Trial by Fire (2 page)

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Authors: Taylor Lee

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Idesire Publications, #Thriller

BOOK: Trial by Fire
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Laura was surrounded by worried-looking medics and a short, graying man Nate presumed was Dr. James. Moving through the throng that separated to let him pass, Nate made his way to the semi-conscious woman. He spoke quietly.

“Laura, its Nate.”

Laura immediately came to life. With a wild cry, she jumped up and threw herself at him.

“Oh God, Nate. Oh thank God you’re here. You need to help me. Please! Somebody needs to help me. Mike… Oh God, Nate. Something awful… somebody hurt Mike… I need you, Nate!”

Her stammering, incoherent speech ended in an uncontrolled wail.

Nate let her cling to him for a moment, then carefully unwound her hands from his waist and helped her sit up against the back of the tufted lounge. His voice was calm but loud enough to be heard over her jerky sobs.

“Yes, Laura. I saw him. Dan and I just left the scene. I’m sorry. It is a terrible crime. I’m especially sorry that you had to see him like that.”

He stepped back, putting distance between them.

“I’m going to need to ask you some questions, Laura.”

At the sound of a small cough, Nate glanced at the clearly concerned little man hovering by Laura’s side. Nate raised a questioning brow.

The doctor shook his head and motioned for Nate to follow him. They stood at the side of the room.

“I’m Dr. Andrew James. She’s in shock, Detective Stryker. This is not a good time to interview her. You are unlikely to get useful information. She’s coherent for short moments and then becomes agitated, then hysterical. I’ve given her a significant amount of Valium, a much larger dose than I like to give. I’m hoping that it will allow her to sleep.”

As if to punctuate his point, Laura’s head lolled to the side. Her breathing deepened perceptibly and she appeared to fall asleep. Nate grimaced. Although she’d just discovered her murdered husband’s body, and her life had turned upside down, Laura looked as beautiful as ever. Her long blond hair hung down her back in shiny waves of gold. Dark lashes shadowed her rosy cheeks. Her plump bee-stung lips were moist, even inviting. The peek-a-boo clothing she always wore showed her voluptuous body to perfection. Her bountiful cleavage spilled out of her abbreviated halter top. And, even asleep, she’d managed to hike up her short skirt, revealing the lacy edge of her panties.

Seeing the EMT’s trying to look away, not to gawk, Nate gave a soft snort. He could have told them not to bother. It didn’t matter. Even sleeping, Laura made sure she got attention. Always had. Always would.

When it was clear that Laura was sleeping soundly, and questioning her was a non-starter, Nate gave Dr. James his card.

“Please let Mrs. Peterson know that I will be back in the morning.”

The doctor responded with a polite nod.


The library buzzed with activity. Well-equipped technicians, EMT’s and cameramen were hard at work, in colonies of specialized activity. Nate spoke with each of the uniformed men in the room and then went to talk with the men positioned outside. He greeted cops that had come in from several neighboring jurisdictions, who were working under the leadership of Sgt. Charlie Hanson, one of Nate’s key men. According to Charlie, they’d barricaded the roads surrounding the estate, building a five hundred yard perimeter around the house. Knowing that there was nothing they could do until morning, Dan circulated among the men, indicating that Nate wanted everyone at the station at 6 a.m. sharp.

From the doorway Nate took a last look at the pitiful shell of the man still hanging on the cross. No question that in life Mike Peterson was an arrogant asshole. Hell, so was he. Nate grimaced. He and Mike had something else in common. They’d both had the misfortune to have been married to Laura.

Chapter 2

“Nate! Over here, man!”

Heading for his car, Nate looked up to see his cousin Connor, pushing his way through the crowd. Connor’s handsome face was tight with strain, his dark gray eyes flashing. The firefighters on the scene separated to let their boss through. When he reached Nate, Connor threw an arm over the taller man’s shoulder and pulled him close.

“Fuck, man. I came as soon as I could. I was in Duluth speaking at the Annual Firefighters Association dinner. Damn, Nate. Are you okay?”

Nate and Connor moved away from the crowd. “Yeah, I’m fine. Wondered where you were.” Glancing at Connor’s dress suit, Nate’s lip curled. “Hell of a suit, Cuz. You clean up real good for a smart-assed kid.”

