True Fate (26 page)

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Authors: Shayna Varadeaux

BOOK: True Fate
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"What time should I be there?” Adam asked.


"Early, the sooner the better then we'll go
to Aaron's. Okay?” Rhea asked biting her nail.


"Okay see you soon Rhea.” he answered softly.


"Bye.", she said. She'd have to remind
herself to relax on the trip and not be so nervous around him. She took a deep
breath and double checked her packing.




The movie was almost over and seven o'clock was fast
approaching, meaning everyone would be here soon. She wanted Rhea to be here
too so she called her feeling pretty sure she could do that without breaking


Aaron was putting up the leftovers and Nia turned
her phone on again and dialed, on the second ring was interrupted.


"Nia!” Rhea gasped into the phone. Nia knew
Rhea was worried and she wanted her to hear her say she'd be okay, that was
just their relationship.


"Hey Rae.” she said.


"How's it going sweets?” Rhea asked


"It's been better, can you come by Aaron's?
They're coming by tonight and I want them to meet you. So they know you mean
business.” Nia explained.


"Say no more! I'm there! Wait what time is...
hey! I'll be there in five!” Rhea said hanging up on Nia.


Nia laughed. She missed her best friend for sure.


Her phone rang before she could turn it off and
she thought it may be Rhea so she answered without checking the ID.


"Rae? Did you forget something?” she asked
into her phone.


"Nia?” she heard Lena's small voice but
couldn't believe she'd been so stupid.


"Oh, hey Mags. What's up?” she asked trying
to sound nonchalant.


"Where have you been Nia? Mom and dad are
having hushed conversations about you and it's freaking me out. I tried to call
earlier but your phone was off I guess. What's going on?” Lena asked with a
knowing tone.


Nia took a deep breath and answered as best as
she could. "I had a fight with Dad. He just hurt my feelings. Everything
is going to be okay but I want you to tell them I'm leaving tomorrow instead of
Monday. Tell mom I'm safe, I'm at Aaron's house.” she said all at once and
waited for the barrage she was sure would follow.


"Wow, okay that's crazy and cool. Will I get
to see you before you go though? You know they'll want to see you before right?
And Amarie too. Please?” Lena pleaded.


Nia let out a deep breath she was going to have
to go pick stuff up anyway. She and Aaron could go by there after 'the meeting'


"Okay I'll be by later on tonight. I love
you, you know that don’t you?” Nia asked her as sincerely as possible.


"I know Nia. I love you too.” Lena said.


"Bye, see you later. Will you tell Amarie
for me?” Nia asked.


"I will, bye.” Lena said as she hung up.


Nia could only hope tonight wasn't going to blow
up in her face. She wished things could go back to how they were before all of
this started. As long as she didn't have to be alone with her dad she didn't
think she'd have a meltdown.


First things first and that would be getting
Rhea's plans by Darragh, Eric and Avery and approved. She knew Rhea was just
trying to make it easier on her. It's a lot to keep up with when there's lies.
Nia definitely didn't need that on top of everything else. There was enough
lies floating around as it was. What she figured is Aunt Amarie has to know
what she is and who she is, that is where this journey was supposed to lead.
Either that or she'd discover it on the way. Whatever it was she was just ready
for everything to be out in the open. What was eating at her was not knowing if
her mom knew about the promise marks or what they meant. She hoped to not find
any of that out tonight.


All she wanted quick and easy but she feared
she'd get drawn out and difficult. One issue at a time was going to be the only
way to hang onto her fleeting sanity.




Chapter 14


Sitting on the recliner in her own clothes again
Nia waited while Aaron was in the bathroom changing when the doorbell rang. She
got up and answered the door, it was Eric so she opened the door. "Avery
and Darragh are on their way up, they had to get something from the car."
he explained.


Eric unexpectedly wrapped her in a hug. Those dumb
butterflies were there again, if that's what they were. She just felt electric
around him, and she heaved out a ragged breath feeling like she could cry. But
she wouldn't, not now.


Aaron came out of the bathroom to see Nia with
her face in Eric’s neck and her feet off the ground with him tightly hanging
onto her. He knew Eric was frantic earlier trying to figure out if Nia was
okay. If Aaron had felt desperate and suffocated maybe he had too. But he could
also feel her joy and sorrow through the bond, he had told her he wouldn't be
jealous and he'd be understanding, but the physical contact was a lot to


You could hear Avery and Darragh coming down the
hall as her laugh stopped short with the scene in the doorway. Aaron recognized
the feeling that was mirroring his own and cleared his throat.


