Training (Billionaire Submission Part 1)

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Billionaire Submission (Part 1)


Mindy Wilde

All Rights Reserved

This is a work of fiction.
All characters and events portrayed in this work are either fictitious or are used fictitiously.
Any similarity is purely coincidental

This book contains mature content and is solely for adults.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher.
The rights of the authors of this work has been asserted by him/her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988.

Cover Photo provided by Big Stock Photo

Copyright © 2013 Mindy Wilde

All rights reserved.

Dear Readers,

Thank you for purchasing this ebook.
Hopefully you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Please continue to check in with me each week as I will be adding new and backlist erotic short stories, series, and novelettes to the collection.


Mindy Wilde

Other Romance/Erotica Titles

Billionaire Submission Series

Training (Billionaire Submission Part 1)

Promotion (Billionaire Submission Part 2)

Merger (Billionaire Submission Part 3)

Omnibus (Complete Billionaire Submission Trilogy)

Other Erotica Titles

Daddy’s Sexy Secrets

Deflowered (Daddy’s Sexy Secrets Vol. 1)

My Best Friends Daddy (Daddy’s Sexy Secrets Vol. 2)

The Babysitter (Daddy’s Sexy Secrets Vol. 3)

The Neighbor (Daddy’s Sexy Secrets Vol. 4)

Omnibus (Daddy Sexy Secrets Collection Vol. 1-4)

As I sat in the plush leather chair looking around at the office foyer I couldn’t help but feel like I was in the lobby of a five star hotel.
The walls were accented with a dark rich mahogany wood trim adorned with beautiful artwork which looked like it would fit better for a museum.
Who knows, with the history of this company and the man that runs it that may be exactly where the art came from.

I still couldn’t believe I had received the call for this interview.
The most successful entrepreneur and investor of our time was looking for a apprentice and after multiple phone interviews, medical exams, and psychological batteries here I was.
This was the opportunity of a lifetime and I had to remind myself to keep breathing.
My entire body tingled with anticipation and I started to feel dizzy.

“Keep it together Mindy” I kept pleading with myself.
It didn’t help that this incredibly handsome titan of industry had, on more then one occasion, been the focus of my fantasy while pleasuring myself before drifting off to sleep.

At the dawn of my college tenure I never would have dreamed the field of finance would be my ultimate destination.
The early years of my
had been spent learning just how much alcohol it would take for me to remove my clothes.
This almost always led to a very unsatisfactory night with an equally intoxicated frat boy and a walk of shame back to my dorm.

That had all changed my sophomore year when I was fulfilling my core curriculum requirements with an ECON 101 class and was introduced to Professor Moore.
He was funny, inspiring, and most of all encouraging when I showed some promise with the subject matter.
Three years later I had graduated at the top of my class only to enter one of the worst economies the country had ever seen.
After the daily grind of living with my parents for over eighteen months I was giving up hope and starting to go stir crazy.

Then Mr. Moore had called with that offer.
I just couldn’t believe how lucky I was that he had a connection to this visionary icon and thought to recommended me.
Now I just needed to make sure I don’t blow it.
Suddenly a sound startled me and I looked up.

“Ms. Laskin, Mr. Keselman will see you now.”

I took a deep breath, stood up, and with all the pseudo-confidence I could muster followed the receptionist through the door.
She led me down a long hallway lined with heavy solid wood doors that again reminded me of the glitzy hotels I had seen in movies.
As we approached an apparent dead-end the reception guided me to the right.
This section of the hallway was different having no doors except for a huge entryway that towered over us and suddenly made me feel very small.
The walls in this section were lined with the seemingly endless awards and accolades collected by this brilliant man.

Once we arrived at the imposing gates of his castle the receptionist opened the door and motioned for me to enter.
I slowly crossed the threshold and with the sound of a door clicking behind me I peered around the room in awe.
Two of the walls were constructed of floor to ceiling windows looking out over the Chicago Skyline.
There were unique and beautiful art pieces strategically occupying the vast expanses of open space in the suite.

Just as my vision moved past an elegant painting of probably the most beautiful woman I have ever seen my eyes locked onto his. I froze and after a few seconds realized I was holding my breath.
Mr. Keselman was movie star gorgeous with air of power that was intimidating.
As he approached I tried to ready myself but found my vision uncontrollably drawn down his well tailored shirt which hugged the chiseled chest beneath.
With the bottom of his sleeves rolled up I could just make out the sinewy bulge created by his incredibly strong forearms.
If I wasn’t mistaken there was another bulge that was making it’s presence known as well.
Could his cock really be that huge that I could see it through the drape of his dress pants?

