Trojan Slaves (9 page)

Read Trojan Slaves Online

Authors: Syra Bond

Tags: #historical erotica, #bdsm, #trojan war, #damsel in distress, #master and slave, #sexual slaves

BOOK: Trojan Slaves
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'How deep do
you want it?' asked Chryseis. 'How deep?'

'As deep as I
can have it,' replied Sappho, staring again at the woman below,
sensing her fear, picking up her vulnerability and feeding on her
exposure. 'As this woman's suffering increases, so I want your
fingers to go deeper. When she is screaming for mercy I want you to
release my joy. Only then do I want to feel the flow of my

'How will I do
that, dear Sappho?'

'By going
faster. As she screams more, by going faster. And by going deeper
as her terror increases. And, when you are certain, by entering my
anus. Yes, that is what I will need. When it is time, when I am
ready, I want you to thrust your fingers in me there as well. They
must go in hard. You must force them deep. You must have no mercy.
I want to feel them against my innards. Oh, yes. Up in my bowels. I
do that to myself. I squat down and it opens. It is easy to enter
then. I use two fingers and I keep my cunt full while I enter my
anus from the back. My fingers slip in so deep when I am ready. It
is as though I am full to brimming. Am I bad for asking you this?
Chryseis, am I bad? Can you do that? Can you do that for me? Oh
Chryseis, tell me I am not bad. Tell me.'

'My beautiful
Sappho. You could never be bad. Your sweetness overflows. I will do
that for you, I promise. When the moment is right. I will bring you
all the pleasure you need. I will not hold back. Do not fear.'

Sappho smiled
and pressed her soft wet sex against Chryseis' hand. Trustingly she
tightened her muscles and drew the fingers in further, now knowing
that her pleasure was assured.

She looked
down again at the woman pinned against the timber gantry. Wang
beckoned two men who tied leather thongs tightly around the woman's
wrists and ankles. They forced a leather ball into her mouth and
secured its trailing leather ties tightly behind her head. She
looked terrified. She shrank back against the gantry as if,
somehow, there was escape to be found in retreat.

Sappho drank
in the woman's fear. She looked deeply into the pathetic woman's
eyes and felt only Chryseis' fingers in her sex. She saw the
woman's shaking body, and she drooled spit from the corners of her
mouth. She watched as the men tied their victim back against the
rough timber gantry, her legs spread and her arms extended as wide
as they would go. Sappho lapped at the spit that bubbled from her
mouth as if it were ambrosia. She inhaled deeply and her body
filled with the heady aroma of joy. The scent of her pleasure was
the misfortune of another, and it smelled delectably sweet.

A leather
rope, knotted together from many separate thongs, was wrapped
around the woman's waist. It was taken around the post at her back
twelve times until, holding her as tight as possible against the
post, it was tied off securely. She gasped against the gag and
tried to squirm against her bonds, but the only movement she could
make was to bend her head forward in sorry submission. Tears filled
her eyes as she awaited her unknown punishment.

One of the men
scrambled up the gantry and leant over the edge, awaiting
instructions. Another unwrapped a long loose hose made of animal
skin that led up to the water butt at the top of the gantry.

There was a
moment of silence. The line of naked women stood still. Sappho
could not pull herself closer to the grill so instead pushed her
hands through the grating. She lifted herself slightly and, sitting
back fully on Chryseis' fingers, pushed her feet through as well.
The feeling of her hands and feet hanging out over the courtyard -
there to be seen if anyone looked - sent new thrills of joy through
her body. She shivered and shook with excitement. She sat back
heavily onto Chryseis' fingers, now pushed even further into the
welcoming flesh of her wet vagina.

Praxis held
the brass-tipped rod high. The man holding the end of the leather
hose held it above the woman's head. Master Wang screeched an
instruction to the man on the gantry. He bent down and turned a
large wheel until a sudden flow of water poured from the end of the
hose. It hit the woman full in the face, knocking her head back
against the timber beam. She flared her nostrils and fought for
breath. The man holding the hose brought it close to her face,
directing its full force at her. She screwed up her eyes and shook
her head from side to side. A spray of droplets surrounded her in a
massive halo. The man kept the hose directed at her and it splashed
heavily into her ears and up her nostrils. Her eyes were the only
testament to her screams, silenced by the plug of the gag, the
frantic array of rainbow-coloured rain around her head the only
clue to her desperation. The bubbles foaming around her nostrils,
the evidence of her grip on life so easily quenched and silenced by
the sound of the fierce water.

