Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights Book 2) (31 page)

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Authors: MJ Nightingale

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights Book 2)
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he club looks
fabulous,” Jewel told her new sister-in-law. She was still coming down from her high. She had gotten married just an hour earlier and they were celebrating on the day before Eve’s new club was set to open. The views were spectacular.

“Thank you,” Eve looked around and took in the rooftop club. It was more than fabulous. It was outstanding. The walls were sheer glass so there wasn’t an obstructed view in sight. One massively long bar stretched across one side of the roof facing the North. Across from that was the river and a view of their competitors. It provided an amazing vista. Tables circled the dance floor on the East, and in front of that was a massive stage for the performers she would be bringing in. She had
Spirits in the Sky
booked for a solid year. It hadn’t even opened yet, but she just knew it would blow any club in the state out of the water.

The decorations were simple and sleek. White marble for the bar, white leather sofas and end tables. The carpeted areas a soft grey. The dance floor, a dark sleek wood shining to perfection. Behind the stage was a shimmer of silvery curtains. But the best feature was the retractable roof. It opened to the night sky and tomorrow night it would be open, weather permitting. And so far it looked good. She hoped it went well because at nine thirty when the club opened its doors to the public and it was full dark, they had a fireworks extravaganza planned unlike anything ever done along the Mystic River.
Spirits in the Sky
would dazzle.

She turned her attention back to her new sister-in-law. Jewel was stunning in her simple white wedding gown.

After last month’s fiasco, Joseph hadn’t wanted to wait to marry her, but they had waited until today as so much was going on. Joseph, had won the election. He was sworn in and began to serve as one of the tribe’s four council members. Then Jewel’s brothers had their graduation ceremony. And Jewel had wanted the focus on them and not have her nuptials take away from their celebrations.

“And thank you for letting us have the wedding here. I know your grand opening is tomorrow and you must have so much to do,” Jewel added as her husband joined her. They were both grateful.

“It was no trouble at all. Everything is ready for tomorrow night. I’m sorry that the band showed up right in the middle of the ceremony.” She rolled her eyes remembering how the band had burst in when Jewel was about to say I do. “I wasn’t expecting them until tomorrow.”

Jewel’s eyes wandered over to where the five member band was setting up on stage. “Not at all. Stryker is amazing. Levi came by to apologize and said he’d perform a song later, once they get their instruments ready. It’s so exciting, I can’t believe you nabbed that band. They are fantastic.”

Joseph looked down at his stunning bride affectionately. “Should I be worried?” he teased placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

“Not at all,” she blushed. “They are a great band, and Levi Stryker, well he is hot. I must admit I had a tad of a crush on him back in high school.”

“High school?” Eve asked surprised at this revelation. She hadn’t known the band had roots in Lantern Hill.

“Yes, I was in school with him in Ledyard. That was before they opened the high school on the reservation.”

That made sense. Levi was a few years older than both her and Jewel. But surely if he had gone to her high school, she would have remembered him. “So he’s local?” she stated more so to herself than anyone. He had mentioned he had family in Connecticut, but she hadn’t thought it would be so close.

“Yes, and a nice guy too from what I remember. But he was so into his music we never really traveled in the same circles. I was a freshman when he was in his senior year.”

“Lucky for me,” Joseph piped in. He had to admit that he felt a twinge of jealousy that his wife had a crush on the up and coming rocker. He wore tight black jeans, his hair short, but spiky in front. His white t-shirt clung to him. And he was tall and lean. But it was those green eyes that really must have had the ladies swooning. The rocker locked gazes with his sister Eve, and gave her a smile that spoke volumes.

Joseph saw the smile that he gave her and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. It was knowing. He looked between the two and knew instinctively Eve had something going on with the man.

Eve cleared her throat before speaking, avoiding her brother’s questioning glance. “It seems he’s ready to perform a song for you.”

Joseph glanced up and saw the man was giving him the thumbs up sign. That was the sign for him to lead his bride onto the dance floor.

