Read Triplet Mates for Maia Online

Authors: Cara Adams

Tags: #Romance

Triplet Mates for Maia (11 page)

BOOK: Triplet Mates for Maia
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He held her arm as Theron was about to help her into their car. “Are you feeling hot tonight?”

She sat on the seat and whispered, “Pinch my nipples please.”

He shook his head. “I think it’s most unlikely we could stop right there. Let’s go somewhere we can be private.”

He would very much have liked to pinch her nipples and slide his fingers deep into her cunt. He could smell her already and knew she was wet and ready to be fucked. They planned to exhibit every inch of her for some voyeurs tonight, but not in the parking lot of her father’s church. And definitely not without covering her face.

Maia’s desperate need enhanced his, and he could feel the tension in his brothers as well. She wanted to race ahead into the BDSM club, and they forced her to walk with them, but the attraction between them was too visceral to be ignored. His dick was as hard as a spike, and he wasn’t at all sure how he’d manage to restrain himself until they got to the fucking.

“In about half an hour we’ll open the window in the dungeon. Anyone who wishes may watch some BDSM followed by ménage sex,” he said very quietly to the clerk on the registration desk.

“In that case, sir, you may have dungeon one tonight.”

Chase nodded and took the slip of paper with the security code on it. Dungeon one was the most lavish one, used for displays and guests. They were fortunate no one else must have booked it for tonight.

As soon as they went into the dungeon, Maia raced over to the hooks on the wall and began pulling her clothing off. Chase just stared at her. She really was needy tonight. She was always very sexy, but her desperation was surprising. When she was undressed she looked at them.

“I’m ready, Masters.”

Draven handed her a bottle of bright red nail polish. “So you look less like your normal self, we want you to paint your toenails and fingernails for tonight. We’ll clean the polish off before you go home.”

She smiled at Draven, her brown eyes sparkling with green and amber flecks like little lights inside them. Damn she was gorgeous.

She looked around for somewhere to sit, but Draven pointed at the floor. “Sit on the floor. Do your fingernails first. Spread your legs wide apart so we can see how hot your cunt looks.”

She sat as he’d said and smoothed the bright red nail lacquer onto her fingernails and then her toenails. It was the quick drying kind of polish, but they still waited a few minutes before ordering her to move.

Theron held up a bowl, a can of shaving cream, and a ladies’ shaver. “We’re going to shave you tonight. The naked flesh of your mound will be even more sensitive than before so our touch on your cunt will be more arousing than you can imagine.”

Maia just swallowed and nodded.

Chase didn’t expect her to disagree, but it was something he wanted her to know about in advance so she didn’t flinch when they began to shave her.

Draven took the bottle of nail polish, dropping it into their backpack, out of sight. They had a bottle of nail polish remover and a packet of Kleenex in there as well for the removal stage.

“Now, your mask.”

Chase held up a full-face hood with a cutout mouth hole. He didn’t want anyone to see her eyes as they were an unusual color and might give away her identity. Besides, the idea of her unable to see them and who was doing what to her was part of BDSM. She needed to learn to trust them even when she couldn’t see them. She also needed to be able to identify which of them was which by touch alone. They wouldn’t be using names while the view window was open.

He stripped off his shirt and pulled a mask over his face. Theron and Draven had already done that. Chase looked around the dungeon.

“Ready?” he asked his brothers.


“Hell yes.”

He was more than ready himself. He longed to touch Maia intimately, but most of all, he ached to watch her response to the knowledge that other men were watching them.

Draven and Theron each took one of Maia’s arms and stood her with her back to the window while Chase pressed the button that made it one-way glass. Now those who’d paid to watch could see everything inside the dungeon, whereas they still only saw a wall of mirror.

Once the mirror was activated, Draven and Theron led Maia, still with her back to the window, over to the two chains. Quickly they handcuffed her wrists and chained them high but let her rest on her flat feet. Chase brought across a spreader bar, and they manacled her ankles so her legs were wide apart.