"Oh!” Nia exclaimed as Eric abruptly placed
her feet on the floor, she was absolutely embarrassed. Having had no intention
of lingering in that embrace it was just so darn comfortable. He'd immediately
started filtering relaxing vibes into her almost lulling her to sleep when
someone had cleared their throat. There was no way to explain that and she
wouldn’t get it now as Avery relaxed her daggered eyes and Nia went to stand
next to Aaron.


Great now this is going to be awkward.’
Aaron thought as he stuck out his hand. "Eric, Darragh.” he said shaking
their hands. "Avery.", he said with a nod.


She gave a tight smile, "Hey."


"Come in everyone.” Aaron said trying to
stave the anger welling up inside of him. If Avery was feeling it too, what did
that mean?


They filed in and he quickly apologized for the
lack of seating in his under furnished apartment. But the trio were content to
sit on the floor with their backs to the wall. The doorbell rang again and
Darragh jumped to his feet and readied himself, though for what Nia had no


"It's just Rhea. Now I warn you this girl is
closer to me than a sister and she's super perceptive. She knows stuff and
before you get all crazy about that you need to know she knows a lot about me.
Plus she was there on my eighteenth birthday, she knows the words I said that
night better than me and she saw my eyes glow and she knows that I'm
different.” Nia quickly spoke before any protests could be made.


"Nia!” Rhea said loudly banging on the door.


Aaron opened the door for her, "Whoa, chill
on my door, Miss Impatience." he said shaking his head.


"Nia." she said again going directly
to her and wrapping her in a hug. "Oh, sweetie everything is going to be
okay. I'll make sure of it.", she told Nia, who laughed.


"Everybody this is my mother hen, Oh I meant
best friend, Rhea."


Rhea looked around with reddening cheeks,
"Oh, hey.” she said turning to the two strangers again seated on the


They stood and introduced themselves individually
Darragh introduced himself as Sean coming over from the kitchen. Rhea narrowed
her eyes at each of them, trying to convey her toughness and the fact she barely
trusted them.


"Have you told them anything?” she asked
turning to look at Aaron. He coughed a little, "Umm, no they just got here
actually. But feel free.” he said motioning with a wave of his hand.


Rhea cleared her throat and mustered all the
bravery she had and that's kind of a lot. "Okay I know that you're all
coming along on our trip. Now, since Nia is bringing her boyfriend, I'm
bringing our friend Adam. We met him in fifth grade and we both trust him,
right sweets?” she said looking at Nia, who smiled at her and nodded.


"I also rented a Suburban, there's room for
all of us and I got a turtle on top for the bags.” she said and waited.


Darragh got up and stood looking at Rhea, perhaps
he was feeling out her mind but it looked like he was sizing her up. "Then
call me Darragh instead of Sean. You can handle that can't you?” he asked.


Rhea smiled, "Darragh, cool name, got
it.", she answered.


"What color is it?” Avery asked out of


“What?” Rhea asked.


“The car…” Avery answered.


"Oh! Sorry, it's Black and it has dark
tinted windows just in case we need to hideout at night.” Rhea said proudly.
"It's parked out in the garage if you wanna see it.” she informed them.


Eric was smiling at Rhea, "So. I guess
you're the nosy, no nonsense friend, huh?” he asked and Avery scoffed.


"He's a little rude, sorry.” Avery said


Eric stepped closer to Rhea draping an arm around
her shoulder. ”Let's check out that ride.” he said winking at Nia and Avery.


All of them went down to check out their


Their guests left from the garage, they'd see
them when they slept tonight anyway.


Nia turned to Aaron. "I wanna go get my
stuff tonight and Rhea's coming with us.” she said informing them both at once.


Neither questioned they just nodded. "We'll
take my car.", Aaron said, then added. "I’ve got to go lock
up.", he told the girls as he popped the locks to his car so they could
wait there.


"Could you grab my purse?” Nia asked.


"Of course, be right back.” he said without
having to think about it and a smile that could melt her heart.


Rhea laughed once they were in and Nia hit the
locks. "Wow that has to be a new record. Trained already that's amazing
Nia!” she said ribbing her friend.


"Whatever!” Nia said laughing.


Wow, was she really laughing. Man she loved these
two, Rhea could make her laugh and Aaron could definitely make her smile. She
was dreading seeing her dad tonight but with these two she felt okay enough to
do it.


"Should I call my mom?” she asked Rhea.


"If you want to, yes. It may be a good gauge
of what you may walk into.” she said.


"Mag said they've been having hushed convo
about me." Nia was worried that the lies extended to her mom, no she was
actually dreading it.


"Well in that case no, let's surprise them.
Are we on time?” Rhea asked.


"No if we leave now, we'll be a little
early. I wanna sneak up on them.” Nia said.


"That's my girl.” Rhea said as they watched
Aaron coming their way.


