True Colors (21 page)

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Authors: Melissa Pearl

BOOK: True Colors
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“I overhead Liam talking on the phone, and in retrospect, I think they were talking about me. I’m getting too close to something and they wanted to scare me away. Liam said not to kill me; he didn’t want whoever he was talking to, to have any more blood on his hands.”

Dale hissed and sat back in his seat. “That sounds pretty dark to me.” He shook his head. “But I don’t think it’s Mason.”

“Okay.” I nodded. “Then who's controlling Liam?”

Dale pursed his lips and shrugged. “Not sure, but I’d be really careful if I were you. Liam’s had a troubled past and it sounds like he’s in a pretty bad place right now.” Dale shook his head. “My memory of him was that he could be pulled into anything. Whoever he’s working for could probably get him to do whatever they wanted.”

“I just wish I knew what they were up to.” I bit the inside of my cheek. "I have a few theories, but—"

“I guess you’ll just have to live without knowing.” Eric squeezed my hand.

I turned to him with a frown. “But what about Indie? She’s in trouble. She’s scared. How can I just turn my back on her?”

“You don’t.” Nicole’s voice was adamant as she placed her coffee cup down.

“Nicky.” Dale placed his hand on his girlfriend’s leg and warned her with a gentle squeeze.

She turned a pointed look on him. “If you’d turned your back on me, I’d be dead right now. You put yourself in harm’s way for me and you saved my life.”

His expression softened and they were briefly caught in a moment that told me everything. These two were in love, and not just the “let’s see where this takes us” kinda love, but the “we’ve been through big shit together and survived it” kinda love.

My curiosity was piqued, but I was too shy to ask. It wasn’t really any of my business what they’d been through. I could just tell it was big.

Suddenly interested, Nicole turned her sharp gaze back to me. “So how do you know all this stuff? You overheard the phone call, but what else?”

“Well, I’ve just noticed around school that people are kind of scared of him, but the problem is, everyone loves him.”

“Okay.” Nicole’s head tipped in confusion. “So this guy is scary, but people like him?”

“They don’t know he’s scary. I mean all the people with the power to actually do something about it think he’s charming.”

Nicole sat back, her eyes piercing me. “So how do you know it then? You a mind reader or something?”

I looked down with a blush, surprised by an intense urge to just tell her. “Something like that,” I murmured.

“Caitlyn’s powers of observation are... pretty good.” My eyes shot to Eric and he winked at me.

My lips jumped into a grin.

“So you’re like a mentalist then.” Nicole nodded as her lips quirked into a grin.

I blushed. “Kind of weird, I guess.”

She shrugged, looking completely unfazed. “I’ve heard weirder.” She shot Dale a wink and he grinned at her.

“Look, Caitlyn, if I were you, I wouldn’t be able to walk away either.” Nicole’s expression turned serious. “Just be careful and don’t try to save the day on your own. You’ve got a boyfriend who obviously cares about you and people in your life who can help you. I know your type.” She raised her eyebrow and flicked her head towards Dale. “You don’t like to bother people with your problems. You like to figure stuff out on your own, but don’t be an idiot. People want to help you, so let them.”

Her speech was good and I knew she was right. I acknowledged her words with a smile and a nod before glancing at Eric. He wasn’t totally pleased by what Nicole had said, but his reticent demeanor had changed. He looked slightly more at ease and I wondered if maybe I could still pursue this without pissing him off.


The night had set in and we lay in bed in the darkness. Eric had popped home during the day and grabbed a few things. His mom hadn’t even flinched when he’d told her he was staying with me. She’d just blushed and wiggled her eyebrows. Eric rolled his eyes when he told me.

We’d spent the rest of the day hanging out. We walked away from our session with Nicole and Dale, strolling down to the beach both thinking about it, but not saying anything. I knew we had to. I wanted his blessing before I hit school on Monday, but he wasn’t quite ready to give it to me. The rest of the day was quiet. We watched a movie. I did some homework while Eric studied for an upcoming test. We were like an old married couple. The comfortable silence stretching out before us, not bothering either one of us.

