of leather tight-fitting pants, black stilettos and now just her bra. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders and her makeup made her blue eyes stand out amongst her other gorgeous features.

“Grey, put your hand on her stomach and Cruz put your hand on her shoulder. Come on boys work with me. Everyone else is doing their part. Act like you like the girl.”

Act like he liked the girl? Grey didn’t have to act; he was trying to act like he didn’t like her. Quinn stood behind the photographer with her arms crossed, eyeing Grey up and down, giving him the death stare. Fear prickled at the back of his neck from the look of disgust she was giving him. He didn’t need this right now; he was already skating on thin ice where Quinn was concerned, he didn’t need to be draping his body all over Willow.

“Come on boys, we can do better than this,” Willow said to them as she jumped up into Cruz’s arms and then leaned back so Grey had to catch her upper half. She threw her arms up and let them dangle behind her head, giving her breasts a boost so they nearly toppled over her bra.

“Just like that, hold it.” the photographer shouted. “Grey lean forward and look at her body.”


Grey did as was told because he knew if he didn’t they would have to stay longer, so he complied. Cruz held up one of her legs so it almost looked like they were assisting her with a back flip. Damn she was flexible, Grey thought as they took pictures. Her back was completely arched and she was still looking at the camera, selling it.

“Raisy, you look great. Rook kiss the side of her head and Maisy can you…oh yes, just like that. Hold it everyone.”

Clicks of the camera shot off as everyone held their pose. Willow’s breathing was heavy as she held her acrobatic pose. Grey couldn’t help but look at her amazing body that was well defined. She wasn’t muscular, just cut in all the right places and she had the most glorious ass and tits he had ever seen. It wasn’t fair to a man to have to be around such a woman.

“Perfect everyone. Thanks, that’s a wrap.” The audience they had clapped as Cruz and Grey properly put Willow back on her feet.

“Thanks boys. You were great.” She gave them both a kiss on the cheek. Grey pulled away quickly because he didn’t want Quinn getting any ideas. “Party tonight? It’s our only night off until we are done with the tour.”

“You got it, sweet tits,” Cruz replied. “I already have the booze ready. We have the presidential suite at the hotel all booked; everyone has a room so we should be all set.”

“Good, got any boys lined up for me?”

Grey’s insides turned to instant jealousy. He didn’t want to think of Willow with anyone, not that he had control over her at all, but he didn’t like to think that another man would get the chance to touch that luscious body of hers. As far as he knew, she hadn’t been with anyone since they went on tour and Grey wanted to keep it that way.

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