Train Man (18 page)

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Authors: Nakano Hitori

BOOK: Train Man
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From this point forward you can just ask her out on regular dates, no?

You don’t have to look at it as going out-out immediately. Dinner can be just friends.

Plus Lady Miss Hermes likes going out to trendy restaurants and she doesn’t have anybody to go there with which means that you need to step up and ask her to dinner or ask her to take you to one of her haunts which is totally reasonable and probable and possible.

still got nothing to lose, gotta give it a go, no?

824 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 03:27

When Lady Hermes said that she didn’t have anybody to go restaurant-hopping with she probably hoped that you’d jump in and say ‘Then why don’t we go together’.

829 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 03:31

Lost a friend she checked out restaurants with

She gave you the bait

but you kept your mouth shut

That was a top opportunity

840 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 03:31

I think the key is in the parts Train Man has left out

Restaurant-hopping →no one to go with . . . you get me

You can go for it when you call tomorrow.


88 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 28/03/04 21:01

Hey people. Where am I?

Phone call . . . haven’t made it yet

I’m crapping myself again

96 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 28/03/04 21:08

I can’t help thinking she’s gonna think I’m stalking her

99 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 28/03/04 21:10


I see where you’re coming from but you did say you’d call so not calling would be weird.

100 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 28/03/04 21:11

Since you lost your restaurant-hopping friend, do you wanna go out again with me?

Is that the final decision?

119 Name: Mr Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 21:20

115 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 21:18


If ur not calling today, when ru calling?

What’s going on in my mind

Thank you for last night.

I don’t have dinner with girls that often so I was really nervous but I still had a laugh.

If it’s not too much hassle, may I ask you out again?

Suss out her reaction and decide where to go from there.

117 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 21:19


I think instead of inviting her, better to let her pick the place.

Train Man is out of ammo.

120 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 21:21


How about taking turns? ‘Could you tell me where you’d like to go?’

121 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 21:21

>>115 no way

Thank you for last night ←

I don’t have dinner with girls that often ← X too much info

I was nervous but I still had a laugh ←
if you’re gonna add to it,

say if you don’t have a friend to go
restaurant-hopping with, I’m here
for you . . . kinda thing.

and feel out how she reacts and if she seems ok, then try for another date ←

This time, Train Man quickly got back on track. Once again he faces the challenge named Hermes.

123 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 28/03/04 21:22

Ok! I’ll call her now!

128 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 21:24


Excellent! Go for it!


133 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 28/03/04 21:25

Didn’t get through to her

201 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 28/03/04 21:46

That’s her

207 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 21:47

a call? from her?

224 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 21:51

lookin like dis now raiseyohandsinda air


234 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 21:53

I just can’t understand!!!!!
how women feel!!!!!

we are the true Geeks!!!!!! For real!


263 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 28/03/04 21:58

just hung up.

what can I say. thank you everybody.

264 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 21:58

how was it?

269 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 21:59

we is all waitin with bated breath innit

282 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 22:00

what is this I see?

is that a new type of Train??!

283 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 22:01

do I need to get ready for the bomber crashing here?

297 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 22:04

298 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 28/03/04 22:04

to cut to the chase, I’ve got a second date will get to the progress report a bit later

301 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 28/03/04 22:05

train’s here train’s here train’s here------

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