Treasured (Embracing Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Treasured (Embracing Series Book 1)
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~Chapter Seven~



“Liam, what are your plans for the future?”

“I’m not sure yet. I don’t know what I want to do.”

I was hoping he would say he wanted to go to NYU or somewhere close to NYU. I don’t want to leave him. My phone starts to ring; it’s Ads.

“Hello, Ads. I’m fine. No, I’m with Liam. Okay, you be careful. I love you too.”

I know her and my brother are going back to her place.

“Hey, how about a swim?”

I just look at him. I’m not sure if I should or not.

“I don’t have my suit with me.”

“You don’t need one.” He strips down to his boxers and jumps in the water before I can answer. I take my clothes off, glad my panties and bra match.

“Holy crap, it's freezing!”

“You’ll be fine. Swim closer to me.”

I swim closer and he grabs my waist.

“You know, you are the prettiest woman I have ever seen.”

“Liam, stop, you’re just saying that.”

“No, I’m serious. Your eyes, your smile, and your heart. You're perfect!”

I blush. No one has ever said these things to me before. We have never kissed mouth to mouth and I've wanted to so bad. Maybe I should make the first move.

I put my arms around his neck and stare into his eyes. I kiss his cheek, hoping he'll get the hint. He pushes my hair behind my ear and then kisses my cheek and my nose.

“I love spending time with you,” Liam says.

“Me too, Liam.”

Come on, kiss me already! I’m as close to him as possible. He lifts my chin and leans in, and there it is. He's finally kissing me. Holy hell! This is amazing.

“I have wanted to do that for so long,” he admits.

“I've wanted to kiss you too.”

I lean in again to kiss him, this time a little more passionate than before. I can feel his erection against me. His kisses make me melt. I can feel my knees getting wobbly.

“Come on, let’s go back to the beach,” Liam says.

He carries me and lays me on the sand. We lie on the beach, kissing and caressing each other. I have never been kissed like this before. His mouth tastes so good and I just can’t get enough. Whenever he stops, I grab his face and kiss him again.

“Your lips, are amazing,” I mumble between kisses.

He pulls my bottom lip between his teeth and growls. “Lila, I love kissing you, but we better slow down.”

I can tell he's still erect. I climb on top of him and continue to kiss him. As I grind my hips into him, I can feel him getting harder and harder. He lets out a moan in my mouth. I have never done this before. There was this feeling in my panties when we were making out. Once I started grinding his body, I could feel an explosion down there.

He laughs nervously as his hands help my hips rock back and forth. “Baby, this feels wonderful, but maybe we should stop.”

“Oh, it feels great. I’m enjoying myself, aren’t you?” I moan in his mouth.

Between kisses, he says, “That’s the problem; I’m enjoying it way too much. Can you feel how excited I am?”

He stills my core over his erection.

“I do, I just want to kiss you forever,” I say breathlessly.

“Me too, baby. Oh shit, how did you learn to move your hips like that?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never done this before now. ”

“Okay, let’s get going. I promise we will finish this later,” he says, standing up with me still attached to his waist.

“Wow, I have never ever felt this way before. That was a hot make out session, Mr. Ellis.” I laugh as I kiss his cheek.

“The first of many, beautiful girl.”




It’s been a little over a week since the heavy make out session between Liam and I, and I'm ready for another one. I’m sad that in less than a month, I’ll be leaving him behind. I want to show him how much I care about him before I go, and I think this party will be the perfect place. I want to get everyone together this last night. Eric and Addie are going to Boston. Liam and Ashton haven’t decided where they want to go, but I won’t see any of them for months.

I only invited a few friends: Eric, Addie, Ashton, and Liam. Some random skank I had never seen before also showed up. I don’t know who invited her, but I sure the hell didn’t. I see her talking to Liam. I snarl a few times. Of course, he notices. Who wouldn’t?

I walk over to them. “Would you like a drink? I’m Lila, and you are?” I say, staring at her.

“Oh, hi. Ashton invited my friend and me,” she says as she skims the room, looking for said friend.

Looking in the direction her eyes are pointing to, I see Ashton making his move on some brunette. “Have fun,” I say as I walk away. She didn’t even tell me her name.

Liam grabs me by my hips and swings me around to face him. He puts his hand under my chin. “Are you jealous?” he teases.

Hell yeah, I am.

“Why would I be jealous?” I say with my hands on his chest. I hope he doesn’t notice, but I really am. Who the hell does she think she is? Why would she try to talk to him when she could clearly see he was with me?

“Don’t worry, I’m all yours.”

“I hope so.” I smile at him and notice his 'new friend' is dancing with Ashton and the other chick.

“Well, looks like she decided on another Ellis,” I joke.

“Good. Come take a walk with me.”

“Okay, I want some alone time with you anyway,” I say, kissing the side of his face. Since the party is at my parents' beach house, we walk out onto the deck and down the path to the ocean.

“Lila, I’m going to miss you very much.”

God, if he only knew I would miss him just as much or even more. We walk along the beach and talk about our future plans. I’m really not sure if he wants to attend college or not. He’s financially set for the rest of his life from his parents’ estates.

I love this beach. My parents bought the house when Eric and I were younger. We would come here every weekend. Of course, it's not a private beach, like Liam’s.

It’s getting chilly. Liam notices I’m shivering and wraps his arms around me. I enjoy being close to him. I enjoy his hugs and the little kisses he always gives me on my forehead or cheeks.

“I think I’m falling in love with you,” Liam confesses.

