Read True Loves (A Collection of Firsts) Online

Authors: Michelle A. Valentine

True Loves (A Collection of Firsts) (47 page)

BOOK: True Loves (A Collection of Firsts)
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Chapter 11: Round Two


in the middle bed of this crazy room, trying to relax. I haven’t even had the energy to change out of my board shorts or throw on a shirt. Hanging out at Rehab all day and watching Margo while she pretended I didn’t exist, was fucking brutal. The image of her spread out before me, moaning my name in ecstasy while she came stayed in the forefront of my mind. All I could think about was how much I wanted to experience that again. How I wanted to fuck her again. How I wanted my name on her lips as she loses all control.

It makes me hard right now just thinking about it.

But Margo wouldn’t so much as give me the time of day. Instead, she spent the afternoon laughing at every joke Yamada told and ignored me. Even when I asked her a direct question, all I received were short one-word answers.

It sucks knowing the fact that I’ll probably never have her again, which is completely fucked up considering who I am. I’m Alexander King. I’m not supposed to give a shit about women.

Perhaps fucking her was a bad idea because it sure as hell didn’t get her off my brain. It did the complete fucking opposite. Now I can’t think of anything else, and it’s driving me insane.

The only logical thing I could do was drink—drink to forget.

“Alexander?” Margo’s voice on the other side of the bedroom door pulls me away from my thoughts. “Are you nearly ready to leave for dinner?”

Fuck. I was out longer than I thought, but I’m still drunk. There’s no way I’ll be able to make it.

“I’m not going,” I mutter loud enough for her to hear.

“But, you have to go. Yamada—”

“Will get over it,” I finish for her. “Call him to cancel.”

I roll onto my side and close my eyes, but the sound of my door flinging open and Margo’s high heels clicking across the floor causes my eyes to snap open. “Margo? What are you—?”

Without permission, she leans over the bed, grabs my arm and yanks. “Come on. Get up. You can’t cancel this meeting. I—”

Quickly I reach out and pull her down on the bed with me, causing her to shriek, not caring a bit if I wrinkle the bright-blue dress she’s wearing. “You what? Need this meeting to try to get to know Yamada better?”

She squirms in my arms as she pushes against my chest. “Dammit, King, let me go. If you’re not meeting with him, then I will.”

“It’s not going to work, Margo. You might as well stop trying. Yamada’s
friend. He would never sell out on me. You’re wasting your time.”

She stops fighting for a split second and stares me in the eye. “I have to at least try. I have to at least go for what I want. Don’t you understand that?”

Her words resonate with me so much. I’ve lived by the motto of getting what I want for years now. “More than you know.”

She pushes me away and scrambles out of the bed. “I’m going. With or without you.”

The clicking of her heels against the marble floor echoes around the room. I don’t know where she thinks she’s going, but she’s not going to meet with my contact alone. No way in hell will I allow that to happen.

I’m up in a flash, crossing the room, and the second she grabs the door handle, I wrap my fingers around her wrist. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Her back tenses as I press my chest against it. The feel of the heat of her skin is almost more than I can take. I clutch her hip with my other hand and pull her ass against my cock. I want her to feel how hard I am to show her that I want her again.

Her head falls back slightly, sending her floral scent swarming around me, and there’s a pant in her voice. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

I swipe her hair to the side, exposing her smooth flesh, and then whisper in her ear. “I’m your boss, baby. You’ll do as I say.”

I press my lips against the soft skin under her ear before I playfully nip it, needing desperately for her to give in to me.

The tension in her body loosens as she leans into me. “Damn you. We can’t . . . You said—”

I grin, knowing that she’s about to fold. She’s flustered and I’m about to work that to my advantage and not give her a chance to pull herself together and refuse me.

“Fuck what I said before.” I can no longer resist the urge to taste her. My tongue darts out and I trail a line down from below her ear down to her shoulder. “I need to fuck you. I can’t get the thought of how good your pussy felt wrapped around my cock out of my head.”

I knead her tit through her blouse, and she whimpers. “I hate what you do to me.”

“No, you don’t.” I spin her around to face me and then cage her against the wall with my body. “You love it. You crave this just as much as I do, but you won’t allow yourself to admit it.”

Her breathing picks up speed and her chest heaves. “No.”

