True Nature (5 page)

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Authors: Willow Madison

BOOK: True Nature
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Chapter 7 HER

"I'm so tired," I mumble through a yawn while in line for a second Grande coffee this morning with Tracy.

"You look it too," she gives me a toothy smile as I push her away. "You know you're beautiful!" She bumps my hip in return.

It took forever to fall asleep, then I woke up several times with dreams of Max lingering. "I couldn't sleep last night."

"Thinking of the bartender?" Tracy drips sarcasm on the last part.

"I told you, he's not a bartender."

"I know, I know...but it was because you were thinking about him, right?"  Tracy knows me too well. I pinch my lips together and squint at her in answer. "So you have another date with him tonight? That was fast."

"Well, it's a friend's party, so I think he just wants someone to go with..." I don't know why I'm feeling defensive about Max. Maybe because Tracy keeps making jokes about him and talking up Billy every chance she gets.

We stop to finish chatting in the hall outside my shared office.  Lucky for me, my boss is taking a long weekend with her husband. So my tired ass can coast a little today.

"Hey...what's that?" Tracy pushes past me into the office. A red box with a bow is sitting on my desk. I open the attached card. Tracy reads over my shoulder, "Looking forward to spending more time with you. M."

Inside, the box is marked Cartier. "Is that real?!" Tracy's jaw is wide, I'm too stunned to take the simple watch out of the box to look at it closer. Tracy takes it out for me and examines the front and back, "Sure looks real!" She whistles a little, "Nice!"

Kevin, my officemate, comes in. "So whatdja get?" Tracy holds it out for him, he whistles too. "Girl, I was tempted to read the card, but I waited for you! I was itchin to know if that was Cartier red. Who's M?"  He raises his eyebrows and flips his wrists several times while holding the card. I can feel my blush deepening as I hold the watch against my wrist.

"Max...her bartender," Tracy answers, pushing me again.

"Lordy, girl, you have got a
drinkin problem if your bartender sends you goods like that!"  He's fanning his face playfully with his right hand. I just laugh, still a little too stunned by the gift to trust my voice. "Put it on, put it on....let's see how it looks!"  Shakily I replace my old watch with the new one on my left wrist. " fits perfect too!" Kevin squeals, clapping his hands, "My boyfriend gave me a new wok for my last hold onto this Max, girlie!" Kevin goes over to his desk.

"I can't believe he got me this," I finally find my voice.

"It's crazy expensive," Tracy is still staring at the watch as she moves my arm closer then farther away. "Makes me think of the old saying...about a guy expectin something for expensive gifts," she tickles my sides as she says this.

Pushing her away, laughing, "Well, we'll just have to see about that!"

"Slut!" She tries to tickle me again but I move back with my arms out. "Takes one, baby..." We're both laughing.

"Maybe you won't always be late anymore," Tracy says from the hall. I didn't tell her about that part of the date. Hmmm...that same strange not angry feeling comes over me. This time, without wine, I have a name for it though. Lust. I shake my head to get this thought out of it.

Chapter 7 HIM

She looks great. Hair down, curls bouncing with the motion of opening the door, long blue dress with tiny straps brightening her blue eyes even more, cleavage pushed up a little, but not slutty. I glance at her arm and frown. 

I put my hands on her waist and kiss her hello, "You don't like my gift?"

"Oh, God's not that..." her hands on the sides of my arms, "I just's too much."

"Why don't you let me decide that. I wanted you to have it." I see the box sitting on the coffee table. Taking her hand, I walk over to the table, take out of the watch and put it on her left wrist. "I want to give you nice things. And I want you to accept them from me..." I tilt her chin up, "Please."

"I still think it's too much...." She looks back to the watch then me, "But...thank you, Max. It is really beautiful!" As she puts her arms around my neck, my hands travel to her lower back, brushing her ass, feeling the outline of the top of her thong. I resist pinching her round bottom as we kiss deeply.

She grabs a purse and opens a lipgloss tube, looking in a mirror by the door. "You don't need that. You're beautiful without so much makeup." I stand behind her with my arms around her waist again, looking intently at her face in reflection.  She starts to say something in protest, opening the gloss again. "Besides, I want to be able to kiss you often tonight without looking like
wearing makeup."

She twists her lips and wiggles her nose, but finally puts the gloss down. "Ok, you win."

"Good girl." And I kiss the top of her head, breathing in the vanilla and orange blossoms scent of her hair.


Dan and Becca's place is not far from Lucy's, so we walk hand in hand. I smile that in flats, Lucy's head doesn't even come up to my shoulders, "I like how tiny you are next to me."

"Small packages..." with a big grin.

of you is small." She slaps my shoulder playfully in response. "I meant your smile!"

"Sure you did!"

"You do look great in that dress!"

"Thank you!" She's all smiles again.

