Trial and Glory (8 page)

Read Trial and Glory Online

Authors: Joshua P. Simon

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Epic, #Historical, #Sword & Sorcery

BOOK: Trial and Glory
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After finishing his meal, Tobin exited the palace. He strode through the gardens on his way to the outer gate. Workers sweated while tending to the exotic plants. They bowed in respect as he passed. The guards at the gate saluted him.

Some found it odd that the ruler of an empire walked the streets of his city alone. However, Tobin found it distasteful to travel with a retinue of guards as his father once did.

Walking Juanoq’s cobbled roads, Tobin saw evidence of the previous night’s storm everywhere. Water gushed downhill into drains. Puddles formed within small dips in the sidewalks.

The elaborate designs on the buildings flanking the main thoroughfare reflected the morning sun, causing passersby to shield their vision from the glare. Clean stained-glass windows adorning the wealthier homes looked newly hung.

Tobin headed toward Juanoq’s center where two large towers housing the City Watch stood as silent guardians over the city.

He rapped his knuckles on one tower’s entrance. Several breaths later the door swung open. A sleepy, young guard greeted him.

The guard blinked at Tobin and bowed. “Warleader. What can I do for you?”

“I need to speak with Captain Teznak.”

“Yes, Warleader. Please come in.” He stepped aside.

Tobin scowled as he entered the first level of the tower. A layer of grime covered the tables and chairs while refuse sat piled along the circular walls. He crinkled his nose at the musky smell.

The guard must have seen Tobin’s displeasure. “We’ve been quite busy with our duties, Warleader. I hope you’ll excuse the mess.”

Tobin clenched his jaw.

“Give me a moment, and I’ll make sure he’s ready for you.” The guard gestured. “Please have a seat.”

Tobin eyed the chairs. “I’ll stand.”

“Of course.” The guard leaped up the stairs.

The guard returned much sooner than Tobin expected, running down the stairs so fast he nearly tripped.

“Captain Teznak is ready,” said the guard between breaths. “I can take you to him if—”

“No.” Tobin cut the man off. “I can find him.”

Tobin pushed past the guard, ascending the spiral stairs. He stopped briefly at each landing, just long enough to see their state looked little better than the first. Well past dawn, men snored loudly in their beds. Tobin wondered how many slept from working the night shift and how many from sheer laziness.

His anger swelled with each step.

Since he reorganized the government of Juanoq, the city practically ran itself. Though crime had never been an issue out of fear of his father’s wrath, Tobin realized he had neglected the watch’s role during his rule.

“Warleader! It’s so good to see you this morning.”

The shout came from above as Captain Teznak waited for Tobin at the top of the next landing. His bloodshot eyes darted over Tobin’s expression. He swayed on his feet.

Tobin failed to acknowledge him in any way as he climbed the last several steps and brushed past him into his quarters. Tobin passed the guest chair, and stood behind the simple desk. Teznak waited in the doorway, uncertain.

“Close the door and have a seat, Captain.”

“Yes, of course.”

A moment later Teznak sat in the guest chair while Tobin loomed over him. Tobin let the uncomfortable silence stretch. Only when he saw beads of sweat form on the captain’s forehead did he decide to sit himself. He leaned back in the chair. It groaned under the weight of his thick frame.

“I need you to do something for me.”

“Anything, Warleader.”

Tobin pulled a piece of paper out of his shirt pocket, unfolded it, and handed it to the captain. “Do you recognize any of these names?”

Teznak scanned the list. “I can’t say that I do.”

“I need their addresses. How long will it take to get that information?”

“Perhaps a couple of weeks,” huffed Teznak.

“You have three days.”

“Then I’ll get my best men on it right away.”

“No. The list is for your eyes only.”

Though Tobin no longer had to fear the wrath of his father or Kaz, he didn’t want members of the upper class speculating and gossiping.

The captain ran his hand over his face, rubbing his eyes. “I see. I understand that this must be important to you, but three days isn’t much time.”

“Three days.”

The captain swallowed.

Everything about the captain began to bother Tobin—his appearance, his attitude . . .

