Trinity - The Prophecy (8 page)

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Authors: Kylie Price

BOOK: Trinity - The Prophecy
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We didn’t really walk that far. We made our grand exit down the street, around the corner and then Nikkee called Jason. I thought she would have called Sky, but seeing as neither of us got a text back from her I think the message was clear. I had even sent Mark a message and got no reply. That made me nervous, as I knew she must have told him. We had been friends the longest and he always replied, no matter what.

After waiting only a short while, Jason arrived. His expression was fierce as he questioned us.

“Why did you leave your car at Jala’s and who did you go to the club with?”
he demanded.

I was sitting in the back trying to be invisible, so it was all on Nikkee to pull us out.

“I met a guy a few weeks ago. It was supposed to be like a date. Turns out he is a fruit loop and a total waste of my time,” she said from the front seat.

Jason looked in the rear-view mirror, caught my eye, and then looked away.

“What was his name?” he asked Nikkee.

“I don’t even remember it anymore
,” she said bluntly.

“Why couldn’t you just meet him there with your own car?”
he pressed.

“I don’t know. Maybe so he would feel pressured to take us back. Good thing I have an awesome brother
,” she said. I could imagine the smile she would be giving him. It was always priceless when she was trying to smooth Jason over.

“You are being reckless. After what happened to Trinity I would think you would be a bit more responsible.”

I cut in; I couldn’t let her take all the blame. “It was more my idea. Nikkee didn’t even want to go.”

His eyes flicked to me again and lingered for some time before they turned back to the road and he just looked straight ahead. He was mad. Not because he had to pick us up but because he thought we were putting ourselves in danger. Well he was right. We were.

We got home after Jason dropped us off at Nikkee’s car and went straight to my room. Nikkee was lounging in the beanbag while I laid on my bed looking down at her.

“What are you going to do Trin?” Nikkee asked me.

My eyes met hers and I asked, “So you believe it?”

“How could we not. Like you said last night it makes more sense than any other explanation
,” she admitted.

I thought for a moment. As crazy as it did sound. It did make more sense than anything else we could think of.

“So what side do you think you will choose?”

“Well, I’m not sure but if I had to choose I guess it probably would be the vamps. I mean they didn’t try to kill me whereas the werewolf at the club did. But I also want to find out what he knows about my parents
,” I told her.

Nikkee sat up quick. “That’s right. I didn’t believe you before so I didn’t really think about it. Maybe you weren’t abandoned. On the other hand, maybe you were, but for your own safety. Maybe she knew they were going to kill you and left you so you could live
,” she said excitedly.

I lay back on my bed and looked up to the roof. Maybe that could have been the case. It
had always hurt me knowing I was abandoned and my foster monster would never let me forget it, or the fact that she had to put up with me. I had snapped back at her once saying, “Why become a foster parent if you don’t like it?” I was then called ungrateful and spiteful. With her I could never win. I was never going to make her proud. I was never going to have her love because she had none to give me. I often thought about one family I was with for only a short time but it had been magical. I had even got Christmas presents. Unfortunately, their house was only a go between until something more permanent came along, and I drew the short straw on that one.

“What if other werewolves were not like that and
some are awesome,” Nikkee asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

“I don’t know any other werewolves to ask if they are nice or not
,” I laughed, and Nikkee joined me.

“True. Well maybe we should try and find one so you can ask.”

I sat up fast and looked at her.

asked Nikkee surprised.

“Nikkee that’s a fantastic idea
,” I said in excitement.

“I was only joking Trin
,” she frowned.

“Maybe, but its brilliant
,” I said pausing then asked, “But where would we start looking.”

“Maybe ask my ex-boyfriend Lachlan.”

I laughed again, “By the way, thanks for the save on that one.”

She waved her hand at me like a dismissal. “Anytime. Jason knows I’m a loose cannon and jump into anything head first. He would expect it of me.” She paused, gave me a playful scowl then added. “Yet the fact that it was
with you was very interesting. Moving in with me has been a bad influence.”

“You just rub off on me
,” I said with a grin.

I pulled my phone out and found the message I was sent and pressed the number.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Calling Lachlan like you suggested.”

“I was joking. Again,” she said plainly.

“I know but it was still a good idea.”

The phone rang a few times and then a female’s voice answered.