We chatted over dinner, I heard all about the weekend with his grandpa in detail. I loved it. And then that night we’d gone to bed and kissed until our bodies were on fire. He’d caressed my skin and I’d slid my hands as close to the line as he’d let me.

We finally pulled away breathless and Eric had faced me away from him and held me tight, until we’d both calmed down.

“You’re gonna make this really challenging, aren’t you?”

I grinned. “It’s not my fault you’re hot.”

He kissed my neck, his arms squeezing me tight. I was expecting a teasing reply, but he didn’t give one. Instead he sighed, his breath tickling my exposed shoulder. He pulled my T-shirt back into place and rolled me over, his expression serious as he ran his finger behind my ear.

“I want to keep kissing you, keep distracting myself with your soft skin, but we need to go to sleep and I can’t do that until we’ve talked.”

I pressed my lips together.

“I want you to walk away from this Liam thing.”

My face crumpled.

“But I know you’re not going to.” He looked disappointed and I hated that I was the cause of it.

“Eric, I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

“I know.” His smile was pained. “I just suddenly wish I went to Pali High, so I could watch your back.”

I grinned. “That’d be good.”

“I was thinking about what Nicole said, about people helping you. I know you don’t want to tell anybody, but maybe you should ask that guy, Micah, to help you. Out of everyone you’ve told me about, he seems the most genuine and if Indie does like him the way you think she does, then maybe he can get her talking.”

I ran my hand up his bare arm, hating the idea of burdening Micah, but knowing Eric was probably right.

“It’d make me feel better, knowing he was there to help you.”

“I just don’t want to pull anyone else into this.”

“If Micah feels about Indie the way I feel about you, then he’ll want to be pulled in. Trust me.”

It was all I could do to breathe. I slid my hand up his neck and threaded my fingers into his hair, pulling his lips down to mine. His warm body pressed against me, a secure blanket that I wanted to hide beneath. I’d do anything to take him to school with me on Monday, but I knew I couldn’t. Eric was right. I had to let Micah in.

Chapter 23

“Hey, Micah.” His easy lope didn’t falter as I jogged up beside him. I knew I’d find him on the track. He always got to school an hour before first bell to run and workout. I was determined to talk to him no matter what he was doing and was relieved to see him pounding the track.

“You’re here early.” He kept his eyes ahead, his body straight. He was such a natural athlete; his running style was a pleasure to watch. I hoped I could keep up with him. Thankfully I wasn’t a shorty and was pretty fit, so keeping up with him was going to be manageable as long as we didn’t run for too long.

“I need to talk to you.” My shoulders relaxed as I eased into a steady rhythm beside him.

He gave me a sidelong glance and I read his immediate wariness. I didn’t want to push him away before I even got talking, but I had to win this conversation.

“Micah, I really need your help.”

He remained silent at first; the only indication that he’d heard me was an acceleration in his pace. I matched easily, but knew I wouldn’t be able to last as long at this speed.

“Micah, please.”

Shaking his head, he pursed his big lips. “Look, I don’t know what you’re into Caitlyn, but I can’t.” He felt bad saying no. “I’m usually down for anything, but this is my shot at playing college ball. I’ve gotta keep my nose clean.”

“I’m not asking you to get it dirty...I don’t think.” I winced.

He scoffed and picked up his pace even more, leaving me in his wake. I had no show of catching him.

“Micah, wait!” I slowed from a run to a walk. “It’s about Indie. She’s the one that needs our help.”

I hadn’t intended to shout it across the track and was grateful we were there on our own. Micah came to an abrupt stop. He turned and walked back to me with his hands on his hips, his dark eyes anxious. “She in some kind of trouble?”

“I think so.” I put my hands on my knees, trying to slow my breathing. Micah had fully recovered already, standing over me, silently demanding more. “I’m trying to figure out exactly what she’s into, but I know she’s, um...” I stood up and scratched my nose, not wanting to say it. “She’s really scared of Liam.”

“What are you talking about?” Micah’s wide mouth turned down at the corners. “Liam? He’s a bunny rabbit. They’re always making goo-goo eyes at each other.” This hurt him, big time. He hated it with every fiber of his being, but knew he had to accept it.