Maia relaxed as they whipped, paddled, and flogged her. They’d begun each session this way. Chase hadn’t meant it to be a formula or pattern, but evidently Maia saw it that way, as the signal of the beginning of their sessions together. She thrust her ass back into the strokes and arched her back. Her cream glistened on her inner thighs, and he knew the men watching would see it clearly in the bright lights.

Theron brought over a butt plug, slathered it with lube, and began gradually opening Maia’s ass. Draven unchained her and turned her side on, so the watchers would see her cunt and her ass. Chase kneeled at her feet while Draven sprayed shaving cream thickly over her cunt curls. Chase began to shave her. This was quite complicated. He and Theron had to work together so they were both arousing her very much, but not so much she actually orgasmed or that she flinched and Chase risked cutting her with the razor.

As planned, the butt plug was fully inside her before Chase was ready to do the difficult shaving around her pussy lips and her ass. Now Draven unshackled her from the spreader bar and lifted her leg, the one closest to the mirror, up high so everyone could see as Chase shaved the tiny hairs between her cunt and her ass, and along her pussy lips.

Finally they were done, and Draven set her leg on the ground again. Theron was there with a bowl of warm water to clean her, and then they turned her front on to the mirror, displaying her naked cunt. Draven stood behind her and opened her pussy lips showing everyone how red and needy her cunt was.

Theron pinched her nipples, and she sighed and wiggled happily. Chase meant to do more of that. He’d forgotten how much she liked having her nipples played with.

Chase and Draven carried the spanking bench closer to the mirror, and Draven and Theron bent Maia over it face up, her head toward the mirror.

Draven straddled Maia’s body, and Theron inched her a little farther forward so her mouth was beside Draven’s cock.

“Show everyone how well you can deep-throat a man, slave. Let them see how a good slave learns her lessons and can pleasure her Master,” Draven ordered her.

Chase watched nervously as Maia held Draven’s shaft and wet him thoroughly, licking up and down all around his erection and across the cockhead. She took her time, making sure his cock was wet and slippery before she swallowed him, but she did it well and without gagging at all.

Draven groaned in pleasure, and Chase knew there’d be men watching who were groaning as well. After a few minutes, Draven stepped away from her, and it was Theron’s turn. He rearranged her position so her breasts were raised up over the bench and began rolling the globes in his hands, licking and sucking her breasts and tugging and stretching her nipples.

Chase could see her body wiggling as she loved the attention, but he was pleased that she didn’t speak. Finally Theron sucked her nipples, and she stopped wiggling. Chase was certain his brother had bitten her. It was what she liked best.

Now Chase straddled her body, holding her ass up so her cunt was fully displayed to the mirrored wall.

Very slowly he pushed his cock into her cunt and slid it out. He held his position half in her before pushing deeper again.

“All around the room, men are looking at you. They see your naked cunt and are watching my cock slide in and out of you. They’re jacking off at the sight of your fat, pink nipples and your hot, wet cunt.”

Theron returned to palm her globes and pinch her nipples as Chase spoke. Theron was standing over her head now, straddling her body from the other direction to him. Theron lifted her breasts up, and pinched her nipples, giving the watchers a good view of everything. Chase fucked Maia very slowly. Then he pulled right out of her and held her pussy lips open wide so the men watching could see her juices on his erection and the hot red inside of her cunt.

Theron moved off her as well, and they rolled her over, exposing the butt plug in her ass.

Draven gently fucked the plug in and out of her ass.

“The men are watching you, but you don’t belong to any of them. None of them can touch you. You belong to us and only to us. They can look but never touch you. Only we can touch you because you’re ours,” said Chase.

After he’d spoken, he went to the wall and pressed the button, ending the ability of the men in the other room to watch. Draven and Theron took Maia’s arms and led her into the bedroom. Chase picked up the backpack and followed them in. He pulled off his mask, as did his brothers, and then Draven took off Maia’s hood. She blinked and looked around at the bedroom. Chase handed her the nail polish remover and the Kleenex, and obediently she began removing the polish from her toes and then her fingers.

“You can talk now,” he said.