We reach the brownstone and enter with another couple I know as friends of Becca. "Wow," is Lucy's instant reaction to the dramatic foyer. Becca painted it all black to showcase her large art pieces even more. "Yeah...Becca really likes the drama. She's a buyer for private art collectors, so she goes a little crazy with art everywhere." 

"It's really impressive!"

"Thanks!" Becca just entered the foyer, finished with air kissing the other couple and directing them towards the living room. "Max here doesn't like anything that isn't sleek and modern, so he can't appreciate fine taste like mine, dahrling!" She one-arm hugs Lucy, who seems pleased by the immediate welcoming nature of Becca. "The birthday boy should be here any minute. If he isn't fucking late again this year! We're waiting in the living room this time." She waves us towards the room to the right of the stairs.

"Does she really expect us to yell 'Surprise' at Dan when he comes in?" Lucy asks with a giggle as we walk away.

"Yes...yes, she does.  And she'll put you in charge of cake cutting if you don't...made that mistake two years ago."

The living room is already packed with friends. Most from here, a few from out East where Dan grew up. I spot Mike and Stephie sitting on the sofa and head in their direction.

"Hey!" Mike high-fives me and smiles at Lucy, "It's Lucy, right?" He shakes her hand as she nods.

"You remember Mike and Stephie from last week?" She smiles and only nods again. I think she's waiting for Stephie to be rude again.

Mike must have warned Stephie to be nicer though. She smiles up at Lucy and puts her hand out. "Glad you could make it. This party is one of the highlights of the year!"

Lucy relaxes her shoulders. "This place is amazing! I don't think I've ever seen this much art outside a museum!" The walls and tabletops are covered with a mix of contemporary and baroque art. Mike stands up and lets Lucy take his seat next to Stephie.

"Yeah, Bec has a great eye for it! She'll give you a tour later...the best pieces are upstairs..." I'm glad Steph is being nice tonight. She is either hot or cold with people. For some reason, though, Mike really loves her.

"I love to check out other people's houses! I am a secret peeping-tom, looking in windows when I can." Lucy is laughing at herself.

Stephie sits up more, almost spilling her drink, and laughing. "Oh my God...I thought I was the only one! Mike always makes fun of me. I
when it's night out and people don't close their blinds and I can see how they've decorated!"

"Me too!" They both erupt in laughter. Lucy's face scrunched up, putting her hand over her lips to cover her open mouth laugh, her tits more visible from my angle and shaking nicely. I look around to make sure no one else is enjoying my view though. I make a mental note to talk to her about how she dresses when she's not with me. She looks up and sees me staring down at her. She self consciously puts her hand over her cleavage and pulls her dress up a little, giving me a small smile.

And it's in this moment, that I fully realize how much I like her. I'm a little shocked at how quickly I've developed such a strong feeling for her.

"Max! Get Lucy a drink...rudeness!" Stephie grabs my forearm and shakes me a little. 

"We'll be right back." Mike grabs my other arm and pulls me towards the kitchen. I just wink at Lucy as I let him drag me away.

"Two champagnes, please," I tell the woman behind the island, set up now as a full bar. Becca goes all out, hiring bartenders and waiters to circulate and keep the party going into the late hours.

" brought a date this year!" Mike is slapping my back as we wait for our drinks. "You must really like this Lucy?!"

"I do." I know I should hide my goofy smile from him, he'll not let me live it down for weeks, but I can't help smiling bigger.

"Look at that puppy love look!" He rubs my hair, having to reach up over his own head to do it.

I smooth my waves back down. "She's special." I already had this conversation with Dan. But Mike isn't as cautious as Dan, he's more willing to go with the flow and I know he won't try to put the brakes on how I'm feeling right now.

!" He laughs at his own joke.

For a second I forget that he's one of my best friends, a brother to me, and I clench my fist before relaxing again. I respond with a grin, "She is that."

"Have you...?" He makes a grinding motion with his hips against the bar.

I just laugh and push him away. Our drinks are set on the bar, so I pick up two flutes and head back into the living room before he can question me more.

Becca is just coming in, waving her arms. "Ok everybody...Quiet! He's coming up the walk!"

Someone hits the lights, the room darkening to only candlelight. I find Lucy on the sofa and pull her hand to stand her up next to me again. We quietly clink our flutes and take a sip. I put my arm around her waist and she crowds in closer to me, putting her free hand on my back. I can't believe how happy I feel with her at my side, her smallness making me stand even taller. I probably do look like a lovesick puppy! But I keep smiling, she smiles looking up at me too.

I lean down and whisper, "Surprise," into her ear. She shivers at my side, her nipples pushing against her dress. She only bumps my back in response though, smiling into her glass and looking around.

"Surpise!" Everyone yells as the door opens and Dan walks in, arms already out for the cheers. His smile is huge and wide open. Becca runs forward and grabs him around the waist. He dips her and kisses her to more cheers. 

