Read Trish, Just Trish Online

Authors: Lynda LeeAnne

Trish, Just Trish (13 page)

BOOK: Trish, Just Trish
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“Mi reina, calm down. I only wanted to hear
the words from your mouth. I wasn’t trying to hurt you. I care
about you more than you’ll ever know,” Tony said, in a husky voice
as he lifted his hand to wipe the tears from my face. His touch was
soothing, but I was beyond being soothed.

“I want to go home,” I whispered.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

I put my hands to Tony’s stomach, gave a
little push and to my surprise, he let me go. I backed away and
kept my head down; too embarrassed to let him see my face

“Just stay away from me,” I whispered,
walked into my room, shut and locked the door.






He was disgusting. His chubby, dirty fingers
touched my thigh.

I jumped off the sofa to run. He was faster.
He shoved my little body on the floor, stomach down and all the air
was forced from my lungs. He grabbed at my ankles, but I kicked and
kicked, as hard as I could. When he slapped the side of my thighs
and shouted at me to behave, I continued to fight.

No! Somebody help me!” I

Someone banged on the front door. He pulled
my hair, ordered me to shut up, but I screamed, “Help me!”

Guess this’ll have to be quick,” he

The banging grew louder. My pants were being
ripped. I clawed at the floor to get away. Keys jangled in the
front door and when it flew open, Jessica stood there.

She ran in screaming and threw herself at
her husband.

I scrambled and ran for the open door. I was
sobbing. I heard fighting behind me, but I kept going. His wife
screamed for help and I banged on every door I passed, moving from
one to the next screaming, “Somebody help me!”

“Damn it, mi reina! Wake up!” I heard Tony

My eyes flew open.

I was being cuddled and rocked back and
forth like a child. I vaguely realized sat in Tony’s lap. He had
one arm behind my back, the other around my waist, and just like
the first night, I sobbed against his chest.

Thankfully, this time I was still wearing
the jeans and tank top I fell asleep in.

“How long has this been goin’ on?” Tony

“They won’t stop,” I whispered.

“How long?”

“Since I got here,” I whispered again.

Tony pulled back. He cupped my cheek and
wiped my tears. “Tell me what you’re dreaming about,” he

“It’s nothing.”

“The hell it’s nothing. You were screamin’
for help and cryin’ in your sleep. What are the nightmares about?”
he demanded to know.

I kept my lips sealed.

“You’re not gonna tell me?”

“It was just a bad dream,” I continued to

Tony’s eyes closed. When he opened his eyes
he asked, “Can you trust me?” he asked oddly. I lifted my head to
look in his eyes.


The hands around my back snaked up the
inside of my top. His fingertips grazed the soft skin above my
jeans. When his fingers slid from my back, to my hips, to my
stomach, I whispered, “What are you doing?”

“Teaching you how to trust me,” he whispered

My stomach quivered. When he lifted me off
his lap and brought us both to stand, that’s when I noticed he was
only wearing boxers.

He lifted my shirt until it was over my
breasts where he paused to let his fingers trace the soft flesh
there. I shivered. Tony lowered his head so we were face-to-face,
his eyes bore so deep into mine I didn’t know where my soul began
and his ended.

“Trust me,” he whispered against my lips and
I didn’t think before whispering, “I trust you,” back. He wasted no
time taking my mouth, but this kiss was different than our last.
This one was tender, almost loving. He pulled back only to remove
my top completely. His hands moved to my back, unhooked my bra and
threw it across the room when free of my arms.

He pulled back further.

“I thought about you every day, Trish. You
weren’t the only one hurting,” he whispered as the tips of his
fingers lifted to trace patterns down my chest, my breasts and the
aching tips. I shivered as the touch grew possessive.

“I want this to be mine,” he said as his
fingers traveled down my stomach to the button of my jeans. I was

He unbuttoned the pesky material standing in
his way and drew them off my legs, leaving me only in my lacy black
thong. He knelt and my stomach clenched. He kissed the top of my
thigh, then the other. His hands wrapped around my hips to grab top
of my panties and slide them down my legs. He kissed my stomach and
only broke away to look at the most precious spot on my body.

