Trouble Triangle (Tyler's Trouble Trilogy) (19 page)

BOOK: Trouble Triangle (Tyler's Trouble Trilogy)
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She leaned over and ran her fingers across my forehead. "Yep, sweat. That's what I wanted." She wiped her hand on her shirt. "
see, Tyler, you will pick me, face it. I won't tell Holly about us as long as I feel we have a future together. Get the picture?"

Debbie smelled the flowers. "
…. Nice flowers. Must've set her back a good ten bucks."

I wanted to tell her they were actually $14.95. "You don't think they're cheesy, then?"

"No, they're very nice. I just wonder what she's up to."

Yeah, me too. It's like she read my mind.

I shook out a couple of cigarettes out of my pack and offered one to Debbie. She accepted. I held my lighter up toward the end of her cigarette. She leaned in and held the back of my hand as the flame licked the tip of her cigarette; a subtle female hint for 'Let's have sex.'

"So you don't know why she came around?" I asked.

"I haven't seen her since she pimp-slapped me at Dolphin's. You heard her. She said she's been a bitch, and she's sorry for slapping me. You know exactly as much as I do."  She tapped her cigarette against the ashtray.

I touched her hand. "Hey, sorry about standing you up the other night. It wasn't deliberate or anything."

She got up and grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniel's and a couple of glasses out of the bottom of her wardrobe. She set them down on the table and walked over to her dresser and grabbed an empty water pitcher off the top of it.

"You can make it up to me tonight. There," she said, pointing to the whiskey, "you get started. I'm going to get some water for my flowers." She walked out with the pitcher, closing the door firmly behind her.

I grabbed the bottle and poured myself a triple shot. I gagged as the sour mash worked its way down to the bottom of my empty stomach. It had a nasty slow burn that went through my entire body.
…nice. I finished the glass and filled another one. My mind went into overdrive.

Why would Holly give away the flowers I gave her? And to Debbie no less? It was all very strange. Holly hates Debbie. She's definitely not gay, Holly I mean. I've never met a hornier chick in my life. Especially after she told me she tried being
. God, she is so hot. Maybe Daddy's been gnawing at her conscience. Turn the other cheek, and all that. Hate the sin, love the sinner. Maybe I've helped her to become a more loving, caring person.

Okay, I needed to regroup and be nice to Debbie. I had to keep her believing she had a chance. Thinking of her tight little
body, it shouldn't be too hard.

Debbie came back in, put the flowers in the water and arranged them to her satisfaction. She walked over to the wardrobe and stripped down. After making sure I got a good look at her naked body, she put on matching pink underwear and bra. She slipped on white three-quarter length pedal-pushers and a turquoise
polo shirt.  She came over and sat opposite me as she slipped on a pair of white Reeboks.

"Aren't you a little overdressed for knocking back Jack Daniel's in the room?" I asked. "I poured her a drink and topped myself up. She
her shot in one and slammed the glass on the table and stood up.

"Come on, you're taking me out," she said.

My mouth fell open. "What? Where? I don't have any money."

She smacked her back pocket. "I got cash. We're
' dancing at The Crazy Lazy. Maybe then you'll feel like we're a couple."

I bit my bottom lip. "What about Holly? What if she sees us?"

"Man." She rolled her eyes. "Are you really that lousy of a boyfriend that your girlfriend's
go out dancing on her own as soon as you're out of her sight?" She wagged her finger. "I'd be worried if I were you."

I stretched my arms over my head. "I'm pretty tired, Debs. Can we give it a miss?"

"No we cannot," she said forcefully. "Oh," Debbie gasped, and placed her fingers over her open mouth, her blue eyes widened. She dropped her hand and placed her hands on her hips. "Are you, umm…dumping me?" She dropped her head and shook it. "Is there no hope for us?"

Uh, oh. "No, I think it's a great idea. It's just embarrassing not having any money."

She moved in and pinched my cheek. "Don't worry, honey. I got


She paid for the taxi and took me by the hand leading me into the club.
Frankie Goes to Hollywood reverberated around the packed bar as strobe lights flashed, making everyone look like they moved in slow motion.

Debbie bought a pitcher of beer and a couple of shots of whiskey. The music was so loud there wasn't any point in trying to talk, which I was pleased about. When
Billie Jean
came on, she grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. By our fifth consecutive dance, my shirt clung to my sweat-soaked body. We returned to the table and chugged a few beers while we caught our breath. I left her momentarily to go to the restroom.

When I returned to the table, I found it restocked with a fresh pitcher of beer, two more shots of whiskey, and a male visitor sitting next to, and chatting to, Debbie. His 'Uncle Sam Wanted Me' t-shirt stretched tightly across his chest and sleeves that barely contained biceps that would rip the fabric with
the slightest flex of his arm.

Anger pumped through my veins at first, but then it hit me. If Debbie fell for this guy, maybe she'd leave me alone and I wouldn't have to worry about her blackmailing me into fun, but illicit sex. His haircut gave him away as a Marine, but I dubbed her new friend 'Mr. Wonderful'

I pulled out a chair opposite them, offering a polite nod to the gentleman caller. Debbie narrowed her eyes and scowled.

She leaned over and shouted. "Aren't you
do something?"

I shrugged and downed the shot of whiskey.

He looked at me. "Navy?" he shouted.

I nodded.

"Well, why don't you piss off, Popeye?" He hugged Debbie sideways with both arms. "She's got a real man now. She doesn't need your scrawny ass."

Debbie's face went ashen as Mr. Wonderful looked at me with the eyes of a cold blooded killer.