Sappho pushed
her arms and feet further through the grill. She wanted someone to
look up at her, to see her exposure, her pleasure. She wanted to
scream out. She wanted to be caught, dragged down into the
courtyard and treated like the woman. She stretched her arms
further out. She wanted everything she could see.

The man with
the hose directed it on the woman's breasts. She threw her head
back with the shock when it hit her. The fingers of her hands,
spread wide against the bonds that held her wrists, tensed and
released in quick succession. She bit the ball in her mouth as hard
as she could. Her nipples rose hard and stiff against the cold flow
of water. The paleness of her breasts flushed with the chill of the
cold, and her stomach tensed as she tried somehow to hold in the

Sappho started
moving on Chryseis' fingers, heralding the quickening speed she
needed. Chryseis responded, pressing deeper into her sex then
slipping back before thrusting in again. And she delved her fingers
deeper into Sappho's anus, now dilated wide and throbbing with the
excitement of the sensitising thrust.

When the man
with the hose directed it straight at the woman's exposed sex her
eyes widened and she went stiff. The water ran into her vagina,
filling it, bubbling between its soft folds, flowing inside,
running out. Only her eyes told of the pain of the cold water, the
violation of the flow and the degrading humiliation that
accompanied it.

Sappho was
absorbed. She felt every harsh splash, every brutal smack of the
water. She imagined it inside her, chilling her innards, shrinking
her flesh, freezing her, stealing her warmth. In her mind she felt
the cold water, hard and sharp against her skin. She sat back.
Chryseis increased the speed of her fingers, thrusting them hard,
poking them deep, eager to bring Sappho to the point of joy she

Suddenly all
eyes turned from the woman. From a side door in the wall by the
cages a beautiful naked woman with a small ring glistening at her
sex was marched into the centre of the courtyard. Calliope stood
erect and stared around fearfully.



Chapter 8


They left the
woman tied to the gantry. She hung there on her bonds, dissipated
and used. Water poured back down her nostrils, running away across
the ball in her mouth and off her chin.

Praxis walked
menacingly up to Calliope. She did not move. She was frozen with
fear. He sniffed at her face. She held herself stiffly, not moving
at all as he ran his hand across her breasts, her flat stomach and
down between her legs. He curled his huge rough fingers into the
entrance to her cunt and pulled sharply upwards. She rose onto her
toes to try and reduce the pressure.

'You have
found a fine one indeed, Master Wang. Does she have any skills, or
do we have to train her from the beginning?' he asked, still
holding her up on her toes with his fingers.

'She is a gift
from the temple of Apollo, my lord. The girls from there always
need complete training. They have desires but no skills. They spend
too much time in worship. And not enough time on their knees!'

'Then we shall
begin straight away. Bind her to the cylinder. That is the best
place to begin her course in obedience.' He pulled his fingers up
hard and Calliope rose further, her muscles taut and defined, her
teeth clenched in concentration and trepidation.

Sappho stared
down from behind the grill. Calliope's predicament made her ache
with desire. She imagined Praxis' hand against her own cunt,
pulling upwards, stretching her tender flesh, holding her,
controlling her. She was consumed by what she saw. She felt herself
taken over by Chryseis' probing fingers, filled by them, heated by
them, drawn on by their quickening pace towards the reward of her
ultimate pleasure. Her eyes were wet with tears of joy. They ran
down her cheeks and mixed with the spit that trickled for her
gaping mouth.

She pushed
back and then lifted away. Chryseis' fingers were tight in the
encircling ring of her anus, treating it to the pleasure of
pressure, forcing it open on entry, tightening it on

Sappho whispered to Chryseis. 'Faster.'

She clawed her
hands through the bars of the grill, stretching her fingers towards
Calliope, wanting to touch her, wanting to feel her fear. Calliope
was truly beautiful. Her tall elegance, square shoulders and black
cropped hair gave her a proud bearing befitting nobility more than
slavery. Her breasts were firm, her nipples dark, hard and erect.
The slit of her shaved sex puckered slightly where the shiny golden
ring emerged from its resting place. She could not take her eyes
off her. She filled her mind.