Seeing that his banter hadn’t erased the concerned frown from his cousin’s face, Nate sighed. “I texted you, but one of your guys told me you were on the way. Explained you were the guest of honor at some big shindig. And yeah, like I said, I’m fine. Did you see ‘im?”

“Hell, yeah! Damn, Nate, I thought I’d seen it all. Who the hell would do something like that to Mike Peterson? Christ, to anyone!”

Nate shook his head. As he started to respond, one of the EMT’s approached Connor.

“Lieutenant, hate to bother you but the M.E. is about to take the body, wanted to be sure you have everything you need.” Nodding to Nate, he added, “I know Detective Stryker has signed off—”

Connor frowned.

“Pete, give me a minute. Gotta talk to my cuz.”

“Go ahead, Connor. I’m heading home. We’re gonna reconvene at 6 a.m. I want to talk to Erin before then. Don’t want her to hear from anyone else.”

“Yeah man, for sure. She had a hell of a day at the Fire House. They had big multi-car pileup on Hwy 2. Three college kids. They were lucky as hell no one was killed, but Erin was there for five hours straight. And that didn’t include the usual crap.”

Nate nodded, “I talked to her right after she got home. She was heading for a shower and to bed. I was gonna call her and tell her what happened here, but I think it’s better in person. Ugly-assed scene, if ever I’ve seen one. Hard to describe in a phone call.”

The furrow in Connor’s brow deepened.

“Look Nate, we’re going to be talking about this for the next year—or decade. Who the hell knows? But before I get over there to clear the body, I need to know how you’re doing.” He held up his hands when Nate started to respond.

“Yeah, yeah, I know you’re fine, but did you see her? I heard she found the body.”

Nate shrugged.

“She was out pretty much out of it. The doctor had her doped up. Apparently she was hysterical, hard to control. About three minutes after I got there she passed out, so I wasn’t able to interview her.”

Connor shook his head.

“Nate, this is gonna be tough. I know you know that. Are you sure you want to be lead on this gig? Couldn’t Dan or somebody—”

“Stop, Connor. Look, man. I really am fine. You know as well as I do this is going to be the biggest case ever in Chicadia Falls. Hell, even bigger than Dylan Masterson’s murder. We don’t have time to talk about it now, but it has ‘professional’ written all over it. You know damn well, I’m the only one in our department who can handle something this big. I’m not saying that because I’m a cocky son of a bitch, which I am. But because it’s true. And yes, it will be challenging to spend time with Laura, but hopefully I can farm out most of those contacts.”

Connor pressed hips lips together, deciding not to argue. His sigh was heavy, heartfelt.

“You’re right, Nate. You are the only one who can handle something this big. But I’m telling you, guard your six. I know how bad that woman hurt you, and you are just now starting to get over it. Would be a damn shame to give her any room to hurt you more.”

“Christ, Connor. Are you forgetting who’s waiting for me in my bed? Just the sexiest damn woman who ever walked the Earth, that’s who. And you know if it wasn’t for Kaitlin you’d be fighting me tooth and nail for her, just like every other damn guy in town. Too bad for all of you. Erin is mine! So stop worrying. Laura is history. And so unfortunately for him is her most current husband.”

At that moment, Pete came over.

“Connor, the M.E. is waiting….”

Nate frowned and grabbed hold of Connor’s shoulders and pointed him toward the house.

“Hell, Cuz. Go get that poor asshole down off the cross. Damn, Christ himself wasn’t up there that long. And stop worrying about me. When I say I’m fine, I’m fine. Have faith, man.”

Connor gave a wry grin.

“You’re incorrigible, Cuz. Just so you know, I got your back, man. And you know I’ll be all over you if it looks like she’s trying to take advantage of—”

“Connor. Go. Now!”

Nate headed for his car, then turned back and called to Connor.


“Yeah, Nate?”



Nate angled his sleek automobile around the curved private drive leading to the cabin. Nestled on the heavily wooded site, the outline of the log structure melded into the natural environment. The front of the cabin was virtually all glass, mirroring the still lake beyond. A crescent moon graced the starlit sky, lighting the fieldstone path leading to the entrance. Nate parked the Turbo 911 along the drive knowing he’d be leaving in too few hours. He treasured every moment he spent in his cabin sanctuary, never taking for granted the way it quieted his raging soul. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. The fact that the woman he loved more than life was inside didn’t hurt either.

