Trickle Down Tyranny (41 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #General, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

BOOK: Trickle Down Tyranny
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The president is doing nothing less than advocating that we give up control of our borders. He’s encouraging criminal activity.

It’s not working out very well for American citizens. Our southern border has fallen into the hands of the enemy.

Did you know that “birth tourism” is a fast-growing industry in the United States?

You know what birth tourism is, right? That’s when an illegal alien enters the country without permission in order to give birth to the baby she’s carrying. The kid automatically becomes an American citizen in that case, and the rest of the family can come here “legally.”

Did you know that a growing industry caters to these people?

There’s a growing number of birth centers, often in upscale suburbs, that charge women tens of thousands of dollars to come here to give birth to their babies so they and their families can become citizens automatically. One owner of a birth center in Queens, New York, said she “spoke to a lawyer before opening my business to make sure I would not get into trouble with U.S. authorities.”

These people are taking advantage of
jus soli
laws in order to gain U.S. citizenship through the back door by taking advantage of the Fourteenth Amendment. That amendment was added to the Constitution after the Civil War, and it was designed to make sure that the children of slaves—who had been freed but who were not citizens themselves—would be given U.S. citizenship.

The language of the amendment is open to debate. It says, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.” Visitors to the United States, whether they’re here legally on visas or illegally, are not fully subject to all U.S. laws.

It’s time the abuse of the Fourteenth Amendment was challenged in court and the fiasco of birth tourism ended once and for all. The law should apply only to children born to legal residents of the United States, and only those here legally and permanently should be covered under the law.

It won’t happen under a president determined to give our southwestern states to Mexico.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has announced that her department will only focus on deporting illegal aliens who have committed crimes or who pose a threat to national security or public safety. In the tradition of the Obama administration, she’s legislating by decree, and this decree means that being in this country illegally is not a crime.

At the same time, the Department of Health and Human Services announced it would use Obamacare funds to award $28.8 million in grants to 67 community health centers in order to provide free health care to migrant workers. The organizations receiving the grants will not check the immigration status of people who use their services.

Holder’s Justice Department is involved up to its eyeballs in the attempt to eliminate borders and encourage illegals to come to America—risk-free. The DOJ was already suing Arizona and Alabama to prevent those states from implementing their strong anti-illegal-immigration laws. In November 2011, Holder and Co. filed a lawsuit against Utah, charging that the law usurps federal authority—authority Holder and Napolitano have repeatedly refused to exercise.
At the same time, Holder is prosecuting a U.S. Border Patrol agent for apprehending a drug smuggler with hundreds of pounds of marijuana. The Justice Department managed to convict and send to prison Jesus E. Diaz Jr. on the testimony of the smuggler himself, who was set free.

While all this is going on, illegal immigrants are bilking the federal government of billions of dollars for “earned income tax credits” and “additional child tax credits.”

Are you starting to get the picture?

Are you beginning to understand that this is nothing less than the Obama administration’s stealth implementation of the Dream Act?

The situation is even worse when you look at the way this administration has abandoned those who are trying to keep illegals out of the country.

Paul Babeu, the sheriff of Arizona’s Pinal County, puts it bluntly: “What’s very troubling is the fact that at a time when we in law enforcement and our state need help from the federal government, instead of sending help they put up billboard-size signs warning our citizens to stay out of the desert in my county because of dangerous drug and human smuggling and weapons and bandits and all these other things and then, behind that, they drag us into court with the ACLU.”

Babeu fixed the blame directly on Obama and Holder:

Who has partnered with the ACLU? It’s the president and Eric Holder himself. And it’s simply outrageous. . . . If the president would do his job and secure the border; send 3,000 armed soldiers to the Arizona border and stop the illegal immigration and the drug smuggling and the violence, we wouldn’t even be in this position and where we’re forced to take matters into our own hands. Our own government has become our enemy and is taking us to court at a time when we need help.

Do you know how dangerous it is to work for the Border Patrol in our southwestern states?

Obama said smugly that attacks on Border Patrol agents have become “relatively stable”—at about 1,000 a year over the three years of Obama’s regime.
That was after he had joked that Americans want our southern borders secured by “moats—with alligators.”

At the same time he and Holder were conspiring to arm Mexican drug criminals, then refusing to uphold the law when criminals took over vast swaths of territory in those same border states. In fact, they’re prosecuting our own Border Patrol agents instead of the drug criminals those agents are trying to arrest.

Agent Diaz was convicted of depriving one of the drug criminals he arrested in 2008 of his “rights.” Despite the fact that there was no evidence against the agent, and despite the fact that he’d been exonerated of any wrongdoing by Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General and U.S. Customs Enforcement’s Office of Professional Responsibility, he was later convicted when the U.S. attorney’s office for the Western District of Texas brought charges based on an internal affairs investigation. He’s been sentenced to two years in prison.

E-mails released by Chris Crane, president of the union that represents officers of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, to the House Judiciary Committee in early November 2011 confirmed that ICE headquarters had ordered its field agents not to arrest illegal aliens who didn’t have criminal records, even if they were fugitives from justice trying to avoid being deported or who had illegally reentered the United States after having been deported. Crane testified that ICE higher-ups gave orders verbally to avoid creating a paper trail that would tie them to this activity.

