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Authors: Jaylee Davis

Training the Warrior (11 page)

BOOK: Training the Warrior
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His face was tense with desire. His need
visible, almost more than he could contain, as he increased the tempo against
her clit and thrust his fingers into her faster until she screamed his name
once again.

In one savage motion, Kraven ripped off his
sarong. His swollen cock jutted out against her weeping pussy, the flared tip
teasing just inside her opening. He threw his head back and growled his
frustration before dragging in long, deep breaths to restrain his desire.

More in control, he wiggled out from
beneath her and fell to his side on the bed right beside her. Serena rolled
toward him and he easily drew her up to sit astride him. He pulled her upper
body down to his chest, crushing her breasts against him while he recaptured
her lips in a hungry kiss. He grabbed her hips in order to pull her down his
body, bringing her pussy closer to his straining cock. When he was poised once
more against her sex, he thrust his hips upward and slid into the outer opening
of her sheath.

Kraven groaned in need. His next thrusts
were slower. Serena whimpered in ecstasy as his thick cock had to stretch her
wider with each inch as he sank deeper and deeper. Once he’d penetrated her as
much as possible in their present position, she pushed off his chest and sat
upright, taking his full length inside her.

“Oh, yes!” She moaned her delight and moved
her hips, sliding up and down his length.

Kraven matched her movements, thrusting
against her harder as she rode him. His hand snaked down to where her clit
rubbed against the base of his erection. As he pressed the pad of one finger
against her swollen nub, making circling motions, she came hard. He thrust up
against her hard, forcing his shaft in and out once, then twice before he came,
roaring with each spasm that gripped his body.

Lydia tried to slow her breathing. Closing
her eyes to block out the action taking place in the bedroom below helped to
calm her. Kraven had given Serena four orgasms within the first few minutes of
their encounter. Lydia didn’t know how much longer she could watch them. How
could Serena hope to survive? Death by multiple orgasms wasn’t the worst way to
go, she supposed. Loud moaning assaulted her ears while curiosity overcame her
and she opened her eyes.

Kraven took Serena once again. This time he
proved the traditional missionary position could definitely be improved upon.
Lydia wasn’t quite certain legs could actually bend comfortably in so many
directions, but Serena was more than agreeable to his every suggestion. He
fucked her. He made love to her. Sometimes he managed to do both at the same
time. After two hours, he finally finished by taking her from behind. He roared
his climax as Serena screamed his name.

Lydia sighed in exhausted relief as the two
collapsed on the bed and fell sound asleep. She hoped she had enough strength
to make it back to her own room and masturbate herself into a coma. And at that
moment, she didn’t give a damn if Takoora was there to watch or not. Lydia had
also made a decision. It was time for her to volunteer.

Chapter Six


Lydia sat beside Takoora in the observation
room. There were only a couple other initiates with them. They waited for Brand
to enter below. He was typical of most warriors in their third week, difficult
and trying. This was the time all experienced teachers dreaded the most. At
this stage, the young warriors were pushing the limits. In her opinion, they
acted like human males in many ways.

For two months, she’d been studying the third-weekers
at least three times every week. She decided all of them were know-it-all-ten-foot-tall-bulletproof-sex
machines with mouths and attitudes to match. Punishment had to be doled out
carefully and only for serious infractions. Anymore and they’d turn into sullen
beasts or raging monsters. The best discipline to use on them was a combination
of loss of privileges and sexual restrictions. With proper application, the warriors
usually came around quickly and desired to pleasure their teachers once more.
The head mistress’ words kept repeating in Lydia’s mind.

“You have what they want. Make them figure
out how to attain what they desire. It’s their goal, not yours.”

It sounded simple enough in theory, but
Lydia had her doubts. Today Brand had turned into a petulant beast when he
couldn’t convince his teacher to let him take her immediately. His cock was
hard but not engorged with need. He was being lazy.