“It’s fake, Micah.”

I watched hope flitter across his face, dark concern followed in its wake.

“Liam Donovan is not at all what he appears, and Indie only looks at him that way because she knows that’s what he wants. She’s petrified that if she lets her true feelings show he’s going to hurt her.”

“He hurts her?” The black pulse of rage that shot from him made me take a step back. I shoved his mask back on to dampen the impact of his wrath. It worked...sort of.

I swallowed. “I don’t know for sure, but I think he does.”

Micah’s features distorted with a deep frown. “How do you know this stuff?”

I wasn’t sure how much to tell him. How did I sell it without coming across as an unbelievable weirdo? I mean, Nicole and Dale bought it, but I had Eric to back me up...and they seemed to be open to the supernatural for some reason.

Micah’s intense gaze wouldn’t let up, so I sighed and just went for it. “I can see things that other people can’t.”


“I guess you could call it a gift?” That still sounded wrong to me, but anyway. “I can read people’s emotions. I don't know what they're thinking, but when you see what they're feeling...I don't know, it's easier to work out what's going on in their heads. So I'm not a mind reader, per se, but an emotion reader. Does that even make sense?" My nose wrinkled as I ran my hand through my hair. "That's how I knew your feelings for Indie."

His dark skin heated as he looked to the ground and scratched the back of his head.

“When I was at Liam’s big party two weeks ago, I spotted Indie’s fear and I haven’t been able to ignore it since. I’ve been spying on her and trying to figure out how to help her. The other day I overheard a conversation between her and Liam. He was really pissed and threatened to punish her if she didn’t do what he said.”

“What did he want her to do?”

“Keep her mouth shut about his business or something. I can only guess what he was referring to, but I do know Indie doesn’t want to be involved. I have a feeling that Libby is somehow caught up in this and she wants out, too.” I shrugged. “I figured because we’re working with them at the moment, this might be a good chance to get them to open up to us.”

“Indie’s a closed book, Caitlyn. You know that.”

“But I don’t think she wants to be.” I really wanted to tell him what I saw at the game...the way Indie had looked at him. But what if I’d just been imagining it? I didn’t want to get Micah’s hopes up, but... “I think she’d listen to you. She respects you, Micah. She sees that you’re a good guy.”

Micah’s laughter was hard and dry. “No, she doesn’t. She’s just as scared of me as everybody else is.”

“I’m not scared of you.”

“You’re different.” He lightly punched my shoulder.

“She’s not afraid of you. I’ve seen it in her expressions. She trusts you.”

The corner of his eye twitched. He was trying to figure out if he could believe me or not. Like my news was somehow too good to be true.

“How am I supposed to help her?” he whispered, his vulnerable fear showing through.

“She needs to feel safe right now. You can give her that.”

This made him feel good. I decided to play on the shining knight tangent.

“She’s trapped inside Liam’s world and she’s desperate to be rescued, but she doesn’t think she can be. If we...if you...can make her feel protected, then maybe she’ll tell us the truth.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?”

“Stop hiding how you feel about her.”

His face dropped, his eyes flashing wide for a moment. The idea terrified him, but it was also appealing.

“We need to find out the truth so that we can help set her free,” I continued.

Micah bit the corner of his mouth, his large hand cupping the top of his shaved head. “At the beginning of the year, Indie came up to me with an offer to help me get good grades.”

My insides stirred as another piece began to slide into place. “How?”

“She was really vague, saying she had resources that could guarantee I’d have a sweet ride this year.” Micah shook his head. “I could tell it was this elite thing, like only a few were being approached about it and man, because it was her, I was tempted. But there was just this flicker in her eyes, like a warning. I’d only just finished my probation. There was no way in hell I was getting mixed up in something else. It felt wrong, so I told her I didn’t want to know. She smiled all sweet, but something was off. I liked her before that, but man, whatever I saw that day just made me want to wrap her in my arms, you know?” He tipped his head towards where I’d first approached him on the track. “That’s why I fobbed you off before; I thought you were coming at me with something like this.”

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