I wasn’t really
expecting it, and it kind of through me off my game plan.

“Ummm Hi, is Lachlan there?”

There was no reply on the other end. I pulled the phone away from my ear to see if we had been disconnected, then I heard his voice.


I went all nervous and I felt shaky. Was I scared to ask or was I just scared of him in general?

“Hey, Lachlan its Trinity
,” I finally said.

“I know, your caller ID came up on my phone.”

“Right,” I felt kind of stupid but I sucked it in and jumped to my reason for calling. “Where can I find some werewolves?”

he said in a deeper than normal tone.

“I want to know where I can find some werewolves
,” I said a little louder.


“Well you said I had to choose, and how do I know if I’m choosing correctly, when I don’t know any of them,” I said with more confidence.

“You have met one. At the club remember? Maria and I told you he was a werewolf
,” he pointed out. He sounded like he was starting to get mad.

“Yes but that’s just one. They might not all be like that
,” I pointed out.

“They are
,” he said flatly.

“Right and are all vampires really nice and friendly like you?” I said rolling my eyes as I said it.

He went quiet and then after what seemed like a few minutes he said, “Most of us are.”

“What do you mean by most of you are? Will others like you try to kill me too?” I asked. A hint of fear was growing as my mind became more confused about the situation.

“Look, Trinity! There is a lot you don’t understand,” he said with a calmer tone.

“You got that right. So what, both sides want me dead?” I asked flatly.

“Pretty much.”

“Why? And why don’t you?”

“Because they are scared of what you will become because of the prophecy. It states you will destroy us all.”

“Why don’t you?” I asked again.

He paused again then said, “Because that’s not the only prophecy, there are more. I have heard more than the one, where as most of the others have only heard of yours. Like I said, there is more to it. You need to talk to Vex. He has some of the answers you seek.”

“So about the werewolves? Are y
ou going to help me and point in the direction of this Vex?” I said forcefully.

“No and yes. Vex is on the Gold Coast somewhere. I don’t know the exact spot. I will make some calls.”

“But no werewolves.”

,” he said in a blunt tone.

“Well I will just have to go looking myself.”


I hung up.

“Well?” Nikkee asked.

“We are on our own for the werewolf hunt, but on the up side there is someone else we need to find
,” I said sarcastically.

“Great. At least my life is never boring with you around
,” Nikkee grinned.



Chapter Fifteen







I stood on the back row of the podium, next to Nikkee and the rest of our graduating class. It had been nearly a week since I had spoken to Lachlan, but I felt he was not far away. I wanted to push him for more information but I knew he would not be helpful, since he was so vague with the whole situation in the first place.

I was back to feeling weak and tired. Nikkee was concerned and didn’t want to leave my side. She said I should ring Lachlan and ask for his ‘magic juice’ but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction by admitting I needed his help. I felt rebellious towards him, and yet when we had first met I
had felt an attraction. I couldn’t understand this feeling of resentment. If he had been more up front with me from the very beginning I would have had more time to decide what I was going to do.

Sky and Mark were in the middle row. They were still not talking to me, and that made me feel worse. I
had tried to talk with Mark in some of our classes but he had ignored me. Ever since I told him Sky liked him our friendship had changed instantly. As for Sky, I didn’t think she would push Nikkee and me away like she had. I felt abandoned all over again, like there was nothing I could do.

“You ok?” Nikkee whispered beside me.

I looked at my hand holding my graduation paper. It was shaking.

“Yeah, I’m good
,” I said and looked to her with a smile.

Eighteen was supposed to be a milestone and in my case, it really was. It was as if I was lucky I
had made it that far. Now to be graduating was another milestone, but the biggest one felt like it was do or die. Could I survive the next week? I hoped I did and that I didn’t get my best friend killed in the process.

“We will be fine
,” Nikkee said softly.

I didn’t say anything; I just looked out to the audience. I was scanning. I don’t know why but I still looked to see if my
foster monster turned up. I had left the invite in the letterbox, too scared to give

it to her myself. I wanted her to come. It was stupid and I thought Nikkee would think so too but she had actually been supportive.

My scan had revealed no sign of her, but I did find Nikkee’s parents and Jason sitting near the front row. Jason looked up and I gave him a small smile, which he returned. We thought he would have gone back to work but he had decided to stay so he didn’t miss the graduation. We had not really spoken much, just the odd “hello” when we saw each other. Still, every time I heard his voice my stomach would flutter.

