Treasured Find (Royal Pride Book 1) (20 page)

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Devin strode forward. “You are not allowed to talk to her, and you sure as hell aren’t allowed to touch her. Do you understand me, human?”

“I don’t give a shit about what you want. If Mira wants to talk to me, she can.” A sneer spread over Josh’s face. “And if she wants me to bend her over—”

Devin stopped Josh’s words with a punch to his jaw. Josh groaned, then returned the punch. Fists flew as the two men went at it. The fight took them from the hallway door to the dining room. Devin slammed his balled hand dead center into Josh chest, sending him crashing on the table. Devin landed on top of him, and the wood broke under their combined weight.

“Stop it!” Jazz ordered.

Rafe came running down the back set of stairs that led from the kitchen to second floor. His eyes glowed in the darkened room. He shifted his gaze from her to Mira. He ignored the two men rolling around on the floor and approached Jazz.

“What are you doing?” Jazz pointed to where Josh held Devin in a choke hold. “Stop them.”

“No. They need to do this or Devin will never view Josh as dominant.” Rafe shrugged. “It’s a shifter thing.”

“A shifter thing! What—”

“Devin, no!” Mira screamed.

Blood ran down the side of Josh’s face. Devin raised his clawed hand, but Rafe tackled him, knocking him away from Josh.

Devin bucked, throwing Rafe off, then jumped to his feet. Gaze locked on Josh, Devin approached him with his fangs bared.

Rafe hooked an arm around Devin’s ankles and toppled him, then bent close to Devin’s face and hissed, a sound that made the tiny hairs on Jazz’s arms stand up.

“Look at me, Devin.”

With his gaze still locked on Josh, Devin shoved at Rafe’s chest. Rafe jerked back but pressed his hands to Devin’s shoulders and leaned over him, pushing Devin to the floor. Rafe’s muscles bulged from the effort, but Devin stayed down.

“Get your shit together. You hear me, Devin?”

Devin growled, and Rafe shook him hard enough to smack his skull off the wooden floor. “Focus on me, not you crazy-ass cats.”

Devin lifted his lip, revealing a wide fang, and snarled, but he slowly turned his head and focused on Rafe’s face.

“You probably woke up the kids with your shit. Do you want them to come down and see you like this? A fucking animal?”

“No. I don’t.” Devin’s voice was gravelly, but clear. “Get off me. I need to get out of here.”

Rafe did, no hesitation.

The moment Devin was free, he bolted out the kitchen door, and Rafe took a step after him.

Mira blocked him. “No. I’ll go. It’s my fault he’s like this.”

She was going to blame herself for her brother losing control?

Jazz shook her head. “It’s not. You weren’t doing anything. You—”

“This wasn’t because of tonight.” Mira gripped the door handle. “But trust me when I say, it’s my fault. I broke the law. Devin paid for it. Is still paying for it.”

“What do—”

Mira left before Jazz could finish her question, but whatever had happened hurt both Devin and Mira. And Jazz couldn’t help but wonder if his name had been Edmund.

The door banged shut behind Mira, and a muttered curse yanked Jazz’s attention to Josh. With one eye already swelling, bruises around his neck and blood running in steady rivulets from the slashes across his cheek, Josh looked horrible.

He sat up slowly and chuckled, then immediately groaned and pressed an arm over his chest. “Think he broke a rib.”

She rushed over and hesitantly touched his side. He cursed more. She dropped her hand. “Maybe only bruised it.”

“Either way, it’s going to hurt for a while.” He grinned.

“Yes, it will, so why are you smiling?”

Josh gripped the edge of a wooden chair and dragged himself up. “Because that was the best damn fight I’ve had in years.”

She shook her head. He’d always liked to fight and had even boxed for a couple of years after college. “You’re certifiable, you know that?”

“Probably. Felt damn good, though. If he hadn’t unleashed his claws, I would’ve held my own against him. Maybe taken him out.”

She bit back her words of warning about how he shouldn’t be picking fights and dug out the first-aid kit. She dumped the contents and selected the few items she needed, then glared at Rafe. “Why didn’t you stop them?”

