Read Trinity Online

Authors: M. Never

Tags: #Trinity

Trinity (8 page)

BOOK: Trinity
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“Yes. You. The two of you.”

“What about us?” They flank me like two curious cats on the prowl, pressing in close, caging me between dual walls of solid, bare muscle.

I place the mixing bowl down unruffled and look up at them. “You’re cute. The two of you together.”

“Cute?” Shane curls his lip. “We’re sexy.” He corrects me haughtily, lowering his face to mine. “Sexy, and mysterious and
,” he hums forcibly before he takes a frisky, yet formidable bite of my neck.

I squeal as his incisors sink into my skin.

“Think twice about calling us cute, huh?” Chase adds fuel to the fire as Shane chomps away at me.

“Yes,” I giggle and squirm as Shane attacks my neck like a bloodthirsty vampire.

“Lesson learned.” Shane sucks on my jugular one last time before he releases me.

“You two don’t play fair.” I whine coquettishly, rubbing my tender spot.

“We know.” Chase tickles the tip of my nipple now pointing out from underneath the white cotton of my shirt. “Don’t you forget it.” He slaps my ass dominantly. “Now feed us, woman.”

“I would,”—I glare at them hostilely as they move around the island to take a seat across from me—“if two people would leave me be.”

“We won’t touch anymore. Scouts honor.” Chase holds up his hand.
Oh, he’s a Boy Scout now?

“Until we’re done eating. Then all bets are off.” Shane tacks on.

“Deal.” I rise to the challenge. After the explosive interlude this morning, they can touch me all they damn well please.

While I have Shane and Chase at a distance, I pour the batter into the waffle iron. As it cooks I quickly cut up some strawberries.

“Need some assistance?” Chase shakes the whipped cream can with a troublemaking look in his eyes.

“Not yet, but I’ll let you know.” I put my hand up.

He shrugs, “fine.” He turns the can on himself and shoots some sweet cream into his mouth. Shane’s expression morphs into something sexually twisted as he watches Chase swallow the white cream down.

“Excite you did I?” Chase, with that same troublemaking gleam, points the nozzle at Shane’s mouth. Shane opens up readily.

I will never look at whipped cream the same way again.

They both turn on me. “Don’t worry, pixie. As soon as we’re done eating you’re getting a shot in your mouth, too.” Chase smiles cheekily, spraying some more whipped cream on Shane’s collar before provocatively licking it off. Every inch of my body palpitates, pulsates and pounds. The eroticism in his statement—and actions—has my fucking hormones clamoring out of control.

Focus. Let’s not publicize how weak they make you straight out of the gate.

The waffle iron dings before I can toss back my own snarky remark.

“Plates?” I request, my voice stained. Shane jumps up to grab them.

I pull the golden waffles out of the iron then toss each one in the cinnamon sugar mixture while they’re still hot. Once coated with a thick crust, I place some cut strawberries and whipped cream on top.

“Breakfast is served.” I push their plates in front of them.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” Shane asks with a small frown.

“Yes, but I want to watch the two of you first.”

“Get off on seeing things in our mouths?” Shane asks lewdly.

“I get off on seeing how much you enjoy the things in your mouth.” I lean forward and hiss seductively, letting them peek down my shirt.

Both their eyes bulge. Two can play at this game. “Eat.”

“Damn girl, if I wasn’t hard before, I definitely am now.” Chase cuts into the waffle and takes a bite. He pauses, then chews slowly before swallowing. “Holy. Fucking. Shit.”

“You like?” I perk up.

He glances at Shane. “You are so lucky she likes us both because these alone,”—he motions with his fork—“are enough for me to consider a twosome.”

Shane squints at Chase like a petulant child. “You are so lucky I love you.” He shoves some waffle into his mouth.

“It’s hard not to.” Chase keeps eating, indulging in every bite. “Jesus, unbelievable sex and an unbelievable cook. We hit the jackpot.”

“Doesn’t take much to make you two happy, huh.” I joke. “Underneath it all I could be a stark raving lunatic.”

