Trickle Down Tyranny (12 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #General, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

BOOK: Trickle Down Tyranny
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The release of this information was part of the run-up to the president’s jobs address. Unemployment numbers that high justified Obama calling for another $447 billion in stimulus spending.

Two weeks after the end of his Martha’s Vineyard stay, Obama finally explained that his economic team had come up with a “new” plan. The plan consisted of pork barrel projects designed to subsidize labor and public employees unions by adding infrastructure projects and upgrading 35,000 school science labs so educators can teach our kids how to put a condom on a cucumber more effectively. Obama also called for extending unemployment benefits to make sure the unemployed don’t have to get up off their couches and actually look for work.

That new plan was never intended to be enacted into law, or even voted on by Congress.

It was Obama’s way of trying to make Americans believe that Republicans were opposed to job growth. It was nothing more than a phony campaign promise meant to make the other guy look bad.

America, reach for the lubricant. The most corrupt president in American history is not going to let up in his campaign to bankrupt this country, and you’ll be the next victims.

The Debt Ceiling Junta

Let me tell you how Obama has managed to fund his economic takeover. He hasn’t done it legally, through submitting and passing budgets. In fact, Obama’s 2012 budget would have added another $1.5 trillion to our debt. It was rejected
by the Senate!

No, he’s not stealing us blind through submitting budgets, he’s doing it through continuing spending resolutions. The closer we got to the debt ceiling, the closer we got to a new opportunity for Obama to expand his economic takeover—by the establishment of a junta.

By mid-2011, thanks to the largest spending binge in our nation’s history, we had reached the $14.2 trillion U.S. debt ceiling. Congress finally passed a bill to raise the debt ceiling after Wall Street co-conspirators, led by Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, released a letter warning that the debt ceiling had to be raised or we faced catastrophic consequences. These are the same financial hypocrites who contributed heavily to getting Obama elected and are now profiting through financing the welfare state Obama’s policies have done so much to expand.

The deal that resulted from the debt ceiling crisis raised the $14.2 trillion federal debt limit by a total of $2.4 trillion to about $16.6 trillion. Raising the debt ceiling would take place in two stages.

Half of the $900 billion first stage took effect on August 2, when the deal was signed. The first stage of the debt ceiling increase was granted in exchange for $917 billion in spending cuts over the next decade. The initial amount raised the debt limit to $14.694 billion.

On August 3, the day after the legislation was signed, the U.S. debt shot up by $239 billion, to $14.532 trillion, putting us within $160 billion of the new temporary debt ceiling.
By mid-November 2011, we were more than $15 trillion in debt.

It’s the second stage of the deal that I see as contemporary Leninism at its most blatant. It requires a “select” 12-member committee of six Democratic and six Republican legislators from the House and the Senate to find another $1.2 trillion in spending cuts before the end of 2011.

This amounts to nothing less than the equivalent of a Russian junta. The only difference is that this committee was chosen to do the opposite of what Obama said it was for. It was chosen in order to fail to come up with a plan.

There’s no precedent, no constitutional provision for this illegitimate body. Even leftist Democratic representative Maxine Waters said that the supercommittee “threatens our democratic process with its unconstitutional structure.”

It also threatens to undermine the U.S. military, another of Obama’s aims in his takeover. If the junta fails to agree on budget cuts, Obama’s aim to weaken the U.S. military will be advanced significantly, because $600 billion of the additional $1.2 trillion in savings will come in the form of military spending cuts that kick in automatically. California representative Buck McKeon said, “If enacted, the trigger wouldn’t just gut our military. It would put it out of business. . . . [I]t could mean the end of the United States as a superpower, resigning us to a multi-polar world and all the dangers that come with it.”

The remaining $600 billion in cuts will come from nondefense spending, including cuts to Medicare providers.

In fact, though, it turns out that this committee’s deadline of November 23, 2011, was another phony one. The drastic cuts to the military aren’t scheduled to kick in until 2013, well after the 2012 elections. Even so, the lame-duck Congress will rescind those automatic cuts to the military before the end of 2012. Even a committed anti-American leftist like Defense Secretary Leon Panetta wouldn’t let cuts to our national defense like the ones Obama would like to see go into effect, much as the president would like them to happen.

Obama’s decimation of the military goes beyond his cutting its budgets, though. Do you remember the incident in which four American Marines allegedly urinated on terrorists they had killed? The military’s response speaks volumes about our attitude toward the defenders of our nation, and I addressed the issue in a
USA Today
OpEd piece. Here’s what I wrote:

Most of the “men” in the media—the same journalists who are orchestrating the attack on American Marines who allegedly urinated on Taliban terrorists they killed in battle—have never even been in a fistfight, let alone a firefight.
And yet here they are, piling on the real men who have the guts to go into combat against 15th-century radical Islamist throwbacks, to face a barbaric enemy eye to eye, blade to blade, bullet to bullet.
The piling on our Marines by the media has done far more damage to the morale of our fighting men than our soldiers’ actions.
And yet we hear Marine Corps Commandant General John Amos calling the act “inconsistent with [our] high standards of conduct,” then whining about our commitment to “upholding the Geneva Convention, the laws of war and our own core values.”
This in the face of Taliban atrocities—car-bombings, beheadings, the murder of women and children—that flout the Geneva Convention and yet are routinely ignored by the media and our military higher-ups, who also downplayed the Ft. Hood massacre by Major Nidal Hasan.
Our fighting men must be supported at all costs at a time like this. How can we in good faith ask them to put their lives on the line against the vilest, most extreme of enemies while at the same time we attack them in the press at every turn?
I’m not saying that what these Marines did isn’t a violation of military code. But unlike murderers who are granted appeal after appeal and for whom liberals in the legal system bend over backwards to avoid punishing, these Marines have already been tried and found guilty in the media.
The desecration of war dead is universally condemned, but it is as old as war itself. These boys are not the devils. The Taliban are the devils.
Our Marines are heroes. They should be rewarded for having the guts to go into combat, not punished for stepping over the line.
It’s the latest attempt by the liberal media and the increasingly timid military brass to destroy the few, the proud, the brave, the Marines. “To err is human, to forgive divine.”