Rafe leaned against the cabinets in a relaxed slouch only a man could pull off. With his legs spread slightly and elbows on the countertop behind him he looked both sexy and nonchalant.

“I told you. Josh needed to prove himself if he’s going to be hanging out with shifters. So I let him.”

Josh swiped his tongue over his split lip. “And did I?”

“Well enough.”

“Good. It was worth it then.”

“I don’t know how you can even say that. You’re going to get yourself killed one of these days.” She dabbed at the cuts with an alcohol wipe.

Josh jerked back, then groaned. “Jesus, you could’ve warned me, Jazz. That shit stings.”

She ignored him and cleaned the rest of the wound. Without the blood masking it, she got a good look at the slashes. “These need stitches.”

“No way.” Josh opened the freezer and pulled out a bag of peas. With the impromptu ice pack on his swollen eye, he faced Rafe. “That’ll make me look weak. Won’t it?”

“You’re only human. You don’t heal as quickly as we do. Nobody would blame you for seeking medical intervention.”

“Uh-huh. That’s what I thought.” Josh picked up a pack of butterfly closures. “These’ll have to do. I’m going to get cleaned up and check on the kids.”

“I’ll help you put those on,” she offered.

“Don’t bother. I’m fine.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Jazz waited until the hallway door swung closed, then glanced at Rafe. Right before bed wasn’t the best time to get into any deep conversations, but they hadn’t been alone all evening. Her list of questions had built since the morning.

“You heal quickly?” she asked to start their discussion.

“Very. We’re damn hard to kill too. Well, Royals are. Single shifters heal quicker than humans, but they’re not as strong as a Royal.”


“Multi-animal shifters. We’re direct descendants of the gods so the single shifters slapped the title ‘Royal’ on us. It stuck.”

She stared at him for a moment, then snapped her mouth closed. “Direct descendants of the gods? Care to clarify that?”

“A couple thousand years ago, the gods created the first shifters by joining their human warriors with the souls of predators.”

“How did they do that? And why?”

“No idea how. The why is simple—they wanted stronger, more cunning and vicious warriors.”

“For what? Battles?”

“Yes. According to the stories passed down to us from our elders, the gods used to settle their arguments by pitting their chosen warriors against each other. They’d scrounged the mortal world looking for the best of the best, then picked their contestants. Now, this was many, many years ago. Shifters no longer fight the gods’ battles. They’ve pretty much abandoned us, actually. On very rare occasions, they still talk to the Royals, but the single shifters haven’t heard a peep from them in a millennium.”

talk to you?”

Rafe grinned and stepped closer, crowding her against the sink. “No, not to me. Kade has spoken to our goddess, though.”

“Why Kade and not you?”

“He’s alpha, the head of our pride and the center of our family.” He tipped his head to the side as if searching for the right words. “He carries the souls of the animals that belonged to the first Alexander, and if Kade were to die, either one of my brothers or I would have to accept the spirit and take over the family.”

She thought of her boys and their lack of family. Who held their ancestor’s spirit? “What happens if family members are separated?”

“We would know if our leader died. The spirit would call us home, and one of us would become its new vessel.”

“Why did Kade become leader, then, and not you?”

“Because I didn’t want to kill my brother in order to rule, so I didn’t try for it.”

She gasped. “Kill him?”

“You heard me right.” He sighed. “The spirit wants the strongest vessel. We would’ve had to fight to prove our worth. Remember what I said about the gods wanting vicious warriors.”

Respect for Rafe grew with his confession. He’d given up leading his family out of love for his twin.

She slipped her arms around his waist. The sensation of his strong body against hers muddled her thoughts, but she wanted to know more about the selfless man who might very well become the head of

“That’s the reason your gods made the Royals, isn’t it? If one animal spirit made their warriors stronger, three would be even better?”

“No. The Royals are the result of the goddesses sleeping with their warriors.”

She chuckled. “That sounds like a soap opera. I bet there was cheating, lies and betrayal involved too.”

“Probably”—he ran his hands over her back and pulled her closer—“but it’s no longer something I want to talk about.”