“We doubt it.” Shane disagrees. “We’ve been with one of those. You give off a totally different vibe.”

I assume he’s talking about the woman they were seeing before me. They only mentioned her once, but I’ll admit I’m curious as hell.

“What kind of vibe is that?” I ask tactfully.

“Mellow. Down to earth.”

“She wasn’t either of those things?”

They both shake their head. “She was a materialistic, self-serving bitch who liked to pit us against each other.” Chase sneers resentfully.

know a little bit about self-serving people.

“So what happened?”

“When we refused to give her what she wanted, she left.” Shane shrugs, popping a piece of waffle in his mouth indifferently.

“Which was?”

“A baby.”

“Seriously?” My eyes widen.

They both nod in unison.

“You don’t want kids?”

“Oh, we do. But we want them with someone who’s going to raise them with us. As a family. She just wanted a cash cow and she knew if one of us knocked her up she was tied to us, and our money, for life.”

“She sounds lovely.”

“The only lovely thing about her was her ass getting hit the with door when she left.” Even as spiteful as Chase’s comment is, I can detect a small about of disappointment in his tone. She may not have been the one, but the idea of her, of the three of them in a loving relationship, was greatly desired.

No one understands disappointment or heartbreak better than me.

I meander around the kitchen island and wedge myself between their stools, back against the lip of the island, so I can look at them. They welcome me willingly. So trusting even after all that.

“Tell me something,” I place my arms over theirs where they lay on my body. A labyrinth of limbs over my abdomen. “How did you know? What did I do that garnered this connection?”

Their hold gets a little tighter as they glance at each other and then at me. Chase nuzzles my neck as Shane speaks. “Afterwards in the stairwell, before you passed out, you placed your hands on ours. That moment it became more than just sex. It became a coupling. At least that’s how we saw it.” For the first time since I’ve met him, his tone is wavering.

I touch his cheek and kiss Chase’s head.

“That seems like something so simple to spark something so big.”

“Why does it have to be complicated? It takes one match to light a forest fire.” Chase raises his head.

“I suppose it does.” I swipe my lips across his cheek.

“We’re not asking for anything you can’t give. All we want is a chance to see where this goes.” It’s Shane’s turn to nuzzle me. The warmth in his touch, the affection, rouses something inside me. Something that’s been lying dormant for so long.

I never believed in the simplicity of love, but maybe it’s real after all, sitting right next to me in an oddly wrapped package.

“Jenn?” Shane breathes my name.

I close my eyes, nestling my face against his.

“Are you on board with that?”

As much as I have my doubts, and I have an abundant amount, the possibility of saying no just doesn’t seem to exist.

“Yes.” I sigh serenely. Contentedly. “Are you both done with breakfast?” The need for the two of them is quickly brewing. Seems they can’t touch me without my body responding. Without it begging for the two of them to be inside me. Filling me to the point of insanity.

“No,” Shane slips his hand up my shirt to massage my aching breasts. “Waffles were only the first course.”

“Good.” I drape my arms around their necks, opening my body up for the taking.

I’m rushed with the seductive sensations of two hungry mouths, two eager tongues, four luscious lips and twenty questing fingers.

I go limp as Shane plucks my straining nipples and Chase flicks my hardening little nub, but nothing sets me off more than seeing them touch each other.

“Do you know where I really want to see this go?” I pant.

“Into the bedroom?” Chase answers, sliding his fingers easily through my slippery folds.

“Yes. I want to watch you touch each other while you’re touching me.”

“That can be arranged.” Shane bites the hell out of my neck. Once in the bedroom, my shirt disappears as do Shane and Chase’s shorts.

I scoot back onto the bed as the two men take charge above me. Having no issues with exhibitionism, they invite me into their world. Displaying the passion, they share for one another immodestly, the same as in the shower this morning. Except, in this instance it feels different, less aggressive and more emotive as they kiss and stroke and touch intimately.