The Giver of Punishment explained for about
the tenth time that he must learn to pleasure a female before seeking his own
release. Brand wasn’t happy. Neither was the teacher wearing the white mask.
Instead of a painful shock, she ordered him to leave the room and stay with his
handlers until he was ready to learn. As he roared in defiance, the handlers
immediately entered the room, shot him with a stunner and hauled him away.
Apparently familiar with the tactics of the young warriors at this stage, the
two older ones smirked openly.

After an hour, Brand pleaded for permission
to enter the room again. The teachers made him wait an extra thirty minutes
before agreeing to welcome him. The door opened and he walked over to the bed.
He snapped the shackle around one of his ankles. In Lydia’s opinion, he was the
poster child of submissiveness as he sat on the edge of the bed to await the teachers.
Now his erection strained against the material of his sarong, a sure indication
he was suffering. He looked so defeated she almost felt sorry for him. Maybe he’d
be more cooperative for his teachers this time, she hoped.

The two teachers entered. The Giver of
Pleasure wasted no time in reaching the young warrior. Once she stood directly
in front of him, she threw aside her robe. Completely naked, she waited
patiently. Brand didn’t move or even raise his head. He behaved properly,

“You may pleasure her,” the Giver of Pain
informed him.

With his head still bowed, Brand stood and
embraced his teacher. He bent over and pressed his face against her neck to
take several deep breaths while he ran his hands down her back. At this stage,
the warriors were beginning to explore their environment with their enhanced
senses. Their sense of smell was the first to mature. He was simply trying to
identify his masked teacher by smell, to associate her scent with her body.
Identifying anything more advanced was beyond his ability right now.

His hands paused over her rounded bottom,
cupping and pulling her against him. He lifted her up until he could latch on to
one of her breasts. The teacher helped by wrapping her legs around his waist
and arching her back to give him unlimited access. Brand licked and sucked,
alternating between her breasts until both nipples were taut beads that he
nipped enthusiastically.

The teacher’s head fell back and she moaned
in appreciation. Her encouraging response drew a growl of desire from the warrior.
He shifted his weight, turned and placed her on the bed. Instead of trying to
jump between her legs and enter her immediately, Brand stretched out beside
her. His mouth continued to assault one of her breasts while one hand swept
down her body to cover her pussy. He slid his fingers along the slit and
pressed against the entrance to her channel. One pushed inside, pulled out, and
then he reentered with two, pumping slowly until she squirmed and moaned in
pleasure. He abandoned her drenched sex to concentrate on her clit, circling,
teasing and flicking until the exposed nub was swollen and erect. She panted,
writhing and arching her hips to encourage him to continue. He groaned, lust
and need shown in his expression. Somehow he held his passion back, but he
never let up.

“Brand, yes,” the teacher moaned. She tensed.
At last, she shouted, “Yes, Brand. Yes!”

She came hard, arching her back off the bed
and pushing her pussy against his palm. The warrior continued to pleasure her
until she grabbed his hand to stop him. She smiled up at him.

“Teacher, my need is great.” Brand pleaded
with the black-masked female.

“Rest on your back,” she ordered.

Brand obeyed immediately. His need truly
was great. His proud erection tented the front of his sarong. He reached for
the waistband, but stopped before tearing his clothing off. He tried hard to
avoid punishment.

The pleasure giver sat up and rolled over
on top him. She straddled his legs and stripped off his sarong. His cock seemed
to jut out farther once the material was removed. The teacher didn’t hesitate
for an instant as she rose above him and sat back down, taking every inch of
him into her ready sheath. It was his reward for good behavior.

