Traveler (13 page)

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Authors: Ashley Bourgeois

BOOK: Traveler
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Brileia grew thoughtful at Aislin’s suggestions, biting her bottom lip again.  She wasn’t too certain about talking to the captain again, considering that he might think she was wasting his time.  As for nicknames, there was one she remembered in particular.  In fact, now that she thought about it, the captain had called her the same nickname more than once last night.  She frowned slightly before an unfamiliar word caught her attention.  “Blogging? What is that?”

Aislin’s eyes widened.  
Shit.  Open mouth, insert foot.
 “Um...never mind.  It’s too complicated to explain here.  I really think, though, that you should talk to your Captain.”  A brilliant idea came to her.  “Or!  I could talk to him for you!!! Maybe he’d talk to me.  What do you think?”

Brileia wanted to say that he wasn’t her Captain...but that seemed like a waste of time.  She blinked in surprise before nodding.  “Well...he seemed rather pleasant...for a pirate, I mean.  So he might talk to you...and I really would appreciate it.” She was quiet for a moment before continuing, a pleading look in her eyes.  “If he does speak to you...would you ask why he started to call me by my real name?  Nobody knows about that, but my brother...and my dragon...and now you.  I never told anyone.  Or even how he knew what my nickname is?  If he has never met me before, that is.”

Aislin smiled and wiped away the last remaining tear stains from Brileia’s face.  “I’d be honored to do this for you, Brileia,” she murmured.  “And I will ask him why he calls you Bird.  It is a suitable nickname for you, though.  Your eyes look like the sky.”  With another smile, she stood, and with a swish of her skirts she turned to walk out the door, shutting it softly behind her.  

With a determined set to her face, Aislin walked towards the captain’s cabin.  She suspected it was the large cabin at the end of the hallway under the ship...but she could be wrong.  With a hesitation, she raised her hand, lifting her knuckles to knock on the doorjam.  It only took one knock before the door was opened by the same dark-haired Captain she had seen in her cabin.  He had messy, shaggy black hair on the top of his head and eyes that were so dark they almost seemed black.  He had an olive skin tone, and a scar running on the right side of his face from his eye to his mouth.  He looked at her in startled amusement as she stood in his doorway.  “Yes, mermaid?” he asked.  “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Aislin steeled her resolve.  The captain freaked her out, truth be told, but she had promised Brileia she would do this for her.  “I wanted to speak to you, Captain, about our other shipmate.  Her name is Brileia.  She was...looking for a man, a man she calls her dragon.  The way you told her he was upset her greatly.  She just wants answers, Captain.  Answers to how he lived and died.  And why you called her you even knew her nickname.  She didn’t even notice the rabbit.”

Rahim, inside, was in a state of turmoil.  How did this mermaid, this woman who just showed up on his ship, get to be the confidante of the one woman he couldn’t tell the truth to?  His dark eyes were calculating as he looked at her.  “You are interesting, for a mermaid.  I will answer your questions, because you asked.  And because she asked.  I knew this dragon, of hers, for a time when he was on my ship.  He left his home young, and worked for me as a cabin boy.  All he could talk about was Brileia, a woman he would always call bird.  The description he gave me was a woman with great beauty even as a child” and still is, gods save him “and he said how much she meant to him.  We became good friends, this dragon and I...and then one day he disappeared.  We were in the middle of the ocean and he went for a swim.  He never came back.  He left that rabbit, though.  He said it reminded him of her.”  He frowned.  The lie came off bitter on his tongue.  His eyes were sad.  “I’m sorry for her sadness.  I thought I was doing her a favor by telling her the truth.  Will you tell her what I’ve told you, though?  That he thought of her up until the last?”  

Aislin felt tears welling in her own eyes as he told the story.  How sad, how appropriate for a fantasy world.  Two lost lovers...but he disappeared.  Maybe he had jumped worlds, like she and Alexander could.  She’d have to ask him.  “Thank you, Captain,” she murmured.  “And my Aislin.”  

Rahim’s eyes widened a little.  “Aislin.  Aislin...not a mermaid? Not a mermaid, not from around here...a human, you called yourself to Luc, on deck.  From another world.  You woke up in the ocean...just woke up, out of nowhere.  The name is not one that is common here...and there are legends that speak of a young woman, with red hair, named Aislin, who will come to this world and help us save it.  If you are her...then I am truly honored to be in your presence.  But, your secret is safe with me.”  He winked at her.  “Have a good night, Traveler.”