Taxation Without Representation

Obama’s Leninist tactics continue with his seizure of American wealth, though his method of seizing property is less direct than Lenin’s.

Lenin simply sent his thugs out to seize the property of Russian citizens who didn’t want to give everything to the ruling party. Agents of the Soviet government would enter a village and systematically take all the meager possessions of its inhabitants. These included virtually all clothing, from jackets and trousers and dresses to shoes and winter underwear. Household items, from kitchen utensils to bedding, were also seized, leaving the peasantry with, literally, not so much as a pot to cook in.

Obama doesn’t send his thugs directly into Americans’ homes; he simply taxes us into poverty.

Since he took office, Obama has added 21
new taxes
on Americans.

Many of them are part of the Obamacare legislation.

Did you know that as of 2014, if you’re not buying “qualifying” health insurance, a family with two adults will pay $190 or one percent of its adjusted gross income (AGI) in increased taxes?

By 2016, that number will increase to $1,390, or 2.5 percent of AGI!

That’s just the beginning of the president’s wealth confiscation plan.

If you’re a small business owner with 50 or more employees who does not offer health insurance through your company and at least one of your employees qualifies for a health tax credit under Obamacare, you’ll have to pay an additional nondeductible tax of $2,000 for every one of your employees beginning in 2014. If any of your employees receives health insurance through the Obamacare insurance exchange, your tax rises to $3,000 per employee.

If you’re one of the “wealthy” Americans making $200,000 annually—$250,000 for a family—you’ll have to pay an additional tax on your investment income starting in 2013. This means that your top tax rate on investment income would rise from 15 percent on long-term capital gains to 23.8 percent. For dividends and other investment income, the top rate would rise from 15 percent to 43.4 percent.

Obamacare also includes tax hikes for the following: Medicare payroll tax, Health Savings Account withdrawals, companies that manufacture medical devices, people who suffer from serious medical conditions and itemize their medical expenses on their tax returns, people with special needs children, retirees who get drug benefits as part of their pensions, charitable hospitals, companies that develop new drugs, and health insurers, among many others.

I call that confiscation.

Do you understand that it’s nothing more than another part of Obama’s Leninist takeover strategy?

In Obama’s America, as it was in Lenin’s Russia, certain people are given favored treatment based on their standing and influence with the government. We’re all familiar with the Obamacare exemptions, which grant waivers from complying with the law to more than 1,000 of these favored corporations and labor unions. Nearly 20 percent of the 204 waivers approved in April 2011 were granted to “gourmet restaurants, nightclubs, and fancy hotels” in California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s district.
Fully half of all the people covered by the waivers are members of labor unions.

The administration is simply excluding these political favorites from having their money confiscated through Obamacare.

The political favoritism doesn’t end with Obamacare waivers.

Obama’s capitalist cronies are also exempted from having to pay corporate income taxes in many cases. General Electric’s Jeffrey Immelt is the prime example.

In a blatant payback to GE for its political support of the president’s policies, Obama appointed Immelt to the position of Jobs Czar—head of the “President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.” Immelt defined his mission as making the commission “a sounding board for ideas and a catalyst for action on jobs and competitiveness.” He’s done that by making our economic adversaries more competitive through outsourcing American jobs overseas and continuing to undermine job creation in the U.S.

Under Obama’s and Immelt’s leadership, the United States has dropped to fifth place in economic competitiveness among the nations of the world, according to the World Economic Forum. In 2008, we ranked first.

Immelt is no friend of the United States. In fact, Immelt’s business dealings favor China over the U.S., and the president’s appointment of Immelt may actually be another way Obama helps China gain a competitive advantage in its economic war with the United States. It’s a reward for political crony General Electric, whose political lobbying arm, GEPAC, donated $2.4 million to Democrats in order to get cap-and-trade legislation passed. As one GE executive’s e-mail explained, “If this bill is enacted into law it would benefit many GE businesses.” With the bill set to impose new greenhouse gas emissions standards for aircraft engines, and with GE being one of the primary companies in America producing the engines, the benefits are obvious. In addition, GE received $75 million in taxpayer money to build “smart meters” that remotely monitor electric power use.

Once Obama’s cap-and-trade bill failed to pass, there was reduced demand for Immelt’s jet engines here, so the new Jobs Czar struck a deal with the Chi-Coms to manufacture engines in China, putting American aviation know-how into the hands of our biggest creditor and one of our strongest economic and military foes. This treasonous technology transfer followed Immelt’s announcement that he was moving GE’s 115-year-old X-ray business headquarters from Waukesha, Wisconsin, to Beijing as part of GE’s “Spring Wind” initiative to develop more medical products and services in China.
GE’s investment of $2 billion in China will include hiring 65 engineers and additional support staff in its new China facility.

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