Treasure of Love (15 page)

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Authors: Scotty Cade

BOOK: Treasure of Love
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They stayed in that position for several moments, content just to be touching each other and basking in their afterglow.

Jack lifted from his position and looked up to face Dax.

“I’ve never been in love before, Dax,” Jack said.

Dax held his breath but didn’t say a word, not sure of what was coming next.

“But if what I’m feeling right now is any indication of what love feels like, then I’m in way over my head.”

Dax released his breath. “Jack, we’ve just taken a big step, and I don’t want either of us to get hurt. And I know I’ve said this before, several times, but we’ve got to move slowly and make sure this is what you want.”

“Come on, Dax. Give me a little credit. I’m not a kid here. Yes, I’ve never been in love, and yes, I didn’t know I was gay, and yes, it took me a while to get used to the idea, but I know what I’m feeling. I know you’re worried that this is just an infatuation for me, but it’s not. This feels like the most real thing I’ve ever done. My God, it’s life-changing, and I’m going through it with you.”

“Okay, I get it. I know the high you’re on right now. Hell, I’m right there with you, but there’s a lot more to being in love with a man than just making love. I’ve been out of the closet forever and don’t plan on going back in any time soon, and you’ve got to understand that you’ll be outed just for being associated with me. Are you prepared for that?”

Jack was silent for a moment. He lifted his head again and gently kissed Dax’s full lips. “If we’re together, I’m ready for anything,” he whispered.

Dax wrapped his arms around Jack and pulled him in even closer.

“Dax, we don’t know each other very well, and you have no way of knowing this, but my parents are both dead, and Brad, Mac, Mac’s daughter Zoe-Grace, and her husband Zachary are the only family I have left. Theirs are the only opinions I care about, and obviously they don’t have a problem with this, therefore, neither do I. I love you too, and I don’t care who knows it.”

Dax smiled and said, “You win, Captain. I’d trust you with my life, so I guess I can trust you with my heart. Please don’t break it.”

It was very late when they made love for the last time that night and almost collapsed from exhaustion. Dax lay snuggled tightly behind a lightly snoring Jack, with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

I know I’m in love with Jack, but did I do the right thing by professing my love? By doing so, he gets thrown into this world that I’m not sure he’s prepared for. This will change everything for him. And what about me—what if he decides that he doesn’t want to be gay? Where does that leave me?

He struggled with his thoughts for another couple of hours. Totally defeated, he finally decided that what was going to happen was going to happen. He would stand by Jack and protect him with his life. And after that, putting his heart on the line was a small risk and he was willing to take it.

Sit back and hold on for the ride, Dax
, was his last thought before he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 9



was forced out of his dream by the sound of a blaring alarm clock. He kept his eyes tightly closed, knowing that once he opened them, the magical night he’d just spent making love with Jack would be over. He wasn’t ever going to be ready for that, so he pulled the covers up over his head and reached for Jack. Only when he felt an empty bed did he crack one eye and peer through. Jack was gone.

Fear made his internal alarm sound as loud as the damn alarm clock, but he tried to force it away. He knew he wouldn’t be able to control the alarm in his head, so he reached back and slapped the snooze to get rid of the one alarm he
control, but damn if it wouldn’t stop. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and Jack stepped out wearing nothing but a towel. Dax blinked his sleep-filled eyes to get a better look.
God, he’s gorgeous
, he thought as he stared at the vision in front of him.

“Are you going to answer that?” Jack asked.

Confused, still half-asleep, and drooling over this manly vision, Dax didn’t have a clue of what Jack was talking about, “Answer what?”

“The phone, you goofball.”

Now it all made sense; it wasn’t the alarm clock, it was the phone.

“Oh, the phone.” Dax reached for the ringing phone. “Sorry, I was distracted by a handsome man. Hello!”

“It’s about time you answered,” Dona said. “Please tell me you’re not doing it.”

“Unfortunately not,” Dax replied.

“Oh good. Are you boys ready to go?”

“Not quite. Jack just got out of the shower, and I’m about to hop in. We’ll meet you downstairs for breakfast in about fifteen minutes.”

“Okay, hurry. We want to be there when they open, get this done, and get back to the boat by this afternoon.”

“The sooner you let me off the phone, the sooner we can be ready.”

With that statement, Dax heard a click. He put the phone down and stuck a hand out to Jack. Jack sat beside him on the bed and leaned in for a good-morning kiss.

As their lips met, Dax pulled away. “No fair,” he said. “You’ve already brushed you teeth.”

“Oh come on, it doesn’t bother me.”

“Nope,” Dax said. “But be prepared. When I get out of the shower, you’ve got the biggest, sloppiest kiss coming your way.”

Dax jumped out of bed and started toward the bathroom. When Jack stood, Dax rushed back, pulled Jack’s towel off, and backed toward the bathroom door. He stopped in the doorway and looked at the naked vision of the man standing before him. Jack’s handsome face and towel-dried, reddish-blond hair sat atop a set of broad shoulders. His massive chest was lightly sprinkled with blond hair that led down to a set of luscious abs that the term “six-pack” just wasn’t enough to adequately describe. His long cock and beautifully shaped balls hung between two thick, muscular thighs that led down to great calves and slender feet.

Jack self-consciously watched as Dax studied him. He began to blush and finally asked, “What?”

“Just trying to figure out how I got so lucky, that’s all.”

Jack smiled with relief as Dax grabbed his bag and disappeared into the bathroom, shaking his head.

Ten minutes later Dax exited the bathroom dressed in a long-sleeved, yellow fleece sweatshirt over a red T-shirt and a pair of nicely fitting jeans.

“Wow, you look good enough to eat,” Jack said as he stood there in almost the same type of outfit.