Brand howled in ecstasy. His hips thrust up
almost instinctively as she settled down on top him. They moved in unison. His
hips arched upward, seeking to drive his cock as deep as possible while she
slid up and down over his impressive length. The teacher grabbed her breasts,
pinching and plucking her nipples while she rode him. And to Lydia’s surprise, he
worked his hand between them and stroked his teacher’s clit once again as he intently
watched her masked face. He wanted to please her. Her head fell back and she arched,
drawing tight as a bow string before her climax came, shattering her with its

She wailed his name over and over before
collapsing on top him. Brand flipped her over onto her back and continued
thrusting his cock deep inside her once, twice, before his hips jerked with his
own orgasm. His roar shattered throughout the room as he pumped inside her. He
was careful to support most of his upper body weight on his elbows while he
remained over her.

Lydia squirmed in her seat. Watching others
having great sex took its toll on her. She felt a small amount of empathy for
poor Brand. They both suffered from their own stubbornness. Why hadn’t she left
the citadel last evening with some of the other initiates? They’d invited her
to go with them to a social gathering at a local night spot in the city.
Unmated Tauran males were allowed to attend. She could have found a willing
male to help release some of her sexual tension. All the initiates returned
late, relaxed and satiated.

Takoora elbowed her, then leaned over to
whisper, “You’ve been very quiet today. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Lydia snapped.

Lydia could practically feel her friend
staring at her. She sighed. “The head mistress told me I was selected for a warrior
entering his fourth week. Starting tomorrow I’ll observe the training,” she

Takoora excitedly reached out and grasped
Lydia’s hand, whispering back, “That’s good. Which one?”

“His name is Conner. I’ve never seen him

Takoora hummed thoughtfully. “I heard his
mother is one of the royals. They say sometimes their blades are different,
bigger with a more pronounced re-curve, but we don’t have to worry about that.
Their cocks aren’t usually any larger than any other warrior’s. He’ll be fine,”
her friend assured. “All you have to do is enjoy the experience.”

“Yes, I know, but at least you saw your warrior
first before observing him.”

“We both saw Talon at the blading. And
after four weeks he was very well-trained, don’t you think?” The teachers had
all been impressed by Young Talon’s stamina. Her friend had enjoyed his skills
for at least four hours out of the six.

“Very, but I still wish I could have seen

“You’ll have a whole week to see him.”
Takoora nudged her and giggled softly. “All of him.”

Lydia cursed silently. Royalty made her
nervous. Tauran mothers were all extremely protective of their warrior sons.
Some, especially the royals, even went so far as to accompany their fifteen
year olds on their journey to Fortress.

Perhaps so much protectiveness was one of
the reasons the young warriors of royal blood seemed to develop an even greater
ego than their other warrior brothers. She hoped Conner was going to be the
exception to the rule.


* * * *


An entire week of days rushed by too
swiftly and Lydia found herself standing in front of a closed door that when
opened would lead her to a giant of a young warrior whose only mission for the
next six hours was to give her sexual pleasure. Her two teachers were in front
of her. They would block her from his view for a few moments. Mentally, she ran
over the head mistress’ final instructions.

“You may speak words of encouragement to
him only. Don’t tell him anything to help him. This is his test, Lydia. He must
control what happens. He’s dominant. You must be submissive. As you know, a warrior
uses his heightened senses at all times. Whether they’re fighting an enemy or
pleasuring a female for sex, they’re focused and determined to overcome. Defeat
isn’t an option for our warriors. So it’s imperative you be honest in your
response to his efforts. He’ll read and react to your signals. We want him to
detect for himself if he’s too forceful or not aggressive enough, but through
it all, he must be gentle.

“He is allowed to speak of his pleasure,
compliment you if he wishes, but he isn’t allowed to converse with you. The
only question he may ask of you is your name. And he must wait to do that right
before you leave the room. You may answer truthfully if you wish. We allow this,
because when each fully-trained young warrior leaves Fortress he’s given an
opportunity to reenter the sanctuary. It’s not surprising to us that most of
them ask to spend their last few hours with the teacher they pleasured last. It’s
really quite endearing and we regard it as a great compliment for a young warrior
to ask for this.

BOOK: Training the Warrior
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