Toying With Tara

Read Toying With Tara Online

Authors: Nell Henderson

Tags: #sex, #sex toys, #bdsm, #restraints

BOOK: Toying With Tara
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The Shameless
Book 1
Toying with









Copyright –
Nell Henderson 2013



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
businesses, some places, events and incidents are either the
products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious
manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or
actual events is purely coincidental.


“Here – let me
get that down for you,” a deep, masculine voice offered from behind

Tara felt a hot
flush of embarrassment as the man took the box from the high shelf
and put it in her hands.

“Take it out –
have a good look,” he added. “You can’t buy something like that
without giving it close inspection,” he confirmed

God – this was
awful – she’d only come into the sex shop for a browse and now here
she was with some hunk of a guy urging her to take a damn good look
at a huge, shocking pink vibrator!

She coughed and
fumbled momentarily with the flap on the box. She really was way
outside her comfort zone now. She’d no idea what had possessed her
to come in here in the first place. Well actually – if she was
brutally honest with herself - she had. She’d come in here out of
sheer desperation and that was all Gareth’s fault.

“It’s our
deluxe model,” he informed her smoothly while gently moving her
hand out of way so he could delve inside the box and lift the
object out. “As you can see it really is very large,” he told her
his dark eyes twinkling with unspoken promise. “And there are four
settings from slow to fast,” he added informatively. “Something to
suit most women, even the most discerning,” he smiled.

What did he
mean by that? That he thought her choosey or even worse insatiable
or something? Tara blinked and looked at the bright pink facsimile
of the penis in front of her face and wondered what to do next. She
was really tempted to stroke it or go at it with her tongue – lick
on it like an ice cream
. God things were really bad
, she

He was holding
it out to her by the base, well by a very realistic set of balls
really – and offering it to her like it was nothing more than a can
of beans or a pack of biscuits.

Tara glanced up
briefly – she didn’t want to catch his eye - she knew her face was
still blazing. And to make matters worse he was so very good
looking. He was tall, broad shouldered and impeccably dressed. She
shivered. Why did he have to be so gorgeous and look as sexy as
hell in that expensive dark suit he was wearing? Why did he have to
be so damned fanciable, she cursed her heart all of a flutter?

“The material
it’s made of is hypoallergenic,” he clarified. “And it feels just
like real skin – run your fingers over it - feel,” he offered
moving it closer to her hands.

He was just so
matter of fact – so completely at ease with all this and that was
so very far away from where Tara was right now.

She held out a
hand and before she could stop herself her fingers were delicately
swirling over the large, bulbous head stopping only to insert a
polished red tipped finger nail gently into the generous slit down
its centre. Tara smiled to herself as she heard him sigh and catch
his breath. Could it be that she was turning him on? Was he
imagining her doing this to him, she wondered and wishing she
could. But that was a stupid thought – she’d only just met this guy
and he was so damn hot he was way out of her league.

God this
would feel so good
, she thought picturing herself alone in her
flat. She’d bathe then stretch out naked on her bed lift up her
legs, bend her knees then spread her thighs wide and insert it –
all the way up. She flushed again – the image she’d just painted
inside her head had made her panties warm and moist.

She was still
fingering the thing almost absent minded as the fantasy continued.
She applied a little more pressure and ran her fingers up and down
the shaft several times feeling every nodule and ridge
. How good
it would it feel pulsating away up there
, she bit on her lower
lip. She had to have it – try it out but then with a nervous little
shake she almost dropped it. She could hardly believe she was
actually considering this.

“So realistic -
a work of art – don’t you think?” He asked moving her delicate
fingers and arranging them around the shaft so she could hold it
steadily. “But bigger than most I would say. A good deal thicker
than the average penis, I’m sure you’d agree.”

Tara finally
looked up into his face – what had he said – realistic – thicker
than most? Well that was certainly true because she’d never met a
man with a cock as fabulous and promising as this one.
hat was she doing – she was stood here virtually jerking the
thing off in front of him

“It’s a
present,” she lied. “For a friend of mine.”

“Well she can’t
fail to be pleased then, can she,” he parried not sure whether to
believe her or not. He’d watched her closely – he liked her style.
The way she’d handled and stroked the mock phallus had aroused him.
She had an expertise he’d like to sample – to nurture – and an
innocence he’d like to exploit.

“Your friend is
very fortunate to have you think about her in this way,” he smiled.
“Is she a very special friend – perhaps a lover,” he asked with a
slight frown knowing that would be a great disappointment.

“Oh good
heavens no!” Tara exclaimed. This was going from bad to worse – now
he thought she was gay. “She’s just hinted that she’d like to
experiment a little, that’s all,” she flustered.

“And do you
like to experiment too?” He asked with a smirk across his handsome
face and positive now that the vibrator was for her. “Why not turn
it on – feel it throb against your hand,” he instructed. “Then
you’ll get a better idea of the effect it has when inserted deep
into the vagina.”

Had he
really just said that
! He was still smiling and still watching
her. Tara felt compelled to do as he’d said and pressed the button
on the base feeling it buzz to life. It pulsed beautiful and its
tip did a wonderful little circling movement – it would feel quite
wonderful inside her she was sure.

