Trickle Down Tyranny (32 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #General, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

BOOK: Trickle Down Tyranny
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The Hondurans refused to budge. Legitimate elections were held on schedule and new leadership, under President Porfirio Lobo, was ushered in.

The communists—and Obama—lost. The greater loss, though, was of one of America’s oldest friends in the region.

Even though the Obama administration did everything it could to make sure that a communist dictator would be able to remain in power, they were forced to retreat and approved the results of the election. Panama and Peru also recognized the legitimacy of Lobo’s government. Likewise Canada and the European Union. The United States didn’t reinstitute financial aid to the country, though.

The communist governments of Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuela did not recognize the election results, complaining that the elections were not “free and fair” like the ones Hugo Chavez holds.

Friends vs. Enemies

Like the president himself, Obama’s labor union allies are on the side of Islamic radicals in the Middle East and North Africa. In the midst of the transformation of the region into a permanent Arab Winter, Obama’s supporters in the AFL-CIO are helping to fund what it calls the “popular mobilizations against corrupt, oppressive regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and throughout the Middle East and North Africa.”

But even worse than Obama’s empty rhetoric are his actions in promoting the Muslim Brotherhood. He directed Frank Wisner, a former U.S. ambassador to Egypt, to meet secretly with Issam el-Erian, a senior leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, in order to discuss the fate of Egypt after Mubarak was deposed.
It is also reported that Obama himself met with members of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2009.

In the face of Obama’s dereliction of his duties as Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military and his tacit approval of Islamist radicals in the Middle East, attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip have increased dramatically.
Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sensing U.S. sympathy for Islamist radicals and Obama’s weakness, has declared that “[t]here is no room for [Israel] in the region.”

And since Obama abandoned Mubarak in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the other members of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council have expressed their lack of trust in U.S. policy. They had encouraged Obama to support Mubarak, and in the wake of the president’s defection, they’re turning elsewhere for support against Islamists. It seems they don’t trust an Obama foreign policy based on “universal values.”

With Mubarak gone, Iran now has another likely ally in Egypt. With Egypt no longer in its corner, Israel is now completely surrounded by radical Islamist regimes dedicated to its destruction.

The situation began to play out in September 2011, when protesters in Cairo went on a 13-hour rampage, storming the Israeli Embassy, destroying property in the building, and forcing the entire embassy staff to leave the country. Six Israeli guards were forced to take refuge inside a steel-doored safe during the attack.

It’s something that would never have happened if Mubarak were still in power. Yet, in this case, security forces stood by, doing nothing as demonstrators tore down a concrete security wall around the compound. The ruling Egyptian military did not order police to stop the mob.

Obama’s anti-Mubarak position is already paying dividends for the Islamist Sympathizer–in-Chief as Israel’s situation becomes more tenuous by the day.

The situation is ripe for Islamist terrorist organizations to move in and take further control of the Middle East.

Obama is their enabler.

Obama is the epitome of a weak liberal president. He mouths utopian leftist platitudes while the governments of our allies in the Middle East are challenged. Obama has actually said that the Muslim Brotherhood “must reject violence and recognize democratic goals.”

His apparent lack of understanding of the consequences of this type of rhetoric and of the positions he holds is unfathomable. It now seems more and more likely that at heart he is true to his Muslim upbringing and is bound to cede the power of the Judaeo-Christian West to Islamic tyrants.

He supports the demonstrators when there is a chance that his support will lead to the overthrow of our allies, but he keeps his mouth shut when Islamist regimes are threatened by popular uprising.

His weakness is having the effect of enabling a new caliphate to be formed in the Middle East. We’re very likely witnessing the formation of a new Islamist alliance, led by Iran.

People who understand the true urgency of the situation have universally condemned Obama’s positions. A piece titled “A Bullet in the Back from Uncle Sam” described “the politically correct diplomacy of American presidents throughout the generations” as “naïve” and quotes Israeli lawmaker Binyamin Ben-Eliezer as saying, “I don’t think the Americans understand yet the disaster they have pushed the Middle East into.”

The coward in the White House waited until “the international community”—in the form of the UN Security Council—gave him cover by voting for sanctions against the Libyan dictator before he agreed that the United States would join in against Ghadafi.

Maybe you also noticed that China and Russia did not vote on that resolution. That’s because China and Russia want nothing to do with global government. They understand the necessity of being strong nation-states.

They understand that if Barack Obama has his way, the United States will become just another mediocre nation on a planet full of mediocre nations, leaving the field open for them to step in and assume power.

They’re watching, licking their chops, as he does just that.

As I’ve shown you, George Soros continues to exert a strong influence on the policies and pronouncements of Barack Obama and his administration. His influence includes promoting the Muslim Brotherhood to a position of power in Egypt.

The idea that somehow America is “responsible to protect” the rebels who ousted Ghadafi—although we ignored precisely the same situation in Iran in 2009 and in Syria as Assad murdered civilian protesters—seems to defy all logic, unless you look further to find the underlying doctrine for the administration’s policies.

The decision to commit American military resources in Libya had nothing to do with America’s vital interests. Defense Secretary Gates admitted as much. It had everything to do with the policies of George Soros and his hatred for Israel and for Western capitalist democracies.