I stood up and pointed at him. "Yeah, well—"

Mr. Wonderful stood up. I had to look up a good four inches before I noticed a prominent vein pulsating on his forehead. His twenty-something-year-old face looked like a stone sculpture. His fists clenched as tight as his jaw, and his square frame blocked my view of anything that may have been behind him.

I leaned over to the table and poured myself a beer, then gulped it down in one drink. I let out a loud and deliberate "
," then wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "You kids have a nice time," I said. I left the table and headed to the bar under the panicked screams of Debbie calling out my name.

I hopped on a stool next to another sailor who already had far too much to drink. He talked to me but his words were so slurred I couldn't understand him. He had about thirty dollars laying on the counter in front of him. Must've been his drinking money for the night. As he swiveled on his stool to look at the dance floor, I slid a twenty dollar bill out of his stash and walked to the other side of the bar.

I stood next to three very large Hawaiian guys. All mid to late twenties and sporting big loose curled black afros. I eyed up their size and figured they weighed well over seven hundred pounds between them. One of them caught me looking at them.

"Hey, bra, what you
' at, you stink
fuck?" he said in the traditional Hawaiian pigeon English, with
being a
racial slur for a white person.

"Sorry, I was just
ask if I could buy you guys a drink."

The biggest one laughed. "You some
faggot, bra."

"No way. Let me get the drinks." I motioned for the bartender and bought them all a beer. They grabbed their beers and circled me.

want, bra?"

"I felt sorry for you guys." They all took a step in. "It's just that jarhead over there," they turned to look as I pointed to Mr. Wonderful, "was bragging that he kicked all your asses by himself before he came in. Said you '
', his words not mine, were a bunch of sissies. Said it was his killer training to kick candy asses. He must be pretty tough. I just wanted to buy you guys a beer so you don't think all us military people are assholes."

The Hawaiians looked at each other, and set their beers on the bar. They all threw their shoulders back and two of them hitched up their pants. They walked with purpose toward Mr. Wonderful. I kept an eye on them while I walked back to where the drunken sailor sat. I slapped what was left of the twenty bucks on the bar in front of him.

"Have a drink on me, pal," I said as I patted him on the back. He slurred some thanks and I snaked my way back to Debbie's table.

The Hawaiians man-handled Mr. Wonderful and led him outside. I grabbed Debbie's arm.

"Let's get the hell
here," I said.

"I thought you left me."

"No chance, but he was a little bit too big for me."

We hopped in a taxi sitting in the parking lot. I saw the Hawaiians dragging the Marine around to the side of the building.
Who's scrawny now?
I chuckled.


The taxi dropped us off at her room. Debbie insisted we go b
ack to her room for a nightcap.

We sat at her table, cracked beers, and lit cigarettes, without speaking. Such was our wavelength.

"Sorry, Debs, hope you don't think I was a chicken-shit back there." I let my baby blues show remorse, pleading for forgiveness.

"Well, I must admit, King Kong was pretty-
'-big. Hey, you got me
there. That's what's important."

She swigged, I swigged. She puffed, I puffed. We looked deep into each other'
s eyes.

"Tyler, you're such a shit. You're not an asshole, you're the whole ass. What am I going to do with you?"

I walked around to her side of the table. "Here, have a puff." I took a drag of my cigarette, inhaling the smoke. I put my mouth on hers, and exhaled. I pulled back and watched as Debbie exhaled my s

She smiled. "We could save on cigarettes that way."

I laughed.

Debbie sighed. "Are you ever going to give her up? It's not easy playing the second string slut."

"Hey, this was your idea, remember?"

Debbie downed what must have been a half a can of beer in one drink. She cracked open another one. "I thought you would have gotten bored with Dolly Holly by now."

I matched her and downed the rest of my beer in one, then cracked a fresh one. "She's still got it over me, remember? Dishonorable discharge, if she so decides."

"Come on, Tyler, that's crap and you know it. Maybe at first, when she lied for you so you wouldn't get kicked out. But you and I know both know if talking shit was an Olympic sport, you'd be a double gold medalist. If you didn't want to be with her, you would have found a way out by now." She reached over and touched my hand. "You're special to me, Tyler. Find a way to dump Holly so we can be together."

I didn't trust Debbie enough to tell her that I really liked Holly. I feared such an admission would send her running to Holly and destroy our relationship. I still had to keep her sweet.

"We'll see,"
I said.

The nightcap consisted of a bottle of Jack Daniel's and several beers. We started out having blackmailed sex, then moved into dru
nken sex.

Debbie passed out and I staggered back to my
room about four in the morning.


Eye soot acted as a powerful super-glue. I eventually managed to create a slit between the top and bottom eyelids. My vision was severely impaired, and my mouth felt like I had been sucking on cotton balls all night. "
," I groaned. Hung-over as shit, and I didn't even have a good time getting there. I regained enough focus to read the clock. 6:52.

Shit. In eight minutes I was supposed to be standing at attention in front of the shop supervisor for work. I only had time for a "Marine" shower. I hopped out of bed in a panic and  gave a blast of Right Guard to each armpit, splashed on some aftershave, took a mouthful of Listerine, swishing it around in my mouth as I threw on my uniform from the day before. Luckily it was heaped in a pile next to my bed so it was easy to slip on. I spat out the mouthwash into an empty Pepsi can and ran to the shop, arriving for work at exactly 0700.

Every one
outside," Petty Officer Watkins ordered us. "Lieutenant Johnson is giving a surprise personnel inspection this morning. Fall out."

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