'Strap her
down tightly Master Wang!' ordered Praxis, finally removing his
fingers from Calliope. She dropped back from her toes and stood
squarely on her feet. Sappho could almost feel the release as
Praxis' hand came away. She saw the relief on Calliope's face, and
she saw the fear that came over it as she realised she was not
being freed.

Sappho watched
closely as two men dragged Calliope to the wooden cylinder in the
centre of the courtyard. Master Wang spun it on its axle to test
how easily it rotated. He smiled and ordered the men to bend
Calliope backwards over it. She struggled and another man came to
help. Sappho saw the tension in Calliope's muscles as she fought
against the men - the tightness of her thighs, the strain on sex
lips. Sappho's eyes fixed on them most of all. Calliope's cunt was
delectable. It was so fine, so precise, raised only slightly, its
colour only slightly pinker than the surrounding skin. When she
lifted a leg to get away from her captors the flesh that surrounded
it was pulled sideways, the crack opened a little and the flesh on
the one side pulled against the flesh on the other. The symmetry
was broken and a delightful new shape was formed, in its pliability
somehow more available, more tantalizing, more captivating. The
golden ring raised and twisted and hinted at the pressure caused on
the unseen, pierced clitoris. Calliope lifted her leg higher and
the shape of her cunt changed again, this time exposing a
glistening sliver of inner flesh and, for a moment, the place of
entry of the golden ring. Sappho wondered when it had been pierced,
how it had been done, who had done it. She squirmed back harder
onto Chryseis' fingers. Chryseis pulled herself closer, breathing
against Sappho's neck, increasing her heat, firing her passion,
setting her ablaze.

They pulled
Calliope backwards against the massive wooden cylinder. Praxis came
forward and prodded at her with his rod. The men held her legs
apart and he pushed the brass end of the rod between them. He
guided it to their tops and let its bulbous tip rest against
Calliope's sex. It made contact with the golden ring and he probed
at it inquisitively.

'You have a
ring, my beauty. Now, who gave you that I wonder?'

He pressed a
little harder, squeezing the fleshy lips aside, opening them a
little, exposing the pinkness that lay within.

'What does she
look like, Wang?' asked Praxis, turning. 'Is she beautiful as you

'Oh yes, my
lord. No one could be more beautiful. Her skin has the satiny gloss
of youth. She is like a ripe peach.'

laughed. 'Then let us feed on her!'

He pulled the
rod away and Calliope slumped back into the men's arms. The brass
end glistened with her moisture.

Sappho pulled
herself up and down Chryseis' fingers as they dragged Calliope to
the wooden cylinder. They stood her against it and bent her over
backwards. Her body curved across it, bending to its shape. She
could barely stretch back enough to conform to its arc, but they
forced her until she could. Her arms were pulled back, continuing
the circular line of the cylinder, and her legs were stretched
around it as well. She lay against it, pulled to the extreme, her
breasts almost flattened by the strain, her hipbones prominent on
either side of her flat stomach. Her smooth skin gleamed.

The men wound
leather straps through holes in the cylinder. They tied them around
her wrists and ankles, binding them twelve times before securing
them with firmly pulled knots. They left her head free and did not
plug her mouth, but at the position the cylinder was at her head
hung backwards towards the ground and she could not raise it. When
one of the men tried to push a heavy ball into her mouth Master
Wang knocked it away. She would, he said, need her mouth open for
her training to take full effect.

'Faster,' said
Sappho, not thinking about anything else except what she was
watching and what she was feeling. 'Faster. I need it as deep as
you can. Can you get another finger in my anus? Three, I need
three. I need the tightness. The tension. The pain. I need filling.
And faster. Faster!'

She dropped
hard on Chryseis' fingers. Now she wanted more in her anus than her
cunt. She flexed her feet, stretching her legs forward as far as
she could through the grill. She bounced back on Chryseis' fingers.
The unforgiving iron grating dug into the back of her ankles, but
the penetrating pain only caused her to do it more. Chryseis
responded, quickening the pace, driving her three fingers in and
out of Sappho's pulsating anal ring.

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