“No?” I raise an eyebrow as I lean in and lick her top lip, causing her to shudder. “If you really meant that, then you wouldn’t react so much when I touch you.”

“You’re such an egotistical asshole,” she murmurs, but I can tell it’s just her defense mechanism in full effect trying to fucking fight me tooth and nail.

“Come on, Margo.” I reach down, grabbing behind her right knee, and hitch it around my hip. “I’m damn good at everything I do. Besides, being cocky is part of my charm. You know I’m the best lay you’ve ever had.”

My heart thunders in my chest. She fits against me perfectly. I slide my hands down her back and rest them on her hips, where they rest so comfortably it’s like they were made for my hands to hold on to. I have to have her again—experience the feeling of euphoria one more time.

My cock is rock hard in my shorts and it’s driving me out of my mind knowing that only two thin pieces of fabric are holding me back from fucking Margo’s brains out right here against this door. I grind myself against her and her mouth drops open.

I reach between us and stroke her clit through the silk panties she’s wearing. “Mmm. So wet. This makes my mouth fucking water.”

“What are you doing to me?” She moans. “I’m usually in control.”

“That’s what makes this exciting—letting go. No matter how much you try to fight it, you want me inside you just as much as I want to be there. Look at how your body reacts.” I apply more pressure as I continue my slow teasing circles that won’t bring her anywhere near climax. Her head falls back and bumps against the door as her fingers grip my biceps so tight I’m sure her nails will leave imprints.

“Alexander . . .” There’s a plea in her voice. “We shouldn’t. This is wrong.”

I lean in so close that I can feel the warmth of her breath on my face. “Nothing about pleasure is wrong, Margo. I know that you hate me, but say yes to this. I need to have you at least one more time and then, I swear, I’ll never ask again.”

She bites her bottom lip as she debates my request while I continue to work my thumb against her. She won’t be able to say no to this—say no to me.

Margo moans and then licks her lips. “This changes nothing between us. We are still enemies, and I plan to find a way to get my father’s company back from you.”

A grin spreads across my face as I realize that I’ve won. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t try.”

My eyes drift down to her pouty lips and then back up to refocus on her gaze. There’s hesitation in her eyes mixed with a hint of lust.

My fingertips find their way to her face, where they trace the smooth skin along her jaw. My cock throbs in anticipation. This woman seems to have that effect on me. “Margo—”

“Just shut up and kiss me before I change my mind,” she whispers.

She doesn’t have to tell me twice. I crush my lips into hers and my hands frantically begin to unzip her dress.

We shouldn’t be doing this. We both know it. This . . . it’s not good for business, but I just can’t seem to fucking help myself. I’ve never wanted a woman so much that I was willing to throw all the fucking rules out the window just to have her. It’s like none of it matters—everything I’ve worked for—when I’m around her. She drives me out of my mind with that smart mouth of hers—the way she stands up to me and tells me exactly what’s on her mind. She’s upfront—that’s a trait to be admired because it’s rarely seen anymore.

“Fuck. I want you,” I tell her before I shove the dress off her shoulders and it falls in a pool around her feet. I deepen our kiss, loving the delicious taste. “So fucking bad it hurts.”

My hungry eyes trail over every inch of her body. The black bra and matching satin panties are almost more than I can handle. I need them off.


When I unhook her bra, her puckered nipples rub against my solid chest. It makes me even more eager now that she’s pressed against me. I don’t think I can take my time with her. I want her too much. Without permission, I rip the thin fabric and toss it to the floor before I go back to attacking her lips. I fully expect Margo to yell at me for destroying yet another pair of her underwear, but she doesn’t. She’s just as caught up in this kiss as I am and only responds by shoving my shorts down. My cock springs free and it presses against her bare flesh. Margo throws her hands into my hair and holds me in place as our tongues tangle together.

I knew she wanted this just as much as I do.

Margo whimpers as my finger finds her swollen clit again for a moment before it glides inside her. “Mmm, you’re so turned on. Feeling just how ready you are makes me want to fuck you hard and fast.”

She groans as I work my finger in and out of her. “Alexander . . .”

I love hearing my name spill from her lips. It’s nearly enough to cause me to blow my load on the spot. I can’t believe how fucking turned on I am from just knowing that I’m making her body feel so good.

