Read Travelers' Tales Paris Online
Authors: James O'Reilly
bouquinistes | booksellers |
brasserie | informal eating establishment |
bricolage | do-it-yourself; patched-up job |
bricoleur | handyman; do-it-yourselfer |
brocanteur | dealer who sells used goods |
butte | knoll, hillock |
Ãa va? | How are you? |
cache-sexe | G-string |
calme | calm |
carrefours | crossroads |
carte d'identité | identification card |
chanteurs de charme | crooners |
chanteuse | female singer |
chaos | pile of boulders |
chose | thing |
choucroute | sauerkraut |
cinémathèque | relating to the cinema |
citron pressé | fresh lemonade |
clochard | hobo, tramp |
coifeuse | hairdresser |
Comment? | What did you say?; How? |
commerçant | shopkeeper, trader |
conseiller | to advise, to recommend |
coucher | to go to bed, put to bed |
coulisse | behind the scenes |
coup monté | put-up job |
coups d'Åil | glances |
croustillant | crisp, crusty |
cuisse | thigh |
danseuses | female dancers |
de riguer | compulsory; the rule |
de trop | too many |
désolé | desolate; sorry |
déviation | detour; diversion |
difficile | difficult |
dossier | file |
eau | water |
eau-de-vie | brandy |
écharpes | scarves |
écorché | someone who is flayed alive |
élan | style, flair, enthusiasm |
entrepôt | warehouse |
essai | try; attempt |
extrêmement | extremely |
faire les vitrines | to window shop |
femmes fatales | women of seductive charm |
fête | feast; festival, party |
fin | done, finished, end |
fin de siècle | end of the century |
fine | brandy |
fiston | son, lad |
flâneur | stroller; street wanderer |
fontaine | fountain, spring |
frère | brother |
fruits de mer | seafood |
gendarmes | police officers |
grand magasin | department store |
gratteurs de guitare | guitar-scrapers |
grenouille | frog |
habitués | regular visitors |
hammam | Turkish bath; spa |
haute couture | high fashion |
immédiatement | immediately |
impairs | odd numbers |
indigènes | natives, indigenous people |
je déteste le rouge | I detest red |
je regarde | I am just looking |
joie de vivre | joy of living |
jouer | to play |
légère | light, slight, weak |
littéraires | literary people |
loge | dressing room; concierge's apartment; spectator's box |
louche | dubious, shady, fishy |
lourde | heavy |
luxe | luxury |
maison | home |
malade | sick |
merde | shit |
midinette | silly young townie |
mon | my |
mort | death |
nacelle | basket |
n'est-ce pas | isn't it?, won't you? |
naturellement | naturally |
noir | black |
non | no |
oui | yes |
pairs | even numbers |
Parisienne | female Parisian |
péniche | barge |
péridurale | epidural |
périphérique | outlying, peripheral; expressway surrounding a city |
pétanque | lawn bowling |
petit peu | a little bit |
peu | a little |
pied-Ã -terre | secondary or temporary lodging |
politesse | politeness, courtesy |
pommes | apples |
privée | private |
procureaur général | attorney general |
promenades | walks, promenades |
quartier | district, quarter |
quelque | some; a few |
quincaillerie | hardware |
quotidien | daily; ordinary; everyday |
raie | skate; ray |
relations | contacts, relations |
rouge | red |
sage-femme | midwife |
salon de thé | tea room |
sentier | path |
sentinelle | (vulgar) turd; sentinel |
societé | company, society |
sous-sol | basement |
spectacles | shows |
sportive | athletic |
steak frites | steak with French fried potatoes |
terrain vague | empty lot |
tout | all |
tout de suite | immediately, right away |
vendeuse | sales lady |
vespasiennes | urinals |
ville lumière | city of light |
vite | quickly, fast |
volupté | sensual delight, pleasure |
votre | your |
Voulez-vous quelque chose | Do you want something? |
Baker, Jo
Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville
Beauvoir, Simone de
Shakespeare and Compapny
buskers, busking