Once he had Jewel in his arms, he forgot all about the rocker until he spoke.

Levi Stryker tapped the mic. “Hey folks. Again, we are sorry for crashing the party. But hey, we would love to make it up to the bride and groom by singing and performing for you all. I just wrote this a few months ago, and I think it’s perfect for this occasion. It’s called
The Promise

The sound of the band began to fill the club. For a new song, it sounded great, like they had practiced it before, many times. Eve loved the sound of Levi’s voice as he cupped the mic lovingly and poured his heart into the words of the seductively slow love song. When he looked up from the small crowd his green eyes sought her out, and then he sang, directly to her.

“Promises are made

And promises are broken.

But never in a million years

Will I break my promise to you.

I promise you this.

I promise you this.”

Something fluttered in the pit of Eve’s stomach. The words were beautiful as he sang the melody once more then told the story of two young lovers who’d met and from the very beginning new they were destined to be. It was the perfect wedding song, she mused wryly, though her lips twitched suspiciously. The lyrics were telling her more. She knew exactly why he was singing this song, why he’d written it, and why he was singing it now.

Her promise.
To him. She had made a deal with the devil to get him to perform at her club for the next three months. And now the devil had come to collect his due.

“Promises are made

And promises are broken

But don’t break me

by breaking yours.”

She was going to have to sleep with him. Again. And again. And again. For the next three months her body belonged to him, he owned it, and he was reminding her about that in front of everyone at the wedding in his own special way.

She simmered as he ended the song and then led the applause for the bride and groom. She joined in as Joseph escorted Jewel back to the head table. She continued to simmer as Levi Stryker started into another song encouraging all those in attendance to hit the dance floor.

Eve made her way over to the head table to go sit with her mother and sister. They were conversing with Senator Silver who had been invited to attend the small private function of fifty guests.

Dawn grabbed her arm as soon as she sat. “Oh Eve. He is fantastic. You are so lucky you nabbed him.” Then in a lower voice that only she could hear, her twin whispered. “And my God, how come you didn’t tell me you were sleeping with him?”

Eve’s eyes snapped to her sister. “Don’t tell anyone. Hush. I’ll explain it later.” She never could hide anything from Dawn. Though they were like night and day, they had always been able to read each other. Twin instinct.

Dawn nodded, but Eve saw the smirk she was giving her. She was going to be drilled later, by her sister minus one minute. Just how was she going to explain
? Levi Stryker. Her sister was thinking she had hit pay dirt. But she knew this was no
lucky strike
. Not at all. She had sold herself for a song. Levi Stryker had come to get paid . . . and laid.

The End

Note from the Author

I hope you enjoyed Book 2 of Mystic Nights. And I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek I gave you into Book 3, Lucky Strike, as well. This series will contain five books. Each of Tawny’s children will have their story told, and then it will end with her book, her love story. That is one you will not want to miss.

As an indie author, I love having the control over my books and releases. But it is difficult to get exposure when you don’t have the funds and resources to promote the books.
Please, consider leaving a review.
For authors, reviews are just so very important. They help us get more exposure on the various eBook outlets. So, please do leave a review from whatever eBook provider you use. I would really appreciate it.

And, you won’t have to wait long to read the rest of Joseph’s story. He’ll be here before you know it. You can follow me on Facebook to get all the updates and of course follow me on all the other book platforms to find out about sales and releases. On Facebook, I share teasers, and excerpts of books yet to be released, and share my cover reveals with my fans.

If you enjoyed this book, and the start to my new series, you might enjoy some of the books from my back catalogue. Please check out my other two series;
Secrets & Seduction
, and
The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros
. I gave you glimpse into the Marinos in this book. I promise you this, they are worth the read.

I’d love to hear from you. I enjoy getting feedback from my readers. I can be reached at
[email protected]

Keep reading for a peek at the rest of The Mystic Nights series.

