Trading Teon (The Beast Masters Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Trading Teon (The Beast Masters Series)
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“You are
who I tell you to be,” he said, a note of a dare hanging there. “Or would you
rather I arrange transport to our sister planet?”

huffed, snapping her legs shut. She fought through the urge to crawl off the
bed and kneel at his feet. She’d submit, but on her own terms. “If you’re going
to be a big giant brute then maybe I do pick death over you.” She couldn’t
believe she’d said it. Worse yet, she meant it. She waited, sure he would carry
out his threat.

glanced to Lorne, who simply appeared amused by it all. Loren shrugged. “It
would figure she would have a temper.
picked her.”

“As did
you,” Garon reminded. He looked to her. “Woman, you push too far.”

squared her shoulders, causing her breasts to stick out more. Both men stared
at them, looking as if they wanted to touch them and fondle them. Lorne
actually made squeezing motions with his hands as he licked his lips.

“Smell her
cunt?” asked Lorne. “She is ripe. I can smell it all the way over here.”


rolled his eyes. “I do, but I have no wish to touch her.”

but unsure why, Teon sat up more on the bed. “Why not?”

“Because I
get the sense you would assume it meant more to me than it does,” he stated
factually. “You are a woman. Do you not all believe sex equals love?”

“How dare
you make a generalization like that!”

He lifted a
brow. “Then why is it you have not known the touch of a man? Are you not
holding on to your maidenhead for the man you love? I have heard of Earth women
doing this and that is where you hail from, is it not?”

Okay, she
did and yes, she was originally going to wait for the right man, but that was
beside the point. “I’ll have you know I got caught in a backroom with two men.
I was…” She paused. Her cheeks flamed red.

lifted his chin haughtily. “You were what?”

them.” She turned even redder. “Their dicks.”

Lorne and
Garon shared a look.

“It would
seem our pick is a wild one,” Lorne said smugly. “She likes to lick cock. We
should test to see just how much she enjoys the act.”

narrowed his gaze on her. “Yet you have not had a man’s cock in you. Not so
wild from where I stand. Rather tame. Rather Earthly.”

growled and glanced at his wrap. It was then she noticed the bulge in it. He
wasn’t unaffected by her naked state. Far from it. She grinned. “Fine. If you
don’t want me and my repressed Earthly ways, then Lorne can have his turn now.
If I’m going to lose my virginity it might as well be given to him first. After
all, I’ll be wearing his whatever on my collar thingie.”


roared and shot forward, sounding more animal than man. His body was suddenly
over hers. His mouth too close to her as he spoke, his tone low, threatening.
“My cock shall be the first to break your barrier. It is my right as first
husband. Am I clear?”

“We’re not
married,” she shot back. Teon wasn’t sure where her confidence was coming from,
because she actually wanted to slink down and bow before him. He was

His jaw
set. “Must everything with you be an argument?”

She simply
stared at him.

“I should
have selected another,” he stated. “I foolishly believed you to be meek and
willing. You are neither. Cover yourself and go prepare our dinner.”

Hurt that
he’d admit to wanting another, Teon lowered her gaze and pulled at the sheet on
the bed. She was just about to cover herself when she felt a lone tear splash
down her cheek.

caught her wrist gently. He glanced to Lorne. “Leave us.”

nodded and left the room.

weep?” Garon asked, still holding her wrist, preventing her from covering
herself. “Why? I have caused you no physical harm.”

She tried
to harden herself. “The situation. Do you think I wanted to be here? On this
planet? Forced into this situation with two men I don’t know? I know you don’t
want me, that I displease you, but you should know I didn’t want this. I didn’t
get a choice.”

watched her from his dark eyes for what felt like forever. “You believe I do
not desire you?”


He eased
closer, his free hand coming to a stop just shy of her left breast. “Your scent
consumes me. The thought of your body wrapped around my cock is all that runs
through my mind. My body has been hard since you stepped off the ship and it
shows no signs of stopping. All I wish is to be buried deep in your womb,
releasing my seed, but I sense your fear, I sense your reluctance to share your
body. The idea makes you wet but the reality scares you. I will not force your
hand. I will not permit Lorne to do so either. Not that he really would.”

soaked in what he was saying. With a shaky breath, she took hold of his
outstretched hand. She couldn’t stop herself as the tears burst free. She
launched herself at Garon, tossing her arms around his neck as she smashed her
breasts against his chest. She hugged him, crying openly. After a few seconds,
his arms eased around her and the movements seemed awkward for him.

She didn’t
care. She needed to be held.

Chapter Six

observed Garon embracing Teon and could not stop the splay of a smile as it
slid over his lips. He knew goading the two of them would move things along.
He’d known Garon since birth and knew how the man’s mind worked. And the female
wasn’t at all hard to read. She needed to feel comfort, to feel love before she
would accept them fully, before she would trust them enough to submit to them
fully. He was aware of as much.

His body
ached, needing release. He considered visiting one of the Pleasure Houses but
resisted. The promise of a woman of his own, or rather, a woman to share with
his best friend as their own, was too alluring. He didn’t want a random woman’s
mouth wrapped around his cock right now. He did not want to be buried balls
deep in just another pussy. He wanted to sample their prize. He wanted to lose
himself in Teon.

She was
beautiful without realizing as much. So soft, her skin so pale. He eyed his
palm, wondering how easy her skin would redden when he spanked her ass. The
very thought of getting to paddle her made his balls heavy and the beast in him
stir. Something had to give. It was too dangerous for him to walk around
without release, especially with his beast this close to the surface.