He moved quietly to the guest room shower, not wanting to wake Erin. He needed to get the stench of blood and shit and antiseptic off his body before he got anywhere near her. And he needed time to think things through. It had been a hell of a night, and it wasn’t going to let up any time soon. He shrugged out of his clothes and cranked the shower up to the hottest water he could stand. Fifteen minutes later, when every ounce of hot water had been drained from the double tank, at least he smelled human again. A live human at that. He grimaced. It was impossible not to see Mike’s body. That death scene was hanging on to more real estate in his brain than he wanted to give it.

Toweling himself off, Nate dragged on a pair of worn jeans and headed for the kitchen.

Grabbing a long neck out of the refrigerator, he shuffled into the great room and turned on his favorite R & B mix. Sinking into the big armchair in front of the wall of glass looking out on Lake Pleasant, he leaned back in his chair and allowed the melodic rumble of Marvin Gaye to wash over him. Watching the moonlight play over the soft ripples of the lake, little by little he let go of the strain of the day. He loved the night. The darkness, the special sounds of the hundreds of creatures that claimed the dark. Made it theirs. Deep in thought, he realized that Erin was standing in the doorway. He jumped from the chair.

“Damn, Erin. I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you. Hell, baby, I hope I didn’t wake you up.”

“No, Nate. I’ve been waiting for you.” Her lush lips curved in a soft smile.

“I find our bed much too big when you aren’t in it. I keep rolling from one side to the other. My body is looking for you. I miss you when you’re gone, Nate.”

He was at her side in seconds. Pulling her into his arms he buried his lips in the enticing citrus and mint fragrance of her hair. He murmured. “Damn, Erin do you have any idea how good you smell?”

Holding her away from him, he drank in the sight of her. A grin crossed his face.

“I see you’re wearing one of my favorite costumes.”

Erin laughed, a melodic peal that never failed to bring his dick to attention.

Looking down at the sleep shirt he’d given her for Christmas, Erin blushed, remembering opening the gift in front of his family as they sat around the Christmas tree. On the front, the words, “Firefighters Heat Up the Sheets” were emblazoned over a the picture of a voluptuous stark naked cartoon woman with a sexy pout and a firefighter helmet on her head. She’d gasped when she opened it and Nate’d sighed apologetically. “I know baby, it doesn’t come close to the real you, but it was the best I could do.”

Nate pulled her closer. The best thing about the shirt was that it hit her mid-thigh and made it easy for him to slip his hands underneath to cup her beautiful bottom. The swell of her breasts under the soft cotton sent a message straight to his dick to get the hell out of hiding, and up where it belonged.

She murmured against his bare chest. “And you’re wearing one of my favorite outfits.”

Running her hands over his bare back she nuzzled against him.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Nate. What took you so long? It’s almost 2 a.m.”

He gave a soft groan.

“Well, Erin, it’s going to take a while to fill you in on the evening. Are you up for an unbelievable story?”

She tipped her head back and for the first time saw the strain on his face.

“Of course I am. What happened, Nate?”

He picked her up and put her down on the overstuffed sofa in front of the fire.

“Tell you what. How about you keep this spot warm for me while I go grab another beer. Would you like one?’

Erin smiled up at him.

“I think I’d prefer a glass of wine, Nate. But only if it isn’t too much trouble.”

“Right, Erin. Ask me to give you the moon. And I will.” He grinned, pointing to the gorgeous reflection rippling across the glistening lake.

She smiled up at him. “Thank you Nate. For the moon and the stars and for you. I love you.”

He dropped to his knees in front of her, took her face in his hands, and gazed into her eyes. His voice was soft, serious.

“Thank you, Erin. It’s only appropriate that I give you those gifts. Because you have given me something I didn’t think I would ever have.”

Erin frowned slightly at his somber expression.

“What’s that, Nate?”

He smiled.

“The love of a good woman.”

He leaned up and kissed her, then pulled her closer to him and held her tightly. She felt the tension in his grip, and moved in closer.

“Are you okay, Nate?”

He stood up and grinned down at her, his dark green eyes gleaming in the reflected moonlight.

“Yeah, I am, Erin. That seems to be the question everyone is asking me tonight, so let me tell you before I tell you what the hell happened—because it is one fucking unbelievable story—that yes. I am okay. And now that I am here with
. Much more than okay.”

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