"He's such a ham!" Mike leans over to say to me quietly over Lucy's head. Dan says he doesn't want a party every year, but we both know he loves it! We just laugh more.

After getting more hugs, handshakes, and pats on the back from the people closest to the doors, Dan makes his way over to us.

He puts his arms out and hugs all three of at once, smooshing Lucy in the middle. She's laughing and ducking down.

"Did you assholes bring a gift this year?"

Mike feigns looking hurt and shocked. "What?! Becca said no're too old to deal with the excitement!" Dan back-hand slaps his stomach and Mike slaps his head. They're laughing harder as Becca comes over to drag Dan away for the toast.

He stands on an ottoman, with Becca trying to push him down. He waves her off and she comes to stand next to Mike who puts his elbow on her shoulder. She stands with her arms crossed, laughing though.

"Friends...Brothers...Cubs Fans!" He gets a few boos, cheers, and napkins thrown at him. "And my be-A-U-tiful  wife!" Hoots and hollers now. Becca curtsies, Mike almost falls over from leaning on her. Everyone laughs, he's always been a clown. Stephie pulls his shirt back and he sits next to her again.

"On this the blessed day of my birth," Dan bows his head and continues through the boos and cheers, "I am reminded of a poe-em." All boos now, Becca is shushing people, but laughing too. Dan clears his throat loudly. "There once was a man named Dan," he lifts his brows wickedly, all hoots again. "Dan the man lived in a van," dramatic pause, "until he met...the ravishingly rapacious Rebecca." The hoots take a second to die down now. Becca is covering her face and laughing harder. "The HOT Rebecca tamed this nomad man Dan," more hoots, "and set up!" He opens his arms and almost falls off the ottoman. He raises his brows up and down once more to cheers. "So all you fuckers can gather round... once a year!" Everyone laughs and cheers, he play acts falling into the arms of his adoring fans. Becca pushes him away when he tries to slobber kiss her face. Everyone cheers a glass to him.

"The party is officially started now!" Mike says from the sofa, standing up and downing his glass. "Drink up, Ladies!" Lucy clinks glasses with Stephie and they both down their drinks, too.

"Did he really live in a van?" Lucy asks us, laughing.

"For one week, he was in between campus housing." I answer laughingly, also downing my drink.

"Man, do you remember how
that van smelled?!" Mike and I both laugh at his comment. "More drinks! To the bar!" He takes Stephie's glass and I take Lucy's, heading back towards the kitchen. 

Dan joins us and is immediately handed a gin and tonic. "My wife knows what I like!" He cheers and takes a sip. Becca always informs the staff to keep Dan's drinks coming. He usually takes the next day off if he has to work.

With a smile, I order Knob Creek and another flute. Mike makes an impressed look. "The boys came out to party tonight!" He orders gin and tonic too. We raise our glasses in a circle and drink deeply.

"So you brought a date this year?" Dan is leaning on the bar looking at me intently.

"What the?!...Mike asked the same thing! I
brought a girl here before, ya know." I try to avoid more of his questions. I had enough of that already.

They answer in unison, "No you haven't!" and laugh.

I roll my eyes and raise my palms up, shrugging. "I've brought lots of girls around."

Becca comes up to us, putting her hand on Dan's back and mine at the same time. "So you brought it serious?" Mike and Dan start laughing before I can even say anything. Becca just looks between all of us.

"I think he's in looove." Mike makes a puckering noise. I smack his head.

Becca answers seriously though, "It's about time!" I smile at her, she's the mother hen to Dan's big brother routine.

Dan just keeps looking at me. I shake my head and Mike and I head back into the living room.

We find a guy I don't know standing over Lucy and Stephie. He's right in front of Lucy, though. She has a half-full flute in her hand, again, too.

She's laughing as I walk up to the guy. I don't say anything, just take in what's happening. The guy is obviously looking down her dress and standing too close, his own flute empty. She's leaning back, but laughing loudly, tits shaking too much, taking a sip of champagne. I have to calm my instant reaction, taking a breath before taking the step into her view.

She sees me and a look of confusion crosses her face. She's reacting to the steely look I can feel, my jaw clenched, lips pressed into a tight line. "Hey..." She sees the glasses in my hand, Mike standing behind me and she freezes in mid-greeting. Stephie just looks at Mike with a hand out for her gin and tonic, a small smile on her face.

I imagine for a second what I would like to do in this situation....if Lucy and I were further along in our relationship. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself, my fingers squeezing both flutes. Good thing Becca insists on good glasses or I might need stitches tonight. I allow a grin to cross my features.

As Lucy falters, the guy turns in my direction. Mike immediately steps in between us. "Hey, we haven't met...I'm Dan's old college buddy, Mike. This is Max." He remains between us. The guy smiles slightly and takes in the two glasses in my hands. He figures out that Lucy is with me and he quickly takes a step back. He's probably also reacting to my hard look and tensed arms.

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