I had no time to think about any of that though. We had a mission and we needed to get started. Nikkee had booked us a hotel on the Gold Coast. Sky was supposed to join us but we figured that was not going to be happening anymore, so we were going to use it as our base. While thousands of other graduates partied, we would be off on a hunt. We had no idea where to start, but I was thinking perhaps in some nightclub alleyways.


“You girls stay together and be safe. I want a phone call every morning, OK?” Mrs
. Jane told us.

“Yes mum
,” Nikkee replied and I gave her a smile. She had wanted Jason to go with us after the incident on my birthday but Nikkee’s response was a flat ‘NO’. Reluctantly she agreed to let us go but I think she wanted to pack Jason in the boot.

“Be safe
,” Mr. Jane said as he came over and gave us both a hug.

“Don’t lose each other
,” Jason said and walked up to us. He hugged Nikkee first and then came to me. He stood there for a few seconds and then his arms were around me and mine instantly went around his waist. His body was warm. I felt like I was wrapped up in a comfort blanket, and for those few seconds that our bodies touched all my fears and worries disappeared. His mouth was near my neck and I could feel his breath warm my skin as he exhaled, “Don’t get yourself killed,” then he pulled away and smiled. I returned it but fear was again sitting in my chest and I wanted to pull myself back into his arms so it would go away again. My eyes locked onto his. I wanted him to force us to stay. I didn’t want to go anymore. My courage had now left me and I was a scared little girl that felt more alienated and alone than ever.

Nikkee had already hopped in the car and started the engine. I reluctantly turned away from Jason and hopped in as well. She reversed back but my eyes stayed on Jason until he was out of view. I felt sad. I may not ever be back. I might never see his face again. I could end up getting myself and Nikkee killed, and for what? A fantasy tale that isn’t even supposed to be real.


We had been driving for an hour and a half and the whole time my mind spun. We were supposed to be excited about the fact that only a handful of people would actually be the legal age to go drinking and clubing at schoolies. Most of our classmates would be but not legally allowed too. No, instead we were discussing our strategy and I had come up with a weird plan.

“That night at the club the guy that was at the table had a smell to him. Not a bad smell, he smelled good but there was a hint of something else. I don’t quite know what but it’s like it was different. Thinking back, Lachlan had the same kind of thing only a different smell. Do you know what I mean?” I asked Nikkee.

She looked at me for a moment and then back to the road. “No
,” she said and smirked.

I grinned. “Yeah I don’t either
,” I replied and we both laughed then I added, “I can’t really explain it. It’s almost like if they were standing in front of me and I was blind I would be able to tell you who was what.”

She waited a few seconds before replying
, “Okay, that is totally weird but I will go with it. So if we go to some clubs and walk around, talk to a few people, you may be able to know who is what and who is who.”

“Maybe. But it’s all we’ve got for now
,” I said. The idea sounded stupid but I had a feeling it would work and like I had said, it was all we had.


Ten minutes later, we pulled into the Sheraton Mirage Resort & Spa. It looked overpriced and fancy. We checked in and made our way up to our room on the seventh floor. The room was perfect, as I knew it would be with Nikkee picking the Hotel. We dumped our stuff on the floor, then went and looked in all the rooms before we made our way out to the balcony and sat down to look at the view. The beach looked like it was only a short walk away, and it was inviting. I had gone to the beach with Nikkee and Sky but only a few times. I sucked in a deep breath and exhaled. I was so tired. The beds looked so comfortable but it was nearly five o’clock and we needed to get organized for the night.

I couldn’t believe how on board Nikkee was with everything when I still doubted it was all true and yet what did my girl do? She went and bought us some weapons. Yes, weapons. She got us both a calf holster that housed a very sharp knife. They looked expensive but Nikkee had brushed it off saying
, “Our safety is priceless.” We weren’t planning to stab anyone but we wanted to at least have some protection if we got attacked, which I felt was a high possibility.

“You can still pull out you know
,” I said to her.

She looked at me and grinned
, “What! And miss all the fun? Not likely.”

I grinned back. I was glad I was not alone. I was still terrified but my inner strength was slowly growing.


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