The hard line of his arousal pressed into her belly hinted at what he wanted to discuss. With the kids in bed and the ticking of the clock as the only noise around them, she wanted the same.

She hooked her finger through the belt loop of his pants and tugged him closer. “Do you have something special in mind you want talk about?”

He pressed his lips to the spot right below her ear. “Yes. Getting inside you again.”

He kissed his way across her jaw and slipped his tongue between her parted lips. She opened to him, and he twined his tongue with hers in a confident, lazy way that left her breathless, aroused and eager for him. The deep swipes and rolling thrusts of his tongue were wonderfully erotic, but she needed to feel his powerful body blanketing hers. And
couldn’t happen in her kitchen.

She turned her head, breaking the kiss. “Rafe, I want you.”

“Yes, I want you too. My lips on yours. My hands on your body. My cock inside you. But first I want my mouth here.” He tapped a single finger against the erect tip of her breast, and she shivered.

He smirked. “That is what you want too, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but—”

He bent his head and sucked on her nipple through the loose tank top she wore. Her words got stuck in her throat.

So good. He made her come alive. Turned her into a wanton woman.

She pushed her breast against him, silently begging for more. He sucked again, tearing a soft moan from her, then lapped at her nipple until her breaths deepened.

Her satin bra and cotton top separated them, but the sensation of his mouth working on her left her squirming. She arched, not sure if she wanted to escape his teasing licks or experience more, but he shifted his legs to either side of hers, caging her in and taking the choice out of her hands.

Trapped between the counter and Rafe’s body, she had nowhere to go. The memory of being in a similar position returned to her. He’d taken her to heaven then. It had only been a few hours ago, but it could’ve been months since she’d felt his passion. She hungered for it. Craved it. What better time to indulge in him? Her family was safe, and she had Rafe to thank for it.

She wanted to reward him for being patient and not whisking her off to destinations unknown. She was certain the bond she’d watched form between her kids and Rafe’s family wouldn’t have come as quickly if they’d been ripped away from the only home they’d ever known.

She grabbed a handful of his hair and tugged him away from her breast. He growled, and an annoyed look flashed across his face. She ignored the reminder of her lover’s non-human status and held his face between her hands. “You are an amazing man. Do you know that, Rafe?”

“Am I now?”

She grinned at the pleased look on his face. “Yes, and I want to show you how much I appreciate you.”

His eyes glowed, and the golden brown color spread to encompass his entire eye until no white showed in his orbs. Feline eyes stared back at her. It was the first time she’d seen his eyes completely colored, but the sight of his primal side didn’t frighten her. It aroused her.

She leaned closer until his eyes became the center of her world. “You’re absolutely beautiful this way.”

“What way?”

“With feline eyes.” She skimmed her fingers along his cheekbone. “It almost feels like your cats are watching me.”

“They are. You’ve bridged me and my cats, allowing this to happen. No other woman has been able to accomplish what you have.”

His words rocked her, and her heart swelled. Love—that was what she felt growing inside her. She was falling in love with Rafe. Maybe she had already fallen. At the moment, she didn’t care to dissect the emotion. She only knew it made her feel good. Right.

“Take me upstairs, Rafe.” She licked her lips. “I want to worship you.”

His fangs lengthened. She pressed a finger between his slightly parted lips and traced one.

Rafe shuddered. He grasped her wrist. “Not here. That feels like you’re stroking my cock. Save it for when I’m balls-deep inside you.”

He swung her into his arms and carried her to her bedroom. The door clicked shut behind them. He turned the lock, then dropped her onto the bed. She bounced on the firm mattress, then scrambled up in time to watch Rafe pull his shirt over his head.

Ridges of muscles bunched with the move. Other than the few minutes when she studied his sleeping body in the hotel room, she hadn’t seen him naked long enough to appreciate him.

The heavily muscled chest that felt good under her cheek was flawless, a natural curving of flesh body-builders strived for but rarely achieved. She let her gaze skim over the expanse of muscle, down his abs and stopped at where Rafe’s fingers rested against the waistband of his jeans.