* * * *

“When are you going to fuck me? All you’ve done is tease me so far.” Maia dropped the used tissues on the nightstand and recapped the bottle of remover and set it there as well.

“Didn’t you enjoy your session?”

Maia felt mean. Theron sounded worried.

“Of course I did. I’m not complaining about that. It was amazing. But I want to be fucked. I want to come. I want to feel you all inside me again, filling me and making me happy.”

“Ah, so now you’re a hedonist and we’re the only ones who can give you pleasure,” teased Draven.

Maia blushed a fiery red. She was starting to think she was a nymphomaniac. All she could think of was her aching nipples and her desperate need to be fucked. She wasn’t sure what the signs of a nymphomaniac were, but she felt certain she was exhibiting at least some of them.

Chase lay flat on his back on the bed and said, “Come and sit on my cock then.”

She scrambled over to him and kissed his lips. “Thank you.”

He surprised her by pulling her down onto his body and kissing her very thoroughly before letting her go. Maia’s breath caught in her throat. He was a very good kisser. She tried to remember if he’d kissed her properly before but had to shake her head and concentrate on his cock instead. She arched her back, wanting him to touch her breasts. Even though Theron had bitten one for her, her nipples were both hard and aching again.

Chase rolled them and pinched them, which wasn’t as good as sucking and biting, but she’d taken his cock deep inside her cunt now, and that had felt amazingly good.

She lay flat on Chase, digging her nipples into his chest and waiting to see which of the other two would take her ass. Already she was desperate to have all three of them in her at once.

Instead, Chase surprised her by kissing her again. Kissing didn’t seem to be a major part of BDSM. Often the sub would be wearing a ball gag or a hood or maybe have her mouth filled with a cock. But right now Chase was demonstrating that he’d mastered the art of kissing. His lips were soft and sweet, yet demanding and compelling at the same time. His tongue swept into her mouth, teasing along the insides of her cheeks and around her teeth, dancing with her tongue when she tried to catch it. Finally, Chase sucked on her tongue. There seemed to be a direct line from her tongue to her clit as, with one suck, the tension in her core tightened amazingly, and once again, all she could think of was being fucked until she orgasmed.

It had been incredibly intense knowing people were watching the men touch her in the most intimate ways possible, but it wasn’t nearly as fulfilling as having them all in her body at once. Maia knew for a fact that one man would never be able to make her happy. Nothing less than these three men, all of them together, would ever be able to fulfill her.

But they’d never said they loved her. They’d never mentioned any kind of time limit on this romance. Maybe it was still too soon, but Leah had married her men quite quickly. Not that Maia was looking for a wedding, but if they told her they cared for her, it might help her be less needy all the time.

Draven wiggled the butt plug in and out of her back door, fucking her ass with it before laying it aside and then pushing his own cock inside her. The plastic plug was interesting, but nothing was a good as a real cock in her ass. It was totally arousing. Actually everything these men did to her increased her desire for them.

Her naked mound was an example of that. Just the sensations of Chase’s genital curls touching her bare skin had her shivering at the unusually intense touch. Her naked pussy seemed far more exposed to every surrounding experience. Even the draft of air when someone moved made her clit tingle with awareness.

Draven’s cock was in her ass, and Chase’s shaft was in her cunt. Now for Theron. How would they make it so she could suck his cock? She was pretty good at sucking a cock properly now and hoped she could give him pleasure.

Theron kneeled on the bed with his knees at her shoulder and leaned over her head so his cock was lined up with her mouth. The three men were pressed against her body, surrounding her with their hard backs and equally hard chests, embracing her entire body with every action they took. Maia was pretty sure it wasn’t nearly as easy for them to fuck her as it was for her to receive their attention. They were the ones who had to plan and choreograph every move so the vital parts matched. Yet they’d achieved it. Theron’s cock was in her mouth now as she licked and sucked his cockhead and ran her tongue along the ridge where the head and the shaft joined. Next, she dipped the tip of her tongue into the slit of his cock and sucked up his flavor.

BOOK: Triplet Mates for Maia
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