Then he stood. He was hard all over, but
when I moved to take off his boxers, he stopped me.

“Get on the bed, preciosa,” he ordered and I

He climbed on after me and kissed me deep
before he moved between my legs. He spread them, lowered and took
me with his mouth.

I whimpered when his fingers invaded my body
and I arched my back to his touch.

“Fuck, you’re wet,” he groaned.

When I lifted to his mouth, I lost his
fingers, but it didn’t matter. His hands wrapped around my curve of
my hips and thighs and his tongue worked faster.

“Tony,” I breathed because I was close.

He groaned again and the rumble that
vibrated down my legs made my toes curl.

“I’m coming,” I cried out and fisted the
sheets at my side as my orgasm took control of my body.

He waited until I finished, but I was still
panting when he lifted and covered my body with his. I felt his
erection rub against my sweet spot and I knew this was no turning

I didn’t want to.

His eyes locked on mine and my heart
thundered in my ears.

I felt the very tip begin to invade my body
and my nails dug into his shoulders. I closed my eyes through

“You belong to me,” he said, and pushed
further, deeper until his body owned mine completely.

His lips moved against my ear.

“You’re so tight. Are you okay?” he

“Yes,” I rasped automatically. Tony’s head
lifted and his hand moved my face to meet his aa his thumb caressed
my temple.

“You can’t lie to me. Those big brown eyes
give everything away. I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he whispered, right
before he gave me a tender kiss on my lips.

“I’ll make it feel better.” The hand not
touching my face moved between our bodies to touch me where I
needed it most.

His hips pulled back slowly and pushed
forward just as slow, never stopping his fingers.

He continued at this pace until my body
relaxed and the pain subsided. I knew he felt it too because his
pace picked up soon after. His breathing became louder.

The base of my spine tingled and my inner
muscles clenched around him.

“Tony,” I moaned and pulled my mouth from
his to rest near his neck. I nipped him there.

I was close again.

He groaned deep in his throat and he lifted
my hips higher. His movements intensified.

“Hurry, preciosa. I don’t wanna stop,” he
warned and something about his loss of control made me lose my own.
This orgasm hit me harder than any self-induced one I’d ever had
before. I cried out Tony’s name, in pure ecstasy. When I heard
Tony’s groans and harsh breathing in my ear as he came, it
prolonged my pleasure.

“My god. Are you okay?” he asked as he
rested his forehead on my shoulder.

“I’m better than ok,” I whispered, still
trying to catch my breath.

Tony lifted his head and his eyes met mine.
“At least I know it’s been awhile for you,” he said. It took a
minute for his words to sink.






“What did you just say?”

“Somebody may have had you before me, mi
reina, but nobody will have you after I’m through.”

I turned to stone.

“Excuse me?” I whispered and repeated his
words in my head.

Did he just say that? After he just took my

“Get off me,” I said.

“I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

“Yes, you did. Get off me,” I begged and I
was surprised when he did. He pulled out and threw his back to the

I sat up, scooted to the end of the bed and

He sat up too. “Where are you goin’?”

I didn’t answer him as I walked to the
dresser, took out new panties and slid into them.

“I can’t believe I let this happen,” I
muttered to myself.

“Trish, come here.”

I shook my head. “You got what you wanted,
Tony,” I said without looking at him as I moved to another draw to
find a sleep shirt.

That’s when I felt it.

I froze mid-step.

“No,” I whispered and looked back at

“What wrong?” he asked in a tone filled with

I turned, ran from the room, straight into
the bathroom down the hall and slammed the door behind me.

“Trish!” Tony shouted through the door.

I ignored him.

Tears gathered in my eyes as I wiped away
the wetness still between my thighs.

What is wrong with me?