Aislin opened the door and closed it softly behind her, leaning against the heavy wood and closing her eyes.  What was happening...?  It was just another question Alexander would have to answer for her, once she found him.  Traveler...why did he call her Traveler?  And what were these prophecies he said that she was a part of?  



It had taken some time but Alexander had managed to find his way back onto the pirate ship, certain that his wayward roommate had landed there once again.  Night had fallen above decks, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to be here much longer.  He was standing in the shadows when the girl he was searching for exited the captain’s cabin.  A faint frown twisted his lips as he watched her for a moment, wondering what had happened while she was here.  Deciding on the best way to get her attention without alerting anyone on board, he glanced around briefly before stepping from the shadows and gesturing for her to come to him.

Aislin opened her eyes to see Alexander in the shadows.  She started, but she wasn’t overly surprised.  The man had a way of always sneaking up on her, it seemed.  Wordlessly, and silently due to her shoes, she walked into the shadows where he was, trying to keep herself together.  Truthfully, she wanted to cry at the predicament Brileia was in.  The love of her life had disappeared without a trace...and she didn’t think there was anyone in this world who could help her.  Once she had reached Alex, she threw her arms around his neck, holding him close, her breasts pressed against his chest.  “I want to go home,” she whispered, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.  “I’m glad you’re’s nice to see a friendly face.  But first...there’s something I have to do.”  She smiled gently at him, pulling away slightly.

Concerned blue eyes widened in surprise when she suddenly threw her arms around him and pressed close, and he found himself automatically wrapping his arms around her.  He mentally counted to ten, trying not to react to the feel of her pressed against him.  Finally he murmured quietly.  “Of course...that is why I’m here, after all.  What is it you need to do?”

“I need to answer this girl’s questions,” she answered, her green eyes emotional.  “She is badly, Alexander.  I need to ease some of her pain.  I’ll be right back, okay?”  She gently disentangled herself from him and turned away, going back down the hallway towards Brileia’s room.  She raised her hand to knock softly.  “Bri?” she asked quietly.  “I’m back.”

While the other woman had been gone, Brileia had forced herself to get up out of bed.  Her movements were more mechanical as she simply went through the motions of donning the dark blue dress that had been brought to her.  Her heart had nearly stopped when she finally looked at the gift Aislin had brought from the captain.  It was a small stuffed bunny, all white fur with a blue ribbon tied around its throat like a tie.  She was perched on the edge of the bed, absently running her fingers over the bunny’s fur, not really paying much attention to anything until the knock came.  “It’s open, Aislin.”

She glanced back at Alexander for a moment, looking to him to make sure he was still there, and then she pushed open the door.  “I got your answers, Bri,” she said softly to the girl, sitting down next to her.  “Your dragon...he loved you very much.  The Captain said he was on this ship with him.  That he sailed with him for years...and all he would talk about was you.  He told the Captain his nickname for you was bird, and he gave the Captain a physical description of you.  That’s how the captain recognized you.  He figured there could not be two women who looked as beautiful as you in this world.  But day, he went swimming, and disappeared.  I’m sorry,” Aislin whispered.  “I’m so sorry.  But the Captain said that you can talk to him whenever you need to.  He likes the company.”  That part was a little adlibbed...but the man did look lonely.  Besides, he had some making up to do for making Bri cry earlier.

Her cerulean eyes glittered with unshed tears as her face crumpled slightly, her pain evident.  It was hard to even think clearly as much as her heart hurt.  She buried her face in the stuffed animal’s fur, grieving silently for a few moments before she whispered tearfully.  “Wait...that doesn’t make sense, Aislin.  T-the last time I saw...h-him...I was only four years old...and he was twelve.  How would he know?”

Aislin frowned.  “Maybe...your dragon came back to shore, to keep an eye on you.  Watched you grow, from afar?  It might be a question to ask your Captain when you see him next.”  Aislin brushed her tears away again.  “I would love to stay and keep you company, Bri...but I have to something.  I’ll be back soon, okay?”