“Perhaps you’d
like to try it out for real,” he whispered coming in closer. “It is
allowed – we have a special room.” He paused and his deep brown
eyes flicked towards a door on the other side of the shop. “A room
with a chair and quite private. If that’s what you’d like,” he

Try it out –
she blushed again. No way could she do that here – what did he
think she was? But was he right? People always recommended that you
try before you buy.
But perhaps not with items from a shop like
she reminded herself. But could she – could she really go
with this gorgeous man into a private room and use the thing? Once
she’d finished and returned to the shop he’d know exactly what
she’d done with it – where she’d used it. She was having enough
trouble looking him in the face now so there was no chance she
could simply walk back to the till hand it to him, after where it
had been, and pay for the thing. But on the other hand she wasn’t
planning on coming in here again. And there was the fact that this
man had worked some sort of magic on her body and she was desperate
– very wet and really craving for sexual release.

“I can tell
you’re tempted,” he whispered again. “Perhaps you’d like some

Tara gulped –
what on earth did he mean by that? Surely not that he’d insert it
for her she thought her eyes flying to his temptingly sexy

“There is no
need for embarrassment,” he said taking her arm and guiding her
towards that door. “I am the soul of discretion and I can instruct
you on the best way to use it.”

So yes – that’s
exactly what he has in mind Tara realised. There was a strange
electricity flashing around her lower belly as she allowed him to
lead her across the shop floor then waited with growing impatience
while he undid the door with a key he took from his jacket pocket.
Her entire body was tingling now with raging excitement – a raw hot
excitement she’d not felt before. She felt helpless – caught in
some sort of sexual trap - yet paradoxically she was so eager to do
this – to feel his hands on her. She was enjoying this man’s
attentions too much and she realised guiltily that she didn’t want
this to stop any time soon.

The room was
only dimly lit and he didn’t seem to want to switch on any more

“Isn’t it a
little dark in here,” she asked almost bumping into something.

“Indeed it is -
a lot darker than you think, Miss Hurst,” he replied with a low
chuckle. “You know we sell the standard range of sex toys but what
you might not know is we also sell a range of bondage – bdsm
equipment as well,” he smiled. “I could show you,” he offered.

Tara felt an
odd sort of tingle – the vibrator was one thing but bondage – well
that took things into a completely different realm.

“I don’t know –
that’s not really what I want.”

“Have you ever
tried it, Miss Hurst? Have you ever let a man tie you down and have
absolute sexual control over your body?” He asked watching her
nervously fiddle with that perfect blonde hair. “In expert hands
that delightful place you have between your thighs can be the
source of intense pleasure or the most exquisite pain,” he told her
with that sexy enticement back in his deep voice.

delightful place
– Tara felt funny little shivers snake their
way all through her sex.

She gasped – no
she had never considered anything but straight sex but if he kept
this up she was likely to cum just listening to him. She could well
imagine him wanting this sort of kinky stuff though. Him in charge
- controlling her - controlling both her pleasure and her pain –
that sweet pain he’d talked about. Could she let him do that could
she really give him absolute control? If only Gareth wasn’t so
inept – so boring and selfish in the bedroom she’d never have been
in this predicament.

“Come – I’ll
show you one or two things.” He took her hand and led her to a set
of shelves against one of the walls. “We not only stock the
standard stuff but like I said we have our elite range too - whips,
paddles and, of course crops. We have chains, cuffs and manacles
and a whole host of other stuff that can be used to inflict that
exquisite pain I told you about.” He spoke so enthusiastically. He
handled the objects with such sensuous pleasure as he described –
as delicately as he could – what each barbarous little object could

Tara shuddered.
Why – she wondered did the pain have to be inflicted down there –
between the legs

“None of this
seems suitable for a present,” she decided at length. “Perhaps we
should go back into the shop,” she suggested feeling hopelessly out
of her depth.

“I wasn’t
thinking about the present for your … friend,” he grinned. “I was
thinking more about you - about your needs and what you might like
to try out.”

“You think I
want a man to use something like this on me?” She asked
incredulously grabbing a crop and holding it aloft.

“Yes I most
certainly do, Miss Hurst,” he replied in that irritating matter of
fact tone he could use. “I think you desire that very much, whether
you realise it or not. And a lot more besides and I think you know
that very well.”

“Well you’re
wrong – I want to see the manager – I’m going to report you for

“I am the
manager – so tell me – what is it you want,” he asked. “Do we leave
– I’ll wrap that for you,” he said nodding at the vibrator he
placed on the shelf. “Or do we stay in here a little longer? I will
happily demonstrate what bdsm is all about for you,” he offered
with a nod towards the shelf of diabolical treats.

“And you will
dominate – you will be in charge?” Tara asked hesitantly. “But what
if I don’t like something you do – what if it hurts too much?”

“To be totally
fulfilling it does have to hurt a little bit but then the orgasm
that follows is far more satisfying.

Orgasm – oh
yes please
, she shivered.

“But this is
your first time – so I’ll go easy,” he agreed with a nod. “And yes
– I will dominate. You will be the sub – submissive and in time you
will enjoy it immensely and submit like a willing slave to my every
sexual whim – every punishment I choose to dole out,” he teased
running a gentle finger down her cheek. “Do you like the sound of
that, Miss Hurst?” He asked going for her mouth with his own and
kissing her hard. “Am I making you horny and wet between the legs

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