He walked
down the hall to Garon’s pleasure room. All men of Ralen had one in their
homes. The room was equipped with all a male would need to try to hold off
The Heat

walked to a device on the far back wall and keyed in his settings. He wanted
warmth, wetness, tightness and pulling. The machine beeped once and then
scanned him, taking his measurements instantly. He unwrapped the material
covering his cock and let it bob freely. The machine’s light ran over his shaft
as well and a hole opened in the wall.

eased closer, his hand running down and over his cock. He stroked it and
aligned with the hole in the wall. The machine, auto-sensing his needs, pushed
the hole out more, with a rounded hump. It very much simulated a bent over
female. He aligned his cock head with the hole, knowing it would be wet since
he’d programmed in as much. He closed his eyes and then gritted his teeth.

pull upon an image of the female within the dwelling,” he commanded.

The monitor
before his face suddenly held the image of Teon. It was when he’d been watching
her from the doorway, recording her waking. He focused on her breasts as he
pushed his cock into the device. It instantly began pulling slightly on his
cock, creating the perfect suction as he started moving in and out, fucking it
slowly at first.

concentration remained on the image of Teon. In his mind it was her pussy. Her
cunt accepting his thrusts. He moved faster, with purpose. His entire body
tightened and the base of his spine prickled. A shift was near if he didn’t
come soon.

devices in the pleasure rooms were built to withstand the men’s strength. Lorne
knew as much and pounded without mercy into it. He roared, his teeth
lengthening as hair sprouted on the backs of his hands and arms. His
fingernails grew sharp, and he pressed his palms flat to the wall as he fucked
the living hell out of the device before him.

He stared
at Teon’s face and with one final thrust he pushed in and emptied his seed into
the device. His body became his to control once more. He shuddered at the
thought of how close to
The Heat
he truly was.

withdrew his cock from the device as it set about self-cleaning. He focused on
his hands as they returned to normal form, as did his teeth. He sighed. There
was no denying it now. Garon wasn’t the only one of them teetering on the edge
of madness.

Lorne was

He closed
his eyes a moment and prayed Garon could gain Teon’s trust and soon. They
didn’t have much in the way of time.


unsure what to do, attempted to pull his arms free from the tiny woman. He did
not want to harm her and already he knew he held too tight to her. She moaned,
whimpered and pressed herself harder to him. With a sigh, he continued to hold
her tight. “Teon, do I cause you pain?”

Her hand
came to his chest. “No. Please just hold me more. I’m so tired and you feel

welled in him.

He nodded
and then moved them to a lying-down position. The woman eased closer to him,
seeming to conform to his body. He stiffened and then relaxed as his heightened
senses caught on to the fact she had fallen asleep. He moved just enough to be
able to look down upon her face.

She was so
beautiful it was nearly impossible to believe she was to be his. The bruising
on her face had started to fade. Seeing it returned his anger with the traders.
He would have paid any price for her.

He found
his fingers had a mind of their own as they seemed drawn to her silky hair. He
absently stroked it as she slept in his arms. Having her close helped to calm
his beast slightly, but the beast and the man still wanted to fuck her. They
needed to.

Her tears
had broken something deep within him. Already he’d felt drawn to her in a way
he’d not felt drawn to a woman before. He had wanted to kill anyone and
anything that caused her pain. But he had been the cause. He had caused her
emotional pain—something the men of his kind were not used to dealing with. The
few who had collared and mated often spoke of their woman’s needs, both
physical and emotional. This tended to baffle the unmated males.

suspected it would be some time before he or Lorne truly figured out what a
woman was thinking and what she needed on all levels. Lorne would do so first.
It was his nature to be more observant of those things.

He found
himself getting lost looking at Teon’s sleeping face. He dipped his head and
kissed her forehead gently, careful not to wake her. He inhaled and caught
scent of Lorne’s release.

grinned, knowing Lorne was making use of the pleasure room. It was for the
best. Lorne should not be around Teon with pent-up sexual need. Not when Garon
was sure Lorne’s
was nearing, if not already upon him. The mating
heat wasn’t something any Ralen warrior toyed with. It made them lose sense of
the man and live only as a crazed beast. It was something they’d been warned of
as bedtimes stories as young whelps and learned the hard truths of as they
aged. They’d seen too many of their brethren fall victim to it. Often it broke
the man, leaving him a shell of what he’d been, or worse yet, left him a raving
beast that needed to be hunted and put down.

Garon, as
one of the generals, had been tasked more than once with leading hunts on his
own men. Men who had been overtaken with
. Ending the lives of his fellow men still haunted him. Their world
was starved for females and something needed to give and soon. The trader ship,
while holding many women, did not have enough.

He exhaled
slowly, the tension of it all weighing heavily upon him. A soft hand touched
his cheek, and he looked down to see Teon was awake and looking up at him. She
caressed his jawline. “You look sad and angry all at once.”

“Just deep
in thought.”

“About if
you’ll keep me or not?” she asked, her voice low, her gaze worried.

“No,” he said
firmly. He held her closer. “Keeping you is not a question at all. I was wrong
to threaten you with sending you away.”

“But you
still won’t touch me…sexually?” She eased closer to him, her breasts pressed to
his chest. He could smell her sex. Smell that she desired him.

His cock
throbbed with need. “When I know you truly want this, then I will fuck you good
and hard. Until then…”

BOOK: Trading Teon (The Beast Masters Series)
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