Read Train Man Online

Authors: Nakano Hitori

Train Man (58 page)

BOOK: Train Man
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Love is in the air

oh oh oh

except for Geeks who just get Benwah

67 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

Point of impact!!!

68 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

Ahhhh . . . finally, I’ve found it

the place where I will take my last breath

thank god
way to go Train!

69 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

weeeeeeee---- it’s hotting up in here

70 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

71 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

you’ve arrived!!!

Don’t know why but I can’t stop crying!!!!

Way to go Train!!!! Way to go Ermaiz!

sob. Banzai for the Geeks!

72 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

73 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10


74 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10


75 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

She grabbed both my hands and said

‘You can do it!’

76 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

ah yeah-----!

78 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

way to go!

way to go, Train . . . !

79 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

Carry the injured to safety! Re-establish the front line! We won’t allow needless death!!!!

80 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

81 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

You did it Train! Way to go, for real! Take good care of Hermes and make her happy you hear!!

Finally, finally . . . this moment has come upon us . . .

82 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

83 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:10

ah yeah------------

84 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:11

85 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:11

ah yeah!

way to go!

man, is Hermes great . . .

86 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:11

no matter how you look at it, this is definitely an ah yeah---

BOOK: Train Man
9.71Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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