"So how’s it going with him?” Rhea asked


"It's great and I'm glad I have him Rae,
really.” she said turning to look Rhea in the face. She squeezed Nia's arm. There
was no doubt Rhea only wanted what's best for Nia that would always be enough
for her.


Aaron got in and they set out. "Okay, so I
don't want to be without either one of you at any time. I have no plans to talk
to my parents alone tonight. I just want to get my stuff, tell my sisters
goodbye and try not to breakdown. But I will let you know if that changes.” Nia
said sighing.


Rhea leaned forward, "Don't worry Nia, I
won't leave your side.” she assured.


"I'll do whatever you need.” Aaron said
grabbing Nia's hand then bringing it to his lips to kiss it.


They rode in silence the rest of the way to
Manvel, Nia hoped that her parents didn't make this any harder than it had to
be. There really was nothing they could say or do to make it better. Pulling up
the driveway Nia had Aaron stop out by her trees first. She got out of the car and
took out a bag from the storage chest and filled it with some stuff she clearly
didn't want to leave behind. Placing it in the trunk she got back in and they
moved on to the house.


Lena was sitting with her knees pulled to her
chest in an oversized rocking chair on the porch. The glow from her cell phone
cast a bluish hue onto her brown hair and bronze skin. Nia ruffled her hair in


"Hey, stop that!” Lena exclaimed jumping up
to hug her.


She smiled at Aaron, "Nice to see you
again.” Lena said to him only.


"Hey Lena.” he replied shaking her hand.


Rhea swooped Lena up and gave her a squeeze,
"Hey little mama!” she said with a huge smile for Lena.


"Hi Rae! I've missed you!” Lena replied. She
loves Rhea about as much as she loves Nia maybe more sometimes. She grew up
with her always around.


The trio made their way up to Nia's room. She
wanted to get her stuff as soon as possible and try to avoid any collateral
damage. But she stopped short in her room and froze as she heard whispers coming
from her closet. Holding her hand out behind her to silence Rhea and Lena they
all froze.


"Mom?” Nia said as she took in her teary
eyed mother sitting at her desk clinging to a picture of Nia.


"Oh, Nia, thank God!” she said sniffling and
embracing her bewildered daughter.


"Mom, what's wrong?” she asked actually
feeling scared more than anything else.


"Oh, honey. I don't know what happened
between you and your dad, but you do know he loves you don't you sweet pea?”
her mom inquired weakly sniffling between her words.

"He won't tell me what happened he just said
not to be surprised if you don't ever come back. I asked and asked but all I
got was silence!” she told her.


Nia didn't know what to tell her. She wanted to
say something give some sort of explanation but the generic, 'He hurt my
feelings', won't work on her mom.


She wasn't sure what exactly to tell her but she
needed to make her okay.


"Mom, I love you and I love dad too.” she
said wincing from the pain the revelation elicited. Knowing she would love him
no matter what explained why it hurt so much. She got that hollow, sinking feeling
and quickly shook it off.


If he didn't tell her mom anything there had to
be a reason, but she was thankful she didn't know.


wrapped her mom in another hug relieved she was in the dark for now. Aaron's
eyes met hers as she conveyed her message mentally.
'I'm going to have to
lie to her, she doesn't know anything and for now I think it's safer that way.
So whatever I say and do, just go with it. Please?’
she sent him through
the bond.


Giving her a small smile he nodded imperceptibly,
'You got it beautiful, be strong,'
he sent back to her along with
strength and what she was starting to recognize as a genuine love.


"Mom, I told dad Aaron was coming with me on
the trip and Adam is going too, he was supposed to fill in for Rhea so he's
going to have to hire a temp. He's upset about both things at once. He told me
I hadn't known Aaron long enough to be going across country with him. But mom,
I felt it from the moment I met him, he's different and we may be going too
fast for dad's liking but I am nineteen.”


Margie just stared at the floor chewing her lip.


When she didn’t answer Nia continued. “Just trust
me on this.”


Aaron came closer and Nia loosened her grip on
her mom and turned so she could see him.


"Mrs. D, I promise to keep her safe and I
promise I have no ill intentions. I know we have only known each other a short
time but it feels like a lot longer to me," Aaron tried to explain to a
wide eyed smiling Margie.


"Oh, honey, I am happy for you both. I
really am, love is a funny thing and when it's right, it's right! I didn't know
your father long at all when we got married. It was only eight months!” she
said as her bubbling laughter echoed through the room. Nia's mouth dropped, she
had heard her parent’s story a thousand times, and it was love at first sight.
They just knew and eight months later they were married. How could she have
forgotten, but they don't have the promise marks, so they can't be like her,

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