“Captain, do you enjoy insulting me?”

Teznak’s eyes widened. “No. Of course not. Not in any way.”

“But you are. The entire state of the tower is an insult to me. Your attitude and demeanor are an insult to me.”

“I apologize, but we’ve been busy with—”

“Everyone knows what the watch has been busy with.” Tobin rose to his feet, kicking the chair out behind him. The captain jumped. “Spending your time in the bathhouses. My father may not have cared since his eyes were focused elsewhere and the work of the watch was done. I’ll admit I fell into that same trap myself.” Tobin leaned forward. “My eyes are on you now. When I leave, you better wake every man, whether they were on duty last night or not, and straighten this place out.”

Teznak dropped his eyes. “Yes, Warleader.”

For some unknown reason, the submissive gesture only angered Tobin more. He grabbed the captain by his shirt, dragging him on top of the desk. He withdrew the knife at his belt, pressing it under Teznak’s chin.

“Also, it’s obvious from your own condition, and that of the guard downstairs, that you have not kept training as you were instructed to. Starting today, your men will resume training with the army on a daily basis. If a man cannot handle that then he does not belong in the watch. If you cannot handle your men, I’ll find someone who will. Is that clear?”

“Y-Yes Warleader.”

* * *

Tobin left the city’s watchtower in a foul mood. He did not doubt that Captain Teznak had deserved to be handled in such a way for his laziness. Yet, Tobin’s anger nearly clouded his thinking once again. It was one thing to kill a man after rationally concluding such a thing to be the best course of action. It was another thing entirely to kill someone in a fit of rage.

Why is it so hard to control myself?

Tobin once considered himself a calm person, someone who thought clearly without his emotions getting the better of him. However, it had become a struggle not to give into his inclinations, to lash out at those who displeased him. He tried to rationalize his actions over the last campaign as being necessary aspects of war. But the nightmares that haunted his dreams made him doubt those claims more each day.

And I’m not on a battlefield now. I’m in my own city.

An image of his mother’s prone form flashed in his mind.

Does it all relate to her?

Tobin lost himself in thought as he traversed the city’s streets. He took a left without thinking. A wall of sound jarred him.

He had no intention of passing through the city’s vast market, but once there, he couldn’t take his eyes off the bustling activity. He stepped to the side, ducking into the shadows of a nearby merchant stall before someone recognized him. Watching the various types of people haggle over prices distracted him from his thoughts.

Tobin could not recall how long he stood in those shadows. Though minutes had probably passed, it seemed more like hours as his mind thought of simpler times when he walked the market as an ordinary Kifzo warrior with Nachun at his side.

He was looking for maps and bits of history even then, already thinking ahead to when he would leave me.

Though Tobin knew that the shaman had used him for his own selfish gain, a part of him still wished Nachun had not left Hesh. A larger part of Tobin wished he could speak with Walor. The Kifzo had been a better friend to him than Nachun ever had.

I could use some advice or at least someone who will listen to my worries with concern.
He thought of Walor’s calm, level-headed attitude and the way that other Kifzo seemed at ease around him.
Making him my second might be the best decision I ever made. Who else could I ever trust to handle the Red Mountain Clan in my stead?
He snorted.
Maybe when he returns I should just give him all of Juanoq. He’d likely do a better job than me. Maybe I should just disappear and not worry about hurting anyone ever again.

Tobin exhaled a long breath. His duties would not go away, no matter how long he pushed them aside. He took a step forward, but immediately slid back into the shadows.

Lucia and Jober walked through the market examining the day’s wares. Tobin shouldn’t have been surprised. Lucia had always enjoyed the market.

Absolutely beautiful,
he thought while staring at her.

Tobin closed his eyes briefly, recalling every curve of her body. It had been several months since they last spoke. Yet her scent filled his nostrils as if she still lay next to him on the roof of the palace. He opened his eyes as she shifted her stance, giving Tobin a better view of her face. She wore a somber expression. For the briefest of moments, hope filled Tobin’s heart.

Does she miss me?
He shook his head.
No. It’s Kaz. It’s always him.