Soros’s purpose is to line his pockets and those of his cohorts through the formation of a global government, and the first step toward that is the elimination of dictatorial allies of the West and their replacement by radical Islamist governments.

As the Middle East is burning, the globalists are earning. George Soros and his cohorts use the upheaval in the Arab countries to line their pockets. Our president is an as yet unindicted co-conspirator.

Chapter 9
Tyranny of Green Energy

I am a staunch advocate for protecting our environment. I published my first book,
Plant a Tree: A working guide to regreening America
, in 1975, and in it I gave advice and know-how about the ways we can work to preserve and improve our planet. That advice is as valid and important today as it was when I wrote it. I continue to contribute to many organizations as committed to legitimate environmental causes as I am.

That’s why I find this administration’s corrupt, fascistic co-opting of the cause of environmentalism for the purpose of inserting the tentacles of government further and further into our lives among the most disturbing of all.

That’s why I’m devoting an entire chapter of this book to showing you just how far Obama and his crooked cohorts have gone with their takeover of the cause of saving our environment.

Let me start with their attack on one of our most successful companies.

In 1986, the Gibson Guitar Corporation was struggling, about to go under. That was the year its current CEO, Henry Juszkiewicz, bought Gibson and through a brilliant marketing strategy turned it around, making it profitable within less than a year of taking ownership. Like me, Juszkiewicz is a committed environmentalist. He’s a supporter of the Rainforest Alliance and the Environmental Defense Fund, among other environmental protection organizations.

I’m still wondering what he did to deserve the treatment his company has received from the Obama administration.

On Wednesday, August 24, 2011, thugs from Eric Holder’s Justice Department—armed to the teeth with automatic rifles as if they were shutting down a meth lab—raided the Gibson Guitar offices and manufacturing facilities in Memphis, Tennessee.

They were there to seize wood the company used in manufacturing guitars, and company financial records, in order to determine if Gibson had been using wood that had been banned under a recently revised U.S. law.

The real purpose of the raid had nothing to do with rare wood: It was conducted to demonstrate the power of government regulators to impose their will on American businesses and, by extension, on the American people. They waved their guns in people’s faces and threatened Gibson employees with jail terms before closing down the factory for the day and sending the workers home.

Juszkiewicz was clear about what he thought the Justice Department was doing: “Agents seized wood that was Forest Stewardship Council controlled. Gibson has a long history of supporting sustainable and responsible sources of wood and has worked diligently with entities such as the Rainforest Alliance and Greenpeace to secure FSC-certified supplies. The wood seized on August 24 satisfied FSC standards.”

I’m even more clear about what the Justice Department was doing: The raid was nothing more than the Justice Department attempting to intimidate Gibson without filing charges.

Gibson is one of the most successful musical instrument manufacturers in the United States. Its guitars have been used by virtually every jazz, blues, and rock musician from Charlie Christian to Albert King to Eric Clapton. Gibson created the first and most famous solid-body electric guitar, designed by and named for the legendary musician and innovator Les Paul.

They’re also one of the most environmentally friendly companies I know of, committed to the conservation and wise use of the rare woods that go into some of their instruments.

As bad as the raid on the company was, the regulatory fascists aren’t stopping at simply trying to shut down Gibson. They’re after much more than that.

The musicians who own Gibson instruments that might be made from banned wood are subject to having them seized, even though most of the instruments in question were manufactured decades before the restrictions on the wood they contain were in place.

The raids were conducted under the Lacey Act of 1900, originally passed to regulate bird feathers used in ladies’ hats. The law was expanded in 2008 to include wood imports.

The bans aren’t just on the wood the bodies of the guitars are made of. They extend to fret boards, bridges, anything, no matter how small, that might possibly be made from a restricted wood at any time. Instruments that were made before the law was expanded in 2008 are apparently grandfathered in to the legislation, despite the fact that their owners and manufacturers could have had no idea they were playing or manufacturing anything illegal.

It’s more than simply protecting endangered species of plants and animals or preventing global warming, though. I’ve told you over and over that Obama’s green energy initiatives are nothing more than dangerous power grabs designed to weaken the economy and give more control over our lives to the leftist elite.

Juszkiewicz makes it clear just how brutal the Holder/Obama storm troopers were and what he and his employees had to endure: “I was pretty upset. But you can only do so much when there’s a gun in your face and it’s the federal government.”

The federal government committed the equivalent of armed robbery from a company that is a symbol of American capitalist success.

From electric guitars to electric cars, the Obama administration is an administration of regulatory fascists determined to control or shut down everything from manufacturing to energy production.

The Environmental Nazi in the White House promotes these green energy initiatives, not because he’s committed to saving the planet but because he’s committed to taking it over.

The Politics of Green Energy

He’s also committed to paying back his political supporters.

I’ve known for a long time that that’s how politics works. When someone contributes money to your campaign, you find a way to repay them. There’s no secret about that.

But when you combine political payback with a green energy initiative based on phony science and the investment of billions of taxpayer dollars in companies the government knew were about to fail, you get some of the biggest scandals in recent memory.

In 2009, the federal government guaranteed a loan of $535 million to a green energy company that had absolutely no prospects for success. Like much of the legislation this administration has produced, Obama rammed through the loan without the necessary due diligence and against the advice of the Office of Management and Budget.

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