Margo claws at my back as I work her into a frenzy. The only thing better than this will be when my cock replaces my finger and I pound her into submission. “Your pussy is so fucking greedy. Do you feel how it’s milking my finger, begging for my cock?” My tongue darts out to taste her lips. “You’re so ready for me. Do you want me to take you? Right here? Right Now?”

“Yes,” she pants.

The way she’s panting causes my balls to tighten. I like hearing her practically beg me for it because it means she’s losing control just like I am. Uptight Margo would never beg me for anything, but horny Margo seems much more open to bending to my will.

I trail my nose against her jaw, inhaling the scent of her before I whisper in her ear, “If you want my cock inside you, ask me for it. Ask me to fuck you. I need to hear you say it.”

My thumb rubs circles over her swollen clit and her head falls back, bumping against the door. “Oh, so close.”

“Say it,” I command. “Ask me, and I’ll make you feel so fucking good.”

“Fuck me, Alexander,” Margo says in a breathy voice.

I nibble on her bottom lip. “Good girl.”

I hoist her up against the wall, unable to stop myself and press my bare shaft against her wet pussy. “I can’t wait another fucking second.”

My own breath catches the moment my bare cock glides into her warmth, allowing it to wrap around me. Her pussy squeezes every inch of my cock as I push in balls deep.

“Holy fuck,” I say against her mouth. “You feel so fucking good.”

I pull back slowly and then fill her again, giving her time to adjust to me. Margo whimpers against my lips, and I push into her one more time. The little noises she’s making combined with how good she feels, are deadly. I won’t be able to last. This time when I pull out of her I slam back in.

“Jesus!” Margo cries out. “Yes!”

Her cry only excites me more as I begin slamming into her. “Mmm, Margo. You like it hard, don’t you? I knew you were a dirty girl.”

I fuck her hard and fast against the door while she continues to claw at my back and scream out with delight. It feels so fucking good, and it doesn’t take long for my balls to tighten.

“Oh, Alexander. Oh, God. I’m coming. Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” Margo cries out as she comes hard around my cock.

Watching her fall apart sends me over the edge and I pull out just in time to drop her legs to the ground and come all over her thighs. I pant hard as I lean my head against the wall over her right shoulder to catch my breath.

What in the holy fuck am I doing? I never fuck a woman more than once, and I for damn sure don’t risk fucking one that could cost me billions of dollars. Why am I allowing this girl to get to me and fuck with my head? It’s like I’m a fucking crack addict and she’s the best hit I’ve ever had. I can’t get enough, no matter what the cost.

I need to tell her to get the fuck out of this room and fire her ass. It’s the only way I’ll be able to make sure I don’t slip up again.

I pull back and open my mouth, fully ready to turn back into a huge asshole, but the sight of Margo’s bright-blue eyes narrowed at me causes me to snap it shut. I wasn’t expecting that expression, considering I’d just given her one damn fine orgasm.

“You are such a bastard,” she snaps.

I raise my eyebrows and pull back a bit. “Most women thank me for what I just did for you.”

“Thank you?” She shakes her head and releases a bitter laugh. “Alexander, I should punch you in the face for ruining my Versace dress.”

My gaze drops down to the floor, and I see her dress still in a pool by our feet only now it has my come on it from when I pulled out of her.

I smirk, unable to stop myself from finding a little humor in the situation. “Great sex requires sacrifice, and I’m afraid your dress paid the ultimate price.”

“Ugh!” She growls as she shoves my shoulders back and steps away from me. “You’re unbelievable.” She bends over and snatches the dress off the floor. “From now on, stay the hell away from me. This will not be happening again.”

I stare her down, meeting the challenge in her eyes. “Margo, don’t kid yourself. If I want you again, all I have to do is touch you and you’ll give in. Your body has already proven twice that it can’t resist me.”

She pulls her lips into a tight line. “Never. Again. Alexander, do you hear me? This—whatever it was—is over. Done. When we get back to New York, I’m going to figure out a way to bury you. You can count on it.”

I give her my most wicked smile, showing her that her threats mean nothing to me. “I look forward to your sweet ass attempting to destroy me.”

BOOK: True Loves (A Collection of Firsts)
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