He smiled bitterly at the humorless joke. He had gone along with Nachun when the shaman caused his brother to disappear. Nachun assumed that Lucia would eventually accept her husband’s death.

And I was dumb enough to believe him.

He spared one last look at Lucia then left the market.

* * *

Despite the barrage of noise, Jober heard the small gasp to his left. His hand went to the sword at his waist. “Is everything alright?”

Lucia stared toward an alley, near a stand selling various dyes.

Jober touched her arm, repeating the question. “Are you alright?”

She blinked. “Yes. I-I just thought I saw someone.”


“No one. It was nothing.” She took one last look down the alley before renewing her stride.

Jober eyed the area around the dye stand but saw nothing. He fell in quickly behind Lucia, and the two continued walking. He knew that now wasn’t the place to pry, but his concern for Lucia forbade him to wait any longer.

“When are you going to talk to someone?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”

Jober ignored the advice of his wife, Hielle, urging him to give Lucia time to herself. “It’s been months since your anniversary. You haven’t been yourself since. And today, you seem even worse. Not even the market cheers you.”

Lucia looked away, opening her mouth as if to answer his question. She stopped, forcing a smile. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to bring you down. I’ve just felt ill.” Her hand rested briefly on her midsection. “I was actually hoping to find something in the market that might settle my stomach today.”

“Are you sure that’s it?”

She touched his arm. “I’m sure.”

He nodded. “Alright. Let’s go find something for your stomach.”

* * *

Tobin stood in his war room, admiring a map that detailed the lands under his rule. His empire covered all the inhabited lands of Hesh except the White Tundra Clan to the far south. No one knew the size of the White Clan’s populace or their land as they refused to interact with the other clans of Hesh. Even Tobin’s father had not included them in his original plans of conquest. However, Tobin was not his father.

A knock sounded.

“Come in.”

The door cracked open, and a servant peeked inside. “Captain Teznak is here to see you.”

“Send him in.”

The servant bowed and backed out as the captain entered. He had cleaned up considerably since the morning.

“Captain, I didn’t expect to see you so soon. I hope there haven’t been any problems with your assignment.”

“No, Warleader. No problems at all.”

“Are you sure? You look worn.”

The captain tried to smile. “Just a bit sore. I’ve been busy since we last spoke. My men are ahead of schedule at seeing the towers brought back up to standard.”

“Good. But progress reports are unnecessary so long as the work is done when I return.”

“Yes, of course. That’s actually not why I’m here.” The captain pulled loose the sheet of paper Tobin gave him earlier. “I’ve been working on the list.”

“You’ve already located the men?”

“Not all of them. Since it seemed that the names were of great importance to you I thought you might want the information I was able to discover so far.”

“Go ahead.”

Teznak cleared his throat. “Of the six names, three are dead.”

Tobin swore. “Who does that leave?”

“Saruk, Belin, and Adosh. I managed to locate Saruk’s current address.” He handed a piece of paper to Tobin. “I’m still working on the whereabouts of Belin and Adosh.”

Tobin opened the scrap of paper. “I know the area.” He looked up. “You did well, captain.”

Teznak relaxed.

“Return to your tower. You’ll need a good night’s sleep to continue your search tomorrow.”

Teznak bowed and left.

Tobin considered the time as he stared at the paper in his hand. Many would already be sleeping. Still, with possible answers to his mother so close, he didn’t want to wait until morning, especially since he knew what nightmares awaited him.

* * *

Tobin’s boots pounded the cobbled streets as he left Saruk’s house. Each echoing footfall across the quiet city night seemed to remind him of his fruitless endeavor.

Three dead and one who lost his mind years ago.

He had awakened the old man’s entire household with his visit only to learn from Saruk’s wife that her husband had not been himself in decades. Still Tobin demanded to see Saruk, and his wife humbly obliged.

The old man had lain shriveled on a cot, drooling and mumbling to himself. He had soiled himself during Tobin’s brief stay. Tobin tried questioning Saruk’s wife, but saw quickly that she knew nothing.

His eyes turned up to the night sky, briefly gazing at the stars.

Only two left.

Chapter 7

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