He popped the button and slowly dragged the zipper down. Instead of freeing his erection, he covered it with his hand. “You want this?”

“Yes. Every way I can take it.”

A pleased look passed over his face. “Get your clothes off. I want you naked.”

“I don’t need to be naked to pleasure you.” She curled her fingers. “Come here, and let me show you.”

“You’re not the only one hungry. I crave another taste of you.”

He fisted his cock, squeezing it tight, then stroked, base to head. She stared transfixed at the glistening drops of precome welling at its tip. Her mouth watered for a taste of him.

“Later.” She moved to her knees and crawled to the edge of the bed. “Much later.”

He released his rigid length and motioned toward her. “Take your clothes off. I want to see you. Touch you.”

His tone left no room for discussion. He would have her naked. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

She yanked her top off, then undid her bra. Her shorts and panties followed, leaving her naked, exactly as he’d ordered.

“That’s good. Now spread your legs. Show me how hot you are for me.”

She widened her stance. The cool air on her wet lower lips sent a shiver through her.

“Perfect. Stay just like that.”

Rafe kicked off one boot, then the other before turning his back on her and dragging his jeans down. Her gaze drifted to his tight ass. She curled her fingers. She wanted to feel his muscles flex as he pounded into her. She inched closer to the end of the bed and reached for him. Her fingers fell short of touching his smooth skin.

He glanced over his shoulder. “I told you not to move, Jasmine. Go back to where you were, or you’ll feel my palm stinging your ass.”

She wasn’t sure if she wanted that or not. The small smack he’d given her earlier had caught her off guard more than anything. It hadn’t been enough to decide if she would enjoy it. She bit her lower lip. Indecision left her trembling.

He turned. His cock pointed straight at her. Veins ran the length of it and more precome slickened the head. He flexed his hand. “All right, come—”

She scrambled back to where she’d knelt. Heart pounding hard, she faced him.

He grinned. “That’s not how I left you.”

“Yes, it—”

He snatched her wrist and tumbled her against him. She let out an oomph and pressed her hands to his pecs. The shove didn’t nothing to break his hold. He lifted her with a hand under her bottom, then sat on the bed and draped her over his thick thighs.

“Grab a pillow.”

“For wh—”

The crack of his palm to her bottom tore a squeak from her throat. She fisted the pillow and yanked it close, burying her face just in time to muffle her next cry. Three more, quick smacks, and she squirmed, trying to escape the spanking that left her butt cheeks stinging and her heart racing.

“Rafe, what are—”

His hand connected with her ass cheek, stopping her words. The vibration skipped along the walls of her sex to her womb. Another whack to her bottom, and her clit thumped.

She was at his mercy. He could do anything he wanted to her. Arousal flowed at the thought. She felt it slickening her lower lips.

The bite of pain he delivered with his punishment aroused her in a different way than she’d ever experienced, and the quivering along the inner walls of her core promised an incredible orgasm, if she were pushed over the edge. Rafe’s thumb on her clit would do that. So would his fingers pumping insider her.

She lifted her ass, offering herself to him. Silently begging him to give her what she needed. Instead, he smoothed his hand over her cheeks, easing the sting he’d caused and sending sparks to skip to her clit.

“Look at me.”

She turned her head at his command. Swirling, golden eyes focused on her. Her breath rushed out.

“Did you enjoy my hand on your ass?”

Yes. More than I thought possible.
“I don’t know.”

“Don’t you?”

She shook her head.

“Look me in the eyes and tell me that.”

She shifted her gaze from his nose to his beautiful feline eyes. “I don’t kn—”

The crack of his palm stopped her words.

“Liar.” He slid his hand between her thighs and dragged his knuckles through her wet cleft. “The truth is right here.”

She couldn’t deny it so she buried her face and waited for the next rough whack of his hand. Several heartbeats passed without feeling it, though. He toyed with her sex, spreading her folds and circling her opening with the tip of his finger. His lazy exploration excited her more. She wiggled her bottom, trying to invite him to push his fingers inside her.

He stilled his hand with the tips of his fingers inside her core. “I grow tired of waiting, Jasmine.”

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