I can’t stop myself, the two of them together does something inexplicable to my libido. My fingers fly to my clit as Chase tongues his way down Shane’s rippled stomach, enjoying each divot before swallowing his cock five inches from my face. I whimper as I stroke myself to the pace of Chase’s mouth, a forceful, undulating flow from the tip of the engorged head to the base of Shane’s erection.

I touch my fingertip to the corner of Chase’s stretched lips, following their movement down Shane’s slick shaft as my arousal floods onto my hand. Shane grunts with every powerful pull of Chase’s mouth, his balls drawing up as he’s coaxed to the edge.

“God that fucking mouth,” Shane grips Chase’s hair for dear life with his jaw clenched and eyes wild with unrepentant lust. Chase groans avidly in response.

The pressure mounting between my legs begins to become unbearable. Torn if I should make myself come or demand it from them, I moan fanatically as my orgasm kisses my temptation.

“You close, baby?” Shane reaches for me as Chase works on his cock.

“So close, but I want you. Both of you. Either of you.” I clasp his hand, struggling to breathe.

“Oh, fuck,” Shane suddenly bucks as Chase takes him deeper than before. Shane squeezes my hand as Chase drives him over the edge, fisting his cock and pumping unyielding until Shane shatters. I’m entranced as the beautiful man above me lets everything go, swept away in the current of potent pleasure. The minute Chase finishes sucking him dry, he turns his attention on me. Batting my hand away from between my legs, he covers me with his trembling body and slams into my pleading pussy without a word. We both emit a strangled sound on the moment of impact. Two ravenous bodies dying for release. I claw at his back as his commanding hips go straight for the kill, pounding the orgasm right out of me. Several God almighty thrusts later with his pelvis striking against my clit like a match, my body locks up and I catch fire. Clenching every muscle I have around him, I come in a burst; a firework display on the Fourth of July. In response to my erratic cries and convulsing core, Chase pounds away until he’s covered in sweat and strung tight as a fiddle. He buries his face in my neck and locks my body in a strong hold as he comes, his strained sounds muffled in my ear.

“Now Shane isn’t the only one who knows how good your pussy feels.” Chase heaves, still winded, but replete from his climax, kissing my collarbone tenderly.

“I didn’t know it was so sought after,” I hum euphorically, my limbs as limp as a noodle.

“More than sought after. Coveted.” Shane slides in for a toe-curling kiss.

“Mmm, agreed.” Chase pumps his semi-hard cock in and out of me as he brushes his lips up and down my neck. It’s sensation overload. Physical, emotional, spiritual. A man has never fawned over me after sex before. Not like these two.

I sigh deeply, sedate, as the three of us sink into the mattress. Limbs tangled, sexual appetites satisfied—for now.

“We promised you’d get a shot in your mouth, now open up.” Chase is kneeling above me, trapping me beneath his naked body. Shane behind him, peeking over his shoulder.

“No!” I squeal as I shake my head.

“C’mon, Jenn, open up. You chose dare.” He hovers the whipped cream nozzle over my mouth. I’m being stubborn just to be a tease. “Let’s see how much you can swallow.” He points the tip directly at my lips with a sexually charged expression.

“A lot.” I provoke him as I open my mouth. He shoots the whipped cream and I swallow one, two, three, four, five mouthfuls down.

“Impressive.” Shane raises his eyebrows mimicking Chase’s aroused predilection.

We’ve been in bed all damn morning. The two of them weren’t kidding when they said they wanted me all to themselves. I can’t tell you the last time I found so much enjoyment from doing nothing. These two love to find the fun in everything. I’m coming to discover they’re nothing but grown-up adolescents with too much time and money on their hands. They make it way too easy to just be. Be with them, be myself, be happy.

Proceed with caution.

“Okay. My turn.” I address Chase, still pinned beneath him. “Truth or dare?”

He cocks an eyebrow. “Truth.”

“Chickenshit.” Shane accuses.

“Shut it,” Chase elbows him and looks down at me.

“What’s the most fucked up thing you’ve ever done?” I ask.

“Peeling the onion back are we?” Chase pokes my ribs causing me to squirm.

BOOK: Trinity
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