The sound stunned me and I soon realized I had been staring directly at the object of my desire in so many fantasies.
I snapped up to look him in the eye and extended my hand to shake his.
My fingers were met with nothing but air.
Keselman had stopped just out of reach and was staring intensely at me with his deep blue eyes.
Unsure of what to do I began to walk towards him hand outstretched for introductions.

“Stop.” His command startled me and the butterflies in my stomach now fluttered with anticipation.

“Sir, I don’t…”

“Just stand there and let me have a look at you.”
I could feel my heart pounding as he looked me up and down.

“Joe Moore thinks pretty highly of you.”
My knees were starting to feel as if they could buckle at any moment.
What was he doing?
Was this some sort of test.
As he stared at me I could feel my skin beginning to flush.

“Now turn around slowly.”
I did as he commanded.
I felt completely powerless to voice.
I slowly turned in place being careful to keep my balance.
Was I dreaming this whole scene.
The entire experience felt too surreal.

“Stop.” he ordered me softly.
I had turned exactly one hundred eighty degrees and was facing away from him.
Silence consumed the room and I began to shift uncomfortably waiting for his next instruction.

“So Mindy, I am looking for looking for somebody to fill a position.
This position will require complete commitment.
I would require you to completely submit to my needs and my demands.
Is this something that you feel you can do?”

“I think so” I said breathlessly as I still stood facing away from him staring out the wall of windows.

“Well that is just not going to cut it Mindy.
This is an all or nothing position.
I need to know that I can rely on you completely.
So I ask you again, can you submit to me?”

What was he asking?
Was I misreading his intentions?
Was this all some sort of psychological test to be able to join his world of power brokers or did he want something more?
Did the influence of my fantasies cloud my judgement?
Either way I wanted to submit to this man.
Whatever sacrifices he needed me to make I wanted to be with him.
I wanted to stare at his beautifully chiseled body.
I wanted to feel his power.

“Yes Mr. Keselman I can submit to you”

I think Moore was right about you.
I believe you are going to fit in well here.
The job is yours for now.
Just remember your commitment to me.
When I ask something from you I expect your absolute compliance.
Now go home and rest.
Tomorrow I want you here at midnight to begin your training.”


“That’s right I want you here at twelve o’clock sharp.
Is that going to be a problem?”

“No Mr. Keselman that will be fine.”

“We will be entertaining some clients so dress nicely.”

“Yes sir, I will see you tomorrow”

I turned towards the door and retreated from the office still feeling dizzy and confused.
What had just happened and what kind of “submission” was he expecting from me.
As I walked down the hallway towards the exit I noticed for the first time that my nipples were hard and my underwear was wet.
Oh God, had he noticed.
Flustered I did the best I could to adjust my top so that no one would see my excitement.

Upon arriving at home I was greeted with probing questions from my parents.
“How did it go?” “Did you get the job?”
I gave them a quick highly edited synopsis of our meeting.
I told them that I had been offered the job but was very tired and really needed to get some sleep.
Darting upstairs to my room I was welcomed with the thought that hopefully this would not be my room for too much longer.
I think my parents were as excited to get rid of me as I was for my freedom.

As I collapsed onto my bed my eyes gazed at the ceiling and I replayed the events of the day.
I still could not wrap my head around what exactly had happened.
Maybe I was reading too much into his comments.
Perhaps he was just some weird guy on a power trip.
As much as I tried to rationalize it in my head my intuition told me otherwise.
There had been a tension in that office.
I was sure he was looking for more then just an apprentice.

With thoughts of Keselman flooding my head I could feel myself again getting wet.
I slowly slid my hand down to my clit and pressed down.
Oh how I wish that was him.
With small circles I moved the sensitive folds of skin against each other as I imagined how his tongue would feel.
Closing my eyes I moved my finger down lower and a tingle shot through me.
My body was responding in a way it never had before.
The sensations were heightened as I recalled that blue eyed stare.

The circles of my fingers tighten as I began to increase speed.
Oh god how I wanted it to be true.
I wanted to submit to this man.
I wanted him to take me and do all the things I had been dreaming of.
The image of his powerful arms holding me in place.
Then the slow, full penetration of his huge cock filling me up.
My fingers were now moving frantically over my slit as I desperately craved for the release.
Then biting my lip I felt a deep surge well up inside of me until I absolutely could take no more.
Huge orgasmic waves surged through me causing me to bit my lip and tear at the sheets in quieted ecstasy.

I laid there drinking in the heightened sensation of it all.
Then slowly and without knowing I drifted off to sleep.

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