In the wake of its egregious refusal to uphold the laws and the Constitution of the United States, the Justice Department published a National Drug Threat Assessment in 2011.

Do you know what it said?

I’ll tell you:

“Mexican-based trafficking organizations control access to the U.S.-Mexico border, the primary gateway for moving the bulk of illicit drugs into the United States. . . . The organizations control, simultaneously use, or are competing for control of various smuggling corridors that they use to regulate drug flow across the border,” says the assessment. “The value they attach to controlling border access is demonstrated by the ferocity with which several rival TCOs [transnational criminal organizations] fighting over control of key corridors, or ‘plazas.’ ”

The report goes on to tell us not to expect things to change much in the next decade or so.

Do you understand what you’re hearing from the traitors in the White House and the Department of Justice?

Do you realize they’re thumbing their noses at the American people, especially the patriots charged with defending our borders?

Do you know that they’re determined to undermine our national security by giving our southwestern states over to the drug cartels that are invading the United States?

The president’s “vision” translates to lawlessness, brutality, and unspeakable violence. As one commentator explained, the “signature crimes of the most violent drug cartel in Mexico are its beheading and dismemberment of rival gang members, military personnel, law enforcement officers and public officials, and the random kidnappings and killings of civilians who get caught in its butchery and bloodletting.”

The administration’s corrupt policies may have come full circle with another new edict issued in August 2011, when the White House announced a “community-based approach” to combating terrorism in the United States in a document called “Empowering local partners to prevent violent extremism in the United States.” This announcement was followed up by a new directive from several government agencies, including the FBI, that asks managers of businesses in America to spy on their customers and report any unusual behavior to the authorities.

Among the things the government wants businesses to look for are the purchase of “night flashlights” and “waterproof matches” and customers who pay with cash. They’re also to be on the lookout for customers who are “missing hand/fingers” or who make “extreme religious statements” or “appear to condone violence.” All of these could be indicators that the buyers are potential terrorists, according to the administration’s logic.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, otherwise known as “Big Sis,” is a Democrat loyalist with virtually no counterterrorism experience. She used the same logic when she warned, in a 2009 report titled “Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,” that returning military veterans, those who favor states’ rights, and people who oppose abortion should be treated as suspected terrorists.

Instead of focusing on sealing our southern border, she announced that she was more concerned with white racist groups hiding in the mountains of Idaho and the sparsely populated deserts of West Texas.

The businesses informed of the new policy include gun shops, fertilizer suppliers, motels, and hotels, according to authorities.

What the White House fails to acknowledge, though, is that government institutions have routinely overlooked exactly the kind of activity it’s now asking citizens to report in the interest of promoting political correctness. The U.S. Army willfully ignored the pro-jihad rants of Major Nidal Hasan and multiple reports by his superiors about the pro-Islamist Internet postings he made before Hasan, shouting “Allahu akbar,” killed 13 and wounded 30 at Fort Hood, Texas, in November, 2009.

This new government edict has less to do with stopping terrorism and more to do with the Obama administration’s continuing assault on our constitutional rights. It reminds me of what happens in totalitarian states everywhere as citizen is turned against citizen, family member against family member, while the state accumulates increasing power over its citizens’ lives.

The first people who should be investigated under this new policy are the very people who dreamed it up: Barack Obama and the administration officials in Holder’s Anti-Justice Department who are bent on extending their power over us by weakening, and ultimately eliminating, our borders and our constitutional rights.

Chapter 11
Crushing Obama’s Cadre Before They Crush Us

It’s a simple theory—one that speaks to our rugged individualism and healthy skepticism of too much government. [Trusting the markets to help us recover from a recession] fits well on a bumper sticker. Here’s the problem: It doesn’t work. It’s never worked. It didn’t work when it was tried in the decade before the Great Depression. It’s not what led to the incredible post-war boom of the 50s and 60s. And it didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade. . . . [What is at risk today] is whether this will be a country where working people can earn enough to raise a family, build a modest savings, own a home, and secure a retirement.

—Barack Obama, Osawatamie, Kansas, December 6, 2011

Do you understand what the president was saying in the speech he gave in Osawatamie, Kansas? Do you realize the implications of the lies and fabrications he spouted in a speech designed to conjure up the ghost of Teddy Roosevelt, the progressive president who helped push Americans further down the path of dependency and helplessness and diminishing freedom?

Under the rule of Barack Obama your freedoms have been eroded largely without your being aware of it, to the point where Americans are suddenly confronted with the fact that this president not only doesn’t understand how America became the great nation it has become, he’s actively promoting a political philosophy that will guarantee that we will never recover our entrepreneurial spirit and national pride.

In his Osawatamie speech, Obama essentially portrayed the U.S.—the richest, most powerful nation on earth—as a struggling soon-to-be third world country, one where individual citizens, despite our long history of valuing and promoting individualism, suddenly become a problem to be solved and not the solution to the problems.

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