“Open the fuckin’ door!” Tony pounded on

“Go away,” I whispered even though I knew he
couldn’t hear me. I grabbed a towel from the closet to cover myself
and turned on the shower, ready to wash away my mistake.

But I didn’t get the chance.

The door was kicked in and I twisted around
to find Tony stalking me. He was completely naked.

“We didn’t use protection,” I blurted. It
was his turn to freeze.

The skin between his eyebrows wrinkled when
he asked, “What?”

I continued, “I’m not on birth control.”


“What do you mean “
? I said ‘we
didn’t use protection and I’m not on birth control’.”

People didn’t really get pregnant after
the first time… did they

His eyes narrowed on mine.

“You having my baby would be that bad?” he
asked unexpectedly.

“Stop,” I whispered as I shook my head.
“Don’t do this. I know you remember how much I wanted kids… I still
do, but this isn’t a game, Tony. This is my life. I don’t want to
get pregnant by accident.”

He walked further into the bathroom and
turned off the shower. He faced me, framed my face with his hands
and pulled me close.

“I didn’t plan this. I didn’t plan your
nightmare, which is exactly why I didn’t have a condom.” He
shrugged his shoulders like this whole situation was no big deal.
“But there was no way in hell I was stopping.”

“Is that what you tell all your women? That
you didn’t feel like stopping,” I asked softly as my tears

How could you do this to me

“Trish, I haven’t had sex without a condom
since I was seventeen and thought ‘pulling out’ was a form of birth
control. I’m thirty-two; I knew what I was doing.”

“Are you trying to ruin my life?” I cried.
His body turned to stone.

“Would having my baby be that bad?”


He shook his head and then wrapped me in his
arms. “It kills me when you cry. It won’t happen again. I’m sorry.
We’ll use condoms.”

“We’re not having sex again.”

He still didn’t even know he took my
virginity; something so precious, at least for me, and he didn’t
even know. He’d never know.

He snorted and I shrieked when he ripped the
towel from my body and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his
neck and my legs around his waist.

“Tony, put me down!”

He paused. Our eyes met.

“I want this with you… please.”

I didn’t know what he wanted, but the please
sounded like a beg.

He took my silence as agreement and started
out of the bathroom and headed down the hall to his bedroom. When
he got to the door he stopped.

“Where are we going?”

He turned and walked back to my room and
pushed the door open with his foot. He put on my feet, drew the
covers down and asked me to get inside. I hesitated.

“Trish, it’s three in the morning. Please
get in bed.”

I sighed and got in… only because I was

He maneuvered my body so his front was
molded to my back. He wrapped his arm around my stomach and I could
feel his lips on my neck, but that didn’t distract me.

“Why didn’t we go to your room?” I asked,
even though I already knew the answer. He’d had women in it;
probably a large number of women judging by his mid-kiss pause. The
thought made me nauseous.

“We will, as soon as I burn that mattress
and buy a new one,” he paused and then determined, “tomorrow.”

“Don’t bother. I won’t be here long enough
for it to matter. Once I’m gone, you can have your life back and
fuck whoever you want in that skank infested bed.”

“Trish,” he growled at my ear.

I didn’t say anything else.

“You’re not leaving,” he said.

“Tony, there’s no reason for me to

“There will be,” he rumbled, before his
fingers slid down my hip to dip between my legs and his knee
pressed between my thighs to give him room. He played and even
through the soreness it felt delicious.

His fingers swirled. I pressed my backside
into his hips and he met my movements with his own. He bit my
shoulder and I whimpered.

Suddenly, I was on my stomach and his knees
spread my legs wide. I twisted my neck, just as he covered my back.
Our eyes locked and he possessed me. I looked away and bit my lip
to keep from groaning through the pain and pleasure.

“Give me your mouth,” he commanded and I
lifted. His hand wrapped around my jaw as he devoured my mouth and
my body.

“Please go get a condom,” I said when I
managed to tear my mouth from his. His movements slowed and he
shook his head. “I can’t. I want this with you.”

BOOK: Trish, Just Trish
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