The petite girl sniffled a bit before nodding, a hint of determination appearing in her eyes.  “Yes...yes...I will have to ask him.”  Then she looked up at Aislin, searching her face for a moment before nodding again.  “That is fine, Aislin...I understand...”

She smiled gently and got up, opening the door slowly before closing it softly behind her and letting out a long, loud breath.  Alone, she let the tears flow for a moment, hurriedly wiping them away with the back of her hand so Alexander wouldn’t see she had been crying.  He already thought of her as a child; she didn’t need him to think she was a crybaby, too.  Squaring her shoulders, she walked back down the hallway, towards the captain’s cabin, and into the shadows where Alexander had hid himself.

It had been with a growing sense of impatience that Alexander had waited for Aislin to return from whatever task it was that she had given to herself.  When he finally caught sight of her once more, he bit back a sigh of relief.  Looking her over carefully, he gave her a reassuring smile before murmuring softly.  “Ready to go now?”

She nodded, not wanting to speak at the moment.  Her expression was pensive, and her eyes were sad.  How could she help Brileia?  There had to be a way to do so...from this world or the next.  She needed to do some research, ask some questions.  But how could she ask them of him...when he didn’t want her to ask questions about the book world in the first place?  She looked to him expectantly, waiting for him to poof them back home, or whatever he did.

Alexander watched her for several moments, knowing there was something bothering her.  But now was not the time nor was this the place to have a serious discussion.  He gave her another smile, a strong arm wrapping around her waist.  His free hand brushed over her eyes, and as it did so, there was a flare of magic.  When he let his hand drop away, they were standing in the living room of his- their home.  “I am sure that you are I won’t keep you up too much longer.  Why don’t you take a nap in my room? And I will see about getting some food in the house for later.  And once you’ve rested, we’ll discuss everything, alright?”

A shiver went through her a little as she opened her eyes and realized she was in their house.  Magic, oh God, magic, was real, at least in the book world.  And Alex could perform it.  She didn’t know whether or not the thought should have scared her.  She glanced down at the hand around her waist and blushed.  She smiled a little and nodded.  “Thank you for that...I think I’ll shower first too.  Hurry back?” she asked.  She turned away from him, still in her dress.  She brushed her hands over the fabric of the garment and looked at him in horror.  “Alexander...” she whispered, her eyes wide.  “My clothes....they are still there.”

The man smiled reassuringly, rubbing her shoulder lightly.  “Don’t worry...I will go back and get them for you if you wish.  Otherwise...unless you left them out in the open, I do not think anyone will pay too much attention to them. now...I promise I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

She nodded, going into her bedroom first to grab her pajamas, and then she went into the bathroom, turning on the shower.  For the next fifteen minutes, she just stood in the shower, letting the heat wash over her and letting the water wash away the tears that streamed down her face as she thought of Brileia, and the Captain, and of how Bri was hurting.  She didn’t know how to help her.  The water felt so nice, she just wanted to stand in the water and let it take her.  She wanted it to take away the pain, like the rain could, and drown out all thought.  






Alexander had waited until she had gone down the hallway and into the bedroom before his smile faded away.  He hadn’t wanted her to worry over leaving her things behind on the pirate ship;  but, it was vitally important that he retrieved them before anyone saw them.  That could spell disaster on any level, especially if there were some of Silvertongue’s minions aboard.  But besides that, there was so much that he needed to do before the evening hit.  Thankfully he shouldn’t have to worry about her disappearing while he was gone...not if she slept in his bedroom.

Shaking his head, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, a flare of magic signalling his departure from his living room.  When he opened his eyes, he was standing within the shadows outside of the Captain’s cabin.  He glanced around carefully before he took a step further back into the shadows, frowning slightly when he saw the middle cabin door open.  The figure of a girl was in the doorway, an old stuffed doll in her arms;  he frowned slightly, watching as she took a tentative step into the hallway.  What in the Gods’ names was a girl that young doing on a pirate ship?!  He observed silently as the girl walked towards him, or rather walked to the Captain’s cabin.  Who was she? The Captain’s mistress, perhaps?   No...that was a silly thought.  She was far too young and innocent-looking to be that...most likely she was a prisoner taken when the pirates had attacked the other ship.

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