The Mystic Nights Series

(Book 1 of the Mystic Nights Series)

Mystic Nights Casino is the newest gambling hot spot to hit Lantern Hill, and Tawny Sassacus runs it. For her people, the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation, she is determined to make it a success despite trouble with politicians, and a rival tribal nation. With the help of her children, she is determined to fight for what is right.

As Vice-Chair of Mystic Nights, Jonathan Sassacus doesn’t have time to chase women. He only likes a sure bet. When he crosses paths with the new dancer, things change. Tall, with legs that won’t quit, she’s a distraction he doesn’t need, but can’t resist.

One night of passion is all it takes. Aliya Chance can’t get the sexy as sin Jonathan out of her head. His powerful and domineering ways are not what she needs in her life. She has her own dreams that don’t include giving private dances to the boss.

Jonathan has much to do. He has to hunt down skimmers and embezzlers in his casino before the big audit. The trail he follows leads him down a road filled with murder and betrayal that brings danger to his very door. When his faith is rocked by the woman stealing his heart, will it be too late to save them? Or, will he risk throwing the dice by taking the biggest chance of all?

Triple Diamonds

(Book 2 of the Mystic Nights Series)

Mystic Nights Casino is the newest gambling hot spot to hit Lantern Hill, and Tawny Sassacus runs it. For her people, the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation, she is determined to make it a success despite trouble with politicians, and a rival tribal nation. With the help of her children, she is determined to fight for what is right.

Joseph Sassacus, corporate attorney for his reservation’s casino, would rather be fighting for justice for his people, but the casino sucks him in time and time again. A dark haired beauty with almond eyes might be able to alleviate some of the stress he is feeling. He can’t help but imagine doing things to her he shouldn’t, but her allure keeps him coming back for more.

A life altering tragedy prevents Jewel Diamante from pursuing her dreams of her own restaurant. She finds herself doing things she never thought she would have to do. She has no time to pursue her own ambitions, let alone Joseph Sassacus. But the man with the sexy smile, and electric touch, has her pulse pounding and her senses reeling.

A rash of robberies at the casino, an increasing drug problem on the reserve, and Jewel Diamante will test Joseph’s loyalties when the three collide. With all the signs pointing to her, will he risk his family, people, and ambition? Is his ‘diamond’ the real deal? If he goes with his gut, gambles and wins, he just might hit the jackpot, but he could also lose it all.

Lucky Strike

(Book 3 of the Mystic Nights Series)

Mystic Nights Casino is the newest gambling hot spot to hit Lantern Hill, and Tawny Sassacus runs it. For her people, the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation, she is determined to make it a success despite trouble with politicians, and a rival tribal nation. With the help of her children, she is determined to fight for what is right.

Eve Sassacus loves the night life. Sometimes more than she should. Music, dancing, drinking, and partying are more than just sport for her. It’s her livelihood as well. As entertainment director for the casino, it’s her job to bring in the hottest talent to Mystic Nights. She’ll do anything to bring the sexiest rocker she’s ever seen and heard to Lantern Hill. Anything.

Levi Stryker is the hottest and most in demand up-and-coming rocker in the northeast. Knowing his music and his band is about to explode, when Eve Sassacus tells him she’ll do anything to have him come play for her, he is tempted to find out just how far she is willing to go. From the moment he sees this beauty, he knows how far he wants to go.

Eve fears she has made a deal with the devil when she becomes involved with her new headliner. And the more he pursues her, the more things begin to go wrong. Determined to find out the truth, Eve is led on a twisted and dangerous journey in the behind the scenes music industry. Can she survive it? Can her heart survive it? Is she another notch on a very cluttered bedpost, or will she be the one to hit pay dirt? Will she strike out, or get a lucky strike?

Black Jack

(Book 4 of the Mystic Nights Series)

Mystic Nights Casino is the newest gambling hot spot to hit Lantern Hill, and Tawny Sassacus runs it. For her people, the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation, she is determined to make it a success despite trouble with politicians, and a rival tribal nation. With the help of her children, she is determined to fight for what is right.

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