“We almost look like twins,” Dax said as he opened his arms. “Come here, Captain, I owe you something.”

Jack gladly walked over to his lover, and as they embraced, Dax pressed his full lips against Jack’s and begged for entry. Jack welcomed him, and their tongues danced the dance as they shared their morning kiss.

They were interrupted by the phone ringing again. Without breaking the kiss, they sidestepped to the phone, and Jack picked up the receiver. He pulled his lips away from Dax’s just long enough to say, “We’re on our way.”

He heard the caller sigh and hang up without saying a word.

“We better go, before we get in trouble,” Jack said.

“Do we have to?” Dax pleaded.

“I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I want to take Dona on this early in the morning, do you?” Jack asked.

“Nah, I guess you’re right. She can be a bull dyke when she wants to.”

Jack howled with laughter.

After one last quick kiss they picked up their bags and made their way to the elevator. When the elevator door opened on the main floor, the gang was waiting for them. Catcalls and whistles filled the hotel lobby, followed by loud applause. Dax and Jack looked at each other, turned a horrible shade of red, and smiled. Jack pushed the button in the elevator, and the doors started to close. Mac stuck his foot in the doors to stop them, and they bounced back open. He grabbed Jack by the shoulders and kissed him right on the lips. Brad stepped in and did the same to Dax. Dona stood outside the elevator door, tapping her foot and smiling.

“Jack Cameron, you better not hurt my big brother,” she said. She opened her arms and Jack stepped into them.

“I’ll do my best,” he said.

When they broke the embrace, she turned to Dax. “And the same goes for you, bro,” she said as she embraced him next. “Now that you two have played
Hide the Willy
, can we get on with the expedition?” she asked.

They all laughed and walked to last night’s bistro, now converted to a breakfast café. They got a table and ordered quickly. While they waited for their food to arrive, the table buzzed with conversation about the process for getting the salvage rights to the wreck.

Jack raised his hand just a little. “I have a question. I thought I read somewhere that salvage rights were requested in Federal Court, not at the local level.”

“You’re right,” Dax said. “It used to be that way, but since the
Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987
, the US Government turned over rights of known and unknown shipwrecks to the respective states, to manage as they see fit.”

“So, if all goes well, in the next week, we could have the paperwork we’ll need to get the salvage started,” Dona added.

“Got it,” Jack said as the server started bringing their food to the table.

Jack and Dax had ordered a ton of food, and when their food arrived before anyone else’s, the table was almost covered.

Dona looked at the amount of food on the table. “My God,” she said. “I guess lovemaking can make for a pretty big appetite.”

Everyone laughed again at Dax and Jack’s expense, but they simply smiled sheepishly and dug in. Everyone ate pretty quickly when the rest of the food came. They paid the check and walked the block to the State Historic Preservation Office, located in the State Capital building.

When they reached the office, there was a female clerk standing at the counter. Dax and Dona approached and explained to her that they wanted to apply for a Rights of Salvage certificate for the wreck of the
Anna Wyoming
. She explained that she needed to gather the appropriate paperwork, and she would be right back. She disappeared into the back office and minutes later reappeared with a gentleman who introduced himself and explained he was the clerk in charge of giving out salvage permits. He handed them a stack of paperwork and explained that the paperwork needed to be completed in its entirety before the request could be considered.

They all took seats and divided the paperwork among them. It covered topics such as the research vessel, the crew, the wreck, Dax and Dona’s experience, and a boatload of other information. They all completed what they knew and passed it along to the next person to do the same. When all the paperwork had made the rounds, every question had been thoroughly answered. Dax added the printed photos and videotape, and they were finished. He turned in the paperwork and returned to his seat as the clerk disappeared through a doorway.

“What happens next?” Brad asked.

“We wait,” Dona said. “Once they review the paperwork and make sure we completed everything properly and they have everything they need, they’ll tell us we can go, and they’ll contact us when they make a decision. It normally takes a few days to a week, so we’ll go back to Skagway and prepare the
Lindsey C
for the salvage.”

Thirty-five minutes later, the male clerk appeared through the same door he’d used to exit, approached the counter, and looked at Dax.

“Mr. Powers,” he said. “We have your salvage rights.”

“What?” Dax said as he stood and made his way to the counter.

“You’re all set,” he replied.

“Are you sure? It usually takes a few days,” he said.

“Yes, sir, I’m sure,” he said. “Here is your Rights of Salvage certificate for the wreck of the
Anna Wyoming

Not wanting to rock the boat, Dax said, “Thanks, and you have a good day now.” He turned and motioned with his head for the rest of them to follow him. He wanted everyone out of there before the gentleman realized he’d made a terrible mistake and tried to take the certificate back. They all followed his lead, very quickly, and no one spoke until they reached the lobby of the building.

Dona was the first to make a sound. “Dax, what do you make of that?”

“Don’t know,” Dax replied. “But it’s very strange. We’ve never received Rights of Salvage on the same day, ever.”

“What do you think it means?” Brad asked.

“Not sure,” Dax replied. “But my guess would be that either someone made a mistake, or someone wants to know what’s in that ship pretty badly. The only potential problem I can see is that if someone did make a mistake, our rights can be challenged in a court of law at any time.”

“But we have the certificate,” Jack said. “Doesn’t that count for anything?”

“It certainly helps, but it can still be challenged.”

“Anything can be challenged,” Dona said. “I say we go for it.”

“I agree,” Jack said.

Brad and Mac looked at each other and nodded. “Not that it matters, but we do too,” Brad said.

“Then it’s official,” Dax proclaimed. “You’re all now treasure hunters.”

“Yee doggy, Brad,” Mac said. “We’s treasure hunters.”

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