“Liam,” I whisper against his lips. He parts my lips with his tongue, then wraps his tongue around mine. He's so passionate, it feels like I'm going to sink to the ground. I hope he doesn't feel my knees shaking. My damn knees…when I’m nervous, they always want to knock me down.

I’ve been waiting to kiss him like this again. The kiss is so gentle, it seems like it lasts for a lifetime.

“Lila Rae Carls, I've wanted you for the last four years,” he says.

I just stand there, not knowing what to say or do. Then he does it again. This time, there are fireworks going off in my head. I want him to lay me down right here and kiss every inch of my body. I have never wanted that with anyone before. I think I had a damn orgasm again. I don’t know what they feel like, but from the kisses the last time and the ones tonight, this has to be it.

We walk along the beach, laughing and talking. Then we find a perfect spot under the moon.

“You have me now. I am all yours,” I say.

“I’ve wanted to tell you for weeks now. I just didn’t want to ruin our summer, but I’ve decided to join the army,” he says with a sigh. “It doesn’t change the way I feel about you, though.”

“What? Why would you leave me? What am I going to do?”

“Leave you? I’ll be back. I really don’t know what I want to do with my life and this seems to be the right thing to do. I signed up months ago, before we started seeing each other. I wanted to tell you when you asked me before, but like I said, I didn’t know how to tell you.”

I can feel tears streaming down my face at the thought of him leaving. Am I falling for him? Oh God, I am falling in lo—like with him and he is fucking leaving me.

“Look at me…are you upset with my choice?” he asks, running his hand down my back.

“No, I’m not, I’m just tired,” I lie.

“Please don’t cry. I’ll be back. Then, after you graduate, we can start our lives together.”

I’m sick that I have to see him leave, and hurt because I want to be with him more than he knows.
I run my hands across his arm. “Liam, I’m okay. You just took me by surprise. I wasn’t planning on you leaving me—I mean leaving.”

He puts his arms around my waist. “I’m not leaving you. I’ll only be gone a year at the most. Then we will be together.”

“Let’s just get back to the party,” I say.

He grabs my hand as soon as I start to walk away. “L, please wait. I don’t want you to be upset with me.”

“I’m not upset with you. This is your future. How could I be upset when you’re doing something you want to do? Does Ads know you’re going?”

“No, I haven’t told anyone but you. I wanted you to be the first to know,” he says, running his thumb across my cheek.

I don't know what to say, so I stand there with my hand on my hip, staring at him, wondering why he wants to leave. He's supposed to stay here, be here for me.

“Don’t be upset. I’ll always return to you,” he says before placing his lips above mine. Then he kisses me. This time, I can feel everything he feels for me in one kiss. It literally takes my breath away. I can feel myself panting, wanting more. I’m hoping he will just throw me down and make love to me.

I know he isn’t that type of guy and I’m not that type of girl, but this man’s touch makes me want to fuck him every time his skin brushes mine. We hold hands and walk back to the house. The walk back is very quiet.

Once we get back to the party, everyone has settled down and is leaving. The skank must’ve caught a ride with someone else.

I decide to stay at the beach house. I figured Addie was staying too, but it looks like she's leaving, so I say to her, “Ads, you’re leaving me?”

“Yes, you’ll have Liam. Eric and I have plans of our own.” She winks at me as she walks out the door. That bitch set me up. She is so sneaky sometimes.

“Hey, you aren’t staying here by yourself,” Liam says, walking toward me.

I want him to stay after our make out session on the beach and that kiss tonight. There’s just something about him that makes me want more.

“Fine, stay with me then. I’m going to take a shower, just make yourself at home.”

“Hurry back, I miss you already.” He kisses me, and I smile as I walk backwards into the bedroom. It's an en suite with a huge shower.

I quickly get undressed and instantly wish he was with me. I step into the shower, thinking about that kiss, that wonderful kiss. I wonder what it will be like, kissing him more. Making love to him? We’ve been seeing each other for a couple months now and he hasn’t tried anything with me.

I hear the shower door open.

“Don’t be scared, it’s just me,” he says, pulling me close to him.

“I’ll never be scared of you,” I say.

“I just need to be close to you.”

I crash my lips into his. I’m so nervous, I can feel my body shaking. He still has his clothes on, so I place my hands at the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head. Placing my lips back on his, I unzip his jeans and pull them down.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Liam asks.

“I’ve never been so sure about anything my entire life. I want to make love to you right now,” I say. “Please, I need you now.”

His body is smoking hot. I want to lick every inch of his beautiful, chiseled chest. You can tell he works out every day. I see the passion in his eyes when I run my fingers over his chest.

My knees shake as I run my hands up and down his body. I want to feel him in my hands. I stroke his cock, moving my hand faster and faster.

He groans and says, “Li-Lila. Oh, beautiful. Oh, fuck me. I mean—”

“It’s okay. I know what you mean,” I say, kissing him.

He runs his fingers down my body. I still have that feeling in-between my legs. He dips his finger in my heat and rubs my clit with his thumb in a circular motion.

“Oh, Li-Li-Liam,” I moan.

As we stand in the shower exploring each other with the hot water streaming all over our bodies, all I can think about is making love to him. I’ve known this man for years and never would’ve thought I’d want him as bad as I do right now.

As he lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me to the bed. We fall down on the bed and I giggle.

“I want you to know, I care about you so much. If you’re not ready to do this, I’ll wait for you until you are ready. Please, don’t do something you’re not ready to do,” he says, kissing my neck.

“I want you! I have no doubts about being with you. I want you now, right here.
, Liam, make me yours. Show me how much you love me,” I beg.

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